已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第一节、句子的成分(词性 )1谓语1) 谓语的成分 Your mother must (be) very beautiful情态动词不能做谓语一定要具备时态有时态的实意动词(主谓宾结构)或系动词(主系表结构)充当谓语。2) 一句话当中能不能多?绝对不能,一句话当中只能有一个动词的存在,并且充当谓语,多余的动词全部都要变成非谓语动词。独立主格(主语不一致)-分词作状语()谓语只能是动词;动词只能做谓语,所以,我们需要把一句话当中所有不做谓语的动词全部变成不是动词,把动词变成不是动词,在动词后加v-ing 主动,v-ed 被动,to do 目的,这三个有一个共同的名字叫非 谓语动词,非谓语动词可以

2、在句子中充当所有成分,除了谓语一句话当中有多个动词,选意思最重要的那个动词充当句子的谓语一句话当中只能有一个动词充当谓语,其他动词要变成非谓语动词3) 一句话当中动词能不能少?(句子必须具备主谓)绝对不能,当一句话当中需要动词而又没有动词的时候,永远都加be动词,并且be动词没有意思。非谓语动词充当主语时谓语动词用单数谓语的总结:一句话当中有且只能有一个有时太的实意动词或系动词的存在,并且充当谓语。2主语1)主语的成分名词、代词(只替代名词的出现)、非谓语动词、从句(引导词加句子)2)主语能不能少?绝对不能,那一句话没有主语时应该怎么办呢?A.加it作为主语:必须和天气温度时间有关系哦8. T

3、here be 有 be=exist, remain , seem-有C.被动作文中所有用人称代词打头的句子,都可以考虑写成被动。以下三种情况没有被动:a) 当动词的后面有介词的时候,这个动词没有被动b) 所有的系动词都没有被动c)当have翻译成有的时候,have没有被动D.人称代词不到万不得已千万不要用人称代词k You、We如果有梦想,就应该会成功If there seems a dream,glories are supposed to be attained3宾语1) 宾语的成分名词、代词、非谓语动词、从句4表语1)表语的成分名词、代词、非谓语动词、从句、形容词、介词短语四、简单句在

4、写作中的使用1. 所有写不来的单词都可以写成自己会的词汇,反正老师也不知道我想表达的意思2. 所有不来的长难句暂时先写成简单句,一定要保证语法正确越来越多的大学生自杀,这个事实表明我们应该关注这个话题了An increasing amount of university students killed themselves , so we should care about the problem作业:第一章全部看一遍,15个练习题做完第一章练习题的后面第二节并列句一、什么是并列句?并列句:就是在两个句子中间加个连词二、常见的连词1. 平行关系:and、not only but alsoSim

5、ilarly equally likewise at the same time2. 转折关系: but、yet、while、whereasHowever、 nevertheless conversely unfortunately 、 by contrast on the contrary3. 递进(顺承)关系:thenBesides、furthermore、 moreover、additionally、subsequently4. 因果关系:for; soThus、therefore、as a result consequently5. 选择关系:orAlternatively三、并列句在

6、写作中的使用:写作中只要上下句之间有逻辑关系就一定要用逻辑关系词逻辑关系词:连词、副词、介词短语不能连接两个句子,当使用副词,介词短语不能连接两个句子连词和其他的逻辑关系词的区别在于:连词的前面有没有”均可,其他逻辑关系词的前面一 定是”或者是加连词“ and”There seem a host of companies coming from第三节、名词性从句(一)名词能做什么成分?1. The movie looks attractive. 主语2. I appreciate his mother.宾语3. Gump is a man.表语4. I enjoy the part,the e

7、nd.同位语(同样位置的语。作文中只要见到名词,都可以在他后面再加一个名词,作为他的同位语。)Teamwork , a Chinese conventional virtue ,plays a crucial role on the road to glories.(二)什么是名词性从句?1. 什么是从句:引导词加主语加谓语2. 什么是名词性从句:名词在句子中能够充当什么成分,从句在句子中也能充当什么成分,这就是名词性从句。名词性从句一共包括四类:主语从句,宾语从句,表语从古 和同位语从句1) What I saw is attractive.2) I appreciate what she

8、said .3) Gump is who we should learn from.4) I enjoy the part that a feather is flying in the sky .(三)名词性从句的引导词1. That He has got divorced is my fault.2. Whether he Has got divorced is obvious.3. Who he will marry is a secret.名词性从句的引导词是按照从句的类型分的类,一共将引导词分成三类:1. That:当从句是陈述句时。并且 that在从句中没有意思也不充当任何成分,不

9、可去掉2. Whether :当从句是一般疑问句时。Whether在从句中依然不充当任何成分,但是意思可以翻译成“是否”。3. 所有的特殊疑问词:当从句是特殊疑问句时。所有引导词在句子中都充当了本来充当的成分,并他具有确定的的意思,并且英语中所有的从句都应该是陈述句的形式,也就是引导词加主语加谓语的形式。例子:1. Why they left the hometown for Tibet keeps a mystery.2. Someday(未来的某一天,过去的某一天用 one day) ,one(没有特指是谁就用 one代替you)will find that career ,kinship

