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1、1PART IIIEXAMINATION QUESTIONSCHAPTER 1: LOGISTICS AND THE SUPPLY CHAINMultiple Choice Questions1. Logistics as a percentage of U.S. Gross Domestic Product is approximately (within2%):a. 5%b. 10%c. 15%d. 20%e. none of the above(b; p. 4)2. Logistics clearly contributes to _ and _ utility.a. time; pla

2、ceb. form; timec. place; formd. possession; timee. none of the above(a;p. 4)3._ utility refers to the value or usefulness that comes from a customerbeing able to take possession of a product.a. timeb. placec.formd. possession(d; p. 4)4._ utility refers to having products available where they are nee

3、ded bycustomers.a. possessionb. timec.placed. form(c; p. 5)25. All of the following terms have been used to refer to business logistics except:a. business logisticsb. industrial distributionc.logistics managementd. physical distributione. all of the above are correct (e; p. 5)6.“How well a company d

4、oes what it says ita. efficiencyb. productivityc.leading edge logisticsd. effectiveness(d; p. 6)7. Every customer getting the same type and levels of logistics service refers toa. tailored logisticsb. mass logisticsc.effectivenessd. efficiency(b; p. 7)8. Which of the following is not a reason for th

5、e increased importance of logistics?a. growing power of manufacturersb. reduction in economic regulationc.globalization of traded. technological advancespp. 8-0)outsider”developed the concept of the value chain?a. Donald Bowersoxb. Gus Pagonisc.Michael Porterd. Michael Hammer (c; p. 8)10. The _ appr

6、oach indicates that a companys objectives can berealized bys going to do”represents9. What logistics3recognizing the mutual interdependence of major functional areas.a. supply chainb. erfunctionalityd. total cost(b; p. 10)11. The movement and storage of materials into a firm refers to:a.

7、 physical distributionb. materials managementc.materials handlingd. inbound logistics(d; p. 10)12. The movement and storage of materials within a firm refers to:a. physical distributionb. inbound logisticsc.materials managementd. procurement(c; p. 10)13. Logistics managers use the _ approach to coor

8、dinate inbound logistics,materials management, and physical distribution in a cost efficient manner.a. total costb. supply chainc.mass logisticsd. interfunctional (a; p. 11)14. A cost trade-off is a situation where:a. all costs react according to their individual degrees of inflation in the economyb

9、. all costs are reflected as a percentage variation from standard costsc.some costs increase, some decrease, and the net effect is that total costsdecreased. some costs are eliminated by efficient management controls(c; p. 13)15. The cash flow associated with holding inventory is known as inventory

10、_a. turnoverb. valuation4c.stockd. float(d; p. 14)16. _ refers to one location where customers can purchase products from twoor more brand-name retailers.a. intensive distributionb. co-brandingc.co-generationd. selective distribution (b; p. 14)17. Phantom freight refers to:a. paying more for transpo

11、rtation than the actual costb. late shipmentsc.shipments accepted by non-certified carriersd. freight that“disappears”in transitpp. 15-6)18. Freight absorption refers to:a. a special rate to cover increasing fuel costsb. rates that are higher than other carriers chargec.the ability of cardboard to a

12、bsorb moistured. transportation payments lower than the actual costs incurred to ship the product(d; p. 16)1 9. Landed costs refer to:a. a product that is shipped via surface transportb. a product that is quoted cost on delivery (COD)c.a prepaid shipmentd. a price that includes both the cost of the

13、product plus transportation to the buyer(d; p. 15)20. _ is the excess freight bill paid by customers who live near the shippingpoint.a. freight absorptionb. delivered pricec. phantom freightd. landed price(c; p. 15)521.In FOB origin pricing, all of the following are true except:a. prices quoted do n

14、ot include transportation to the consigneeb. marketers can adopt uniform prices on a regional or national basisc.consignees must arrange for the transportation of the purchased productd. the seller always receives the same net from each sale (b; p. 15)22. _ refers to a situation where the applicable

15、 charges are paid at the time ashipment is tendered to a carrier.a. freight prepaidb. freight absorptionc.phantom freightd. FOB origin (a; p. 16)23. _ refers to charges being paid at the time of shipment delivery.a. freight absorptionb. freight yieldc.freight collectd. FOB destination (c; p. 16)24.

