已阅读5页,还剩101页未读 继续免费阅读




1、翻译下列句子并分析其特点 The Buyer shall have the right to claim against the Seller for compensation of losses within 60 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, should the quality of the goods be found not in conformity with the specifications stipulated in the Contract after specifications

2、by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau (CCIB) and the Buyer shall have the right to claim against the Seller for compensation of short weight within 60 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, should the weight be found not in conformity with that stipulated in the Bill of Ladin

3、g after re-inspection by CCIB. 一、合同的定义及分类 contract或agreement 合同是一种承诺或一系列承诺。对于违反合同的行为,法律会给予补救,而履行合同在一定程度上是法律认可的义务 商务合同主要分为: 买卖合同、 委托合同、 租赁合同、 雇用合同、 贮存合同、 代理合同等二、商务合同的结构 商务合同由三部分组成: 约首、 正文 约尾。(1)约首(Preamble) 约首主要包括合同名称(Title)、合同编号(Number of the Contract)、签约时间和地点(Date and Place of Signing)、当事人(Signing

4、Parties)、当事人的合法依据(Each Partys Authority)、缔约缘由(Recitals of“Whereas”Clause)等 约首部分主要解决以下法律问题:合同的主体;当事人是否具有合法主体资格;合同及合同争议应适用的法律;合同履行地点;合同生效、终止、履行日期;争议时的司法管辖权,等等。(2)正文(Body) 包括 定义条款(Definition Clauses) 一般条款(General Terms) 基本条款(Basic Conditions) 体现了当事人双方的责任和义务基本条款 一般包括 货物名称(Name of Commodity)、 规格(Specific

5、ation)、 质量条款(Quality)、 数量条款(Quantity)、 价格条款(Price)、 包装条款(Packing)、 付款条款(Payment)、 交货条款(Shipment & Delivery)等一般条款 通常包括 保险条款(Insurance)、 商检条款(Inspection)、 索赔条款(Claim)、 仲裁条款(Arbitration)、 不可抗力条款(Force majeure)、 法律适用条款(Applicable Laws)、 违约及毁约条款 (Breach & Rescission of Contract)等 对于简式合同,一般只包括基本条款.(3)约尾(W

6、itnessEnding) 通常包括 份数(Copies of the Contract)、 使用的文字和效力(Languages Used and The Effectiveness)、 见证人(Witnesses)、 附件(Annex)、 当事人签字(Signature)、 盖章(Seal)等。三、商务合同的文体特征 词法特征 句法特征 语篇特征1词法特征 商务合同所追求的目标不是语言的艺术美,而是逻辑的精确与严谨、表达的专业与规范,以及思维的清晰与条理 专业术语、书面语、古体词、外来词、并列词语、情态动词shall、同一词语的重复、复杂的名词短语等的使用充分体现了商务合同在词汇层面上所具

7、有的文体特征(1)专业术语 专业术语具有国际通用性,正式规范,意义精确,没有歧义,因此,商务合同中使用了大量表意清楚的商务术语、法律术语等专业术语。如:商务术语: force majeure(不可抗力)、 counter-offer(还盘)、 negotiation(议付)、 acceptance(承兑)、 honor(兑现)、 order(订单)、 inquiry(询盘)、 offer(报盘)、 standby credit(备用信用证)、 floating exchange rate(浮动汇率)、 marketable goods(畅销货)、 storage charges(仓储费用)等。

8、法律术语: imputed negligence(转嫁的过失责任) action(诉讼)、 party(当事人)、 decision(裁决)、 final(终局裁决)、 the financial responsibility(经济责任)、。 title(所有权)、 assist(帮助)、 assign(转让)、 beneficiary(受益人)、 arbitration(仲裁)等(2)书面语 商务合同英语要对交易双方的权利、义务和行为准则的准确含义和范围进行直接而明确的规定,其用词必须严谨、庄重、正式,因此商务合同常用书面语。如: 书面语 口语 terminate end forward s

9、ent commence start cease stop upon on with regard to about in the event of in case of prior to before(3)古体词 古体词的使用可以体现商务合同的庄重与严肃,避免不必要的重复,使意义更加清楚简明。 商务合同英语中经常使用的古体词多为一些复合词,即由here(this)there(that)where(what或which)分别加上afteratbyfrominoftounderuponwith等一个或几个介词共同构成的复合副词 here: hereafter(今后,此后),hereby(特此,兹

