1、教案课程名称新生代英语高级教程2课时班级专业教师系部教 研 室教材 ?新生代英语高级教程2?1教学方案教 学单 元单 元主 题教学内容Unit 1 “My schedule is crazy.StudyingShow Time“ My schedule is crazy.ReadingHow to stop procrastinating?Chat TimeI aced my chemistry test.WritingA scheduleGrammarTagquestionsMy StorySchedules and routines课 时8安 排教学目标Warm-upTo get stud
2、ents to talkabout the main topic ofthis unit in acomfortable andrelaxed manner教学活动建议Focus students attention onlearningthegoals for the unit and explain that the focus of this unit is on time management. Ask students to look at the picture and to describe what they see. (A student is working on an a
3、ssignment very late at night. ) Read the words in the boxes aloud, modeling the correct pronunciation and eliciting their meanings. Give students several minutes to complete the passage.2Vocabulary BuilderA and BTo teach students newvocabulary related tostudyingCTo improve studentslistening andcompr
4、ehension skillsNominate students to read the passage around the class. Ask students: Do youhave a schedule as busy as this? What s your schedule like?Have students listen and repeat the words and the expression, teaching the definition for each one. You can check their comprehension by asking questi
5、ons, such as: What is another word for homework? (assignment) What is the verb we use to describe missing a class? (skip) What is another word for student accommodation? (dormitory )Once students seem comfortable with the new words and the expression, have them complete Exercise B and then switch bo
6、oks. Go through the answers, calling on different students each time. Correct any errors.If you want to, you can start each class with a short spelling test, which works quite well as a warm-up.Tell students they will hear a conversation between a man and a woman who are discussing their semester sc
7、hedules. There are a few words in the conversation you may need to teach. They are physics, elective and Shakespeare. Write these three words on the blackboard. Ask students: Which one is a famous writer? (Shakespeare) You can also ask studentsto tell you the names of some famous Shakespeare plays.
8、Then ask students: Which one is a kind of science? ( physics) You may want to add that Newton is the most famous figure in the history of physics. Students will probably have heard of the story of an apple falling on his head.Tell students that we use elective to talk about subjects that we choose.
9、Ask students if they have any elective classes. Play the audio, twice if necessary. Pause the audio so that students have time to fill3DTo improve studentsspeaking andcomprehension skillsShow TimeATo teach studentsspeaking skillsthrough the use ofpicturesB, C and DTo improve studentslisteningcompreh
10、ensionthrough the use ofvideoReadingA and BTo improve studentsreadingin the blanks.Read the rubric aloud and check that students understand the task. Organize students into pairs. Challengethem to see who can be the first tocomplete the puzzle, but don t allow fast finishers to reveal their answers
11、to their classmates.As a possible extension task, get students to write sentences about themselves containing the words from this activity. Tell students to look at the pictures and ask some basic comprehension questions, such as: Who are these people? Where are they? What are they doing?Ask student
12、s to guess what happened in this video and to match the pictures to the sentences according to their own understanding.Have students watch the video in its entirety. Ask them to check their answers with a partner.For Exercise B, ask students to read through each statement and to decide if it is true
13、 or false.For Exercise C, play the video again. Have a pair of students read out the conversation with one student playing the role of Hectorand the other as Naomi. For an extension activity, you can also have students rewrite the conversation, using the words and expressions learned in this unit.Fo
14、r Exercise D, have students read through each sentence and choose the correct word or expression.Check the answers for Exercises B, C, and D. Students can exchange books and listen as you go through the answers.Exercise AAsk students to describe the picture. Thenread the headline aloud. If students
15、don t know the meaning of the word4comprehensionC, D and ETo review the usefulwords and expressionsprocrastinating , tell them to guess what they think it means. Elicit that procrastinate means putting off doing something until a later date. Ask students to tell you whether or not they procrastinate
16、 and get them to describe the situations in which they are most likely to procrastinate.Give students several minutes to read the text. Encourage students to refer toWORDS & EXPRESSIONS.Ask students to complete the exercise. Allow them to check their answers with a partner before conducting clas
17、s feedback.Exercise BGet students to look at the statements. They should then read the text again, and decide whether the statements are true or false.Check answers around the class.Exercise CChallenge students to see who can be the first to match the words to the definitions. Fast finishers should
