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1、 模块(一):词汇学习 Unit 1 (新世纪版)选词填空(单句)various occupation grow up all walks of life take up society professional obtain involve explanation impact1.You can _ the product from all good shops.2.I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldnt want to _ too much of your time.3.Teachers help their students

2、 in _ ways.4.Dont _ me in your trouble.5.What do you want to be when you _?6.The invention of computer has an _ on human society.7.The members of the club include people from _.8.Martin shook his head, but gave no _.9.My father wants me to become a _ like a doctor and an engineer.10.Please write dow

3、n your name, age and _ below.英译汉1.He became a doctor after graduation, and operated on patients.2.In the hospital, he would meet people from all walks of life.3.Cai Yuanpei had a great impact on his future career.4.Although his mother disagreed with him, wishing him to be a doctor, he made up his mi

4、nd to be a teacher.5.He left/quit his job in the hospital to take up teaching.6.He was involved in setting up the new school.7.He usually put everything in good order.8.Even though he had the least experience, he was one of the most popular teachers in this school.9.With his hard work, students bega

5、n to take an interest in learning.10.For the first few years he didnt draw any salary at all.11.Students were grateful to him for his help.汉译英1.虽然父母想让他做医生,但他想从教。(take up)2.父母对于孩子的影响将会贯穿他们的一生。(all through ones life)3.作为一个学生,你应当多参加班级活动。(be involved in)4.昨天的音乐会上有很多观众。(a large audience)5.这故事极其复杂,你要花一些时间

6、才能弄明白。(work out) Unit 1 (牛津版) 选词填空(单句) 适当形式appear; sigh; gesture; hesitation; remark; impress; remind; assist; expression; glance1. According to their_, the deaf can understand what they are saying.2. You may go to your teacher for_ in preparing a report.3. He has displayed _ courage in his efforts

7、to reform the party.4. I have had another _ from the library, asking me to return the book.5. An old saying goes, “Dont judge people by their _.”6. The president gave a very _ speech to the students at the college yesterday.7. He looked at broken glass on the floor and _ deeply.8. I could recognize

8、him at first _ after so many years.9. If you _ too long, you will miss the opportunity. 22 / 22选词填空(单句)构词法操练 well-dressed; well-done; well-educated; well-behaved; well-known;well-informed; well-chosen; well-prepared; well-designed; well-paid1. Children at kindergarten receive coloured stars for _wor

9、k.2. His children are _, while those of his sister are rude.3. Shes convinced that her father would be happy to see her _gift for his birthday.4. To meet the needs of the economy in the new century, we need _ young people.5. If you are _ before the job interview, you are likely to leave a good impre

10、ssion on the interviewer.6. He read newspapers every day to keep himself _.7. The theme park is so_ that it attracts tourists from all over the world.8. I want to find a _ job in that big company after graduation.9. The film features several _ stars.10. Though the young woman was_, she spoke rather

11、rudely.英译汉(一)1. The anxious expression on her face suggested that she cared about his safety.2. With so many fans surrounding the singer, the boy couldnt get a chance to speak to her.3. The professor didnt make a remark on/about the students work4. She is senior to me, since she joined the firm befo

12、re me.5. Debbie reminded her boss to see a customer the next day.6. I dont like the way he speaks to his parents.7. Dont always rest your head on your arms in class.8. The medicine seemed to work and he felt much better after taking it.9. Learning a foreign language is more than reading and writing.

