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1、2017年重庆市中考真题B卷英语第I卷 (共98分)I. 听力测试。(共30分)II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共18分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。21. The boys often play _ basketball after school.A. /B. aC. anD. the解析:考查冠词。打体育类的用零冠词,弹乐器前有the,basketball是体育的球类,故选A。答案:A22. Its good for us to drink milk_ the morning.A. atB. onC. inD. from解析:考查介词的固定搭配。在上午用介词in

2、,而在某日的某时或某星期几的某时用介词on,故选C。答案:C23. Fu Yuanhui is_ favorite swimmer because shes so funny.A. IB. myC. meD. mine解析:考查代词用法。根据后面的swimmer应该是修饰名词,因此只能用形容词性物主代词修饰,A作主语,C作宾语,D独立使用,故选B。答案:B24. Zhang Lin is a popular_ in this school and most of her students are her fans.A. farmerB. doctorC. workerD. teacher解析:

3、考查名词辨析。根据school和her students知道是老师,故选D。答案:D25. Peter is_ boy in our class and he often helps us carry heavy things.A. strongB. strongerC. strongestD. the strongest解析:考查形容词的级,根据in our class这个范围知道用最高级,同时strong是形容词,最高级前要用the,故选D。答案:D26. There was a big fire yesterday. _ no one was hurt.A. LuckilyB. Loud

4、lyC. AngrilyD. Badly解析:考查副词辨析。根据句意一场大火无人受伤,当然是一件非常幸运之事,故选A。B是大声地,C是生气地,D是糟糕地,均不合题意。答案:A27. Dave is a good boy and he always finishes _ his homework on time.A. doB. didC. doesD. doing解析:考查非谓语形式。根据finish后只能接v-ing形式,故选D。类似的还有enjoy, mind, practice, allow, consider。答案:D28. John and I_ to visit his grandp

5、arents last Sunday afternoon.A. goB. wentC. will goD. have gone解析:考查动词时态。根据last Sunday知道用一般过去时,故选B。答案:B29. Its reported that Ke Jie_ by AlphaGo in May, 2017.A. beatB. beatsC. was beatenD. will be beaten解析:考查被动语态。根据in May, 2017已经过去知道用一般过去时,故选C。答案:C30. _ bad day! Its raining hard. We have to stay at h

6、ome.A. How aB. What aC. HowD. What解析:考查感叹句。根据名词day知道用what修饰,排除A和C,而day是可数名词单数,故选D。答案:D31. I like dancing, _ I dont have enough time to practice it.A. orB. soC. butD. because解析:考查连词用法。根据后面的dont表示否定,是对前一句意思的转折,故选C。A是表否则,B是表因此,D是表因为。答案:C32. Its not a good habit to_ what you can do today till tomorrow.A

7、. take offB. put offC. get offD. turn off解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:今天做的推迟到明天完成是一种坏习惯。A表脱下、起飞,B表推迟,C表下车,D表关掉,故选B。答案:B33. This Saturday is my_ birthday. Welcome to my party!A. fourteenthB. the fourteenthC. fourteenD. the fourteen解析:考查数词。根据birthday是名词单数可以判断选择序数词,排除C和D,同时有my修饰时不能有冠词修饰序数词,故选A。答案:A34. _ is it from y

8、our home to your school, Anna?Its quite near, only five minutes walk.A. How manyB. How farC. How longD. How soon解析:考查疑问词。根据答语走五分钟的路,知道是询问路程,故选B。A询问可数的数量,C询问for的一段时间,D询问in的段时间。答案:B35. Where is your uncle? I havent seen him for a long time.He_ Beijing for about half a year. He moved there in January.A

9、. has gone toB. has been toC. has arrived inD. has been in解析:考查延续与非延续性动词。根据for about half a year是一段时间,排除非延续性动词A、B、C这三个选项,故选D。答案:D36. Robert, could you wash the car for me?Yes, I_. Im coming, dad.A. couldB. couldntC. canD. cant解析:考查情态动词用法。根据答语yes,排除B和D,再由问句could you?是表请求的委婉句,回答时不能用could或couldnt,而应该用c

10、an或cant来回答,故选C,本题易错选A。类似的问句还有would you ?回答时也只能用will或wont,不能用would功wouldnt。答案:C37. Mike, dont make so much noise. Its too late. _. Ill go to bed right now.A. Not badB. Youd better no tC. Yes, I willD. Sorry, I wont解析:考查交际用语,根据答语我马上去睡觉,知道表示同意,排除B和D,而A是一般,不符合语境,故选C。答案:C38. I cant see_on the blackboard.

