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1、精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼Unit8 复习复习一 话题复习 8 单元 Holiday tour, extreme sports and journey to some pace 复习二词汇复习5 级词汇: wild tiring differ risk excitement dull traveller jog goods amaze professor hunter skingoal hopeless cheerful shock sadness patienee aim4 级词汇:adventure desert hike major extra or

2、iganisation uncomfortable porter luggage footprintanxious extreme exactly flow preferenee emperor court fuel wealthy author qua ntity con fuseauthor dictati on stateme nt preparati on ambiti on dista nt within fun cti on n ati on ality limit3 级词汇: presenter raft optional route accommodation altitute

3、 various gymn astics equipme ntsimilarity limit2 级词汇: Norwegian shelter transport1 级词汇: canoe snowboarding philosophy8 级要求掌握的词汇:exhausted hostel safari Arctic词组extreme sports, a journey to the An tarctic, take off, be fit, differ from, have similarities with , takeup, be into sth., be keen on, turn

4、up, back out, go through with, get across, be impressed by, in turn, be amazed by, be con fused by, break out, sta nd by, as a result, in preparati on for, break down, have serious difficulties with, r un out of,at one time, have great difficulty doingsth., carry on, well trained staff, be home to h

5、ave a huge in flue nee on ,overcome innerfears, in the dista neeUnit 8 词汇及词组复习练习一 根据首字母及中文意思填空1. Health care is one of the_ 较重要的)problems of our time.2. The field is full of_ 野生的)flowers.3. He found riding as_ 疲倦的)as walking.4. The price for the holiday includes flights and_ 食宿).5.I asked for an_额夕卜

6、的)two weeks to finish the job.6. They had left the_ 行李)at the station.7. We saw a ship far away on the_地平线).8. The lamp will give you the_最大限量)of light.9. He was_担心的)for the safety of his money.10. A flight in an aeroplane used to be quite an_冒险的经历).11. Ma ny goys and girls are good at_ 体操).12. Are

7、you prepared to _ (冒险)traveling without an armedguard?13. There are_各种各样的)ways to answer your question.14. He was a_ (迟钝的)man and you had to explai n thi ngs verycarefully and slowly to him.15. A lot of money was spe nt on the_ 设备)of the hospital.16.1 used to_丿慢 跑)every morni ng whe n I was young.精诚

8、凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼17. A river_ 流动)through the centre of our tow n.18. A lot of pupils are fond of_单板滑雪).19. A_ 货物)grain carries all kinds of thi ngs, but no passe ngers.20. this is a questi on of_ 数量),not quality.21. My un cle is an old_ 教授),who works in a famous uni versity ofour coun t

9、ry.22. Wome n like to have white and soft_ 皮肤).23. Do you remember the_ 作者)of this book?24. Horses were the on ly means of_运输)in the old times.25. He is a man who_观察)kee nly but says very little.26. His_ 目标)is to be a doctor.27. The Red Cross tur ned the school in to a_ 庇护所)for victims ofthe earthqu

10、ake.28. Emma studies_哲学)at uni versity.29. Ka ng Xi is one of the_皇帝)in ancient Chi na.30. The pris oner was brought to the_ 法庭)for trial.31.It_ 使惊讶)me to hear that you were leav ing.32. Wood, coal, oil, and gas are differe nt kinds of_ 燃料).33. People might be easily_ 使困惑)by the two products.答案:majo

11、r;wild ;tiring ;accommodation;extra;luggage;horizon Maximum ;anxious;adventure;gymnastics;risk; various; dull ; equipment ; jog; flows; snowboarding;goods; quantity ; professor;Skin;author /writer ;transport;observes;goal;shelter;philosophy;emperors;court ;amazed;fuel ; con fused二.用所给单词的正确形式填空:1. Zh

12、u Jun is a famous_(present) of CCTV.2. China joined the World Trade_ (organize) a few years ago.3. This sofa is_ (comfortable) to sit on, because its leather is toohard.4. You don have to have this radio in your new car; it an_(opti on) extra.5. There is not much_(similar) betwee n the two brothers.

