1、英语写作手册中文版课后习题答案第一章遇堂练习1L Whe 1 Lived* and What I Lived For2, Are Transgenic Crop Sfe?3, Well-Known Dramatists of the Ming Dynasty4, A Day to Renumber5, Approaches to Teaching English as a Foreign Language6, Criticisms on the Ending of Mark TwaWs Adntures of Huckleberry Finn课堂练习2a*live han-dy bonus d
2、tmighiset-ing coprect-Dess xrmK-pion dicTcr41Hpsisttrm-law gnVi-mdefar-reaching黑堂练习3We entcivd the room. Jane looked aiun4*fid asked,Fhee 收 thecMVShe must have nan awayr 1 answered. uSbe docsn stay al home/*We musl and find her/1 Jane said.Uefs go,Al this moment the cat walked out from under the eha
3、ir.第二章以堂练可1I.这一段很明显是出自一本关于语言科学的书.读书的主要目的是让读者了 解语言是人类特有的行为.Z这本书主要是面向普通群众,由于文中几乎没有专业术语3.文中没有使用悝语.不过有一些正式词谱,如8mmunk闻e和mdimentary. 最 该段的用词与内容相符,是普通说明性文字风格.课堂练习2I. shocked意为,非常惊讶J raging指发狂的.狂暴的J to slash意为后 打,猛砍二9 mock指嘲笑嘲笑.嘲弄、to amaze指“使大为惊 奇,使一惊怜,2,比方用来替换sbocked,惊讶的程度就会大大减弱.i uninterested: disintercsi
4、ed 意思是“没有私心的.2.14.6.childish:用 childlike 是赞美.envious: jealous含有不开心的意照. inexpensive: cheap有不好的涵义.homely: ugly程度太强烈.decline:如果用refiise会显得太过生硬.8. 9.10.1L 1Z注147. surprised: stunned程度太强烈4 dim:由于眯皿1,含有令人不快的感觉.stout:意思是稍胖,比拟壮实.mndeit: humble 是贬义的.every: each强阳个人,each:由于这里强甲I的是个人.attempted:穿越边境很难.sympMiy;p
5、ity有“居高临下.有优越感.的意思notorious:它是延义的.dderiy lady:这种表达比拟礼貌.课堂练习4walk: rua. stroll, wander, pace, swagger, creep, sneakerlook tAi gaze, peep, regard, glance, catch Mghi of glimpse, Atarecty: sob, weep, wail, shed tears, mo皿 whimperangry: irritating, fiery, hwling, distressing, bitingtree: lime, elm, will
6、ow, fir, maple, locust, mulberry, oliveanimal: tiger, lioru cat, dog, pig, horseflower: roie. narcissus, acacia, chrysanthemum, camellia, jasminewind: breeze, gust, draft, cyclone, whirlwindnun: shower, dew. sprinkle, drixde, raindropa downpour课堂练习5continue: go on expect: look to start: set offendur
7、e: put up with destroy: pull down posqpone: put offinvestigate: look into build: put upbegin to like: take to课堂练习6L该文章属于非常正式的文体.2.文中正式用诃和表达法有:symbolic shadow, moinentous decree, a great beacon light of hop% seared in theflames of withering injusticet a joyous daybreak, the long night of captivity, e
8、tc()a grexi beacon light of hope;(as) a joyous daybr to end the tong night of captivity.卜/xseared in tbc fiames of withering injustice; .on a lonelyisland of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.对fR ;One hundred years later, the Negro Lives on a on a lonelyisland of poverty in
9、 the midst of a vast ocean of material pmperity.排比/But one hundred years laterOne hundred years laterOn hundred years later. One hundred years 】Mer1 One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing mthe comers of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land暗指;Five score yew ago
10、. a great America叫 in whose symbolic shadow wc stand, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.课堂练习71. rained:除惮2. (like) dheasca:明晚3. defaced:隐喻4. trembling:隐府5. angiy:隐喻6. Force 和 RcaMim 报人7. (like) cows:明吟鼠NmbM:缩小9. to the skies:夺大t and clean:头韵IL tongue:换啥12. fertile soil:隐喻第三章 课堂缴习I1- Our bosi. *ho
