1、精品文档河南省2016年普通高等学校专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语P art I Vocabuhiy and S tmcture (1 x 40 )D ircctbns:Theie arc 40 hcom pfete sentences h this part For each sentence theie arc fourchoices m aiked A, B, C and D . C hoose the ONEthat best completes the sentence, and then you shouldm axk the corrcspondhg letter on
2、the Answ er Sheet"1. Jane hadntbeen to London before.had herhusband.A. N eitherB. E ither C . SoD . 0 r2. N o soonerhad he arrived in R om ehe heaxd of the good new s.A. when B. than C . then D . untfl3. Im for the suggestion ihata spechlboaid to exam he the pioblem .A. be setup B. w illbe setu
3、p C .m ustbe setup D .has to be setup4. The disabled chfldien need m any things, but, they need bve.A. firstofalL B .notatallC .afterall D . A Uh all5. The coaltidustry h the north ofC hha is now baie half itssize.A. Fom alB.fom erC .latterD . later6. The fcjotbalLplayer is hophg toto another team s
4、oon.A. TransferB.transport C .transplant D . transact7. the gaiden, the old m an w entto have a restA. H avhg been watered B. W ate ring C . H avhg w ateiedD . B ehg w atercd8. H er to the j)b leftherw ith vexy little fee tin e.A. devotionB.feiih C .trustD .hteiest9. The child资n have beensince their
5、fetherleftA.outofsiyleB.undercontoC .outofcontrolD .h style10. It is reported grcatchanges have been m ade w ith the applratbn of the new policy.A .which B. that C. while D .what11. The m anagerpiom ised to keep m e ofhow the pioctwas gohg on.A. be hfonn edB. hfom ed C . hfoimD .hfoim hg精品文档12. H e
6、announced that the com pany had been transferred tocity.A. anotherB. oUiersC the otherD .one another13. A great che er w ent up fc>m the ciow d as they caught_of the hexo.A. visionB. viewC . s这ht D .glance14. PhysicsA. W ereB .w asC .isD .arem y fevorite subpctwhen I studied h the university.15.A
7、.Then16. 1 w ill lend you the bookyou rctum it to m e h tin e.A. on condition thatB. h caseC . h order thatD. so that17. M rBiow n is supposed tofor Italy hstm onth.A. be leavingB .have leftC .leave D .have been left18. "D id you enj5y the TVpiogram hstnjght?Ro,notA. particularB .obviousC .suip
8、rising卜D .noim ally19. W e arc disappointedyestexday because itwasntsuch a good dhnershe had piom ised us.A. likeC . whichD .what20. She waked abng the path,her daughter cbse behhd.A. folbw hgB. folbwC . to folbwD . was foBowed21. She insisted thatthe scats h the theaterin advance to hsure a betterv
9、iew.A. bookedB be bookedC.arc bookedD w ere to book22. W e arc som etin esselfishnessourlives,thoughw e arc m os由w e can succeed ornotdepends on how w ellw e coopemte w ith ofliers.B. Thus C . W hat D . W hethergenerous h peisonality.A. m iseiable B. G xeedyC. guiltyD . sorry23. The teacher doe snt
10、a lbw his studentson the exam .A. cheatedB .cheathgC.cheatDto cheat24. Theip is a btofevidencetom uch stress is partbr 耍sponsible for the disease.A. whatD .that25. "eveiyone's herc,she said, uh£s beghto discuss the solitionto the pxoblem sw e h ave found.精品文档A. As ferasB. Now that C.So
11、 fer D .By fer26. M ostcom puteruseis are thieatfom com puterviruses.A. withinB. upon C. towards D .under27. No m atterhow, ids in possible thathe has neverbstm oney.A.a bushessm an sm art isB. a bushessm an is sm artC sm art is a bushessm anD . sm arta bushessm an is28. D avid told the truthto anno