11、 May I borrow your notebook?Sure. Here you are.A. what our teacher wroteB. what did our teacher writeC. why our teacher wroteD. how did our teacher write解析:考查宾语从句。根据语序使用陈述句,排除B和D,再从我可以借你的笔记吗?知道应该是看不见写的什么?而不是原因,故选A。答案:AIII. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。March 22nd is World

12、Water Day. It started in 1993. It not only makes us think about the importance of water, but also calls on (号召) us to 39 and protect water. Today, were facing terrible water problems. Among them, wastewater problem is especially 40 . And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is “wastewater”.What is

13、 wastewater? It is used water. Usually, wastewater comes from homes, 41 , hospitals and so on. It is produced by different kinds of activities, including washing the machines, taking showers and using the kitchen. The rain also 42 wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm. No matt

14、er where it comes from, this kind of water is sure to have 43 harmful in it. 44 must we treat (处理) wastewater? Wastewater has a big influence on our life. It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment. We must care for our environment and our own 45 .How can we treat wastewater? Di

15、fferent kinds of wastewater need different ways of treatment. Wastewater 46 homes can be reused. Then there will be 47 wastewater. Also, factory wastewater has to be cleaned 48 it goes back to nature.39.A. drinkB. saveC. carryD. watch解析:考查动词。根据大意介绍知道是节约和保护水资源,故选B。答案:B40.A. easyB. popularC. smallD. s

16、erious解析:考查形容词。从后一句污水是2017年的主题,因此知道是最严重的问题,故选D。答案:D41.A. factoriesB. lakesC. riversD. seas解析:考查名词。从homes, hospitals知道是产生污水之地,因此是A,其它均不能。答案:A42.A. gets backB. hands inC. changes intoD. picks up解析:考查动词短语。根据also知道是与前面相同的是下雨也产生污水,故选C。A是回来、收回,B是上交,D是拾起、支付、(开车)带人,均不合文意。答案:C43.A. nothingB. something C. nob

17、odyD. somebody解析:考查代词。污水是对人有伤害的,排除A和C,it是指污水,它里面应该是物质而不是人,故选B。答案:B44.A. WhatB. WhoC. WhyD. How解析:考查疑问词。根据后面的回答,均是原因,即为什么必须进行浅水处理?故选C。该句有主语和宾语,当然排除A和B。答案:C45. A. workB. interestC. healthD. business解析:考查名词。既然污水对人体与环境有危害,那么我们就应该关心环境与身体健康,故选C,其它均不合文意。答案:C46.A. onB. forC. withD. from解析:考查介词。家中的污水进行再次使用,故

18、选D,这可以根据41空前知道答案。答案:D47.A. lessB. moreC. betterD. worse解析:考查形容词级。根据46题再次使用当然应该是减少了污水,故选A。答案:A48.A. andB. whetherC. afterD. before解析:考查连词。工厂在排放污水前应该进行处理清洁,以减少对环境的污染,故选D。答案:DIV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。AAll through the winter, the Esquimaux(爱斯基摩人) live in houses made of snow. These

19、 small houses are very clean and white when they are new. They can soon turn dirty, but pieces of fresh snow make them new again.Sometimes the Esquimaux build their small houses with the wood that they find along the seaside. However, they arent always so lucky. When they cant get wood, they use the

20、 snow. It is so cold that the snow becomes very hard, so the small houses are strong enough in the whole winter. The windows of these houses are not made of glass, but of ice.When the warm weather comes, the houses become water slowly. The Esquimaux get wet as they lie in bed, and often catch a cold

21、. They are glad to get away from the small snow houses and live in their tens during the summer.49. The Esquimaux live in houses made of _all through the winter.A. glassB. snowC. paperD. grass解析:细节题。根据第一段第一句的the Esquimaux(爱斯基摩人) live in houses made of snow得到答案B。答案:B50. Sometimes the Esquimaux build

22、their small houses with the wood that they find_.A. in the riverB. in the snowC. along the seasideD. in the mountains解析:细节题。根据第二段的第一句得到答案C。答案:C51. The Esquimaux live in their tents when_.A. the snow houses are dirtyB. it is summerC. they get some woodD. it is spring解析:细节题。根据最后一段的最后句live in their ten

23、s during the summer得到答案B。答案:BBStudents in our school have a colorful school life. We have School Activity Week every year, On the wall of the teaching building are the posters from Grade 7, Grade 8 and Grade 9. Lets go and have a look!Be a Good Reader!Time: 13:30-16:30, Apr. 10thPlace: Reading HallI

24、mprove your reading skills and get new ways of reading.Learn more about nature.Increase your knowledge and make new friends.For Free!Grade SevenInvite Your Fatherto Join Us!Time: 09:00-12:00, Apr. 12thPlace: Meeting HallJoin in the one-month “stop smoking” challengeKnow about how to give up smokingA

