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1、網上探求的根本模塊網上探求主題的討論 請各組簡單報告所選定的主題.The WebQuest Model Introduction 引言 * Task 任務 Process 過程 Rubrics 評核量規 Conclusion 結論 * Teachers page 教師頁 *由於時間所限,有 * 號的只在cQuestGarden 中說明從主題到任務任務是整個學習活動的焦點值得足夠複雜,可以分成為數個小型活動足夠科學知識、概念、原則要學生作高層次思索才可以完成可行在適當的輔助下,學生可以在適當的時間可以完成有意義學生覺得有意義而且與他們的生活相關開放性沒有標準答案沒有簡單的答案 主題Authent

2、ic 屬實Conflict 能够產生分岐、矛盾的意見Requires student thinking 需求學生思索make good use of the Web 利用網上資源 (一手資料)WebQuest Taskonomy Retelling Tasks Compilation Tasks Mystery Tasks Journalistic Tasks Design Tasks Creative Product Tasks Consensus Building Tasks Persuasion Tasks Self-Knowledge Tasks Analytical Tasks Ju

3、dgment Tasks Scientific TasksRetelling Tasksstudents is to absorb some information and then demonstrate that theyve understood it. report by way of or HyperStudio presentations, posters, or short reports. task requires looking for simple, sure answers to pre-determined questions, is not a WebQuest b

4、utjust worksheets with URLs. A modest WebQuest could be based on retelling if:the format and wording of their report is significantly different than what they read (i.e., the report wasnt produced by cutting and pasting); students are given latitude about what to report and how to organize their fin

5、dings; skills of summarizing, distilling, and elaborating are required and supported. Examples: Will That Volcano Spoil Our Party Kia Ora Deserts of the World Tropical Travelers Compilation TaskStudents take information from a number of sources and put it into a common formatTo make a compilation ta

6、sk qualify as a true WebQuest, there needs to be some transformation of the information compiled. Simply putting a hotlist of web sites or a collection of web images together arbitrarily isnt enough.To ramp up the thinking skillsuse information resources that are in different formats, require rewrit

7、ing or reformattingset standards for the organization of the compilation, but dont make all the organization and formatting decisions for the students. Leave some of that job for them, and evaluate their product based on the consistency and reasonableness of the organization they come up with; requi

8、re students to develop their own criteria for selecting the items they put together and to articulate their criteria. Examples:a cookbook compiled from recipes solicited from relatives Cooking with your Three Sisters a deck of cards to aid field trips Identifying Leaves of Pennsylvania a selection o

9、f web resources to build a virtual exhibition 1960s Museum. A time capsule A Separate Peace. Mystery Tasks A puzzle or detective story A well designed mystery task requires synthesis of information from a variety of sources. Examples: Aztec Adventure King Tutankhamun: Was It Murder? Journalistic Tas

10、ksask your learners to act like reporters covering the event. involves gathering facts and organizing them into an account within the usual genres of news and feature writing. In evaluating, accuracy is important and creativity is not. To design such a lesson, youll need to provide the right resourc

11、es and establish the importance of fairness and accuracy in reporting.Examples:The Vietnam Memorial The Mexico City EarthQuake The Gilded AgeJump to summaryDesign Tasks requires learners to create a product or plan of action that accomplishes a pre-determined goal and works within specified constrai

12、nts. Asking students to design an ideal X without also requiring them to work within a budget and within a body of legal and other restrictions doesnt really teach much. Examples: Design a Canadian Vacation; Future Quest; Designing a Home; Adventure Trip QuestCreative Product Tasks production of som

13、ething within a given format (e.g. painting, play, skit, poster, game, simulated diary or song) but they are much more open-ended and unpredictable than design tasks. The evaluation criteria for these tasks would emphasize creativity and self-expression, as well as criteria specific to the chosen ge

14、nre. Examples: Radio Days , Sworn to Serve Consensus Building Tasks the requirement that differing viewpoints be articulated, considered, and accomodated where possible. Examples: Vietnam Mural, Vietnam Memorial,Searching for China, Persuasion Tasks requiring students to develop a convincing case th

15、at is based on what theyve learned. Examples: The Amistad Case, Rock the Vote , Conflict Yellowstone WolvesSelf-Knowledge Tasks the goal is a greater understanding of oneself, an understanding that can be developed through guided exploration of on- and off-line resources. Example: What Will I Be Whe