12、y hex; and she w as angry forbehg betmyed by her goodfriend.A. on puiposeB.h needC . h detailD .atall29. The chssioom is quite cleansom e waste paperon the fborA. exceptforB.besidesC .exceptD .w ithout30. The bad w eatherthe build rig piogram by seveialw eeks.A. w enton B .putonC .setback D .builtup
13、31. They natLiially hope thattheir choice of the phy w illbe w iih the schooland parents.A pleasingB. w ekom e C . kind D . popuhr32. These tAro primes are sothat it 's veiy difficult totell them apartA. exactB.齿m ilhrC . IkeND . S in ihr33. These tickets for the perform ance arcuntil the end of
14、 the m onth.A. acceptableB. AvailableC . Advisable D . applicable34. P leasethe watertap when you have finished yourwashing.A. turn onB. turn oftC . turn outD . turn over35. D on'tassociate w ith bad boys yourwhole life w illbe zuhed.A. 0 r B. But C . and D . so 4iat36.1shalhave a com panbn h th
15、e house after all theseyears.A. abne B. bneW C . single D .sin pb37 . Y ouif you had had higher score h the exam hatbn.A. m usthave gotschohrshp B. would have gotscholaishpC should getschohrshpD . had gotschohishp38 .The bank has establishedh m any b至 cities ii the w orld.A. partsB. tw 鱼 sCbenches D
16、 . branches精品文档39 .W hile studying he fhancia dependedhis w ife.A. on B.of C . Id D . fom40.0 nk h this w ayoutofthe phn.A. you can tak hinC . hin you can talkB. can you tak hin D . hin can you talkPartHC bse (1x20)D irpctbns:Therc arc 20 blanks h the follow hg passage. For each blank there axe four
17、 chores m a iked A, B C and D . You should choose the one thatbestfits hto the passage and m aik the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheetW ho w on the W orM C up 1994 footballgam e? W hathappened atthe U nited N atbns? H ow did thecritics Ike the new phy?41 an eventtakes place, new spapeis arc on
18、 the streets42the details. W hereveranythhg happens hthe world, in ports arc on the spotto 43 the news.N ew spapers have one basic44 . to getthe new s as quick卜 as possible Sum its source,telegraph, television, andfe)m those who m ake it to those who want to 45 it Radi),46 inventions bxoughtcom peti
19、tion fcrnew spapers. So did the devebpm entofm agazhes andother m eans of com m unratbn. 47 , this com petitbn m ere spurred the new spapers on. They quick m ade use of the new erand fester m eans of com m unicati)n to in prove the 48 and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today m ore new
20、spapeis are 49 and rcad than ever beforc. C om petition also led new spapeis to blanch out to m any other fields. Besides keeping readers 50 of the latest new s, today's new spapers51 and hfluence readers aboutpolitics and other in portant andserious m atteis. N ew spapershfluence 虑aders'eco
21、nom iochores 52 advertising. M ostnew spapeis depend on advertising for theirve 53.N ew spapeis arc sold ata prize that54 even a sm allfectbn ofthe costofpioductbn. The m ah 55 ofhcom e fer m ostnew spapeis is com m erchladvertishg. The56h seUhg advertisingdepends onanew spapers vahe to advertisers.
