1、Audio Introduction to Light of Ancient Fujian Civilization9001 前言和古人类生活复原场景:9001 Preface and Restored View of the Ancient Human Life观众朋友们,欢迎参观“福建古代文明之光”陈列。Dear visitors, welcome to the exhibition of “Light of Ancient Fujian Civilization”.本陈列是一个综合性历史陈列。它以考古发掘资料和史籍记载为基础,跨越数十万年的时间与空间,撷取福建历史发展中的闪光点并连缀成线
2、,追索我们的先辈依托福建独特的山海资源,筚路蓝缕,披荆斩棘、开拓福建古代文明的光辉足迹。This is a comprehensive historical exhibition. With the help of archaeological data and historical records, we successfully bridged the gaps of time and space. Through presenting to you a coherent description of Fujians history, many shining points in the
3、history can be revealed. In such a process of chasing the footprints of our ancestors, we can review the splendid cultures of Fujian.福建最早的人类活动遗迹,可以追溯到距今3040万年前我省漳州莲花池山、永安黄衣垄、三明万寿岩等地发现的古人类活动遗迹。首先,展现在这里是我们为大家还原的一幅旧石器时代福建原始先民的生活图景。福建背山面海,境内丘陵起伏,雨量充沛,自然环境非常适合人类生活和繁衍。当时,原始森林里栖息着许多剑齿象、大熊猫、犀牛等野生动物。古人已经能够打制
4、简单的石器,使用木棒,从事采集和狩猎活动,以天然岩洞作为自己的家园,过着原始群居的生活。The earliest traces of human activities in Fujian can be dated back to 300 to 400 thousand years ago. Such activities mainly happened in Lianhuachi Mountain in Zhangzhou, Huangyilong in Yongan and Wanshou Cave in Sanming. Now the picture we see describes t
5、he life of our ancestors in the Paleolithic period. With mountains at its back and the sea in front, Fujian Province is hilly, and enjoys plentiful rainfall. Such natural environment is good for the living and reproduction of human beings. In the ancient times, various wild animals lived in the fore
6、st, such as Stegodons, pandas and rhinoceros. Meanwhile, our ancestors knew how to make simple stoneware and used wooden sticks to collect fruit and capture animals. They lived in natural grottos and worked in groups.9002 新石器时代的日用陶器9002 Domestic Earthenware in the Neolithic Age在距今约7000年前,福建地区进入新石器时代
7、。这里展示的一组新石器时代的日用陶器,主要来自代表东南沿海地区新石器时代文化的滨海平潭壳丘头遗址,闽候昙石山遗址,以及中西部内陆地区的浦城牛鼻山遗址。当时,人们已经能够使用泥条盘筑法加工陶器,采用露天的方法烧制的陶器,但生产品种单调,火候较低、质地也比较粗糙,仅有釜、罐、碗等少量器形。About 7000 years ago, Fujian region entered the Neolithic age. The domestic earthenware potteries in front of us were used at that time and discovered in Qia
8、oqiutou site of Pingtan County, Tanshi Mountain site of Minhou County and Niubi Mountain site of Pucheng in the midwestern inland areas.At that time, people had had the ability of processing earthenware through coiling. They fired potteries in the open air, but such products were simple and monotono
9、us. Due to the low-temperature fire, the quality was rough and only such simple potteries as bowls, pots and caldrons were made.9003 塔式陶壶9003 Tower-shaped Pottery Pot这件塔式陶壶,出土于福建闽候的昙石山遗址。它形制特殊,制做精细,风格与其它随葬器物迥然有异,为国内所罕见。这件充满神秘色彩的随葬品,出土时它是放臵在墓主人的头顶,因此考古学家认为这位墓主人身份较高,极有可能是一位巫师,而塔式陶壶则是一件法器,是祭祀用品。但也有的学者认
10、为它是一盏陶灯,并称它为“中华第一灯”。This tower-shaped pottery pot was discovered in Tanshi Mountain site of Minhou County. With special shape and delicate details, it is greatly different from the other burial objects. It draws great attention because of its rarity in China. When archaeologists excavated the site,
11、they found it was placed above the head of the owner. Under such background, archaeologists considered that the owner of the tomb enjoyed distinguished position and he was probably a wizard; so the pottery pot should be a ritual instrument for sacrifice. But some scholars held that it was a p ottery
12、 light and named it “The First Light of China”.9004 新石器时代的生产工具9004 Production Instruments in the Neolithic Age在距今四、五千年前后,福建进入了新石器时代的繁盛时期,氏族部落有了相对稳定的居住地,开始过上了定居的生活,并出现了原始农业。但谋生手段,仍以渔猎、采集为主。这里展示的是一组捕鱼和狩猎用的工具。Some 4000 to 5000 years ago, Fujian entered the prime of the Neolithic Age. Tribes had gradual
