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1、高考语法复习之普通时The Past Tense, The Present Tense &The Future Tense普经过去、如今、未来时Do you know where _ _ _ Do you like the things that life is showing you?Where _ you _ _?Do you know?Do you get what youre hoping for?When you look behind you theres no open doorwhat are you hoping for?youregoingtoaregoingtoT

2、he Future Tense1. To grasp the structure of the three tenses 2. To use the grammar rules to solve the problems3. To write a short text about ourselves in the past, the present and the future4. To improve our cooperative learning abilities普经过去时普经过去时 1. 根本用法根本用法 普经过去时表示普经过去时表示_动作或情况。动作或情况。 2. 时间标志词时间标

3、志词 _ _等。等。 3. 构成构成 谓语动词变为谓语动词变为_过去发生的过去发生的yesterday,last Sunday, 过去式过去式a week ago,in 2021 抢答题1Quick Response Questions以小组为单位进展抢答,每空一分。答错不扣分。普通如今时普通如今时 1. 用法用法 普通如今时表示普通如今时表示_动作或存在的形状。动作或存在的形状。 表示表示_名言警句。名言警句。 表示表示_。 2. 时间标志词时间标志词 _等。等。3. 构成构成 主语为主语为_, 谓语用谓语用_如今经常性、习惯性的如今经常性、习惯性的客观现实、真理客观现实、真理时间表、时辰表

4、时间表、时辰表often, usually, always, sometimes, every day 第三人称单数第三人称单数三单方式三单方式普通未来时普通未来时 1. 用法用法 普通如今时表示普通如今时表示_动作或情况。动作或情况。 2. 时间标志词时间标志词 _等。等。3. 构成构成 主语主语 + 谓语谓语_+ 其他其他将要发生的将要发生的tomorrow, in a month, in the future, next weekwill + 动词原形动词原形be going to+动词原形 表示_will + 动词原形表示_现在进行时表将来常见动词_一般现在时表将来常用于火车、汽车、飞

5、机等的_主将从现用于_引导的_从句方案、预见方案、预见暂时起意暂时起意come, arrive,go, leave时间表时间表if, when, as soon as 状语状语Look at the compositions, and underline the Future Tense.抢答题2Quick Response Questions 2看高考作文,划出普通未来时。每篇作文看一分钟,一分钟后开场抢答。每处一分。答错不扣分。Exercise 2 单句语法填空。1. Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and

6、 49_(be) too violent for use at the table.2021全国III2. It was raining lightly when I 61_(arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.2021全国I werearrived抢答题3Quick Response Questions 3答案正确一分,找到关键词一分,讲解正确一分。答错不扣分。3. This cycle 68_ (go) day after day: The walls warm up During the day and cool off during the nig

7、ht and thus always a timely offset抵消for the outside temperatures.2021全国II 4. A boy on a bike 65_ (catch ) my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. 2021全国II goescaughtExercise 3 单句改错。1. Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby. I thought that it is a good

8、idea. 2021全国II2. However, my parents didnt seem to think such. They always tell me what to do and how to do it.2021全国IIIthinktold3. Tony was scared and begun to cry.2021全国II4. My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom, buildings.2021全国IIbeganlooks微写作。请用三句话描画过去、如今和未来的本人,可引见学习、生活等。Last year, I was 17 and knew nothing about Gaokao.This year, I work very hard to realize my dream.Next year, I will attend my dream university.抢答题3Quic


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