



1、科技类常用词汇和短语名词和名词短语:Technologicaladvancementdevelopment科 技 进 步 ;Technologicalinnovations科技创新High-techfacilities products高科技设施产品 ;Moderntechnology现代科技;Communication technology通讯科技(如: mass media; mobile phones; theinternet)The fast rhythm of life快节奏的生活方式; Information age信息时代;Home working telecommuting w

2、ork在家办公 ; Distance education远程教育The widespread use of the internet网络的广泛使用;Electric appliances家电 ; automation自动化 ; mass manufacture大量生产动词短语:Give easy access to .( 主语为事物 ) = Acquire . ( 主语为人 ) 获得 ( 知识 ,信息等 )Adapt to +名词适应;Get (be) used to +名词习惯 ;Benefit from 从中受益;Benefit使受益Be beneficial to +名词对有益 ; En

3、hance study efficiency提高学习效率 ;Broaden ones horizons开阔某人眼界 ; Enrich ones knowledge (experience)丰富某人的知识( 阅历 );Remove the barrier for为消除障碍; Assist sb todo 协助某人做某事 ;Equip sb with sth用武装某人 ; Put sb into contact with sth让某人接触某事Be confronted with 面对 ; Put sb at an advantage in terms of 使某人在某方面处于优势Make use

4、of .充分利用 ; Be available to= be accessible to供 .使用Keep up with跟上的步伐 ; Stay in close contact with .保持和 . 的密切接触Enhance efficiency (work efficiency; study efficiency; productivity)提高效率 ; Accelerate.加速典型考题:1. Some people believe the range of technology available to individualstoday is increasingthe gap b

5、etween poor people and richpeople.Others thinkit is having an opposite effect. What is your opinion?2. Somepeople think people have benefited from modern communication technology, other people think some people have notbenefited at all, to what extend do you agree or disagree?现代科技的一些正面影响:效率 assist p

6、eople to enhance working efficiencyWith the help of fax, e-mail or other automated and communication devices,people areable to performdailyroutinesin a more efficientway, reducingmanual work greatly方便The outside world has become more accessible to people and one can performmany tasks at home, such a

7、s shopping, banking and business transactions,thus helping themcutcosts of bus fare and fuel娱乐People are able to spend much less time on daily routines and householdchores,With the emergence of various IT products, life with more flexibility and leisure timepeople are leading.a more colorful情感 . exp

8、ands people s socialcircle.In the past,socialrelationshipswerelimited by physical factors such as geographical distance. But nowadays,Because oftechnological advances, such as the railroad, the automobile,the telephone and the internet, one can travel further and get acquaintedwith more people.就业 tr

9、iggersemergence and greatprogressof variousfronts,therebycreatingnumerous job opportunities知识 enables any person in present-day society to become enlightened andempowered.Moderntechnologygivesinfiniteandflexibleaccesstoinformationand knowledge.By gatheringinformationfroma varietyofsources, such as t

10、he Internet, mobile phones, E-libraries, online trainingcourses, people can have a broader view of life and equip themselves withvarious skills and abilities现代科技的一些负面影响:压力Employees are actually working longer, primarily because fax, e-mail orother communication devices have made them accessible to t

11、heir superiors,colleagues and customers after work,partly depriving workers of theirleisure time娱乐a). Peoples leisuretime (socialactivities)of various Internet-based activities. Specifically,has been shrinkingas a resultweb-surfing, on-lineshopping has taken up a larger partof people safter-work lif

12、e情感 alters their social behaviors and habits. For example, for many people, spending part of the day on the internet is quite normal. Because most internet users are deeply addicted to Internet, they will become socially isolated. Most of them have poor social life and feelings of loneliness.健康a).people have become more and more accustomed to living in a world thatappreciatesconvenienceand inactivity.As a result,people are very likelyto lose patience


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