11、 hadol mn expiDraiioru u-am wrtiing an ihr Atti c.entcrtitned UB with many interesting 9WTK1 of Bd、ERrc. When I woke 4禽 I * him sdpM bed I had not beard him when he cinne twk, braiuBe 1 had been sJnpinf touadly.3年 IrfUdidhiA “ort * hlT依 belter tfcin lu、 :iUqworktrv andjthat w*t whyhe gdt higher pay
12、than othm.4 No Huderii couli lutwcr that qucsxtotL Evra Yac, “bo uiualiy quick EMweriflf questions wu silent5r I面 tottk3 hku Li:thy rr not rcltic也6 ftr old nun Mched fbn*rdt hi,had Idled *1 an 岫 eyes hMf clmS 1口必呼 very akepy.工 Their work w well planned* vkI ewery body worked with put cnihuiium As mu
13、X they ever Mfilled iheir quo*-& The expenrace as plot on swimbwi wm tw 皿必,口 impertrt facwr bdped to make MMfc IWain.也c Amcncwi wriirrjfi hectic 3 mg心果堂隼习2I Xq *ho cotnes fvem .fiwiily, enrolled in college Iasi HL2. he dean issued ft bulktin My mfr which md the hbrw) *oald remain open onueduwb.j LM
14、night w*s 4 wiki 肘沙k with the thunckff jonlliw.收 *ind blow mg a *for xhere ateand Ok ram flhnj in temrats, Tbs tempcWUE must hfevt fftllen csxdembly durtng the micieg bfl* homerown, and looked ID vsM 前占 boulMV Jandnurka.6, Althuugti 加c tiivc maite some pcogreiWc $ul W 3oB * S0-?q Tbcky wi ctoudteu a
15、nd 山c m wm shining bngbtly1g. On Mrd the planr ihdt were GVb*w,hundred pajengm, about one ihirl of whom wm fon?igocf.y. Tte prl, whose motbv fanwu* pmnM began to |MU U ply l p崎 whra the was chfld.抑.In 1769. when Napbbim wu bom m Cmic*. Ibe 阑 wAhrfj* 卜0 qwrfiby F faftcc11. a ttonny .pplame broke fanh
16、 du mumcni she appeared on 收 E 皿事配13 Young ud inc&pcncncaU the new wl view out of the wmdow Miracied my fittenuofi16. He finished mading alrmwt ten bMks dunng the vacalioG.IX If you are intemied in gutfing, y repeat tk sentence.九 t play bodmimon u well my brotber.8. Tb hi* friends his attitude was a
17、 puzzle.9. These wttermeloot are large and10. He did not tell the truth.IL A number of tiadam want to join the drama club.12. He was kind enough told me shaie his unahrclU.13. The whde ch etec ted Zbao their repreCTtMiv,14. I mo udung two course*: World History aod Geography15. The pUmc circled the
18、airport lor About Um nnniiie and then diuppcnrod.16. 1 mean ihai be has Ml dooe bis work wdt enouglL *W. 1 would like you io consider /b.山ei you would like to publish your recent article m women vmristo m China in mir journaltt. As 加 had mjMed many lecture he knew that he miht fail the cum.19. You m
19、ust work out an out)me for your paper, and then you need r colka 31 lundi of xnaicnal lo bupport your point of view.20. In ttiM ccmntry. vjoioil dorb occur every day.21. Heis not only * good pianhrL bul also a good singer.2X This pmty Ktress keeps appeanng ta TV aenals,23. Smdeots are nol allow ed t
20、o tike books cmjv of this raiding room.24. According to the speaker, die responsibility iys19in has helped to incrtt&tc product icm.25. One why people tre well informed in this city “ that .26. Suttistiai show that from L9S0 Io 1990 enrollments at Ihii chod doubled.况 There 际 的 many *orkcn wiihcxji t