13、 Communicating with people in the language is also important.10. His head drooped down and a few moments later he fell asleep.11. Bamboo is used more than as a building material.12. I prefer seeing movies in the cinema to watching DVDs at home.13. When you are communicating in a foreign language, ge

14、stures can help you express yourself better.14. These photos remind me of the days when I lived abroad.15. Please dont hesitate to contact the customer services in case you have any questions.16. The PLA soldier jumped into the icy water to save the drowning boy without hesitation.17. To better comm

15、unicate with his colleagues, Simon decided to improve the way he spoke.18. Change the way you talk, or your facial expression will make people feel not welcome.19. When I first saw him, his gesture and expression left me a deep impression.20. Debbie is considered a good shop assistant, for she greet

16、s every customer cheerfully.单句选词填空 (适当形式)confusion; boredom; subtle; signal; maintain; authority; friendliness; cause; frequent; avoid1. The girl _her room tidy and neat, with everything in order.2. You should be more careful in order to _ making another mistake like this.3. I am tired of living in

17、the small town, for it is uninteresting and full of_.4. Teddy turned to Mona with a look of _ as he didnt catch what the teacher was saying.5. Her whole attitude had undergone some _ changes.6. Hes universally recognized as a(n) _ on Russian affairs.7. If you lock up your anger, it will only _troubl

18、e later.8. The soldiers are not allowed to fire without the _from the commander.9. She loved the _ of the people and decided to settle there.10. He was invited to many companies to give_ speeches on his outstanding invention英译汉(二)1. In almost every culture, people communicate with body language.2. T

19、he stranger stared at me and I could see hostility in her eyes.3. Your diligence is far more important than your ambition.4. In many situations, the more nervous, the more mistakes you may make.5. As a matter of fact, what you see with your own eyes sometimes misleads you.6. When I passed the entran

20、ce, I saw some students and a teacher standing together chatting happily.7. After the performance, the audience all stood up to show respect for the perfomers.8. Plastics are used to produce many things because they last longer.9. Father told me to try to get rid of habits like this.10. Talking with

21、 your mouth full is considered impolite. 11. Practicing speaking in English regularly is the key to improving oral ability.12. He looked nervous on the stage for lack of confidence.13. I could hardly concentrate my mind with all the noise going on.14. I am still in contact with some of my former cla

22、ssmates after graduation.15. I think its a serious mistake to confuse books with life.16. The meeting yesterday lasted (for) two hours.17. They will concentrate on teaching the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.18. Nobody can possibly avoid making any mistakes in his or her life.19. Maintain

23、ing eye contact is necessary while talking to others.20. In Western cultures, a lack of eye contact is considered as a lack of interest. 模块(二)语法一、基本句子结构1. 简单句:只有一个主谓结构五种基本句型(1)主语 + 谓语(不及物动词)+ 状语(副词、名词、介词短语等)e.g. The children are listening quietly. (2)主语 + 谓语(及物动词)+ 宾语 + 状语 e.g. I have already finish

24、ed reading the book.(3)主语 + 系动词 + 表语 e.g. Your watch looks very nice.(4)主语 + 及物动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 e.g. I will show you my photos.(5)主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 e.g. We found a cat lying under the chair.2. 并列句:两个或两个以上的简单句, 由表示并列关系的连词或标点符号连接。常见连词: not only.but also.; neither.nor.; either.or.; and; otherwise;

25、 but; yet; while; so; fore.g. She was very tired, but she kept on working.3. 复合句:一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成 三大从句(1)名词性从句:主语从句;宾语从句;表语从句;同位语从句(2)形容词性从句(定语从句):限制性; 非限制性(3)副词性从句(状语从句):时间;地点;原因;条件;目的;让步;方式;结果 e.g. What the ugly man chooses is living alone. e.g. We all know that the ugly man chooses living alone.