13、ly settled down in this land. Thus, primitive agriculture emerged, but fishing andfruit collection were still the major living means. What we see now is a set of tools for fishing and animal capture.“贝耜”是福建沿海地区先民们独特的劳动工具。居住在沿海地区的先民们将吃过的贝壳加工成劳动工具。这组“贝耜”是用大型的牡蛎壳磨制而成,形状象铲,下端有锋利的宽刃,也有人称为“贝铲”,是原始先民们在海边采集
14、贝类或农耕除草的一种工具,也可用于清除动物的皮毛。“Bei Si”was a plow-like tool used by ancestors living in coastal area of Fujian. They processed used shells into production instruments. This set of “Bei Si” was made of large-sized oyster shells. With a shape of shovel and a wide blade at the bottom, it was also named “Shel
15、l Shovel”, which was used to remove weeds, collect shellfish and eliminate furs of animals.9005 七闽9005 Seven Tribes of Fujian距今三千年前后,中原地区创造了辉煌灿烂的青铜文明,但地处东南沿海的福建地区由于处地偏僻,所以社会发展缓慢,整个社会发展进程要比中原地区迟了一千多年。但是,长期的劳动生息,使原来分散居住的原始先民逐步形成了部落联盟。先秦典籍周礼一书中所称的“七闽”部族,就是福建最早的民族。闽又称为“蛮”,是当时居住在福建的多个部落的总称。“七闽”是泛指分布在全省各地
16、的“闽”部族。这里为大家展示的一组商周时期的生产工具和生活用具,有青铜器、陶器、石器、玉器等,这些从遗址中发掘出来的文物,可以看出当时青铜器正逐步取代石器成为社会生产生活的主要工具。反映了福建地区从新石器时代向青铜时代过渡的历史进程。About 3000 years ago, Central Plains created splendid bronze culture. However, due to the remote location of Fujian, its social development was 1000 years slower than that of Central
17、Plains. Long-term labor and reproduction made the scattering original natives in Fujian gradually unite and form tribes. The seven tribes that were named by a classic, The Rites of Zhou, referred to the earliest peoples of Fujian. Min was also referred to as “Man”, meaning barbarian. Seven tribes re
18、ferred to all tribes and groups living in Fujian in general. Here, we can see a set of production tools and life utensils made in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, covering bronze ware, potteries, stoneware, jade pieces, etc. Relics discovered in archaeological sites reflected thatbronze wares had gradu
19、ally become key tools for production and living in the society back then. It was a historical process of Fujians developing from Neolithic Age to Bronze Age.9006 原始青瓷9006 Proto-celadon在福建先民烧造几何形印纹硬陶的发展过程中,也孕育了釉陶和原始青瓷器。这里展示的原始青瓷器有尊、豆、盘、罐、碗等器形,在原有陶器的表面上,它们又施上了极易风化和剥落的黄褐色薄釉。原始青瓷是陶器向瓷器过渡的中间产物。由于原始青瓷具有牢固
20、耐用、不易污染及美观的优点,使人们的饮食生活条件有了改善。In the development course of producing hard potteries with geometric patterns, our ancestors also developed glazed potteries and proto-celadon. What we see are various kindsof proto-celadon, such as Zun (an ancient stemmed cup, Dou (an ancient bowl, plates, pots, bowls,
21、etc.On their original surfaces, thin brown glaze was painted which was easily weathered and peeled.Proto-celadon was a transitional product between earthenware and porcelain. Because proto-celadon possessed such advantages as durability, beautiful appearance and freeness of contamination, it made a
22、great progress to peoples eating and drinking conditions of daily life.9007 印纹硬陶器9007 Stamped Hard Potteries1974年,考古工作者在闽侯县黄土仑发现了一个十分有代表性的“闽”文化遗址,从该遗址出土了大量精美的印纹硬陶器。印纹硬陶起源于新石器时代晚期我国南方地区,发展于商代,兴盛于西周,衰弱于战国。印纹硬陶的烧成温度比一般陶器高,火侯一般可达1100左右,少数器物表面因窑内高温溶化而形成光泽,似施有一层薄釉。黄土仑出土的这批陶器的胎质坚硬、器型多样,在器物表面均拍印有各式各样的几何形图案,
23、还有商周青铜器上广泛使用的云雷纹。在造型和纹饰上都受到了中原商周青铜器的影响,同时又具有鲜明的福建地方特色。这里展出的鬶形壶、带把杯、觚形杯、虎子形等器物,都是难得一见的精品。In 1974, archaeologists discovered a representative site of Min culture in Huangtulunof Minhou County. In this site, a large number of stamped hard potteries were unearthed. Stamped hard potteries originated from