22、 This57 h term s of circulation. H ow m any people read thenew spapei? C ircuhtion depends 58 onthe w oik of the circuhtbn departm ent and on theservices orentertahm ent59 h a new spapers pages. Butfcr the m ostpait circulation60thecom m unity,depends on a new spapers vahe to readers as a source of
23、hfoxm atbn city, country, state, nation, and w orld-and even outer space.Askhg help fe>m theirparcnts m 鱼htbe a way out,butpiobem s are thatsom e aging parentsarc not stong enough to take caze of the kids, and thatthe kids m ay also becom e too spoiled by their grandparents.Then, here com es a so
24、htbn: fem Ilies w ith kids can fom a sm allgxoup, and parents of eachfem 次 can take turns to bok afterallthe kids h this group on w eekends. Thus, otherparentscan have som e quiettin e and feelfee to do som ething they ve been phnnhg fora bng tin e.A t1he sam e tin e, the kids can m ake new friends
25、and won' tbe hanging a round theirpaxents all day bng. This is baby-poolhg.61 .M any postr80s couples can'tgo to the m ovies, shop or attend parties because.A .they have to bok after theirkilsB. they have to bok aftertheirparentsC . they are busy w ith theirw oik D . they have no m oney62 .J
26、h paiagiaph 2, “a w ay out" m eans.A. outof dateB. a soli tonC . w ithout questionD . a com phiit63 .Accoidhg to the hstpaiagzaph, the sohtbn to the pioblem ofposirSOs couples isthat .A. fem Ilies w ith kids fcim a sm allgioupB. they ask their aghg paxents for hetC they give up their j)bsD . th
27、ey lake theirkils whercver they go64 .W hat is (axe) the advantage fc) of baby-poolhg?A.The paxents can have m uch m ore fee tin e.B .The kids can m ake new friends.C .The kids w on'tbe hanghg around their parents allday bng.D A Hof the above.65 .The passage m ah> discusses ?A. post-80s coupl
28、es and their friendsB. postBOs couples and baby-poolingC post-80s couples and theirpaientsD . kids and theirgxandparcnisPassage2It is a terrible ilhstratbn ofm an ' s w eakness to naturc .and the tsunam iC") thatstmckthe Japanese coast h M arch. 2011 has flhstrated the difficulty of ffehthg
29、 agahstnatLiial disasters, even fora pxospeious natbn.Totalspreventing tsunam rdam age is in possible. Buttherc is m uch that can be done to m hin izedam age and bss of life. M easures thatcan be taken hchde desnhg solid buUdhgs, anddevebphg earvaxm hg system s, public educationprogram s and evacuat
30、bn ( 拔 散)strategics.M oxeovei; the appxoach of a tsunam i is possbl picked up by the sensorsof com piratedhtematbnalw am hg system s. C ountries can use iadb and television bxoadcasts as w ellas budspeakernetT ozks to w am the public.Butan ear w aim hg system depends on how ferthe tsunam istrikes, i
31、f i£s cbse by, thewamhg system is not gohg to be veiy effective. W henpeople are feced with an unstoppable force like a tsunam ithe m assive w aves created by events like undeiraterearthquakes, the bestcouise of action forthem is b get inland and to the higher giound as quickly as possible.66 .
32、The ffetpazagiaph tells us that .A.m an can eas次 defeatthe natuieB.tsunam is take phce on卜 h JapanC .m an's ability to cope w iih naluialdisasteis is lin itedD .the tsunam niam age in Japan is notso terrble67.To pie vent tsunam irdam age, the :follow hg m easurcs can be taken EXCEPTA.desnhg firm
33、 buUdhgs、B.devebphg earK-waming system sC .devebphg evacuation strategicsD .keeping the public unaw are of the seriousness of tsunam is68 .Accoidhg to the passage , which of the fclbw hg can cause a tsunam i ?A. S toxm s. B. M assi/e w aves. C . U ndeiw a ter earthquakes.D . F bods69 .W hen a tsunam