21、nming m i paitkular job that prod vet ton of(he Gidory his been affeewd.28. Therv sre about 50 patients in this ward, and many are being given wupuncture trcstmcnL29. H i rilledJanwi Wilhinis430. Whalever he does, he works seriously and does his bestil盘峰习6L Huaiu.由.tallest man of the team, h over tw
22、o rod tallX After going bankrupl, mkisI repuWkm and friend*, even life ibelt were no Icmver interesting lo bim.3V Unexpectedly; he dccukd io tike the job.4 Under no circumstances will Chia be the fina to use nuclear wcaponf土 Of the twenty students in the clan. Yang atone can do the wnric6. As a rewh
23、 of reform ud opeoin-up policy dunng rhe past 30 year China has changed & grw deal.篇 According n ncwpajKT reports, sht wan ihc firrt Chinese womim who had won & gold medal for figure 山皿 in an ixMeraatiocal contest8. Wltilc serving as * bin boy 00 the idsp. Robert made an attempt to do ill the thing%
24、 that tbe Milor member* of the crew mually didA 1儿 匕9. Among tun neighbor! was the hunous wriler, Mrs. Jonen.,10. The patieni teip of the teacbm enabled Ihe studerm to make good progrrn.IL She often helps w improve her comrades pronunciation. o/en Q:J.o /JIX Although Iherv arv few iniwulm in the lan
25、guage, the cumpositioD not very Rood, because the content it not interesting.谭堂峰习7L 1 2 叫p linkihn usuaI on Sunday momiag. After wishing tad quickbMtfftSl 3 pm to town io buy the 小鬼iy reconuneDcM by the leather A: rtw sIhkI 6金/ I Li Pin& and iskrd him if he w鄙 going I口 lown too He sud he WB R WK dec
26、 Hied lo go together. All the buses were crowdrdt welld to will for e long t*me itthe busbefow,r ccndd ge: cotonc An hwfLtb, we 暖 口行 就 huiv swwt wbm there wen: ihm bockMont.岫 wrol to the finl nw and didnt find tie dictionary In the wcand one we were fold (tv dfctirury h&4 becftwWh4 VWW thrnp We retu
27、rned to Khool juft in Time for huwk2 Ludjg vta Bedhovu-n, the a汕e umpiS vCthe lh cvntury. oveiume mmy per4l rniKTin to BcJiicvc 崎i$f】EHr wt bom in Bonn. Germanyin 1770. and tra rtudied muic wftaMMrr ofgMtft Hit fiubK wbo w gjvn td bn/ dnnking, 中* cXcnnvdy stnet Alter hu muiher ed. he wji * youn man,
28、 be wu named 旦u&ndian ofhistat#younger brotterr Id 1782 he w& appoimed deputy ttiurt arpnisl at a turprifliBgy early age, ud he played the harpmhwd and the violft M the Mine nzie. Id 1792 he wen&teVknM to wu4y EUlic under Ha瓯 Whik gUm jnmtrriul all his life, Ite wu tfr|ue few months, so dut谭常缥习81. A
29、 In fact B. also C Furthermore D. For example E. fa addition Z A Even though B. If C. When D. Because E. Firtl RThcn课堂练习9L they: the nobles of Persia they: the nobler of Persia their the yauths* his: the monarchs their: the youths*工 their: Ferdinand and Isabellavi him: the admiral his the admiral hi
30、m: the admiral He: the udmin!Ibeir: (he IndiansThey: Ferdinand and Isabella him: the admiral he: the admiralThey: Ferdinand &nd Inbclla Ilim- the admiral条道炼习10Philately is an interesting hobby. Every time 1 open my albucni and look 0t the stamps l*ve collected over the years, I learn soniclhing new.