24、 South China in the late Neolithic Age, enjoyed great development in the Shang Dynasty, embraced its peak in the western Zhou Dynasty and declined in the Warring States Period. Its firing temperature of 1100 Celsius was higher thanthat of normal potteries. Surfaces of some potteries had thin gloss,
25、just like a layer of glaze because of the high temperature. The potteries discovered in Huangtulun were hard and diversified. Various geometric patterns were stamped upon them, such as cloud and thunder veins that were comprehensively used in the bronze wares of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Their a
26、ppearances and patterns were influenced by the bronze culture from Central Plains aswell as the local characteristics of Fujian. Such potteries as pots with three hollow legs, cups with loop handles, cups with long body and big mouth, tiger-shape utensil are all very rare.9008西周青铜杯9008 Bronze Cup of
27、 the Western Zhou Dynasty福建浦城县的管九村考古发现,曾被评为2006年全国十大考古发现之一。这次考古中出土的72件青铜器,器形种类相当丰富,是福建地区一次性出土青铜器最多的考古发现。它证明了福建也拥有属于自己的灿烂的青铜文化。杯是古代的酒器,这件造型奇特的青铜杯,在管九村的土墩墓里掩埋了3千多年,虽已残破,但仍以其独特的造型而价值非凡。杯身表面呈青绿泛白,侈口、直腹、平底。两侧的附耳高于杯口沿面,并镂空夸张的云纹,如优美伸展的鸟羽双翅。杯为分范模铸而成,两面还饰有不同的兽面纹。The archaeological discovery in Guanjiu Villag
28、e of Pucheng County, Fujian Province has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries in China in 2006. There are 72 bronze pieces of different types and shapes unearthed in this excavation. It demonstrated that Fujian had splendid bronze culture. Cup is the container of liquor. T
29、his unique-shaped bronze cup had been buried over 3000 years in the tomb. Although it was dilapidated, its unique appearance made it extraordinary valuable. The green surface of the cup was with some light white spots. Look! Arent its exaggerated cloud patterns like the beautiful wings of a bird? Si
30、mple lines and elegant shape made it outstanding among various exhibits. This cup was cast by two different models and its two sides had different patterns of animal faces.9009 西周越式青铜剑9009 Yue-Style Bronze Sword of the Western Zhou Dynasty这件青铜剑是2006年在浦城管九村出土的。全长约35厘米,剑身及剑柄处雕刻有精美的云纹、云雷纹等,镂空、透雕的工艺十分高超
31、。剑柄处饰有如“小耳朵”一样的护耳,更显得与众不同。这柄剑虽深埋地下数千年,剑身依旧锋芒毕露,作为近身格斗的利器,寒气犹存。史料曾记载越人善于铸剑,并因铸剑技术一流而享誉天下。欧冶子、干将等铸剑大师铸造出了“湛庐”、“鱼肠”等绝世之剑,就留下了许多动人的传说。This bronze sword was unearthed in Guanjiu Village of Pucheng County in 2006. Its length is some 35 cm with exquisite cloud and thunder veins as well as superb craftsmans
32、hip of carved design. The two earflaps are like small ears in the hilt, making it quite special. Although it was buried underground for thousand s of years, its blade still shines. As a weapon for close combat, it can deliver to us a strong sense of power. Historical records revealed that Yue people
33、 were good at forging swords and they were famous for it. Some peerless swords, such as “Zhan Lu” and “Yu Chang” were made by Master Ou Yezi and Gan Jiang. These swords left us many beautiful stories.9010 西周青铜大铙9010 Bronze Cymbal of the Western Zhou Dynasty这件青铜大铙,出土于建瓯小桥乡阳泽村。重100.35公斤,通体布满以云雷纹为母体的纹饰
34、,器物上部两面各饰兽目一对,与云雷组成变形兽面纹。是目前国内考古发现的同类器物中较大型厚重的一件。造型像一个倒立的“钟”。铙,属于礼乐器物,贵族祭祀天地山川,祖先、鬼神的盛大集会,或是军旅的重要仪式活动,都要以此奏出厚重悠扬的乐声,以示典礼的庄严肃穆。据考证,这件西周铜铙可能是当时的氏族部落举行祭祀仪式之后就地埋藏的遗物。就地埋藏这样的重器,是当时祭地礼仪的重要形式之一。This bronze cymbal was excavated in Yangze Village of Xiaoqiao Town. With a weight of 100.35 kg, its whole body i
35、s bestrewed with cloud and thunder veins. Each side of its upper part has a pair of beast eyes, which form beast-face pattern with the cloud and thunder veins.As a heavier and thicker piece among its counterparts, its shape is like an upside-down bell. It was used for rituals and music playing, such