34、 ihappens, the bestcouise ofactbn forpeople is to.A.Ils ten to radio and television bioadcasts for hfom atbnB.gethhnd and to the hherground as qurk as possbleC .stay where they areD .耍卜 on the w amhg system sPassage 3G bbal warn hg is caushg m oxe than 300,000 deaths and about$125 biUbn h econom r b
35、sses each yeai; accoidhg to a rcportby the G bbalH um aniiarian Foium , an oiganizatbn led by Annan, the foxm erU nited N atbns secretly genexalThe report, to be released Friday, ana卜zed data and existing studies ofhealih, disastex;popuation and econom r tends. Itfound thathum an-±ifLienced cli
36、n ate change w as raising the gbbal death rates fiom Uhesses hclidhg m ahutritbn (营 养 不良)and heaHehted health pioblem s.Buteven befcrc its rclease, the reportdrew criticism fe>m som e experts on clin ate andrisk,who questioned its m ethods and conchsbns.A bng w ith the deaths, the report said tha
37、t the lives of 325 m illbn people, prin ariK h poor countries, w ere behg seriously affected by clin ate change. Itpiocted thatthe num berw ould double by 2030.Roger Pieke Jra political scientistat the University oi C obrado, Boulder; w hostudies disaster tends, said the Foium's 氏port was ua m e
38、thodobgica em barrassm entn becausethere was no way to distinguish deaths oreconom r losses rchted to hum anFriven gbbalwaim hgam id the m uch higer bsses zesultrig fe)m the glow th h populations and econom rdevebpm enth vuheiable (易受伤害的)iBgims. D r. P ieke said that“clin ate changeis anin portantpi
39、oblem requiring our utm ostattention. "Butthe report;he said, nw illharm the有瑕cause for action on both clin ate change and disasters because it is so deep 卜 flawed (H ow evei; S oxen Andreasen, a soc ia 1 scientist at D aberg G bbal D evebpm entP artners w ho to clin ate hazards while stUlcuibh
40、g the em issbns of the heatrtiapprig gases. M ore than 90% of the hum an and econom r bsses fc>m clin ate change arc occurrhg h poor countries, according to the reportsupervised the writing of也e report, defended比 saying that itwascba 工也 atthe num beiBw ere lough estin ates.H e said the zeportwas
41、ain ed at world leaders, who w ill m eetinC openhagenh D ecem ber to negotiatea new htemationalclin ate treaty.In a press rcleasedescrbhg the import, M r Annan stressedthe need fcr thenegothtbnsto focus on hcrcashgthe flow of m oney Sum rich to poor rcgbns to hereduce theirvuheiability71. W hat is t
42、he fridhg of the G bbalH um anitarian Foium ?A. G bbaltem peratures afectthe rate ofeconom ic devebpm entB .Rates of death fiom ilhesses have risen due to gbbalw aim hg.C .M ahutritbn has caused serious health pioblem s in poor countries.D .E conom r tends have to do w 此 popuhtbn and naturaldisastei
43、s.72. W hatdo we bam aboutthe Foium's reportfiom the passage?A.Itwas challenged by som e elm ate and risk experts.B.Jtaioused a btofinteresth the scientific circles.C .Itwas warn 卜 received by environm entails 1s. D .It caused a big stir in devebping countries.73. W hatdoes D r P ieke say aboutt
44、he Foium's xeport?A.Its statistics bok em barrasshg.B.Itis invalid in term s ofm ethodobgy.C .Itdeserves ourcbsestattentbn.D .Its conclision is puipose卜 exaggerated.74. W hat is S orcn Andrcasen 's view of 1he report?A. Its conclisions arc based on caxefiilh7 collected data.B. It is vuheiabl
45、e to criticism if the statistics are close 卜 exam hed.C. Itw illgivre rise to heated discussbns atthe C openhagen confercnce.D . Its zough estin ates arc m eantto draw the attentbn ofw orB leadexs.75. W hatdoes KofiAnnan say should be the fccus of the C openhagen conference?A. H ow rich and poorrcgb
46、ns can sharc iesponst)ilihr h curbing gbbalwaim hg.B. How hum an and econom r bsses fiom clin ate change can be induced.C .How em issbns of heatHiappiig gases can be reduced on a gbbalscate.D .H ow rich countries can betterhelp poorregbns reduce clin ate hazaids. Passage 4R eaching new peaks of popu