16、n I Get Big? Analytical Tasks learners are asked to look closely at one or more things and to find similarities and differences, to figure out the implications for those similarities and differences. They might look for relationships of cause and effect among variables and be asked to discuss their

17、meaning. Examples: March Madness Meet the Immigrants What Qualities Cause a College Teacher to be Rated Bad?Judgment Tasks Judgment tasks present a number of items to the learner and ask them to rank or rate them, or to make an informed decision among a limited number of choices. Examples : The WebQ

18、uest about WebQuests ; Evaluating Math Games Scientific Tasks It would include: making hypotheses based on an understanding of background information provided by on- or off-line sources; testing the hypotheses by gathering data from pre-selected sources; determining whether the hypotheses were suppo

19、rted and describing the results and their implications in the standard form of a scientific report. Examples: KanCRN Collaborative Research Network, Journey North選擇任務 總結 一個良好的任務必須: 包括網上資源的运用 要學習者明白所學習的资料,然後反思. 探求式學習 只須一個任務,作為學習的焦點 在這階段,不需求告訴學習者如何完成任務,讓學習者思索,亦可於過程模塊中說明。例子一 體適能與安康 中四級同學均獲邀成為學校的安康大使。安康

20、大使計劃旨在藉不同活動向師生們介紹與安康相關的知識及資訊。在接著的一個月,安康大使計劃將以體適能為主題向師生們推廣相關知識。 他們身為安康大使,正積極籌備與體適能相關的活動;以使師生們可以明白體適能與安康的關係及其重要性。cquestgarden/view.php?id=1441 例子二 潮語大搜索 香港是一個國際大都會,身處於中西文化之交匯點,其通用語言主要是粵語、國語和英語,當中以粵語為最普遍运用的語言,甚至是用其作教學用語。唯近年來,社會出現了新流行的潮語,您發覺其發展情況迅速,就好似為很多香港人所熟識的網絡聊天通用軟件 MSN 亦特意為潮語創作了一系例的表情符號以供下載,其普及情況令人

21、關注。剛好學校正在在一年一度的中文週中推行正確运用中文的活動,推行活動的老師希望讓學生探求潮語對學生學習正規語文的影響。作為擁有良好的分析才干的您,決定參加潮語大搜索的活動,希望在中文週提示潮語對我們的影響。cquestgarden/view.php?id=1689 練習2a 請就上一次所決定的主題,設計一個任務 可參考WebQuest 任务坊 (2a) 任务紙過程模塊 幫助學習者完成複雜的任務 示範解難過程 提供各種不同的支架 (scaffold)甚麼是支架? 取意於建築支架 不同於詳盡指引 提供方向、方法,以幫助學生完成任務為什麼要提供支架 複雜的任務,假设沒有適當的幫助,學習者難以完成。

22、 網上指引,提供適時的幫助。支架的種類接纳支架Guidance on how to interview an expertReading guidesDictionaries and glossariesObservation guides轉化支架Guidance on applying specific transformations, like using Excel生產支架Guidance on organizing information in particular formatsPrompted writing templatesMultimedia templates解難支架示範解

23、難過程示範解難战略, 例如小組組員扮演不同角色,各自就個人立塲表逹意見。提供適當資源及連結/webquest/TV/Scaffolding the Thinking Process例子一 體適能與安康 過程一:分組任务過程一:分組任务這次安康大使計劃由小組作單位,他們需這次安康大使計劃由小組作單位,他們需求四個同學一組,在互聯網上搜集有關求四個同學一組,在互聯網上搜集有關體適能的資料,並共同撰寫一分攤位的體適能的資料,並共同撰寫一分攤位的計畫書。攤位將於學校安康週中進計畫書。攤位將於學校安康週中進行,向同學推廣體適能。及後他們會與行,向同學推廣體適能。及後他們會與同

24、學分享參與安康大使計劃的得著。同學分享參與安康大使計劃的得著。cquestgarden/view.php?id=1441 例子一 A過程二:搜集及分析資料過程二:搜集及分析資料要推廣體適能,他們必須對安康、體適能等作資料搜集。其中所需要推廣體適能,他們必須對安康、體適能等作資料搜集。其中所需求的資料包括:求的資料包括:1. 分析現代人的生活習慣分析現代人的生活習慣 以香港作背景,香港人的生活習以香港作背景,香港人的生活習慣如何影響他們的安康。港人參與運動情況如何?他們的飲食習慣如何影響他們的安康。港人參與運動情況如何?他們的飲食習慣又如何?癡肥情況嚴重嗎?衛生署的網站有提供資料,他們也慣又如何

