1、英国的法律制度英国的法律制度党天琪、龚艳娜、田俊莲、刘海波、徐可英国法律体系英国法律体系普通法系LOREM大陆法系英美法系(普通法系)中华法系(已解体)印度法系(已解体)伊斯兰法系世界上五大法律体系世界上五大法律体系普通法系普通法系(一)普通法系的形成1、英美法系的形成与英国的殖民统治分不开2、接受英国法的三种类型。尚未开化:全面接受(美、澳大利亚、新西兰);法律落后:部分接受(亚洲、非洲殖民地);法律较为发达:改良(印度)。(二)普通法系的特点 以英国法为核心,以判例法为主要法律渊源,以日尔曼法为历史渊源,法官对法律的发展举足轻重,以归纳法为法律推理方法,不严格划分公法和私法。 LOREM法
3、大超过议会立法的数量。大部分次级立法是两种形式:一是依照1946年法案规定的程序制定的成文法;二是依照1972年地方政府法制定的细则。3共同体立法共同体立法由于英国加入共同体,所以共同立体法在英国也适用2上议院( House of Lords)3下议院(House of Commons)1君主(monarch)三大立法主体三大立法主体上议院1上院的立法职权主要是:提出法案;在立法程序中可以拖延法案生效;审判弹劾案;行使国家最高司法权。下议院2下院的立法职权主要是:提出重要法案;先行讨论、通过法案;提出质询;财政法案只能由下院提出和通过。君主3在立法职权方面,国王批准并颁布法律;制定文官管理法规
4、;颁布枢密院令和特许状;召集、中止议会会议;解散议会;任免重要官员。但是,国王的这些权力主要是象征性的,行使这些权力主要还是一种形式。例如,国王批准法律,必须先经由议会通过,国王只是履行一下手续;国王解散议会,但必须根据首相的决议才能采取行动。三大立法主体的立法职权三大立法主体的立法职权法律翻译时要注意时态转换法律翻译时要注意时态转换双语文本实例分析双语文本实例分析It may be considered by the full Cabinet or the appropriate policy committee.全体内阁或相应的政策委员会也可能对该法案进行考虑。The Monarch is
5、 expected by convention to give that ratification.按惯例君主不会否决议会通过的法案。这两句话的原句都是被动语态,多被动语态是法律英语的一个特点,但是汉语中的被动语态并不常用,因此在翻译过程中,两个句子的被动语态都转换成了主动语态,行文简洁明了英汉互译时可适当增减以符合目标语英汉互译时可适当增减以符合目标语言的表达习惯言的表达习惯双语文本实例分析双语文本实例分析Today ,most subordinate legislation takes the form of statutory instruments made under the pro
6、cedure laid down by the 1946 Act or by laws made under the Local Government Act 1972, although other forms are possible.次级立法的形式是多种多样的,但现在大部分的次级立法都是两种形式:一种依照1946年法案规定的程序制定的我成文法;二是依照1972年地方政府法制定的细则。此句的译文做了一定的变通,首先是原句的让步状语从句由句末调到译文的句首,更符合中国人的思维习惯,其次是增加了“两种形式”、“一是”、“二是”这三个词组,这种增词法的译法更符合中文的表达习惯,意思更加清楚法律文
7、本翻译时要注意法律文本翻译时要注意“shall”的翻译的翻译双语文本实例分析双语文本实例分析The Article 189 of EC Treaty states that, in accordance with provisions of this Treaty, the Council and the Commission shall make regulations, issue directives, take desicions, make recommendations and deliver opinions. A regulation shall have general ap
8、plicability. It shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable to all member States. A directive shall be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each menber State to which it is addressed, but shall be left to the national authorities for the choice of forms and methods. A decision
9、 shall be binding in its entirety upon those countries to whom it is addressed. Recommendations and opinions shall have no binding force.欧共体条约第欧共体条约第189条规定,理事会和条规定,理事会和委员会委员会应应照本条约的规定制定条例、发布照本条约的规定制定条例、发布指令、作出决定、提供建议和意见。条例指令、作出决定、提供建议和意见。条例具有一般适用性。它具有完全的效力并直具有一般适用性。它具有完全的效力并直接适用于所有成员国。指令的约束力是相接适用于所有
11、例、指令、决定、建议条例、指令、决定、建议”等时,等时,shall 一律省略不译。一律省略不译。Courts and Tribunals法庭和裁判庭 法庭法庭( (courts) )民事法庭刑事法庭County Court(郡法院)High Court(高等法院)Court of Appeal(Civil Division)【上诉法院(民事分庭)】House of Lords(上议院)Magistrates Court(治安法庭)Crown Court(巡回刑事法庭)Court of Appeal(Criminal Division)【上诉法院(刑事分庭)】House of Lords(上议院