25、sk your father to join us!For Health!Grade EightRaise Moneyfor Children!Time: 14:00-17:00, Apr. 14thPlace: School PlaygroundSave 30% on everything.Come and buy pens, dictionary and other school things.Look forward to your coming.For Children!Grade Nine52. We can see the posters on the_.A. deskB. bla

26、ckboardC. wallD. playground解析:细节题。根据前言介绍的On the wall of the teaching building are the posters from Grade 7, Grade 8 and Grade 9.得到答案C。答案:C53. The “stop smoking” challenge lasts_.A. one weekB. one monthC. on termD. one year解析:细节题。根据题干知道是八年级的活动,从中找到the one-month知道答案B。答案:B54. When we take part in the a

27、ctivity on Apr. 10th, we can do the following activities expect _.A. buying school thingsB. getting new ways of readingC. improving reading skillsD. learning more about nature解析:信息归纳题。根据Apr. 10th知道是七年级活动,对照比较活动内容,知道A答案是九年级的内容,故答案是A。答案:A55. If a pen in the shop is ten yuan, we can pay only_ yuan for

28、it in our school on Apr. 14th.A. eightB. sevenC. threeD. two解析:简单计算题。根据pen知道是九年级活动,再根据Save 30%知道付款70%,因此计算得到7元,答案是B。答案:BCChina has been famous around the world since ancient times. In the past, we had the Four Great Inventions. Nowadays, more inventions and creations have made China stronger and gre

29、ater in the world.On May 5th, 2017, at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Chinas first large homemade jet airliner(喷气式客机), the C919, took off successfully for the first time. It has taken about ten years for the scientists and researchers to make this Chinese dream come true, Its a pride of the

30、whole nation. So far, more than 23 companies have already ordered 570 C919 planes from China. But we still have a long way to go before the C919 carries passengers by 2020. It also faces the challenge of competing with the Airbus A320 and the new Boeing B737.Whats more, China is working on the new h

31、igh-speed trains with the highest speed of 400 km/h. It will be ready by 2020. The new trains are expected to push area cooperation(合作) and create new business for China and foreign countries. Many countries, especially the ones in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, ar

32、e planning to build high-speed rail lines or to improve their railways with the help of China. Theyd like to get support in technology from China.China has made great progress in both science and technology. And it makes a great contribution(贡献) to human, too. All of these are changing the daily lif

33、e of Chinese people, even of the people around the world.56. The C919 will have a competition with_ and the new Boeing B737.A. the Airbus A320B. the Boeing B777C. the Airbus A380D. the Boeing B787解析:细节题。根据It also faces the challenge of competing with the Airbus A320 and the new Boeing B737.得答案A。答案:A

34、57. From the passage, we know that many countries in_ are planning to build high-speed rail lines or to improve their railways.Southeast Asia North America Eastern EuropeCentral Asia South America the Middle EastA.B.C.D.解析:细节题,根据especially the ones in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East an

35、d Eastern Europe, are planning to build high-speed rail lines or to improve their railways with the help of China.得答案B。答案:B58. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Over 32 companies ordered 570 C919 planes from China.B. Successfully, the C919 took off for the first time on May

36、5th, 2017.C. Many countries in Central Asia help China build high-speed rail lines.D. The high-speed trains with the speed of 400 km/h can carry more passengers.解析:细节归纳题。根据more than 23 companies have already ordered 570 C919 planes from China.知道A不对;根据第二段第一句话知道B正确;根据57题知道C不对;根据第三段内容没有涉及高铁多装顾客,故D是错误的。

37、答案:B59. The passage mainly wants to tell us_.A. the Chinese scientists are better at science and technology than beforeB. the four Great Inventions makes China strong and great in the worldC. China has increased the international influence with its developmentD. China has produced the new high-speed

38、 trains with the speed of 400 km/h解析:主旨题。选项A文章中没有涉及,错误;选项B是指过去而不是现在,根据第一段和最后一段,结合短文大意,判断是错误;选项C根据最后一段关键词science和technology及后面表述,知道它是正确的;选项D只是表述第三段的某一事实,不能概括全文,错误。答案:CDCould the students from less developed areas in central and western China get the same educational chances as those in big cities in

39、the east? Could the children in poor rural (农村) areas develop as well as those in rich cities? Maybe the answers were “No” in the past. But now, China is trying to change the situation.In order to help rural students grow taller and stronger, Chinas Nutrition(营养) Improvement Program started in 2011.

40、 According to the program, a lot more money was spent improving students meals. More than 36 million students from 134,000 primary and junior high schools in poor rural areas have benefited from the program. They are provided with healthy food like eggs and milk from Monday to Friday at school. And

41、the result of a survey shows that the students in those areas are much taller and stronger than before.It is true that there were differences between less developed areas and developed areas in education before. Recently, The Guideline for Popularizing High School Education (2017-2020) has come out.