47、larity h N orth Am erica is fcebeig W atei; which is harvested fe)m rebels off the coastofN ew foundhnd, C anada.Arthurvon W iesenbexgei; who carries the title W aterM astez; is one of the few water critics h N orth Am erica. Asa boy, he spenttin e h the higercities of ItaM Fiance and Sw itzerland,w
48、here bottled water is consum ed dai Even then, he kepta water journal noting the brands he liked best um y dog could telithe d猿虑nee betw een bottled and tap w atei;" H esays.But is phh tap w ater allthatbad? N otatall b feet N ew Y oik's m unr palw a ter for m orethan a century was called t
49、he cham pagne of lap water and untilzecen由 consideied am ong the besth the worldii tern s of both taste and purity. S in Dar卜,a m agazhe h England found thattap water fiom the Tham es R iver tasted better than sevexal leading brands of bottledwater thatw eie400 tin es m oie expensive.N evertheless,
50、sofbdrhk com panies view bottled wateras the next battle-ground form axketshaie-lhis despite the fectthatover25 percentofbottled watercom es fom tap water:P epsiC o's Aquafha and C oca-C ob's D asaniarc both purified tap w ateriather than spring w a terA s dheis thinstfor leadhg brands, bott
51、le is and xestauiateuis salivate (垂:延 )over thepio fits.A iestauian£s typical m aiknip on w he is 100 to 150 percent, whercas on bottled water tfs often 300 to 500 percent Butshce water is m uch cheaper than w he, and m any of the fencierbiands aienavaHable h stores, m ostdheis don'tnotice
52、orcaie.As a result som e rcstaurants are Uiirihg up the prcssurc to sen bottled waterAccoxdhg toan article h The S treet Jouma! som e of the m ore sham eless tactics hclide phchg attractive bottles on the table fora visualsell listhg brands on the m enu w ithoutprres, and pouring bottled w aterw ith
53、outeven askhg the dheis if they w ant itR egaxdless ofhow it' s sold, the popubrity ofbotdedwhaler taps into ourdesirp forbetter health, ourw ish to appear cultivated, and even a bnghg for bstpuri&'.76.W hatdo w e know aboutIcebeig W ater ftom the passage?A.lt is a khd of iced water B .I
54、t is jistphin tap waterC .Itis a khd ofbottled water D .Itis a khd ofm heialwater77.By sayhg “M y dog could telithe diflference betveen bottled and tap water (Line 4 Paxa2),Von W iesenbeierwants to convey 1he m essage that ?A .plain tap whaler is certain卜 unfitferdrhkhgB .bottled water is clear supe
55、rior to tap w aterC .bottled w ater often appeals m ore to dogs tasteD .dogs can usua detecta the difference h taste78 .The-fencierbrands (Line 3 Paia 5) infers to.A.tap waterfiom the Tham es R ivrerB .fem ous w ines not sold h oxdinaiy storesC .Peps。o's Aquafha and C oca-C oh s D asaniD .expens
56、ive bottled w aterw iih in passive nam es79 .W hy are som e xestauiants tumrig up the pressure to sellbottled w atei?A. Bottled waterbrhgs h huge profits.B. C om petition fc)m the w he hdusto is intense.C M ostdheis fhd bottled w ateraflfoxdable.D .Bottled watersatisfied dheis,des旋 to feshbnable.80
57、.Accoidhg to passage, why is bottled whaler so popular?A. It is m uch cheaper than w he.B.Itis consideied heabhierC Itappeals to m ore cultivated people.D It is m ore w He 卜 pxom oted h the m aiketP art IV Transition (2x10)D fectx>ns:Theie arc 10 sentences h this sectbn. P lease tenshte sentences 81_85 fe)mC hhese into English, and translate sentences 86-90 fiom English hto C hhese. W rite youransweron the Answer Sheet81 .只要明天天气好,我们就和同学一起去游泳82 .有这么多人的关心,在国外的最初几个月里,她感到非常幸福83 .新图书馆比以前
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