36、 as the noble holding rituals for mountains, great events of honoring ancestors or gods and important rituals for wars. Melodious and serious sound produced by it can bestow a solemn sense upon listeners. According to research, this cymbal might be buried after tribes held ritual. Burying such bronz
37、e musical instruments was an important step of ritual at that time.9011闽越国概况9011 An Overview of Min Yue Kingdom这是一组古老的建筑构件,有瓦当、板瓦、筒瓦、铺地砖、陶水管道等,它们出土于武夷山市南面的闽越王城遗址。这些陶水管道和我们今天的下水管道非常接近,说明当时汉城已有发达而完善的排水系统,又是汉代城市规划与建筑水平的体现。瓦当一般安放在屋檐滴水处的榱头上,遮挡风雨侵蚀,常见于宫殿或重要的官署住宅。汉代瓦当与秦代相比面积更大,边棱加宽、瓦质发灰。纹饰上分动物图象、花纹图案、文字三大类
38、。而文字瓦当增多是汉代瓦当的突出特点。这些装饰有“万岁”、“常乐万岁”、“长乐未央”等字样瓦当,证明了这个城址的特殊地位。它们的规格形制、制作工艺、装饰花纹等,都与中原地区的瓦当相类似,但大部分纹样又不完全雷同于中原,而是融进了自身的艺术特色,体现出南方闽越人的思想文化与高超技艺。This is a set of architectural elements used in the ancient times, covering eaves tiles, pan tiles, ground bricks, imbrex, pottery pipes, etc.They were discove
39、red in Minyue Imperial City of Wuyishan City. When you look at these pipes, you find something familiar, right? This fact demonstrated that Hancheng had sound drainage system at that time, which also reflected the high standard of Hanchengs city planning and construction. Eave tiles were normally pl
40、aced at the edge of roof to prevent the erosion of rain and wind. They were usually used in royal and official buildings. The eave tiles of the Han Dynasty were wider and larger than those of the Qin Dynasty. Meanwhile, their color was much grayer. Ornaments on the surfaces of the tiles include anim
41、al images, patterns and Chinese characters. In the Han Dynasty, many tiles adopted Chinese characters as its ornaments. In this case, auspicious words, such as “Wansui(Long Live”, “Changlewansui(Happiness Forever”, “Changleweiyang (Endless Happiness”were stamped upon these tiles, which made us belie
42、ve that this site took a special place at that time. Their shapes, manufacturing technologies and ornaments were similar, but not the same with those from Central Plains. Therefore, it is believed that local features were integrated into them. From these tiles, we can see the ideological culture and
43、 advanced technologies created by Min Yue people.在我们的身后所展现的就是闽越王城遗址的复原模型。该遗址是在1958年全省文物普查时发现的,经实测:城墙周长2896米,占地面积约48万平方米,是两千多年前闽越国文化的实物例证,也是我国江南地区保存最完整的汉代古城遗址。它依山而建,城内规划严整,密布着许多大型宫殿建筑遗址,从布局到用材上,都仿效秦代咸阳、汉代长安的形制风格。许多的宫殿建筑又保存了南方干栏式建筑的传统手法,将地板架空于地面,目的都是为了通风、防湿、隔潮。这种建筑样式至今还流行于南方许多少数民族地区。据史记和汉书的记载,秦末汉初,闽越王
44、无诸因佐汉反秦有功,于汉高祖五年被封王立国,建都于东冶(即今天的福州。在最后一位君主余善执政时,为了军事上的需要,就开辟了武夷山闽越王城作为第二个都城,它是闽越社会经济发展到一定程度的产物。Behind us is a restored model of Minyue Imperial City. Minyue Imperial City was discovered in the Provincial Relics Survey in 1985. After measurement, archaeologists found that it covered some 480 thousand
45、 square meters with a perimeter of 2,896 meters. It vividly reflected the Yue culture in more than 2,000 years ago. Meanwhile, it is the most complete site of the Han Dynasty in the Southern Region of Yangtze River. It was elaborately planned and built against mountains. In Minyue Imperial City, we
46、found many sites of large palaces. Their layouts and materials followed the styles of Xianyang of the Qin Dynasty and Changan of the Han Dynasty. Meanwhile, we discovered that in order to achieve a good result of ventilation and damp proof, buildings in such palaces adopted columns to heave to floor
47、s above the ground. Such architectural style is still used in some areas where ethnicgroups live. According to the two classics,Shiji (The Historical Records and Hanshu (The Book of the Former Han, Wu Zhuyin, a Min Yue King in the early stage of the Han Dynasty, won title of King and a piece of land
