



1、湖北中医学院?英语国家概况?期末考试试卷(07-08学年第1学期 2021.01) 姓名:_专业:_学号:_题号一二三四五总分核分人题分2020201030100得分得分评卷人I: Choose the best answer from A,B,C,and D for each item. (20%, 1×20)1. Which of the fowllowing is NOT considered a characteristic of London?A. The cultural center. B. The business center. C. The financial c

2、enter. D. The sports center.2. The British Isles are made up of _ large islands and hundreds of small ones.A. five B. four C. two D. three3. The highest authority of the Church of Scotland is _.A. the monarchy B. the General AssemblyC. the Prime Minister D. the archbishops. 4. The Lake District is w

3、ell known for _. A. its wild and beautiful scenery B. its varied lakes C. the lake poets D. all above 5. According to the Act of Settlement of 1701, only _ are eligible to succeed to the throne.A. Catholics B. Protestants C. Methodists D. Baptists6. Compared to the others, _ of the Queen is the weak

4、est candidate for the succession to the throne in the UK. A. the first son B. the eldest daughter C. the youngest son D. the eldest brother 7. Which is NOT correct to describe the Prime Minister?A. The head of the country. B. The head of civil servantsC. The leader of the Ruling Party. D. The head o

5、f the Cabinet.8. The Labour Party became one of the two major parties after _.A. 1912 B. 1922 C. 1932 D. 19459. The United Kingdom is not a member country of _.A. the United Nations B. Asian Pacific Economic Community C. the Western European Union D. the International Monetary Fund10. Which of the f

6、ollowing was NOT the reason for the relative economic decline since 1945 for the UK?A. Britain did not invest in modern equipment and new products.B. Britain spent a high proportion of its national wealth on the military. C. Britain had been heavily in debt to finance the war.D. Britain had carried

7、out the nationalization of its businesses. 11. Thomas Becket disputed with Henry II on the _ matters.A. economic B. religious C. educational D. administrative12. The Industrial Revolution in Britain first began in _.A. the clothing industry B. the cotton textile industry C. the steam engine industry

8、 D. the railway industry 13. The chief reason for early settlers to come to the New Continent was _.A. to seek better opportunities B. to escape religious persecution C. to find riches D. Both A and B14. The national flag of the United States is known as _.A. the Star-Spangled Banner B. Uncle Sam C.

9、 Hot Dog D. Union Jack 15. The terms of the senator and representative are _ and _ years respectively.A. two four B. twothreeC. two six D. six two16. _ has the power to impeach the President of the US when he abuses his power. A. The Senate B. The Supreme Court C. The Congress D. The Justice of the

10、Supreme Court17. The Bretton Woods Conference set up the following systems or policies EXCEPT _.A. Open Door policy B. IMF C. the World Bank D. GATT world trading system 18. Which of the following is NOT accurate about the Emancipation Proclamation?A. It immediately freed all slaves living in the US

11、.B. It freed slaves only in the Confederacy.C. It brought many blacks to serve in the Union Army.D. It gave the North a high moral reason for continuing the war.19. The principal author of The Declaration of Independence was _.A. George Washington B. John AdamsC. Thomas Jefferson D. Thomas Pain20. W

12、hich of the following did George W. Bush advocate?A. Protecting the environment and improving education.B. A tax cut and conservative social policies.C. Economic growth, a balanced budget and health-care reform.D. Tax cut, economic growth and government revenues. 得分评卷人II: Fill in the blanks with pro

13、per words or phrases. (20%, 1×20)1. The head of the UK is _ with limited power. 2. The flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is sometimes called the _, which was first used in 1801. 3. In the UK, life peers should be nominated by _, and appointed by the sovereign.4. S

14、cottish schools receive funds directly from _ instead of from the local authority. 5. The murder of _ caused unexpected results which could clearly testified to the great influence of the church in the Middle Ages. 6. The Roman occupation of Britain lasted nearly 400 years. They brought _ to England

15、 and their development of the country helped this religion to spread. 7. Under Margaret Thatcher, Britain adopted the economic policy of _, deregulation and market liberalization. 8. Both James I and his son, Charles I clung to the theory of the _, that is, the king was above the people and the Chur

16、ch.9. During the Hundred Years War, many French peasants joined in the war under the leadership of famous peasant girl _ who was a heroine in French history.10. _ was a period in which “sheep devour men as described in Thomas Mores Utopia. 11. _ was the major English Romantic poet and poet laureate

17、of England. His Lyrical Ballads (1798), written with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped launch the English Romantic movement. 12. Chamberlain engineered _ in September 1938, negotiating with Hitler to settle the question of Czechoslovakia.13. _ was signed on July 4, 1776.14. In 1844, China was compelle

18、d to sign with the USA the unequal “_.15. The formation of the League of Nations was to guarantee the independence of all nations and to preserve _.16. In the first years of World War I, the US government clung to its traditional _ with regard to European affairs.17. In 1941, Roosevelt and Churchill

19、 met to issue a declaration of war aims known as “_.18. On September 11, 2001, terrorists carried out a devastating attack on the _ in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. 19. I Have A Dream was delivered by _, who was a very famous Civil Rights Movement leader.20. The present presiden

20、t of the USA is _.得分评卷人III: Translate the following Chinese phrases into English and English into Chinese. (20%, 1×20)1. 君主立宪制 _ 2. 都铎王朝 _3. 荣耀革命 _ 4. 欧盟 _5. 英联邦 _ 6. 大熔炉 _7. 社会福利制度 _ 8. 水门丑闻 _9. 卡特里娜飓风 _ 10. 反恐战争 _11. the House of Lords _ 12. Keynesian School in economics _13. the Magna Carta

21、_ 14. the Domesday Book _15. the Divine Right of Kings _16. the Pilgrim Fathers _17. the Senate _ 18. the Central Intelligence Agency _19. the Monroe Doctrine _ 20. the Open Door Policy _得分评卷人IV: Decide whether the following statements are true T or false F. (10%, 1×10)_ 1. The Romans brought t

22、heir civilization to England, but they didnt introduce a system of organized government and build a network of towns._ 2. In the UK, the Prime Minister can dissolve Parliament over a major issue that he or she believes should be submitted to the voters._ 3. Anthony Blair, the leader of the Labour Pa

23、rty, became Prime Minister of Britain in 1997._ 4. During Henry IIs reign, the judges had to make decisions by relying on English written laws._ 5. From 1780 to 1839 Britain exported a lot of marijuana to China each year and made a lot of money._ 6. Grammar school refers to a kind of secondary school both in the UK and in the USA._ 7. The US and Canada share a land boundary which is open and undefended._ 8. Franklin D. Roosevelt, elected to four times in office as president of the United States, is one of the greatest presidents in the Americans


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