12、) High Court(高等法院)王座庭家事庭大法官庭就管辖范围而言,它的权力覆盖了整个英格兰和威尔士;从审级上看,它既有初审权,又有复审权,而且其初审权没有标的数额上的限制。但是,对于郡法院管辖范围内的案件,法律并不鼓励人们向高等法院提起诉讼。高等法院的三个分庭都被授权可以审判各种类别的诉讼。Court of Appeal(上诉法院)Court of Appeal(Civil Division)【上诉法院(民事分庭)】Court of Appeal(Criminal Division)【上诉法院(刑事分庭)】上诉法院分为民事庭和刑事庭。上诉法院民事庭是民事案件的上诉机构,没有初审案件的管辖
13、权。上诉法院民事庭审理高等法院和郡法院的民事上诉案件及其他法庭和裁判庭的上诉案件。上诉法院刑事庭审理刑事案件或巡回刑事法院通过的判决的上诉。 House of Lords(上议院)上议院是英国民事刑事的最高审级。 上议院审理来自上诉法院的上诉案件。凡是向上议院上诉的案件,必须得到上诉法院或上议院的准许。只有涉及重大法律问题的案件才能上诉到上议院,绝大多数的案件都涉及对议会制定法的修正。 法律术语criminal jurisdiction 刑事管辖权 civil jurisdiction 民事管辖权appellate jurisdiction 上诉管辖权original jurisdiction
14、 初审管辖权admiralty jurisdiction 海事裁判权divorce jurisdiction 离婚裁判权Bankruptcy jurisdiction 破产裁判权civil proceeding 民事诉讼 古英语词汇古英语词汇As a matter of right, a proceeding can be appealed from a Magistrates Court to the Crown Court, where appellate proceedings take the form of a complete rehearing, or to the High C
15、ourt by a procedure whereby the magistrates state a case for the opinion of the High Court on an issue of law. 解析解析whereby相当于“by that”,具有严谨的语法结构特点,汉语译文可根据行文省略不译。参考译文:作为一种权利,案件可以由治安法庭上诉到巡回刑事法院,由巡回刑事法院对上诉案件进行重新审理,或者上诉到高等法院,由治安法官陈述案情,听取高等法院就法律问题提出的意见。 词性转换词性转换Any further appeal from the High Court can
16、go to the House of Lords in criminal cases and to the Court of Appeal and House of Lords in civil cases.参考译文:刑事案件还可以进一步由高等法院上诉到上议院,民事案件则可以进一步由高等法院上诉到上诉法院和上议院。 含有含有where的句式的句式Appeals can go to the House of Lords with the permission of the House of Lords or the Court of Appeal, where the Court of Appe
17、al has proved that a point of law of general public importance is involved. 解析解析在法律英语中,where条件从句是法律文本的显著特点,可以理解成普通文本中的“if、when”,但在法律文本中where引导的条件从句更加正式且常见,一般译成“如果、如、凡”。如果上诉法院证明存在涉及公共利益的法律问题,经上议院或上诉法院的许可,可以上诉至上议院。Tribunals 裁判庭裁判庭 l裁判庭通常规范大量的社会立法l公民&国家之间的纠纷l公民之间的纠纷l不能完全独立作出裁决01欧洲法院The European Court o
18、f Justice02欧洲人权法院The European Court of Human Rights欧洲法院(Court of Justice)欧洲联盟法院的简称,原名欧洲共同体法院,前身欧洲煤钢联营法院,根据巴黎条约设立,依罗马条约更名,1952年设于卢森堡,是欧洲联盟的最高司法机关(方便辨识:European Court of Justice。)根据欧盟法律为欧洲联盟的最高法院,掌理一般案件的法律审上诉,以及特殊案件的一审。作为欧盟法院的一部分,其负有解释欧盟法律和确保其在各欧盟会员国间能被平等适用的任务。The ECJ has the responsibility for ensuri
19、ng that community law is observed and for interpreting and implementing the treaties of Rome and other treaties signed by the member States.欧洲法院负责确保共同体法律共同体法律得以遵守以及成员国所签署的罗马条约及其他条约的解释和实施。The courts decisions must be accepted by the courts of member States and there is no right of appeal.成员国必须接受法庭裁决,
20、不得上诉。(词性转换)The European Court of JusticeThe European Court of Justice欧洲人权法院欧洲人权法院The European Court of Human Rights欧洲人权法院: 根据欧洲人权公约于1959年成立于法国斯特拉斯堡,旨在维护1948年联合国人权宣言中提及的部分权利。为了使公约成员国的责任得到实行,成立了3个机制, 1954年成立的欧洲人权委员会(the European Co-mmission of Human Rights) 1959年成立的欧洲人权法院(European Court of Human Right