10、),herein(于此),hereinafter(自此),hereinbefore(在上文),hereof(在本文中,关于这点),hereto(对此),herebefore(迄今),hereunder(在此以下),hereupon(随即),herewith(与此),etc there: thereafter(其后),thereby(由此),therefrom(从此),therein(在其中),thereinafier(在下文,此后),thereinbefore(在上文中),thereon(在其上),thereof(由此),thereto(随附),thereunder(在其下),thereupo

11、n(随后,因此),therewith(从此,于此) Where: whereas(鉴于),whereby(根据,凭借),wherein(在其中),whereof(兹特),whereupon(因此),etc(4)外来词 商务合同英语中也使用一些源于拉丁语、法语或意大利语的外来词,它们的意义比较稳定,有利于精确地表达概念。如:拉丁语: ad valorem duty从价(关)税,bona fide holder(汇票的善意持有人),exdividendexcoupon(除股息除息票),pro rata tax rate(比例税率),agent ad litem(委托代理人),insurance p

12、remium per capita(人均保险费),pro forma invoice(形式发票), asper(参照),pro forma(估算表),null and void(无效),etc 法语:force majeure(不可抗力),complaint(投诉),statute(法令),verdict(裁决),etc 意大利语:del credere agent(货价保付代理),etc(5)并列词语 为了强调庄严性,追求准确性,杜绝语义歧义或漏洞,维护独解性尊严,避免责任纠纷,商务合同使用许多并列词语,即由and或or连接同(近)义词或相关词来并列使用。如:By and between 由

13、并在之间Be amended and revised 被修改Be allowed and permitted 被允许Made and signed by 有签订Buy or purchase 购买Covenants and agreements 契约和协议Due and payable 到期应付的On and after 在和在之后Rights and interests 权益Complete and final understanding 全部和最终的理解Custom fees and duties 关税Sign and issue 签发Full force and effect 十足的效力

14、,充分的效力,完全的效力Own or possess 拥有Property or chattels or goods 有形产Pardon or forgive 赦免To have and to hold 拥有并占据Entering or breaking 非法入侵Null and void(无效) Fulfill or perform(履行) Furnish and provide(提供) Losses and damages(损失) Terms and conditions(条款) Rules and regulations(规章) Transferable or assignable(转让

15、) Provisions and stipulations(规定) Make amendments to and revision of(修改) Sign and deliver(签署并寄出) Obligation and liability(义务和责任) Prosecution and execution(执行和施工) In whole or in part(按总体或部分来讲) Interpretation and construction(理解和解释) revocation,suspension or imposition(撤回、停止或强制接受)(6)情态动词shall,will 和sho

16、uld 合同中的shall一词并非单纯表示将来时,而是用来表示一方应尽的义务,含有“必须”“应”“应该”的强制意义。如 This contract shall become effective upon and from the date On which it is signed 本合同应于签字之日起开始生效. The sellers shall be liable for any rust,damage and loss attributed to inadequate packing by the sellers 由包装不当引起的生锈、损失,其责任应由卖方承担。 Will 无论是在语气

17、还是强制力,都要比shall弱,汉译时宜译为“将”、“原”、“要” Should 也较多地使用于商务合同之类的法律文本中,通常只用来表示语气较强的假设, 比如“万一”等。(7)同一词语的重复为了避免合同双方可能产生的歧义、矛盾、争端,商务合同宁可采用同一词汇重复的手段,使得同一概念内涵或事项在法律上前后统一,以体现法律语言“宁繁勿浑”的宗旨。商务合同中代词使用率极低。如: Should either party hereto fail to pay on schedule the contribution referred to in Article16. 3, it will be deem

18、ed as having breached the Contract. Should the Company suffer damage due to the failure to make contribution, the breaching party will make compensation. Should the Company suffer serious damage due to the failure to make or the deferment in contribution, it will be deemed as materially breaching Co

19、ntract. The other party shall have the fight to terminate the Contract and to claim damage on the breaching party. The ownership for any modification and improvement of the Contract Product shall belong to the party having developed said modification and improvement The other party shall not apply,

20、for its own profit, for patent fight or transfer the information of the modifications and improvements to a third party. (8)复杂的名词短语 短语和从句比置于名词之前的单词作定语能更好地限制被它们所修饰的名词,因此,商务合同中多使用带有后置定语的长而复杂的名词短语,以体现合同语言表达精确的特点。如: All payment for oil-drilling machines sold to the Buyer shall be made by an irrevocable

