



1、大学英语四级分类模拟题 472(总分:168.50,做题时间:90 分钟)一、PartIWriting(总题数:1,分数:16.50)1. On Students Quitting SchoolFor this part, you are allowed 30 min utes to write a short essay en titledOn Stude nts Quitt ingSchool by comme nti ng on the curre nt phe nomenon: many stude nts choose to quit school before graduation

2、.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 word _(分数:16.50) 正确答案:()解析:On Students Quitting SchoolMany college students have quit school in recent years. They do it for different reasons.Some students quit school because of their poor health. A serious disease or a traffic accident may

3、 have made itimpossible for them to continue their schooling. Other students may be forced to do it because their family couldntafford the tuition.However, there are some students who quit school out of their own choice. Some embrace a good job offer and leaveschool. Others may find that they cannot

4、 afford to lose the good opportunity to start their own business, so they quitschool to start their career just like Bill Gates.Whatever the reason, I think college students should think twice before deciding to quit school. After all, graduates arenormally better prepared for their future than thos

5、e who quit school.College education pays off in the long run.二、 PartnReading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、 Passage One (总题数:1,分数:71.00)As a volunteer, John Apollos is losing weightthe old-fashioned wayby eating less. Apolloshas lowered his daily caloric intake 25% over the past eig

6、ht months. The fat, not surprisingly, has melted away. Butthats not the real reason Apollos and the other participants in the program are eating only three-quarters of what theyused to. The researchers are trying to determine whether restricting food intake can slow the ageing process and extendour

7、life span. I feelbetter and lighter and healthier, says Apollos. But if it could help you live longer, that would be pretty amazing.The idea is counterintuitive:If we eat to live, how can starving ourselves add years to our lives?Yet decades of calorie-restriction studies involving organisms ranging

8、 from microscopic yeast to rats have shown justthat. Last July a long-term study led by researchers at the Universityof Wisconsin, found that calorie restriction seemedto extend the lives of humanlikerhesus mon keys(恒河猴)as well.The hungry primates fell victim to diabetes, heart and brain disease and

9、 cancer much less frequently than their well-fedcounterparts did.Scientists have suspected that calorie restriction could extend the life span of animals since at least 1935, whenresearchers at Cornell University noticed that severely food-restricted lab rats lived twice as long as normal ones andwe

10、re healthier. Other investigators began exploring the idea and learned that the secret is not merely a matter of bodyweight.One theory is that a state of slight hunger acts as a mild but constant stressor that makes an organism stronger andmore resistant to the ills of ageing. Taking in fewer calori

11、es also slowsmetabolism( 新陈代谢 ), and some data indicate that humans with a slower metabolism live longer.But even if these theories are correct, simply defining the mechanism is not the sameas identifying the molecularpathways behind it. If researchers could determine those pathways, they might be a

12、ble to pharmacologicallymimic( 模仿 )the effect of calorie restriction. That could be the ultimate benefit of the CALORIE study. Calorie restriction is prettymuch the only thing out there that we know will not just prevent disease but also extend maximal life span, says Dr.Marc Hellerstein, a nutritio

13、nist at the University of California. (分数: 71.00 )(1).The purpose of keeping diet for John Apollos and other participants is to _ . (分数:14.20 )A. lose weight in order to keep slimB. prove how long people can survive if they lack foodC. prove if eating less food can extend life span and keep youngVD.

14、 just keep a good mood and live a healthier life解析: 解析 细节辨认题。由定位句可知,项目的研究者正致力于探究控制进食量是否能减缓衰老,延长 寿命。故 C “证明少吃是否可以延长寿命,保持年轻”符合题意。(2).Whats the meaning ofcounterintuitive (Line 1, Para.2)?(分数: 14.20 )A. Unconventional.VB. Incorrect.C. Comprehensible.D. Meaningless.解析: 解析 语义理解题。由定位句可知,如果我们靠吃饭来维持生命,那么挨饿如

15、何能使我们延年益寿 呢?由此可知,节食减肥会延长寿命看似是不合乎常理的。故A “不合常规的”符合题意。(3).What does the research on rhesus monkeys imply?(分数: 14.20 )A. The less people eat, the shorter they will live.B. Calorie restriction can help people suffer fewer diseases.VC. People who often feel hungry can live longer.D. Humans depend on calor

16、ies to stay alive.解析: 解析 细节辨认题。由定位句可知,研究人员发现,通过控制热量摄入,类人恒河猴的寿命似乎也 得以延长。比起饱食终日的同类,那些吃不饱的恒河猴患糖尿病、心脏病、脑部疾病及癌症的概率大大地 降低了。故选 B“控制热量摄入有助于帮人们减少疾病的困扰”。(4)_ .From Dr. Marc Hellersteins words, we can infer that._(分数: 14.20 )A. people who are thin can survive longer than those who arentB. effective calorie res