48、 for his excellent job of fighting against Qin Government. His kingdom was located in todays Fuzhou. When the final King of this land, Yu Shan came to power, he set the Imperial City as the second capital to meet the military demand. In this sense, we can say it was a product of economic and social
49、development of Min Yue society.9012 闽越国制陶业9012 Ceramics of Min Yue Kingdom这是一组闽越王城遗址出土的陶器。主要的器形有瓮、罐、盆、盘、钵等。制陶业在闽越国的手工业部门中占有重要地位,并出现了作坊集中、管理分工较为严格、规模宏大的制陶手工业工场,陶器的生产和烧制已达到一个较高的水平。由于受到中原制陶技术的影响,闽越人采用快轮工艺制作的陶器品类繁多、质地坚硬、造型优美、装饰精妙。这件是陶提梁盉,盉的主要用途是盛水以调酒,它的造型轻盈秀巧,腹部微鼓并拍印席纹,在盉口与流柱的相接处引出半月形的提梁,便于提携使用,展现了闽越国时期
50、制陶工艺的高水准。This is a set of ceramics unearthed in Min Yue Imperial City, including jars, pots, cans, plates, etc. Ceramics played a significant role in the handicraft industry of Min Yue Kingdom. At that time, intensive and elaborate ceramic fields had emerged and its skills had reached a high standar
51、d. Because of the influence from the ceramics of Central Plains, Min Yue people adopted quick-moving wheels to produce various potteries with good quality and beautiful appearance. This one in front of us is a pottery jar with loop handle. It was used to contain water to dilute liquor. Simple shape
52、and stamped veins contributed to its unique beauty. The crescent handle was set in the connection place of its mouth and the faucet. Such a convenient handle reflects the high standard of pottery manufacturing in the period of Min Yue Kingdom.9013 闽越国农业9013 Agriculture of Min Yue Kingdom闽越国时期,农业耕作已十
53、分细化,出现犁耕农业,人畜并用使耕作水平发展到一个新的高度。这件铁犁形器,重15公斤,是迄今为止全国发现的汉代铁犁中最重的一件。犁的使用,使闽越人从传统的落后的锄耕农业发展为进步的犁耕农业,使得大面积垦田成为可能。同时,武夷山闽越王城出土的大量铁制农具和加工工具,表明当时的社会生产力获得巨大进步,闽越国时期福建已从青铜时代跃入铁器时代。In the period of Min Yue Kingdom, farming had been significantly elaborated and agricultural plowing had emerged. The cooperation b
54、etween human beings and stocks contributed to a new level of farming. This iron plow weighs 15 kg and is the heaviest one produced in the Han Dynasty. The use of plow made Min Yue people develop from the backward hoe agriculture to relatively advanced plow agriculture, which enabled vast farmland to
55、 be cultivated. Meanwhile, the large number of iron agricultural implements and processing tools unearthed in Min Yue Imperial City showed that at that time, social productivity had been greatly developed. Min Yue Kingdom had entered Iron Age.9014 六朝画像砖9014 Portrait Bricks in Six Dynasties Period这个展
57、因此入晋以后,福建的墓葬多为砖室墓,反映的是中原及江南士族地主聚族而居、聚族而葬的生活习俗,由这些墓葬遗迹的分布大体可以看出晋人南迁入闽定居的状况。北方移民在闽定居,不仅给福建增加了劳动力,也带来了中原先进的生产技术和文化,促进了福建地区社会、经济的发展。This showcase exhibits a set of portrait bricks and pattern bricks of Six Dynasties discovered in our Province. Contents described in the bricks covered many fields, such a
58、s auspicious animals, religions, flowers and so on. They vividly reflect the life at that time. Before the Jin Dynasty, pit burials were adopted by natives of Min Yue region. However, in Wei, Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, due to the war in the North, many people from Central Plains mo
59、ved to Fujian to pursue peaceful life. It was recorded in our historical books that in 308, eight family names settled down in Min region, todays Fujian. It was the first large-scale immigration of Han people from Central Plains as well as the first integration between Han people and Min people. From then on, brick tombs were built, which reflected the burial tradition of the immigrants. From the locations o
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