31、 On many of them are printed drawings or pictures of we birds, animals, trees or flowers.Under a magnifying glass they look very beautiful, and they help to increase my knowledge of nature. On other stamps there are portraits of historical figures, such M Qu Yuan and Dr Sun Yatsen. George Washington
32、 and Chester W. NimiU 1 see an unfimiliir name, 1 will try to find some information about the person by consulting an encyclopedia. In this way I have come co know something about quite a few people who are fkmous for one reason or another.nowSome of my friends and relative who know I am interested
33、in stamps oft me used envelopes, (fl sec a stamp which I have never seen before or I havent got yet, I will ask ihem g give it to me* and ii sccnvt that they always kind enough to oblige roe. H is always a delight to add - new sUmp to tny collection, and the more stamps I hive, the more imereslcdTam
34、 in philately.谭堂妹习II1. Dont talk while she is singing.2. After the law had been passed this form of crime ceased3 The man fell asleep in the auditonum while ibe lecturer w speaking about avoiding boring topics.4. Tom had leA the room before be brought some water tc 加* sister. The train had departed
35、when we reached the station.6. She fell down while lUie was geftiog off the but.鼻堂练习12when, Before, As$ then, before课堂蛛习B第1段E.C.BD,F.AG第斌 dA,C,E,G.B.F憬堂炼习14工 *4.d2谭堂练习15I.底以 8)t 9)2. I), 2), 7 9)黑堂月16I* Japancsv workers we well-know for being hard,working and conscientious of tbeir duties.丸 Fkijlogs
36、 cnviromiKut has been effectively changed for the better in the last five yean.课堂蛛习172. contrast6. contrastmptm&on1. contrastS. comparison3. comparison7. contrast& companion谭堂妹封1HI . dififerent5. Ln contrast2. fasten water; air 3. however6. arc higher than课堂嫁X 191. are stnular5. similantiesZ both3C2
37、C 3)E4)B1 1)C2)C3) E41 F5) E调电缆习22LG;工C IC; 4G;工G 6Xi 7.C; 8.G; 9,C5) nationality8) family buckground. etc.5) com Ibrublotmfi厚堂浦;川23L 3) sex6Mpi/iml bttilth2. 3) laieiy筋 servka*ml4) age7) psychologicaJ health4) costL gnod6. izudcqualc2. iimdequdtc7* inadcqujtc堂练习243. good4. good5. good工 good9. good1
38、0. inadequate第五章保堂睡习II* 11 中 A, Social faUm 和 B. The infiueoM of people不属网范不可相提 痔论.2. 11. A 中 d 和 t.机 c 不同,womea 和 devckfNoct, growth 以及 trend 不格 相It并检.可将d改成TI trend of wtxnen seking心皿,Ju在1LB中.腹耳标f| Tbemfluetwe of people*无美,囱且与 b的结构不 同,和b同为名词短语,e却是过去余词短语.在III中C与A. B结何不同S在ULB中出展钻构不一城的情iJh 是现在分阊施港.80
39、b以及制的其 他大小标青力名问短潘.课堂罐习2Stnitt* 5 a SmTh Rls of Carrie 3 the FaUf HuntwoodL An introduciioD w the bock SrM CarrieFir Cauto for (be the of CanicA, Enteraal cmbvch-vodai tadunL The development of industry uid growth of citiesX The trend of augr*tkMi from the country Co the cities3. The trend of woroen
40、scekihg jotwB Inlcmal causes,Her Iwk*Z Her age3. Her guiding principle of h生,Her ability 9 lean from when.t. The influem of Drouetb. The influence or Mn. Vwcc倏 The influence uf AmeaHl, Canaea for the fidl of HtrstwoodA ExtemaJ emwa1. lib cakuMan wife2. His chance to steal the money3. M H moving from
41、 Chicago io New Yort: IoB. Internal cause*1. His infmmo for CnmcX His tge3: His lack of inner atrengthW. Cooclusiofi课堂弊习3目Say to PSk SurseryPlame suxyery w an effective wiy w ch&ngc ooe life ind desmy1 Love rf beauty if huinaa oatureIL A beautiful AppeMiocc caa improve cmc、chances in the job market and Uta nclp anc*i career.A. Some posititm related to public rclracz. ma commuoKiKMi and foreign iffwiH require pleasant xppea
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