26、 e.g. The sad thing is that the ugly man with a lot of money chooses living alone. e.g. The thing that the ugly man with a lot of money chooses living alone was known to everyone. e.g. The ugly man who has a lot of money chooses living alone. e.g. Although the ugly man has a lot of money, he chooses

27、 living alone. 二、主要时态1. 一般现在时(1)经常或习惯性动作 e.g. Mary usually goes to school by bicycle.(2)普遍真理或客观事实;目前状态 e.g. Light goes faster than sound.(3)将来时间,不轻易改变 e.g. The new term starts on September.(4)时间和条件状语从句 e.g. If we work hard, well be able to fulfill the plan.2. 现在进行时(1)现在时刻进行 e.g. Tracy is standing in

28、 the front of the class.(2)现阶段正在进行而现在时刻不一定进行 e.g. Is your son working hard this term?(3)表将来(位移动词):come, go, leave, arrive等 e.g. Mr. Black is leaving for London in a few days.(4)感情色彩:常与always, constantly, forever等表经常性的状语连用 e.g. He is always thinking of how he could do more for the people.3. 一般将来时:将要发

29、生;打算、计划、准备做某事(1)will do: e.g. She will be back here tomorrow afternoon.(2)be going to do: 计划、打算、决定要做;将要发生 e.g. My father is going to watch a race with me this afternoon.4. 现在完成时(1)过去发生,对现在有影响 e.g. This is the best film I have ever seen.(2)开始于过去,一直延续到现在,可能继续延续下去 e.g. How long have you had this dictio

30、nary?5. 一般过去时(1)过去发生:e.g. I went to school at seven yesterday morning.(2)过去状态:e.g. Jane was not at home yesterday evening.(3)过去经常或反复发生:e.g. He often had lunch at school last month.(4)已故的人所做的事情或情况:e.g. Lu Xun wrote a lot of novels for us.6. 过去进行时:过去某一时刻或某阶段正在进行 e.g. It was raining at 7:00 the day bef

31、ore yesterday.7.过去将来时:从过去的观点看将要发生的事,主要用于宾语从句 e.g. He said that he would have a meeting next week.8. 过去完成时:过去的过去 e.g. When I got to the station, the train had left.语法练习动词适当形式填空(单句)1. Our teacher, Miss. Deng, _ (teach) English on the radio two days ago.2. I _(watch) TV at 10 oclock.3. Patrick said he

32、_(visit) his grandpa next Saturday.4. When the ambulance came, he _(be) dead for three minutes.5. Bill _(go) to work in his hometown after he graduated from Beijing.6. Did he tell you when he _(return) to school?7. While he _(do) his homework, his mother came back.8. He said he _(return) the money t

33、o you soon.9. The children _(have) a P.E. class on the playground when it suddenly began to rain.10. I really wanted to know how many trees you _(plant)汉译英1. 老师告诉我们地球围着太阳转。(go)2. 她正在煮咖啡,这时我们到了。(make)3. 自从他去了上海,我就一直没收到他的来信。(hear from)4. 昨天晚上本想来看你的,但有人来拜访,我脱不开身。(intend)语法填空 (A)Do you have any difficul

34、ty at an interview? Actually, success often depends on your performance. For those who are well (1)_(prepare), it can be a positive experience but for others it can be a terrible time. Your job prospects(前景)are largely dependent on your interview skills, (2)_ you love them or hate them. At the inter

35、view, try to present a pleasant version (版本) of yourself. You need to make the employer believe that you can do the job, (3)_ you mustnt appear over-confident. Its also important to make sure that you really listen to what (4)_(ask). Its worth (5) _(spend) a few moments after the interview (6) _(ana

36、lyze) your performance. You can do this best when you know the result. What aspects of the interview (7) _(go)well? What do you need to improve? What(8)_you do differently next time? (B)A day job is a form of occupation (9)_(take) by a person in order to make ends meet(量入为出) (10) _ working another l

37、ow-paying (or non-paying) job in their preferred career track. While many people do hold a full-time occupation, the term day job is specific to those who hold the position simply to pay their living expenses. Examples of this can be a woman who is working as a waitress for her day job, while she tr

38、ies to (11) _ an actress, and a professional athlete who must work as a laborer in the off season (12) _ he is currently only able to make the membership of a semi-professional team(半职业队). Famous figures who (13)_(work) in this way include the Wright brothers, who held full-time employment as bicycl