21、Letter Of Credit The payment to the seller of the total amount of any installment then remaining unpaid shall be reserved and agreed to be paid during the term 2. 句法特征 作为一种法律文件,商务合同的句式具有周密严谨、冗长复杂、长而不乱、逻辑性强等特点。(1)善用复杂的长句 商务合同中使用大量复杂的长句,因为完整的长句的使用可以准确界定合同当事人的有关权利和义务,对履行权利与义务的条件、方式、地点以及时间等进行限制,使合同不存在任何

22、漏洞,排除被曲解、误解或出现歧义的可能性,避免今后可能发生的争端,以维护双方的合法权益。如: Should the sellers fail to deliver the contracted goods or effect the shipment in time by reason of war, flood, fire, storm, heavy snow or any other causes beyond their control, the time of the shipment might be duly extended or alternatively a part or

23、whole of the contract might be cancelled, but the sellers shall notify the buyers by fax and furnish the letter within 15 days by registered airmail with a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade attesting such an event or events. (2)多用陈述句 商务合同用于规定缔约双方应有的权利和应

24、尽的义务,而陈述句可以用来阐述、解释、说明、规定和判断,因此陈述句在商务合同中的使用频率非常高 Party A shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity in connection with audio and the commodity in question in Singapore within the validity of this agreement, and shall submit to Party A all audio and video materials intended for advertising

25、for prior approval. If the period for late delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software exceeds 6 (six) months, the Licensee shall be entified to terminate the Contract. In such case, the Licensor shall return to the Licensee the total amounts which the Licensee has already paid plus interes

26、t at the rate of 12% per annual thereon.(3)并用圆周句、松散句和均称句 把主要信息安排在句末的句子即圆周句;而与之相反,把主要信息安排在句首的句子则为松散句;把两个意义相反但结构类似的分句或短语放在一起的句子称为均称句。 商务合同的句式讲究“末尾着重”原则,故圆周句的使用频率很高。当需要表示买卖双方对货物进出口或委托和代理关系的确认,或用以规定买卖双方的权利和义务时,经常使用均称句。而在叙述或解释时,也可使用松散句。如: In case the Letter of Credit does not reach the seller within the

27、time stipulated in the contract, or if the Letter of Credit opened by the buyer does not correspond to the contract terms and that the buyers fail to amend thereafter its terms in time after receipt of notification by the sellers, the sellers shah have the right to cancel the contract or to delay th

28、e delivery of the goods and shall have the fight to claim for compensation of losses against the buyers. ( 圆周句) The Subcontractor may terminate this Agreement because the Subcontractor has not received progress payments. ( 松散句) Party A hereby appoints Party B as its Exclusive Agent to solicit orders

29、 for the commodity stipulated in Article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 4, and Party B accepts and assumes such appointment. (匀称句)(4)常使用被动语态 商务合同的客观性决定了被动语态的出现率极高,从而确保论述的客观与平实。而且,经常用by短语引出施事者,以进一步明确责任和义务的来源。如: Insurance shall be covered by the seller for 110% of the invoice

30、value against war risk. The goods should be inspected by the authorised organization and a certificate is needed when negotiating the goods. Partial shipment and transshipment are not allowed.(5)频繁使用条件句式 在商务合同中,对各方的权力和义务作出了明确的规定。当一方违约时,合同是解决争端的主要手段。 因此合同中频繁使用由if, in case that, in the event that, sho

31、uld等引导的条件句式 在合同中, should 放在句首起假定作用是其一大特色。如: If the sellers are still unable to make delivery in 45 days after the stipulated shipment period, the buyer shall have the right to decide whether or not the contract shall continue to be in force. In case the contract number are not stenciled properly, ex

32、tra expenses shall be borne by the sellers. Should there be any disputes between the contracting parties and no agreement could be amicably reached, they shall be settled by arbitration.(6)使用否定句 合同中, 否定句主要有两种句型:一是no one/neither party may (shall) do.(否定主语),二是one may (shall) not do.(否定谓语),这两种句型都能达到相同的

33、否定效果。 此外,还经常使用fail to, failure to, failing to, default等表示否定。 Neither party may assign this agreement, in whole or in part, without the other Partys prior written consent. The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the works. If the contractor fails to comply with the Time for Completion in ac