13、6. I can t remember_ (exact) what he said at yesterday7. The children were full of_ (excite) at the thought of visitingDisn eyla nd.8. We are all_(extreme) fond of her.9. Many elderly people expressed a strong_ (prefer) to live in theirown homes.s meet ing.精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼10. The man

14、 on ly_ (hun ter), while the wome n did everythi ng elsein the old times.11. He has a lot of money and is now very_ (wealth).12.She is_ (dictati on) a letter to her secretary right now.13._ The Prime Minister is to make a(state)to the publictomorrow.14. The train_(travel) arrived in Beiji ng earlier

15、 tha n those on thebus.15. Pla ns for selli ng the new products are now in_ (prepare).16. You n eed_ (patie nt) whe n you are heav ing your teeth filled.17. We tried to stop the fire from spreadi ng, but we knew it was_(hope).18. Now he was dead, and I could not get away from my_(sad).19. A lot of s

16、mall compa nies are fight ing for_ (survive).答案:presenter;Organization;uncomfortable ;optional ;similarity ;exactly; excitement; extremely;preferenee;hunted; wealthy ; dictating;statement; travellers; preparation; patienee;hopeless;sadness survival三.用所给短语填空;1) take dictation, break out, stand by, in

17、 turn, pay for, be amazed by, be impressed by1. The students answer the teacher s questions_ .2. A fire_ in the centre of the big market last night.3. How much did you_ the book?4. I_his letter which said his father died last week.5. No matter what happens, I ll_ you, so don t be afraid.6. I_her bea

18、uty and kindness.7. Some girls in offices are trained to_ .答案:in turn ; broke out ; pay for; was amazed by stand by ; was impressed by take dictati on ;2) break down, run out of, get away from, teams of;on one way, be covered by, preparefor, at once time1. We are sorry to arrive late, but the car_ o

19、n the road.2. It is said that_ my grandfather lived in this house.3. We have_ time, so we must end the meeting.4. The whole class is working hard_ the exams.5. You must nt t forget to call in at Vecchia s_home.6. The prisoner had little difficulty in_the police.7. The mountain_ snow all the year rou

20、nd.精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼答案:broke down;at one time; run out of;preparing for;on your way;getting away from;is covered by3) take off, as well as, think about, on the horizon, be fit for1. They own a house in France_ a villa in Spain.2. I had never_ becoming an actor.3. The manager_ not_his

21、position.4. A helicopter is able to_and land straight up or down.5. A ship appeared_ .答案:as well as thought about; is fit for ; take off; on the horizon4) turn up, in order to,go through with, back out, take up, upside down, get across, bekeen on, set up, put on1. When Li Ping left school he_journal

22、ism.2. The government has_ many hospitals for the poor.3. Once you ve given your words, don t try to_.4. He_ his plan although all his friends advised him to give itup5. Tom_late as usual for the meeting.6. We picked apples_make a pie.7. The plate was lying_ on the floor.8. He had_ his best clothes

23、for this morning call.9. He_buying a car, but we talked him into it.10. He was un able to_ to the group what he meant.答案:took up; set up; back out; went through with ; turned up;in order to; upside down; put on; wasn t keen oget across四.用所给的短语翻译下列句子 :1. 杰克在很多方面和他的弟弟不同。(differ from)2. 我们需要现在就处理这个问题。(

24、right now)3. 这件事对于你,对于我都是很重要的。(as well as)4. 在昨天的交通事故中,至少有 80 人受伤,包括 5 名警察。(including)5. 那位老人在 60 岁的时候开始学习俄语。(take up)6. 他答应帮助我学习英语的,但是当他发觉我英语很差时,他就打退堂鼓了。(back out)7. 在这个地区,有很多小城镇值得参观。(be worth doin g)8. 在办公室工作时,我无法忍受别人在我周围吸烟。(can t stand)9. 他紧张得答不上来。(tooto)10. 在过去,意大利人喜欢与中国人做生意。(do trade with)11. 他