17、triction makes us healthier and live longerVC. keeping diet cannot help people keep fit or live longerD. a state of hunger is beneficial for our health解析:解析推理判断题。由定位句可知,既能预防疾病又能延年益寿的方法就是控制热量摄入。故 B “有效的热量控制可以让我们更健康、活得更长久”符合题意。(5).What is the main idea of this passage? (分数: 14.20)A. People should be t

18、hin in order to live longer.B. Keeping calorie restriction effectively makes one live longer.VC. Eating too much is really harmful to our health.D. People should form a good diet habit in daily life.解析:解析主旨大意题。纵观全文可知,有效地控制人体热量的摄入可以延长人的寿命。故B “有效地控制热量可以使人更长寿”符合题意。五、 Passage Two( 总题数: 1,分数: 71.00)The a

19、ppeal of advertising to buying motives can have both negative and positive effects. Consumers may be convincedto buy a product of poor quality or high price because of an advertisement. For example, some advertisers haveappealed to peoples desire for better fuel economy for their cars by advertising

20、 automotive products that improvegasoline mileage. Some of the products work.Others are worthless and a waste of consumers money.Sometimes advertising is intentionally misleading. A few years ago a brand of bread was offered to dieters ( 节食者 )with the message that there were fewer calories in every

21、slice. It turned out that the bread was not dietetic ( 适合于节食的 ), but just regular bread. There were fewer calories because it was sliced very thin, but there were the samenumber of calories in every loaf.On the positiveside, emotional appeals may respond to a consumers real concerns. Consider firein

22、surance. Fire insurance may be sold by appealing to fear of loss. But fear of loss is the real reason for fire insurance.The security of knowing that property is protected by insurance makes the purchase of fire insurance a worthwhileinvestment for most people. If consumers consider the quality of t

23、he insurance plans as well as the message in the ads,they will benefit from the advertising.Each consumer must evaluate her or his own situation. Are the benefits of the product important enough to justify buyingit? Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers, but it does not force them to buy th

24、e product. Consumers still controlthe final buying decision. (分数: 71.00 )(1).Advertising can persuade the consumer to buy worthless products by _. (分数: 14.20 )A. stressing their high qualityB. convincing him of their low priceC. maintaining a balance between quality and priceD.appealing to his buyin

25、g motivesV解析: 解析 推断题。看第一段,做第一题。文章第一句是主题,后面是一个例子解释说明。例子说广告 通过一些手段引起人们的购买欲望。 A 是细节例子,是为了说明广告如何引起人们的购买欲望:强调高质 量。B、C 本段都没有提到。D 是正解。而且选项 D 最切题。(2).The reason why the bread advertisement is misleading is that _.(分数: 14.20 )A. thin slices of bread could contain more caloriesB. the loaf was cut into regular

26、 slicesC. the bread was not genuine breadD. the total number of calories in the loaf remained the sameV解析: 解析 推断题。为什么面包广告是误导的?因为广告说面包含的热量少,但其实不少,所以广告是误导的。这一题只要读懂了第二段就不会错。(3).The third paragraph tells us that _.(分数: 14.20 )A. sometimes advertisements really sell what the consumer needsVB. advertiseme

27、nts occasionally force consumers into buying things they dont needC. the buying motives of consumers are controlled by advertisementsD. fare insurance is seldom a worthwhile investment解析: 解析 主旨题。考的是第三段的主题。从 on the positive side 可以看出这段说的是广告的正面 效应。先排除C、D,因为只有 A B 是对广告的正面评价。 A 项是正确答案。B 项说广告很少迫使消费者买他们不需

28、要的东西。广告不是为了让消费者买产品它还能干什么?尽管第四段出现“ but it does not forcethem to buy the product ”,但是不选 B 的一个原因是它出现在第四段;第二个原因是 occasionally 和 does not 是两个不同的概念,干扰选项一般是形容词、副词用错了。(4).It can be inferred from the passage that a smart consumer should _.(分数: 14.20 )A. think carefully about the benefits described in the adv

29、ertisementsVB. guard against the deceiving nature of advertisementsC. be familiar with various advertising strategiesD. avoid buying products that have strong emotional appealA. how to make a wise buying decision解析: 解析 推断题。看懂文章就好做。A 是正解,对应第四段B 小心广告的欺骗本质,和主题“既有正面效果,又有反面效果”相悖。(5)_ .The passage is mainly about _ .C、D 选项所提及的内容文章没有提及。(分数: 14.20 )B. ways to protect the interests of the consumerC. the positive and negative aspects of advertisingVD. the function of advertisements in promoting sales解析:解析主旨题。本文主题是讨论广


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