34、cordance with Clause 81.(7)大多使用一般现在时 使用一般现在时阐述事实、确立规范或规定权利与义务等,以强调其条款的现实性、原则性和有效性。如: The buyers shall give the notice of the vessels name beforehand. A certificate is needed attesting the existence of such event.3. 语篇特征 (1)篇章结构的程式化 合同语篇结构严谨、程式严格,每一份合同都必须分成三个部分,而且必须按照约首、正文和约尾这个顺序排列。一般的合同都采用先总则后条文、先重要

35、条款后次要条款的结构,各部分的要件一般都比较固定,体现了篇章结构的高度程式化。(2)表述结构的条款化 商务合同采用了分条列款的形式,平行性条款结构使用极为频繁。 纲目和条款的结构是始终一贯的:纲目多用名词短语,并一用到底;契约文体句子扩展的基本模式是并列式。(3)套语的频繁使用。 商务合同中频繁使用下列套语,体现了其行文的严谨性。 whereas(鉴于):用在约首以引出签约的背景和目的。如: Whereas. , it ,s agreed as follows: witness(证明):用在约首充当首句的谓语。如: This Agreement,made by. WITNESSES now,t

36、herefore(兹特): 常用于开头,接于whereas条款之后,引出具体协议事项,并和后面的hereby结合。如前面没有whereas条款,本短语可省去。如:Now, therefore, it is hereby agreed and understood as follows: in witness whereof(特此证明): 常用于约尾条款中,表示“作为所协议事项的证据”。如: In witness whereof,the parties have executed this Contract in duplicate by their duty authorized repres

37、entatives on the date first above written now these presents witness(兹特立约为证):常用于whereas条款之后,用以引出具体协议事项。如: Now these presents witness that it is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows: in the presence of(见证人):本短语只有在有见证人时才使用。见证人在缔约双方当事人签名的下方由见证人签名作证。只有相关的律师或公证人行才有资格作见证人。如: In the presence

38、 of the parties hereto have hereunder set their respective hands and seals: 除上述套语外,商务合同还使用其他一些套语,如hereinafter referred to as(以下简称)、be equally authentic(具有同等效力)、tenureterm of office(任期)等。(4)数字与文字的并用 为了强调重要的金额、数量、期限等,商务合同采用数字与文字并用的手段,以确保合同的严密性,杜绝漏洞,以防被人篡改。特别提醒注意的是,合同标的金额必须同时大小写,不能随意省略。如: Total value:U

39、S$2,100,000(Say:USDollars Two Million,One Hundred Thousand only) 总价:2 100 000美元(大写:贰佰壹拾万美元整)(5)反复出现的重要词汇的简化 商务合同经常使用括号加简称的方式简化反复出现的重要词汇。如: Foreign Advanced Broadcasting Ltdof Amsterdam,Holland(hereinafter called“LICENSOR),and China Broadcasting Products Factory(hereinafter called“LICENSEE) agree to

40、sign this contract with the terms and conditions as follows: (6)大写字母的运用合同中被强调的部分用大写字母书写,以达到醒目的目的。如: This AGREEMENT。WITNESSES that WHEREASandWHEREASNOW THEREFORE in consideration of.,it is hereby agreed as follows:四.商务合同的翻译1翻译原则 (1)准确严谨,系统完整 (2)规范通顺,清楚明晰 (3)符合文体,突出特点 2翻译技巧 (1)套译法 商务文本的篇章结构程式化和表达结构条目化

41、的特点,决定了翻译时,必须套用一些程式化的译法和分列条款的行文规范,以体现其严谨与庄重。如: Whereas,it is agreed as follows: 鉴于特此达成协议如下: This agreement,made by 本协议由签订。 WITNESSES 兹约定: Now,THEREFORE,it is hereby agreed and understood as follows: 兹特协议和谅解如下: Now these presents witness 兹特立约为证 in the presence Of 见证人: Foreign Advanced Broadcasting Lt

42、d. of Amsterdam, Holland (hereinafter called LICENSOR), and China Broadcasting Products Factory (hereinafter called LICENSEE) agree to sign this contract with the terms and conditions as follows: . 荷兰阿姆斯特丹外国前进广播有限公司(以下简称许可人)和中国广播器材厂(以下简称被许可人) 同意以下列条款签订本合同: The undersigned hereby certify that the goo