16、The four basic components of the marketing mix include all of the following except:a. priceb. ductd. place(b; p. 14)25. The most common interface between production and logistics generally involves:a. the use of plastic versus wood palletsb. the mode of transportationc.shipment pricin

17、gd. the length of production runs(d; p. 18)26. _ refers to the delay of value-added activities such as assembly,production, and packaging to the latest possible time.a. building blocksb. deferralc.demurrage6d. postponement(d; p. 19)27. The ownership channel consists of all parties except:a. customer

18、sb. manufacturersc.wholesalersd. retailers(a; p. 19)28. The _ channel handles the physical flow of product.a. ownershipb. negotiationsc.logisticsd. promotions(c; p. 19)29. Which channel covers the movement of title to the goods?a. promotionsb. logisticsc.financed. ownership(d; p. 21)30. Which of the

19、 following is not part of the marketing channel?a. the logistics channelb. the negotiations channelc.the promotion channeld. the finance channele. all are part of the marketing channel (e; p. 19)31. Channel intermediaries:a. assume temporary ownership of the goodsb. fill nichesc.disappear as the mar

20、ket becomes organizedd. tend to lack focus(b; p. 24)32. Intermediaries in the marketing channel perform all of the following functions except:7a. supply informationb. match buyers and sellersc.assume temporary ownership of the goodsd. develop and fill niches(c; pp. 23-24)33. The most costly logistic

21、s activity in many firms is _a. industrial packagingb. warehousing managementc.order managementd. transportation management(d; p. 27)34. _ is bringing together similar stocks from different sources.a. accumulatingb. assortingc.auditingd. allocating(a; p. 23)835. _ refers to breaking a homogenous sup

22、ply into smaller lots.a. sorting outb. allocatingc.accumulatingd. assorting(b; p. 23)True-False Questions1. Absolute and relative logistics costs in relation to Gross Domestic Product vary from country tocountry. (True; p. 4)2. Logistics clearly contributes to time and form utility. (False; p. 4)3.

23、The current definition of logistics, as promulgated by the Council of Logistics Management, suggeststhat logistics is part of the supply chain process. (True; p. 6)4. The purpose of logistics is to maximize customer service. (False; p. 7)5. Logistical principles apply only to for-profit organization

24、s. (False; p. 7)6. Two of the five primary activities in the value chain are inbound logistics and outbo und logistics.(True; pp. 8)7. The key aspect of the total cost approach is to maximize customer satisfaction. (False; p. 13)8. The Internet has done little to improve logistical effectiveness and

25、 efficiency. (False; p. 9)9. Stock-keeping units (SKUs) are the same as line items of inventory. (True; p.10)10.Inbound logistics refers to the movement and storage of materials into a firm. (True; p. 10)11.Inbound logistics is synonymous with materials management. (False; p. 10)12. Interfunctional

26、logistics attempts to coordinate inbound logistics, materials management, andphysical distribution in a cost efficient manner that supports an organizations customer serviceobjectives. (False; p. 10)13. Common sense is one of the keys to being an effective logistics manager. (True; p. 11)14. The key

27、 to the total cost approach is that all relevant cost items are considered simultaneouslywhen making a decision. (True; p. 13)15. Logistics offers many companies an important route for creating marketing superiority. (True; p.14)16. Co-branding is a retailing strategy that is associated with place d

28、ecisions. (True; p. 14)917. As a general rule, marketers prefer FOB origin pricing rather than FOB destination prici ng. (False;pp. 15-6)18. Phantom freight and freight absorption are associated with FOB origin pricing. (False; pp. 15-16)19.It is better for a logistics manager to be a generalist rat

29、her than a specialist. (False; p. 27)20.Stockouts refer to a situation where a company is out of an item at the same time that there isdemand for that item. (True; p. 18)21. Long production runs sometimes result in excessive inventory of products with limited demand forthem. (True; p. 18)22.Intermed

30、iaries assume ownership of goods while thyere in the marketing channel. (False; p. 24)23. Channel members are usually more concerned about sellersneeds than with buyersneeds. (False; p. 20)24. The negotiations channel is the one where buy and sell agreements are reached. (True; p. 21)25. There is no linkage between the promotions and logistics chan


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