10、 and friendship are more indispensable(重要)than romance.3. The point(关键是)seems when wealth will become available fro you.(当一句话中没有主语时听到有,就用there be ,有主语有,available可得到的)4. That Ladies tend to(容易做某事,总是做某事)be right proves common knowledge.(四)名词性从句在写作中的使用1. 写作1) 主语从句:满分句型:把主语从句放到句末去,加IT作形式主语It that It is

11、apparent thatIt looks beyond dispute(争论)that显而易见,众所周知It looks been widely accepted that 显而易见,众所周知It is universally acknowledged that 显而易见,众所周知It keeps my argument that 我认为主语从句的满分句型可写在作文中任何一个句子前面,用来拉长句子例句:It looks beyond dispute that the issue( 大事)about innovation has aroused universal attention.2) 同

12、位语从句,即可紧跟这个名词,也可以放在这句话的最后The matter that he manages to find a girl friend makes us delighted Nothing can hide(抽象的掩盖)the truth that he is getting old.The news that her husband passed away was spread the whole village.The truth that flowers in the greenhouse fail to undergo storms demonstrates that ki

13、ds should never be spoiled by their superiors.(可数名词不可单独使用)The point of the issue seems who should be responsible for 导致: 致使 the decline of ethics道德的沦丧The truth that I fail to be outgoing never having passion for喜欢热爱 communicatingwith others manifests that the job doesn t fit me . Consequently ,I mak

14、e a decision to quit.The most urgent problem is that superiors should be on alert , inspiring their kids to take part in meaningful activities to become a part of the class.第四节、定语从句一、什么是定语只要听到 “.的”的加名词, .的”就是修饰这个名词的成分 二、定语的成分1. 形容词The innocent nightingale died.The nightingale brave and innocent died

15、.2. 名词The n s singing can make the rose bloom.The singing of the nightingale can make the rose bloom. make sb. Do sth.使某人去做某事3. 介词短语The n out of the window heard the sigh of the youngster.4. 非谓语动词The singing n lost his life.=The n to sing lost his life.5. 从句6. 形容词性物主代词三、定语的位置:前小后大:当一个单词修饰名词时通常放在名词前,

16、当多个单词修饰名词时,通常放在名词后练习:1. 那个懂爱的年轻人被拒绝了。The youngster grasping (弓I 申为懂得, 理解) romance was declined. 非谓语动词修饰名词2. 我有一朵和白云一样白的玫瑰花。(有available )A rose as white as clouds remains available for me.3. 被扔掉的玫瑰花是红色的。The discarded rose looks red.当过去分词修饰名词的时候,即使只有一个单词,也通常放在名词后。(动词加ed,如何判断他是谓语还是过去分词:看还有没有单词做谓语,如果有的话

17、,就是过去分词)4. 这是一个关于夜莺和玫瑰的故事This proves a fiction about a n and a rose.四、定语从句1 . 构成n (先行词)+引导词+句子2 .引导词先行词的种类分的类,一共把引导词分成五类1) 当先行词是人的时候,引导词有:who whom whose2) 当先行词是物的时候,引导词有:that which whose (一个名词后出现引导词只能是定语从句或者同位语从句,出现了what ,这个一定是同位语从句,what 一定不能出现在定语从句中。)3) 当先行词是时间的时候,引导词有:that which when4) 当先行词是地点的时候t

18、hat which where5) 当先行词是时间的时候,引导词是:that which why定语从句一共有八个引导词五、谁决定定语从句引导词的用法1 . 先行词2 .引导词在从句中能够充当的成分定语从句中的引导词还可以按引导词的词性分类,一共把引导词分成三类:1) 代词(在从句中一定要充当主语或宾语的成分):who whom that which2) 副词(在从句中不能充当任何成分):where when why3) 形容词(在从句中修饰离他最近的名词):whose练习1. 夜莺用生命换来的玫瑰花被扔掉了The rose that exchanged with his life was d

19、umped(当名词讲,翻译成垃圾或垃圾场)介词短语不能充当宾语2. 这个老人在他儿子到达的那天去世了The senior citizen passed away on the day when her son arrived。从句主谓结构, 不缺宾语, 用 when3. 王子送给我的礼物从来没有吸引过我The gift that the prince sent me never fails to fascinate meThe gift sent by the prince never fails to fascinate me六、定语从句的特殊用法1. 如果先行词和引导词之间有介词的话,人不

20、用who只能用whom物不用that只用which2. That引导的定语从句,如果在从句中充当的是宾语的话,可省略3. 区另1J the same ;asthe same thatHe is the same man as I love. As 翻译为像He is the same man that love. That 翻译为是4. 区别限制和非限制性定语从句;在分析长难句的时候,非限制性定语从句就相当于插入语,可以完全不看修饰性不强5. Which引导的非限制性定语从句,可以修饰前面一整句话,as也可以但是as引导的定语从句既可以放在句首也可以放在句末,which引导的非限制性定语从句只