42、 According to the guideline, above 90% students from all over the country will go to high schools by 2020. Whats more, the schools in central and western areas will get more support to improve their education.Students from rural and poor areas also get more chances to receive higher education. A spe

43、cial college program makes it possible for more students from those areas to go to key (重点的) colleges and universities. The number will be increased by 10% in 2017.With the guideline and the programs, we can expect a fairer and more balanced (均衡的) education in the future.60. The number of 134,000 in

44、 Paragraph 2 is the number of_ in poor rural areas.A. the key schoolsB. the poor studentsC. the key colleges and universitiesD. the primary and junior high schools解析:细节题。根据More than 36 million students from 134,000 primary and junior high schools得到答案D。答案:D61. The underlined word “benefited” in Parag

45、raph 2 means_ in Chinese.A. 逃离B. 获益C. 受害D. 赚钱解析:词义猜测题。根据后面的They are provided with healthy food like eggs and milk from Monday to Friday at school.这些食物给学生,那当然应该是学生得到了实惠,故只有B才符合文意,其它均与此无关。答案:B62. If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?(=Para.(自然段) 1 =Para. 2 =Para.

46、3 =Para. 4 =Para. 5)A.;B.;C.;D.;解析:分析归纳题。第一段提出问题,第二段举例说明第一段的观点,第三段再举例当前新的政策,第四段进一步解释第三段政策带来的好处,第五段发表作者的希望。因此这应该是一篇总分总结构的文章,即第一段为第一部分,第二、三、四为第二部分,最后为第三部分,故答案是C。答案:C63. After reading the passage, we can infer(推断) that_.A. Liu Xi, a student from Chongqing, can go to any high school if she wants toB. Li

47、 Mei, a student from a western rural school, can get a bag of milk every dayC. Hu Jia, a 12-year-old rural student, will more easily receive high school educationD. Han Lei, a student from Beijing, will have few chances to go to key universities解析:推断题。选项A根据above 90% students from all over the countr

48、y will go to high schools by 2020知道是可以上高中的机会,而不是随意想上自己想上的学校;选项B根据第二段知道是已经存在的事实了,而不是推断可能要发生的事,故错误;选项C根据第三段内容可知普及高中当然上学机会更多,故正确;选项D的地区文章中没有涉及,Beijing不属于农村和西部地区,故错误。答案:CV. 口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下列对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A. Youd better take a bus.B. Why do you go there?C. You know, I want to lose my weig

49、ht.D. But I dont know the way there.E. Its a wonderful one.F. Where do you usually do sports?G. Its between a bank and a theater.A: Hello, Tony. What are you busy doing these days?B: Im busy exercising. 64 A: What for? Youre in good health.B: Thank you. But I want to be much fitter.A: 65 B: At Sunsh

50、ine Sports Center. Im a VIP of it.A: Wow, cool! Id like to exercise there, too. 66 B: Dont worry. I can help you.A: Is it far from here?B: Yes. Its about three kilometers from here. 67 A: Which bus should I take?B: You need to take Bus No. 3 to Binjiang Road, and walk along that road to the end. The

51、n you can see Sunshine Sports Center on your left. 68 Its easy to find it.A: Thank you very much.B: My pleasure.64.解析:根据答语你很健康了,为什么还要?采用排除法,B和E不符合答语,那只有C正确,即为什么还减肥呢,你不是很健康吗?表示不理解。答案:C65.解析:根据答语是地方,显然上一句应该是询问地方,只有F符合。答案:F66.解析:根据Is it far from here?和乘公交车可知A不知道那个地方,因此应该是D符合。答案:D67.解析:根据答语乘哪班公交车,知道是谈论乘

52、车方面的问题,因此答案A适合。答案:A68.解析:根据前后句知道是介绍方位,那么只有G才表示方位。答案:G第II卷(共52分)VI. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共8分)阅读下文并回答问题。May 31, 2017Jaden is a six-year-old boy. He experienced the unlucky things of life twice. First he lost his dad when he was four and his mom died unexpectedly in her sleep last month. Jadens heart was broke

53、n. His parents death hit him a lot.But things always go towards a good side. A few weeks later, Jaden told his aunt that he was tired of seeing everyone sad all the time. Hed like to see more smiles around him. He hoped that the number of the smiles could reach 100. Then he asked his aunt to buy him

54、 some little toys and take him to the center of the city. “Im trying to make people smile,” said Jaden. At first, he was not sure if the people passing by would like to receive his toys. In fact, he was always successful and got close to his dream step by step, because no one could refuse such a little boys giving and expecting.“Im keeping a count of 100 smiles,” said Jaden. When asked if he could make


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