



1、英语系论文参考题目(三)     1、广告翻译及其基本技巧(Advertising Translation and its Basic Techniques) 2、红楼梦人名浅析(My Brief Analysis of the Translation of the Name in The Dream of Red Mansions) 3、守护精神家园浅析非物质文化遗产面临的危机及其保护(Defending Our Spiritual HomelandA Brief Analysis of the Crises of Int

2、angible Cultural Heritages and Their Protection) 4、浅析当代青年人面临的有一新窘境:“丁克”与否(A Light Analysis of Another New Dilemma Faces he Young Generation:To be a dink or not to be) 5、关于呼啸山庄希斯克利夫人性的思考(My Thought on the Humanity of Heathcliffin Wuthering Heights) 6、浅谈口译者的跨文化意识(A Humble View on the Cr

3、oss-cultural Awareness of an Interpreter) 7、关于安乐死立法的伦理思考(Ethics in Efforts to Legalize Euthanasia) 8、浅谈中国普通话与四川方言的关系(My early comment on the relationship between Standard Chinese and Sichuan Dialect) 9、怎样正确使用今天的英语字体(My humble View on Handle Todays English Fonts) 10、论韩剧对国人,尤其是青少年的

4、影响(My Humble Comment on the Influence of the Korean Soaps upon the Chinese People,Especially the Younger Generation) 11、浅析加入世贸后我国农业的变化(A Brief Analyze of  the Change on Agriculture after Chinas entered into WTOA disaster or an) 12、Leech的礼貌原则在雷雨中的运用(The Use of Leechs Politeness Princip

5、les in Thunderstorm) 13、浅析中西方民族文化心理对饮食习俗的影响(An analysis of the Chinese and western culture affected in die) 14、浅谈留学低龄化的弊端(A Rough Review on the Malpractices for Young Students Study Abroad) 15、浅析英汉互译中的文化缺失及补偿(My Humble Analysis on Cultural Loss and Cultural Compensation in Chinese-Eng

6、lish and English-Chinese Translation) 16、中国顶级两大导演张艺谋、陈凯歌之比较(Comparison of Chinese film directors Zhang yimou and Chen kaige) 17、“成长的烦恼”中的美国家庭教育(The American Family Education in Growing Pains) 18、西方与中国奇幻文学比较(Contrasts between the Western and Chinese fantasy literature) 19、人的虚荣嘉莉妹妹

7、中两位主人公的无尽欲望(Vanity Of ManLimitless Desire of Two Main Characters in Sister Carrie) 20、简析中国小学英语教学状况-不合理教学方法及相应对策(A Brief Analysis on the Current English Teaching in Chinese Primary Schools-Irrational Methodology and Alternative Teaching Strategies) 21、忠实之美-浅析余光中译雪夜林畔小驻(The Beauty of Loyalty

8、 in Yus Translation on Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening) 22、红字中的转变(Alterations in The Scarlet Letter) 23、技术革新在服装设计中的“分色”演绎(Technology Perform Various Roles in Fashion Design) 24、东西方龙的比较及翻译(“Loong” and “Dragon”-A Comparison of “Loong”in Chinese and “Dragon” in English in View o

9、f Translation) 25、美国情境喜剧模式分析(Formula for American Situation Comedy) 26、论老人与海中的冰山理论(On Iceberg Theory in “The Old Man and the Sea”) 27、浅析广告英语的修辞特点(Rhetorical Features in Advertising English) 28、论查尔斯·狄更斯双城记中的人道主义思想(On Humanistic Thinking in A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens)

10、0;29、911后美国意识形态的转变(The Transitions of Americans Ideology After 9.11) 30、儒学与清教之简单对比研究(A Brief Comp0arison between Confuctanism and Puritanism) 31、移情在跨文化交际中的作用(The Role of Empathy in Intercultural Communication) 32、外企进入对成都经济及本土企业的影响(The Affect of Entry of Foreign Enterprises on Economy

11、and Local Enterprises of Chengdu) 33、开放期:2006年后中国银行业面临全球竞争(Open Season:Chinas Banking Sector Faces Global Competetion After 2006) 34、美国梦的幻灭浅析了不起的盖茨比中的象征手法(Disillusion of American DreamOn Symbolism in The Great Gatsby) 35、简析傲慢与偏见中本内特先生的消极性格(On Negative Mr. Bennet in Pride & Prejudi

12、ce) 36、文化差异对中西方商务谈判的影响(The Impact of Culture Differences on Business Negotiation between East and West) 37、中国关系中的台湾问题(The TAIWAN Issue in SINO-US Relationship) 38、英汉谚语的文化异同(The Cultural Differences and Similarities Between English and Chinese Proverbs) 39、灵魂深处的暗勇论呼啸山庄的主题(Tempest

13、in the Soulthe Main Theme of Wuthering Heights) 40、浅谈同声传译(A Brief Study of Simultaneous Interpretation) 41、简析艾米莉·狄金森生平与其诗歌中死亡主题间的关联(A Brief Analysis on the Connection Between Dickinsons Life and the Theme of Deathe in Her Poetry) 42、论二十世纪五六十年代美国民权的发展(Denelopment of the Civil Righ

14、ts Movement in America in 1950s and 1960s) 43、简析格列佛游记中的讽刺技巧(Analyze the Technique of Satire in Gullivers Travels) 44、欧·亨利、莫泊桑现实主义小说写作风格与艺术技巧对比(A Comparative Study of Writing Styles and Artisti Skills in Realistic Works Between O.Henry and De Maupassant) 45、浅谈美国黑人在美国民权运动中对美国当今社会的积

15、极作用(A Brief Study on the Positive Impact of the Amerian Society Exerted By the Black People in American Civil Rights Movement) 46、简析红字中的象征意义(An Analysis of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter) 47、瓦尔登湖中反映的自然主义(Naturalism as Reflected in Walden) 48、英汉谚语中的文化差异(Cultural Differences between British and Chinese Proverbs) 49、生活在迷茫一代中的青年作家


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