21、s) 欧洲部长理事会(the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe)lThe ECHR was set up by the Convention for the Protection of human Rights and Fundamental Freedom 依保护人权和基本自由公约而建立lto ensure that the contracting States under the Convention observe the engagement undertaken确保签约国履行其义务 The European Court o
22、f Human Rights 欧洲人权法院欧洲人权法院written proceedings 书面诉讼程序investigation or preliminary inquiry调查和初步询问程序oral proceedings 口头诉讼程序judgement判决proceedings before the court 庭审阶段庭审阶段法官法官Magistrates 治安法官又译“地方法官”、“执法官”。法、英、美等国基层法院法官的职称。Circuit judges巡回法官Circuit judges are appointed to serve full-time in the Crown
23、Court and county courts.巡回法官是刑事巡回法院和郡法院的专职法官。Tasks Tasks 职责职责主持审判 presiding over a trial主 持 上 诉 案 件 的 审 理presiding over an appeal就有争议的问题作出裁决determining a disputed question of law在适用证据和法律方面给 陪 审 团 以 指 导directing a jury on the evidence and the law确定给予的补救和实施的处罚并解释做出该决定的理由deciding what remedy to award o
24、r punishment to imposeHearing 审理审理cCICI1.Civil Trial民事审民事审理理Adversarial Procedure:辩论式的诉讼程序Jury Trial and Judge Trial:陪审团审判和法官审判Judgment and Remedies:判决和补救措施A: Adversarial Procedure 辩论式的诉讼程序辩论式的诉讼程序 01020304(plaintiff)原告:陈述案情和证据原告:陈述案情和证据(counsel )辩护律师:向其代理证人提问辩护律师:向其代理证人提问(counsel for the defendant)
25、被告辩护律被告辩护律师:师:交叉交叉询问询问/交叉盘诘交叉盘诘法官判决法官判决At the conclusion of the above proceure, counsel for the defendant is given the opportunity to cross-examine in an attempt to shake the testimony of the witness or to extractinformation usefull to the defendants case.上述程序结束后,被告辩护律师有机会进行交叉询问,询问的目的是推翻证人的证言,或引出对被告
26、有利的情况。The qualified right to jury trial applies in cases if fruad, libel,slander,malicious prosecution and false imprisonment. 陪审团审判适用于欺诈,诽谤,造谣,恶意诉讼和非法监禁。Paying for the damages is the most likely remedy sought in an action in the Queens Bench, and the plaintiff may be seeking the recovery of propery
27、, one of the many equitable remedies, such as an order for specific performance, or an injunction.王座法院的诉讼极有可能要求支付损害赔偿金,原告还可以要求收回财产,这是一种平衡法上的补救措施。其他例子包括强制履行令和禁止令。B:Jury Trial and Judge Trial 陪审团审判和法官审判C:Judgment and Remedies 判决和补救措施A:Summary TrialB:Trial on Indictment决定剩余程序的进行决定剩余程序的进行审理(审理(hear)休庭(休
28、庭(adjourn),),另择日开庭。另择日开庭。A: 即决审判The prosecution is entitled to address the court through an opening speech and will then lead evidence through witness who will be subject to examination.控方有权向法庭做开始的陈述,然后通过接受质询的证人引出证据。be subject to 在法律英语中频繁出现,多数情况下常与agreement, section,contract等法律文件名或文件中特定条款配合使用,通畅译为“以
29、.为条件”,“根据.规定”,“在符合.的情况下”,“除.另有规定外”,“在不抵触.下”eg:Subject to this section, an appeal shall be brought in such manner and shall be subject to such conditions as are prescribed by rules made under subsection(5).在符合本条的规定下,上诉须根据(5)款订立规则内订明的方式提出,并须受该规则所订明的条件规限。 (Laws of Hong Kong,Cap.201, Prevention of Bribe
