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1、031413112 Irene031413118 Limi031413119 Alison031413126 Jessica1.Constitution1.Constitution2.Government2.Government3.Political Parties3.Political Parties4.Election4.Election5.The Commonwealth5.The CommonwealthConstitution constitution is a set of principles by which a country is governed. It includes

2、 all of the institutions that are responsible for running the country and how their power is kept in check. The constitution also includes laws and conventions(惯例惯例). lThe British constitution is not written down in any single document, and therefore it is described as “unwritten”. ( UK . Israel . N

3、ew Zealand .)lThis is mainly because the UK, unlike America or France, has never had a revolution which led permanently to a totally new system of government. Their most important institutions have developed over hundreds of years. l Advantages: more flexibility & better governmentl Disadvantage

4、s: conservatism (保守性保守性) & nondeterminacy (不确定性)不确定性)(不成文宪法) Statutory Law (成文法成文法) Common Law (判例法判例法) Conventions (习惯法习惯法)British Constitutionis made up of .123v passed by Parliamentv example the Magna Carta (1215) the Bill of Rights (1689) the Reform Act (1832) the European Communities Act (1

5、972) the European Communities (Amendment) Act (1986) v the most important one and takes precedence over the others if there is a clash. Statutory Law (成文法成文法) Common Law (判例法判例法) Commom law has never been precisely defined.It is deduced from custom or legal precedents and is interpreted in court cas

6、es by judges. Conventions (习惯法习惯法)Conventions are rules and practices which are not legally enforceable,but are regarded as vital to the working of the government. the Rule of Law(法治原则) three basic tenets of Diceys code:(戴雪准则的三个原则) A: The rights of individuals are determined by legal rules and not t

7、he arbitrary behavior of authorities. B: There can be no punishment unless a court decides there has been a breach of law. C: Everyone, regardless of your position in society, is subject to the law. Supremacy of Parliament(议会至上原则) As to the development of the society, the power of the Government bec

8、omes more and more strong. Although the theory of the Supremacy of Parliament has limitation, its still the basic principle of the Constitution. The principles:二二. Government 1. The Legislature(立法部门(立法部门) 2. The Executive(行政部门)(行政部门) 3. The Judiciary( 司法部门)司法部门)The The LegislatureLegislature(立法部)Par

9、liamentParliament( (议会议会) )1.It is 1.It is the law-making body of Britainthe law-making body of Britain. .2.It is 2.It is one of the oldest representative one of the oldest representative assembliesassemblies( (代表大会代表大会) )in the worldin the world. .英国议会创建于英国议会创建于1313世纪,迄今已有世纪,迄今已有700700多年的历史,被多年的历史,

10、被称为称为“议会之母议会之母”。3.3.Strictly speaking,Strictly speaking,it it consists of theconsists of the Crown(Crown(King or QueenKing or Queen) ), the House of Lords (, the House of Lords (上议上议院院), ), the House of Commonsthe House of Commons. .( (下议院下议院) )Queen Elizabeth IIBuckingham Palacethe office of the Qu

11、een(白金汉宫白金汉宫)She reigns but does not rule!She reigns but does not rule!Theoretically, she is the source of all government powers:Theoretically, she is the source of all government powers:the the head of thehead of the legislaturelegislature, ,executive,and judiciary branchesexecutive,and judiciary b

12、ranchesthe commander-in-chiefthe commander-in-chief(总司令)(总司令) of all armed forces of all armed forces and the and the “supreme governor” of the Church of England “supreme governor” of the Church of England In reality, her role is “symbolicIn reality, her role is “symbolic, ,ceremonialceremonial(仪式性的

13、)(仪式性的), ,and and unpolitical”:unpolitical”:Giving her rGiving her royal assent to oyal assent to any any new lawnew law that has been passed by that has been passed by ParliamentParliament(赞成新法律的实施)(赞成新法律的实施)Meeting with the Prime Minister at Buckingham PalaceMeeting with the Prime Minister at Buck

14、ingham Palace(与首相议事)(与首相议事)PayPayinging state visits to Commonwealth countries as head of state state visits to Commonwealth countries as head of state and non-Commonwealth countries on behalf of the British and non-Commonwealth countries on behalf of the British governmentgovernment(代表国家出访)(代表国家出访)

15、 The House of LordsThe House of LordsThe main legislative function of the House of Lords is to examine and revise bills from the House of Commons.It also acts in a legal capacity as the highest court of appeal(上诉法院上诉法院).The House of Lords meets in a lavishly decorated chamber in the Palace of Westmi