25、们经常被领导所说的话弄糊涂。(be con fused by)精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼12. 那个女孩在解物理习题方面有很大困难 .(have difficulty in doi ng sth.)13. 这些印刷机器老是出毛病。(break down)14. 他将把他的计划继续进行下去。(carry on)15. 他本次考试英语没有及格。(fail to do sth.)答案:1. Jack differs from his brother in many ways.2. We n eed to deal with this problem right

26、now.3. It is importa nt for you as well as for me.4. At least 80 persons were injured, including 5 policemen in yesterday s traffic accide nt.5. At the age of 60, the old man took up the study of Russia n.6. He had promised to help me with my En glish, but he backed out whe n he found my En glishwas

27、 too poor.7. A lot of small tow ns in the area are worth visit ing.8.1 can t stand others smoking around me when I m working in the office.9. He was too n ervous to reply.10. I n the past, Italia ns would like to do trade with the Chin ese.11. They were ofte n con fused by what their leader said.12.

28、 The girl has much difficulty working out physics problems.13. These printing machines are always breaking down.14. He will carry on with his plan.15. He failed to pass this En glish exam.Unit 8英译汉序号英文英译汉序号英文英译汉序号英文英译汉Warm- up12various6break dow n1adve nture13flow7shock3Canoe14dull8goal5hike15prefer

29、e nee9ambiti on6Take off16turn up10exhausted7prese nter17back out11run out of8wild18get across12hopeless9tiri ng19jog13cheerfulLesson 1Lesson 314dista nt1Raft1traveller15carry on精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼2white-water rafting2emperor16within3extra3court17sadness4optio nal4In turn18function5hori

30、z on5amaze19patie nee6orga ni sati on6goods20n ati on ality7uncomfortable7confuse21aim8maximum8fuelCommunication workshop9altitude9wealthy1Arctic10Right now10break out2tran sport11differ11putinto3observepriso n12footpri nt12author4disadva ntage13an xious13dictati on5staffLesson 214sta nd by6survival

31、1extreme15stateme nt7shelter2bungee jump ing16qua ntity8philosophy3sno wboard ing17professor9limit4snowrafting18hun ter5In order to19ski n6gymn asticsLesson 47similarity1The An tarctic8Upside dow n2on one sway9exactly3Norwegia n10risk4preparati on11exciteme nt5sledge复习三重点句 unit 8 :1. I velways loved

32、 wild animals and I dbve to see them in their natural environment.2.The amazingMount Qomolangma is on the horizon.3.While you are having a hot cup of tea, you relax and watch the sungo down.4.A lot of hiking holidays sound excitig, but the reality is often very different.5. All our guides have sever

33、al years of experienee in leading hiking trips in the Himalayas.6.As well as he group guide, all teams have cooks and porters.7. While on a hiking trip, our cooks prepare delicious meals and our porters carry your luggage, which精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼means that you can simply enjoy the expe

34、rie nee.8. Right now, I am working for a group of Austrian hikers who have all been here before.9.I decided to take up bun gee jump ing and now I am really into it.10. Whe n I tur ned up for my first jump I was so n ervous that I tried to back out, but my frie ndspersuaded me to go through with it.1

35、1. It s difficult get across how exciting it is!12. A friend of mine has just taken up jogging in order to get fit.13. They were going to have a party last Saturday but backed out at the last mi nute.14. When he was 17 years old, he traveled across Europe and Asia with his father, who wan ted to dot

36、rade with the Chin ese.15. Marco was amazed by how beautiful and powerful China was.16. He was very impressed by the Summer Palace which he described as the greatest palace that everwas.17. Marco was often asked the question,“Was it taJiwihde? he replied,“I haveonly told a half of what I was!”18. The prisoner then wrote the stories in a book called The Description of the World, which becameone of t


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