21、能放在句末。孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德Respecting senior citizens keeps a Chinese conventionalvirtue which (可换成 as)has been known for years.七、定语和定语从句在写作中的使用1 .只要在作文中见到名词,都可以给他加一个定语的成分,把句子拉长养宠物能减少孤单Raising pets cute as well as loyal can reduce loneliness of senior citizens who have no offspring to take care of them.Rea

22、ding books such as little Prince ,Gone with the wind and I have a dream can decrease pressure of all children and adults.乌镇浙江的一个水镇,它位于京杭大运河旁Wuzhen lying near the river from BJ to HZ is a water town of ZJ province.When I went to the library yesterday ,a girl whose boyfriend looked like Wu时间状语从句I goin

23、g to the library yesterday ,a girl whose boyfriend looked like Wu sat in front of me第五节、非谓语练习:1、 递遢的他其实内心很高尚He whose appearance looks indecent keeps noble in his mind.2、 继父经常在假期里带她出去旅游,这让她的朋友羡慕不已3、曾经全力以赴去实现梦想的人,即使没有成功也不会感到遗憾,这很重要。Those who have spared no efforts to realize their dreams fails to feel

24、 pitiful although they never succeed ,which is of great significance.4、 课堂上不集中精力,希望通过自己课下的努力通过考试的学生,常常会事倍功半。Students failing to concentrate in class but wishing pass the examination find that theconsequence is less impressive.第六节、状语和状语从句(一)什么是状语He runs away quickly.状语就是在一句话当中修饰实意动词、修饰形容词、修饰副词以及整个句子的

25、成分就是状语。状语除了名词不可以修饰,什么都可以修饰(二)状语的成分1. 副词2. 介词短语3. 非谓语4. 从句(形容词放在系动词后面作表语,放在名词前面做定语。无论是作表语还是作定语形容词都在修 饰名词)(定语比状语多了名词)(三)状语的位置1. 随便放(四)状语从句1. 分类:按照引导词本身的意思,一共把引导词分成九类:2. 状语从句:1) 时间状语从句:whenwhile (当时候(从句必须用进行时态)、但是、虽然尽管)as beforeaftersincethe moment( 一 就一)by the timeuntilnotuntil1 状语从句时态的问题:a) 当爱来临的时候我要

26、牵住她的手。When love comes, I will hold her hands.b) 在所有的状语从句中,如果主句的动作和从句的动作都尚未发生的话,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来(主将从现)c) 当爱来临的时候我没有牵到她的手。When love came , I failed to hold her hands .d) 如果主句的动作和从句的动作发生过了,该用什么时态用什么时态。2 区另1J until 和 not untila) I will not depart until she comes.b) I will wait until she comes.c) 在于

27、看主句的谓语动词是短暂性动词还是延续性动词,如果他是瞬间动词就用 not until如果他是延续性动词就用until。d) 知道我长大,我才意识到母亲的伟大。I did not realize the greatness of mothersuntil grew up.3 When引导的时间状语从句,如果主句和从句的主语一致,并且从句的谓语中有 be的话,此时从句的主语和be动词可以同时省略2) 地点状语从句:where这种树在潮湿的地方生长的很好。The tree grows healthily in wet places.=where it iswet.做地点的状语通常都是介词短语而不是从

28、句。3) 原因状语从句A:Becauseassince(自 从-时 间状语从句、因为-原因状 语从句)in thatseeing thatconsidering thatnow thatgiven that都是引导词,后面跟句子构成从句B: for 连词C: 介词短语:because of; due to; owing to; thanks to; for the sake of; as a result of后面不能跟句子,只能跟名词或者动名词举例:因为他粗心,他出了一场事故。要用 because来写。He had a car accident because he was careless

29、.= He had a car accident for he was careless.= He had a car accident because of his carelessness.= He had a car accident because of being careless.4) 目的状语从句A: to; in order to; so as to +v.原形B:so that; in order that为了看得更远,我们爬得更高。We will ascend higher so as to overlook farther. = Wewill ascend higher

30、in order thatso that we overlook farther.further指抽象的远5) 结果状语从句So+形容词或副词 that; such+名词that如此以至于只要作文中出现形容词或副词的地方,都可以写成sothat句型生命如此的短暂,以至于我们应该珍惜每一天Life proves so short that every moment ought to cherishedvalued.6) 让步状语从句Although ; though ; even though ; even if ; as; while 虽然尽管特殊用法:while翻译成虽然尽管的时候只能放在举

31、手,不能放在句中As引导的让步状语从句,从句的表语可以放在句首,构成部分倒装虽然他很 年轻,但 是他很 博学。As he looks young , he keeps/become knowledgeable.=Young as he is,he is knowledgeable练习:即使宠物会陪伴年老的人,但他们在晚上的时候会影响它们主人的邻居的休H、。 Pets, in the evening, exert fur great influence on the rest of them owners and neighbors although they might accompany senior citizens.7) 方式状语从句As, the way , as if/though 虽然尽管他看起来似乎是冰做的。虚拟语气were。She looks as if she were made of ice.他和我说话看你起来像我妈妈一样She talks with me as if she were my mother.方式状语: by/by means of/in way/manner8) 条件状语从句Suppose that ;supposing that; if, unless; provided that(=if);as long as; so long


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