25、?癡肥情況嚴重嗎?衛生署的網站有提供資料,他們也可以用各大搜尋器找到更多相關資料。得到資料後,他們認為這可以用各大搜尋器找到更多相關資料。得到資料後,他們認為這些生活習慣如何影響人們的安康?些生活習慣如何影響人們的安康?衛生署衛生署 .hk搜尋器:搜尋器:雅虎香港雅虎香港 hk.yahoo/ Google google.hk/例子一 B2. 搜集體適能資料搜集體適能資料 何謂體適能?當中包含什麼元素?它與何謂體適能?當中包含什麼元素?它與安康有甚麼關係?安康有甚麼關係? 以下網址可供同學參考:以下網址可供同學參考:香港體適能總會香港體適能總會 .hk/教育部體適能

26、網站教育部體適能網站 .tw/體適能測試與評估體適能測試與評估 hk.geocities/physicalfitnesshk/衛生署中央安康教育組衛生署中央安康教育組 .hk/b5/info/index.html衛生署學生安康服務衛生署學生安康服務.hk/tc_chi/health/health.html良好的體適能良好的體適能 .hk/HAELP/info/business/health/02/02.2/02.2.htm例子一 C3. 分析體適能與日常生活的關

27、係 了解體適能後,他們發現我們的日常生活跟體適能有亲密關係。舉出三個例子。4. 設計一個推廣體適能的攤位 為了使同學對體適能有更多認識,他們需求設計一個攤位推廣體適能。在構思攤位時,要留意以下各點:l 攤位的內容介紹什麼?l 內容能否詳盡?有充分運用網上資源嗎?l 內容能否適合校內的同學?程度會否過淺或過深?l 推廣手法如何跟內容配合?如展板、遊戲、示範等。l 攤位所需用的资料。l 籌備及運作上的技術問題。例子一 D過程三:撰寫計畫書過程三:撰寫計畫書他們可根據以下的內容大綱撰寫體適能攤位計畫書:他們可根據以下的內容大綱撰寫體適能攤位計畫書:1. 攤位名稱攤位名稱2. 背景分析背景分析3. 計

28、畫目標計畫目標4. 具體內容具體內容5. 實施進度及分工實施進度及分工6. 所需物資所需物資7. 所需援助所需援助8. 預期效果預期效果當然,他們也可因應本人攤位的內容添加大綱之項目。當然,他們也可因應本人攤位的內容添加大綱之項目。例子一 E過程四:分享過程四:分享他們需求於安康週週會上向全校同學分享參與安康大使計劃他們需求於安康週週會上向全校同學分享參與安康大使計劃的缘由、過程及得著,以向同學推廣體適能及安康的重要。的缘由、過程及得著,以向同學推廣體適能及安康的重要。分享時要留意以下各點:分享時要留意以下各點:l 能否每位組員都有分享的機會?如何配合?能否每位組員都有分享的機會?如何配合?l

29、 需求技術援助嗎?如需求技術援助嗎?如PowerPoint等。等。l 面對觀眾時需留意什麼?面對觀眾時需留意什麼?l 需求預備回答觀眾的問題嗎?需求預備回答觀眾的問題嗎?例子一 F以下網頁可作參考:簡報技巧 .tw/pnhsieh/lectures/presentationskills.htm演講技巧 www2.hkedcity/sch_files/a/tc/tc-deba/public_html/new_page_3.htm例子二例子二 藍色天空藍色天空 他我有責他我有責 (過程一) 集體認識:認識香港的空氣污染香港電台:再見藍天 深呼吸片段:.hk/s

30、pecial/bluesky/media/deep_breath.asx網站:.hk/special/bluesky/breath.htmcquestgarden/view.php?sec=27&id=83&pt=SP&mode=public&process=1 例子二例子二 A(過程二) 角色分工每組由五位同學組成。每位組員扮演以下其中一角色:1發電廠負責人2國內工廠負責人3私家車車主4辦公室部門主管5家庭主婦例子二例子二 B蒐集資料發電廠負責人1香港電燈環境保護:heh/hehWeb/EnvironmentQualityHealthAndSa