39、e repairmen while they (14) _(experiment) on powered flights. The phrase dont quit your day job is used (15) _a humorous response to a poor performance. The phrase implies that the performer is not (16) _ (talent) enough in that activity to be able to make a career out of it. 模块(三)语篇阅读 完型Findingagoo

40、djobisdifficultenough.Addtothatthefactthatemployersmayasksomevery_1_questionsduringajobinterview.IntheUnitedStates,itisillegalforemployerstoraisesomeoftheseissues.Inajobinterview,youmustshowyourbestside.Youmustsellyourselfandshowtheinterviewerthatyouarethebest_ 2_forthejob.Todothisyoumustanswerquest

41、ion_3_question.A_4_employerwillwanttoknowaboutyourskills,qualifications,pastwork_5_,andgoals.IntheUnitedStates,afewofthosequestionsarenotjustdifficult,theyare_6_.The following four areas _7_ in all the reports and lists I examined during my recent searches. All of these areas of questioning are cons

42、idered illegal in the United States.IntheUnitedStates,anyquestionrelatedtogendershouldnotberaisedduringthejobinterview.Butifgenderdoescomeup,answerthequestionbystatingyourpastworkexperiencesthatshowyoucandothejob,_8_ofwhetheryouareawomanoraman.Anyquestionrelatedtoyourmaritalstatus,whetheryouaremarri

43、ed,is_9_illegalintheU.S.Aquestionaboutmarriageisillegal_10_itmayleadtoinformationaboutyoursexualorientation(性取向). Andthatisnoones_11_butyourown.Anyquestionrelatedtoyourmaritalstatus,whetheryouaremarried,isconsideredillegalintheU.S.Buttheyarecommon.Askingsomeone,Areyoumarried?isaloadedquestion,aquest


45、eissuelegallyistoaskthequestiondirectly-CanyouworklegallyintheUnitedStates?Itcanbedifficulttoanswerpersonalquestionsduringajobinterview._14_,ifyouwantthejob,youdonotwanttoseemdifficult.Ifaquestionseemsillegalorjustmakesyoufeel_15_,simplydirectthequestionbacktothejobandyourqualifications.1. A. diffic

46、ult B. personal C. special D. long2. A. candidate B. interviewer C. trainee D. worker3. A. by B. with C. and D. after4. A. prompt B. prosperous C. prospective D. present5. A. experiences B. place C. salary D. time6. A. initial B. illustrated C. included D. illegal7. A. showed off B. showed up C. sho

47、wed down D. showed out8. A. talking B. aware C. regardless D. inspite9. A. considered B. conducted C. contacted D. contracted10. A. even though B. especially C. because D. otherwise11. A. business B. duty C. ability D. information12. A. remove B. train C. notify D. hire13. A. expected B. able C. per

48、mitted D. agreed14. A. After all B. Unfortunately C. In fact D. Presently15. A. modest B. uneasy C. tricky D. difficult阅读理解 (A)I worked as a manager in a company for a number of years. I liked my job, and was doing well there, but our company was bought by a larger company and most of the managers a

49、t our place lost their jobs. That was when I decided to do something Id always wanted to do become a freelance (自由撰稿的) writer. Changing professions has meant that my lifestyle has changed in a number of ways. The main difference for me now is that I have a much more flexible (灵活的) schedule. Before,

50、I worked from 8 to 5 every day, with a few extra hours on weekends. Now, however, I work when I feel like it. For instance, sometimes I work until midnight or 2 A.M., then sleep until noon. I really prefer this kind of schedule. It seems more natural to me. I also decided that it was about time I be

51、gan to pay more attention to my health. While I was working as a manager, I never exercised. However, last year I joined a health club and began to do regular exercise. As a result I have lost over 10 pounds and I feel much better. Ive also started to eat more healthfully. I used to eat a lot of fast food, but now I do my own shopping. I buy lots of fruits and vegetables and cook them at home. Of course, not all the changes have


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