16、nster(威斯敏斯特宫)(威斯敏斯特宫)The House of CommonsThe House of CommonsThree major functionsThree major functions1.1.toto draft new laws draft new laws2.2.to scrutinizeto scrutinize( (仔细检查)仔细检查)the the actions of the government actions of the government 3.3.to influence the future government to influence the

17、future government policypolicyThe Executive(行政部)the Prime Ministerthe Prime Minister1.the leader of the majority party in Parliament2.the head of government 3.control not only the Cabinet(内阁内阁) but also ParliamentDavid William Donald Cameron戴维威廉唐纳德卡梅伦the Cabinet1.It is the supreme decision-making bo

18、dy in the British government.(最高决策机构)(最高决策机构)2.The Cabinet works on the principle of collective responsibility and individual ministerial responsibility. (内阁除了对国家、政府进行行政上的内阁除了对国家、政府进行行政上的领导外,同时也对其政党行使着领导权领导外,同时也对其政党行使着领导权)the Privy Council(枢密院枢密院)1.It serves as a body of advisors ,which has about 50

19、0 members.2.They consists of Cabinet members,the leaders of all major political parties,the Speaker,Archbishops(大主教大主教),senior judges and some other important public figures.3.Its main duty is to give advice.The Judiciary (司法部)The Judiciaryn The judicial branch of the British is rather complicated i

20、n that English and Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland all have their own legal systems,with minor differences in law,organization and practice.n A feature common to all systems of law in the United Kingdom is that there is no complete code. The sources of law include (1) statutes; (2) a large amoun

21、t of “unwritten” or common law; (3) equity law; (4) European Community. Another common feature is the distinction made between criminal law and civil law.: (1 1)成文法()成文法(2 2)大量的)大量的“不成文法不成文法”或习惯法(或习惯法(3 3)衡平法()衡平法(4 4)欧共体)欧共体 法。另一个共同的特点是刑法和民法之间的区别。法。另一个共同的特点是刑法和民法之间的区别。Court SystemsCourt SystemsCoun

22、ty Court郡法院Magistrates Court地方法庭Crown Court 刑事法庭High CourtCourt of AppealCourt of Appeal 上诉法院House of Lordscivil casescriminal casesCriminal Proceedings(刑事诉讼程序刑事诉讼程序) In Britain all criminal trials are held in open court because the criminal law presumes the innocence of the accused until he has bee

23、n proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The prosecution and the defense get equal treatment. No accused person has to answer the questions from the police before trial. He will not be compelled to give evidence in court. Every accused person has the right to employ a legal adviser to conduct his de

24、fense. If he can not afford to pay, he may be granted aid at public expense. In criminal trial by jury, the judge passes sentence, but the jury decided the issue of guilt or innocence. The jury consists of 12 ordinary people(15 in Scotland). If the verdict of the jury can not be unanimous, it must b

25、e a majority. 在英国,所有的刑事审判都在法院公开进行。因为刑法认为,在消除合理怀疑证明被告在英国,所有的刑事审判都在法院公开进行。因为刑法认为,在消除合理怀疑证明被告有罪之前,他是无辜的。原告与被告同样平等,审判时被告不必回答警察的问题,不许强有罪之前,他是无辜的。原告与被告同样平等,审判时被告不必回答警察的问题,不许强迫被告提供证据。每位被告都有权雇佣律师为其辩护。如果他不能支付律师费,可以用公迫被告提供证据。每位被告都有权雇佣律师为其辩护。如果他不能支付律师费,可以用公用费用提供帮助。在由陪审团进行的刑事审判中,法官判刑,但陪审团决定是否有罪。陪用费用提供帮助。在由陪审团进行

26、的刑事审判中,法官判刑,但陪审团决定是否有罪。陪审团一般由审团一般由12人组成。如果陪审团不能做出一致判决,也必须是多数决定。人组成。如果陪审团不能做出一致判决,也必须是多数决定。Political PartiesPolitical Parties政党政党 The power to run the country lies in the elected Parliament . The British Parliament operates on a two-party system , which means that the two political parties play the r

27、oles of the Government and the Opposition . The party whose political ideas are welcomed by the majority will be elected and consequently empowered to form the government . The leader of the party will become the Prime Minister.统治国家的权利依赖于与议会的选举。英国议会是以两党制的形式运行,它意味着这两个政党扮演着执政党和在野党的角色。政党的思想受大多数欢迎的那个党,就

28、会当选,随后将授权逐渐政府,党主席将会成为首相The three main political parties of the UKThe conservative party 保守党The Labor Party 工党The Liberal Democrats 自由民族党The Conservative partyThe Conservative party保守党保守党 By and large , the Conservative Party is supported by those who By and large , the Conservative Party is supporte