30、ry Ordiance, Art. 12AB4)B: 刑事审判刑事审判The indictment will be ready to the jury which will be told of its obligation to listen to the evidence and to determine guilt or innocence.控告书要向陪审团宣读,陪审团将被告知其义务为听取证据并确定有罪或无罪。5.1 Appeals 上诉上诉Common law does not recognize any rights of appeal. An appeal may be provi
31、ded by statute. So an appeal will only be available if a statute has so provided.普通法不承认有上诉的权利,但上诉可以由成文法来规定。所以如果成文法没有关于上诉的规定,则不可以上诉。(正说反义)5.1 Appeals 上诉上诉The appeals are presented in four groups:(1) summary criminal proceedings and civil proceedings originating in magistrates court; (2) criminal proc
32、eedings on indictment;(3) civil cases originating in a county court or the High Court; (4) appeals in administrative law matters.上诉的案件有四种:(1)治安法庭裁决的即决刑事诉讼和民事诉讼;(2)刑事诉讼案件;(3)郡法院或高等法院裁定的民事案件;(4)行政法方面的上诉案件。5.2 Judicial Review 司法审查司法审查On an application for judicial review, the applicant may claim a reme
33、dy and may be awarded damages if there is a good cause of action. The procedure is in two stages. The applicant must first obtain leave from a High Court judge of the Queens Bench Division. 如果提出司法审查的申请,申请人可以要求补救。如果有充分的诉由,则裁定给予损失赔偿金。申请程序分两步:申请人必须首先获得王座法院所属分庭的高等法官的许可。5.2 Judicial Review 司法审查司法审查Where
34、the application for leave is refused, the applicant may renew it by applying, in a criminal case, to a Divisional Court, and in a civil case, to a judge sitting in open court. The applicant must specify the relief sought and grounds for his/her claim and file an affidavit verifying the facts relied
35、on.申请许可被拒绝时,如果是刑事案件,申请人可以再向分庭申请;如果是民事案件,则向公开法庭的法官提出申请。申请人必须详细说明其所寻求的补救、其索赔的理由,并提出书面证明,证实其所依据的事实。6.Legal Profession 律师制度律师制度The legal profession in the United Kingdom is divided into two branches: barristers and solicitors. The judiciary are selected from practitioners, usually barristers. Each profe
36、ssion has developed independently, and each has its own controlling body.英国的律师从职业上分为两种:大律师和律师。法官从执业律师中选出,通常从大律师中选出。上述每种职业都是独立演变而成的,各自有自己的管理机构。6.Legal Profession 律师制度律师制度It is not possible for anyone to be qualified in both branches at the same time, although a barrister may become a solicitor and a
37、solicitor may become a barrister. Both barristers and solicitors do drafting work. Both may give legal advice, but the solicitor direct to the client.但任何人都不可以同时获得两种职业的执业资格,尽管大律师可以成为律师,律师也可以成为大律师。大律师和律师都可以起草法律文件,提供法律咨询,但律师直接向客户提供咨询。6.1 Solicitors 律师(沙律师)律师(沙律师)In order to qualify as a solicitor it is
38、 necessary for anyone to complete an examination set by the Law Society. The Law Society is responsible for enrolling solicitors, prescribing qualifications, setting the qualifying examinations, issuing practicing certificates and preserving minimum standards of behavior.为了取得律师资格证,必须参加律师公会的考试。律师公会负责吸收律师入会,规定从业资格,组织取得资格的考试,办法执业证书,维持最低行为标准。6.1 Solicitors 律师律师(
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