43、ds to be supplied are made in USA. 下列签署人兹保证所供应之货系美国制造。 In faith whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Protocol. 下列签署人经正式授权在本议定书上签字,以昭信守。 We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on terms and conditions as 兹确认售予贵公司下述商品,其成交条款如下: In witness whereof, th

44、e parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives. 本协议一式两份,由双方授权代表签订,特此为证。 (2)转译法 即将原语中某一成分转译为译人语的另一成分,这是合同翻译常用的技巧。如: Partial shipments shall be permitted upon presentation of a clean set of shipping document. 可以允许分批发货,但需提供一套明确的装运单据。(主语斗

45、谓语) If any terms and conditions of this Contract are breached and the breach is not corrected by the breaching party within 30 days after a written notice thereof is given by the other party, then the non-breaching party shall have the option to terminate this Contract by giving written notice there

46、of to the breaching party. 如果一方违反本合同的任何条款,并且在接到另一方的书面通知后30天内不予以补救,未违约方有权选择向违约方书面通知终止合同。(主语)宾语) The Seller shall deliver the Equipment and Materials in accordance with the Contract from the 19th (nineteenth) month to the 27th (twenty-seventh) month from the date of signing the Contract in 5 (five) lo

47、ts. 根据合同,卖方的设备和材料应当自合同签订之日起第19至第27个月内分五批交付。(宾语主语) The Guarantee Period shall start from the exact date on which the Purchaser receives notification in writing from the Vendor that Plant is ready for dispatch from the Works. 担保期限的具体日期自买方收到卖方发出的、告知随时可从工厂发运的书面通知起开始计算。(主语定语) The seller shall make delive

48、ry of the goods strictly within the period stipulated herein. In the event of delay in delivery, the Buyer may cancel the Contract and claim damages for breach of the Contract. 卖方应当严格按照规定的期限交货,若迟交,买方有权撤销本合同,并要求卖方对由此所造成的损失进行赔偿。(宾语谓语) This is the final arbitration award and binding on both Contracting

49、 Parties. 这一仲裁裁决是终局性的,对双方均有约束力。(表语主语) WHEREAS Party B is in the real estate business, and the two Parties are in consideration of the mutual conveniences and agree to enter into this Contract under the terms and conditions set forth as follows: . 鉴于乙方经营房地产业务,双方考虑相互的便利,同意就下列条款签订本合同:.(表语谓语) We look fo

50、rward to an ever-increasing volume of business with your glass factories. 我方盼望与你方玻璃厂的交易额日益增高。(定语谓语) Any disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly consultations between both parties. In case no settlement can be reached through consul

51、tations, the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration. 凡由于执行本合同所发生的或与本合同相关的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决,应提交仲裁。(定语状语) In this Contract, the Packing Clause stipulates for one gross to a polythene bag, covered with paper box, 50 paper boxes to an inner carton, 2 inner cartons to a wooden case. 合同的包装条款规定为

52、:每一聚乙烯袋装一罗,然后装入纸盒。五十盒装一纸箱,两纸箱装一木箱。(状语定语) For the purpose of this Contract, Party B desires to introduce the Patent and engage in production cooperation in accordance with the technical know-how specified in the Patent. 本合同的目的在于乙方希望引进专利,按专利提供的技术进行合作生产。 (状语主语)(3)转态法 即把英语中的被动语态转译成汉语中的主动结构: This Contrac

53、t is made by and between the Buyer and Seller, whereby the buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: . 买卖双方同意按下列条款购买、出售下述商品,并签订本合同: The cost of the nonreturnable containers of the goods sold under this Cont

54、ract is included in the prices herein specified. 所定价格包括依照本合同所售装货用的一次性容器费。 Upon the expiration of the duration or termination before the date of expiration of the joint venture, liquidation shall be carried out according to relevant law. The liquidated assets shall be distributed in accordance with t

55、he proportion of investment contributed by Party A and Party B. 合同期满或提前终止合营时,应依照有关法律进行结算,并根据甲、乙各方投资的比例分配结算后的财产。 The seller shall be entitled to terminate this Contract in the event of failure by the Buyer to comply with any terms or conditions stated in this Article. 如果买方违反本条所规定的条件,卖方有权终止此合同。 It is mutually agreed that the c


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