29、d by those who have something to “conserve ” , such as landowners and have something to “conserve ” , such as landowners and businessmen , often from the middle and upper-middle class . For businessmen , often from the middle and upper-middle class . For this reason , it is sometimes called the “Rig

30、ht ” . Many this reason , it is sometimes called the “Right ” . Many wealthy members of the working class also favor this party . One wealthy members of the working class also favor this party . One might infer that the higher one climbs in socioeconomic terms, might infer that the higher one climbs

31、 in socioeconomic terms, the more likely they are to be a Conservative.the more likely they are to be a Conservative. Before world war II, the leadership of Britain Before world war II, the leadership of Britain was almost continually in the hands of the was almost continually in the hands of the co

32、nservative party. During the post-1945 conservative party. During the post-1945 period ,however, the ruling party changed fairly period ,however, the ruling party changed fairly frequently. frequently. 在二次世界大战之前的英国领导几乎不断是在保守党手中。在二次世界大战之前的英国领导几乎不断是在保守党手中。在在 1945 年后的时期,然而,执政党相当频繁地改变了年后的时期,然而,执政党相当频繁地改

33、变了. 总的来说,总的来说,保守党保守党会被那些对某事保守的人支持,例如会被那些对某事保守的人支持,例如农场主农场主和商人,通常组成中层或中上层和商人,通常组成中层或中上层阶级阶级。基于此,他。基于此,他们有时也被称为们有时也被称为“右派右派”。许多富有的。许多富有的工人阶级工人阶级同样支持同样支持该党。有一点可以断定(你那个词写错了)在该党。有一点可以断定(你那个词写错了)在社会经济社会经济层层面爬的越高的人,越有可能成为面爬的越高的人,越有可能成为保守派保守派。Economically, the conservative Party Supports free enterprise and

34、 privatization of state-owned enterprises. 支持自由企业和私有化企业支持自由企业和私有化企业 Against with government intervention政府干预政府干预 especially nationalization .国有化国有化Lead to not only take control away from the owners and builders of industry ,but also lead to inefficiency.PoliciesPragmatism 实用主义Individualism 个人主义The l

35、iberal democrats自由民主党The Liberal Democrats are a social liberal political party in the United Kingdom, supporting constitutional and electoral reform, progressive taxation, environmentalism, human rights laws, banking reform and civil liberties. The party was formed in 1988 by a merger of the Libera

36、l Party and the Social Democratic Party. The two parties had formed the electoral SDPLiberal Alliance for seven years prior. The Liberals had been in existence for 129 years and in power under leaders such as Gladstone, Asquith and Lloyd George. During these times in government, the Liberals are cre

37、dited with the Liberal Reforms, which saw the creation of the welfare state.自由民主党是一个社会政治自由党在联合王国,支持宪制及选举改革、 累进税制、 环保、 人权法律、 银行业改革和公民自由。党成立于 1988 年由社会民主党和自由党的成员合并。两个缔约方已经七年事先形成选举社会民主党 自由党联盟。自由主义者已经存在了 129 年和在下格莱斯顿,阿斯奎斯和劳埃德 乔治等领导人的权力。政府在这些时期中,自由主义者是贷记进行自由主义改革,认为福利国家的建立.BritainBritain - -The birthplace

38、 of western representative democracy The historical evolution of electoral election A general election is held every five years .Candidates need to make a deposit(保证金)(保证金) of 500 pounds Independent(无党派)无党派) candidates are likely to win the election Brief introductionBrief introductionThis measure i

39、s designed to prevent those unserious candidates from running in the election because voters usually wont vote for them.Because even if they were to win the seat ,they would be powerless in Parliament against the larger parties. Political parties use advertisements in newspapers ,door-to-door campai

40、gning and leaflets.The main parties are given several 10-minute slots(时段)时段)on national television to present their policies to the public .Process Process Apart from the parties own publicity, newspaper and TV programs spend a lot of time discussing the campaigns, interviewing politicians and predi

41、cting the results. On election day ,people go to their local polling station to vote .When the voting closes at When the voting closes at the end of the day ,the the end of the day ,the counting begins .counting begins .By early morning of the By early morning of the next day ,it is often clear next

42、 day ,it is often clear who has won the who has won the election election .The party which wins over half of the constituencies is the majority in the House of Commons , subsequently forming the new government .The head of the party becomes the Prime Minister.Under the formula of the London Declaration, Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of the Commonwealth.Royal Cypher of Queen Elizabeth IIThe location of the headquarters and the standing bodies: LondonMajor Events:Major Events: Commonwealth Heads of Government Common


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