31、fety/EnvironmentalProtection/HowWeCareForOurEnvironment/Index_zh.htm2文匯報:2019-08-21 減低發電呵斥的空氣污染陸恭蕙思匯政策研讨所行政總監paper.wenweipo/2019/08/21/WW0708210006.htm3中華電力 (片段):環保供電齊做到 液化天然氣 l 多元化燃料 l 引入液化天然氣 盡早帶來清新空氣 l 液化天然氣的好處 l 環境影響評估研讨l 液化天然氣: 環保燃料 清新空氣問題:1香港的發電廠為什麼會呵斥空氣污染?2香港的發電廠有為減輕空氣污染盡力嗎?如何?3运用液化天然氣為甚可減輕空氣

32、污染?例子二例子二 C國內工廠負責人國內工廠負責人1香港將對珠三角主要工業空氣污染源展開研讨香港將對珠三角主要工業空氣污染源展開研讨 big5.xinhuanet/gate/big5/news.xinhuanet/newscenter/2019-10/18/content_6904081.htm2香港以及珠三角空氣污染日益嚴重香港以及珠三角空氣污染日益嚴重voafanti/gate/big5/voanews/chinese/w2019-10-11-voa29.cfm3珠三角冬季空氣污染趨嚴重珠三角冬季空氣污染趨嚴重takungpao:82/news/07/04/25/GW-726987.htm

33、4一廠一年一環保項目計劃一廠一年一環保項目計劃/tc_chi/fs/fs_pp/fs_pp_one.php問題:1珠三角工廠為什麼會呵斥空氣污染?2珠三角工廠有為減輕空氣污染盡力嗎?如何?3一廠一年一環保項目計劃為甚可減輕空氣污染?例子二例子二 D私家車車主1車轔轔:.hk/special/bluesky/.hk/rthk/tv/blueskyvision/20190324.html2汽車排出污染:.hk/chi/transport/index.htm3環保署 - 減少車輛廢氣:e

34、.hk/epd/tc_chi/environmentinhk/air/air_maincontent.html4以電力推動的汽車:/energy/transport/hybrid_phy01_c.html問題:1私家車車主為什麼會呵斥空氣污染?2私家車車主有為減輕空氣污染盡力嗎?如何?3油電混合動力汽車計劃為甚可減輕空氣污染?例子二例子二 E辦公室部門主管辦公室部門主管1機電節能資訊站機電節能資訊站:貼有能源標籤貼有能源標籤設備更省電設備更省電singpao/20190801/feature/927958.html2智慧用電:辦公室錦囊智慧用電:辦公室錦囊clp

35、-powerwise.hk/office/office.html3辦公室節能小貼士辦公室節能小貼士 PDF 格格 式式 ( 4.39MB ) 問題:1辦公室為什麼會呵斥空氣污染?2辦公室主管有為減輕空氣污染盡力嗎?如何?3辦公室節能計劃為甚可減輕空氣污染?例子二例子二 F家庭主婦家庭主婦1智慧用電:家居錦囊智慧用電:家居錦囊clp-powerwise.hk/family/comic.asp2家居節能小貼士家居節能小貼士 PDF 格格 式式 ( 4.42MB ) 3廚房與浴室慳電小貼士廚房與浴室慳電小貼士4書房與客廳節能新慨念書房與客廳節能新慨念問題:1家庭為什麼會呵斥空氣污染?2家庭主婦有為減

36、輕空氣污染盡力嗎?如何?3家居節能小貼士計劃能否為可減輕空氣污染?例子二例子二 G撰寫一編建議書,提出三項建議給校長,學校如何就改善香港空氣質素出分力。建議需求是可行及具備理據,並著重是全校參與。練習2b 請就所設計的任務,設計適當的過程指引。 可參考WebQuest 任务坊 (2b) 任务紙評核量規 就某一特別範疇,清楚列明應逹到的水準。Giving clearer idea of what is expected in terms of specific performance 鼓勵高層次的學習,例如批判性思索,創意等。而這些學習是難以簡單地評分的。Foster high level of learning which cannot be scored by numbers, such as critical thinking, creativity 同儕或個人自我評核 Peer- and self-assessment Students declaration on how much they have done 就某一任務製作評核準則Creating A Rubric for a Giv


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