18、write sentences containing the words in the left column. They should then blank out the words and read the sentences aloud to another fast finisher, who should listen and provide the missing words.Check answers orally, focusing on correct pronunciation of the words.Exercise DRead the words and expre
19、ssions in the boxes aloud. Ask students to complete the sentences. Allow them to check their answers with a partner before reading the sentences around the class.Personalize the new language by asking students questions, such as: What best-selling books have you read? When you make a plan, do you fi
20、nd it difficult to stick to it? When were you last tempted to procrastinate?5Beyond the TextTo improve studentscritically thinkingability and encouragethem to learn a lessonfrom the textChat TimeTo improve studentslistening, speaking,writing and actingskills through the useof conversationExercise EF
21、ocus students attention on the Bingo grid and check that they understand the rules of the game.Ask students to write the words into the blanks.When everyone is ready, play the audio of the definitions.When someone calls out“ Bingo , see if he/ she can remember the definitions for the words in their
22、row.Exercise ARead what Olivia says to the class. Then get a student to read the advice aloud. Ask students whether or not they agree with the advice, and whether they have any different or better suggestions.Focus students on what Nick says. Organize students into pairs and get them to discuss what
23、 advice they would giveNick. After they have shared their ideas, get a few students to report back. Encourage the rest of the class to givefeedback on each other s advice.Exercise BGive students several minutes to read the quotes and sayings. Allow them to ask questions about any new or unfamiliar w
24、ords.Organize students into pairs to complete the task. Monitor as students share their ideas, offering support where necessary.Exercises A & BFor Exercise A, explain to students that they will hear a conversation in which a man and a woman discuss midterm tests. Introduce the key words and expr
25、essions for this conversation.Tell students to listen carefully and to write down what they hear in the blanks. If necessary, pause the audio so that students have time to write.Have students practice talking about6WritingTo improve studentswriting skills and learnto write a schedulestudying using t
26、he questions in Exercise B. Have students read through LANGUAGE NOTE, which teaches the idiom “to turn over a new leaf. Ask students: Have you ever turned over a new leaf? What did you want to change? Were you successful? Why (not)?Exercise CRead the rubric aloud and direct studentsattention to the
27、clues. As a class, readthrough the expressions in Usefullanguage, focusing on the correctpronunciation, sentence stress andintonation.Organize students into pairs and get themto work on their role-plays. Circulate asstudents do this, listening and makingnotes of any examples of good languageyou hear
28、 or any issues students need helpwith.Nominate a couple of confident pairs toperform their role-plays to the rest of theclass. Conduct class feedback, taking timeto discuss any issues you have observedand any examples of good language andcommunicative skills.ExerciseATell students that they are goin
29、g to putsome of the skills they have learned in thisunit into practice, by writing a schedule.Give students several minutes to skim thenotes and to match them to the scheduleentries.Allow students to check their answers witha partner before conducting classfeedback.Exercise BFocus students attention
30、 on the headingsand elicit their meanings.Read the rubric aloud and challenge students to see who can be the first to complete the task.Check answers orally. For each heading,7GrammarTo teach students howto use tag questionsask students to suggest a couple more possible schedule entries.Exercise CGe
31、t students to look at Kara s schedule.Read the rubric and make sure students know they should only write the most important information.Do the first schedule entry in Exercise B together, as an example. Students should complete the rest of the task alone. Monitor, offering support where necessary.Br
32、ing the class together again. Go through the schedule, asking students to tell you what they wrote and where they wrote it.Exercise DAsk students: What do you need to do thisweek? Ask them about their daily life,school and their part-time job. Tellstudents about some of the things you needto do this
33、 week.Get students to make notes under the headings. Ask a couple of students to report back on what they have written.Exercise EGet students to put their notes into the schedule. Remind them that they only need to write the most important information.Monitor as students complete the task, offering
34、support where necessary. When students have completed the task, display the schedules on the screen and getstudents to look at each other s schedule. Ask students: Who has the busiestschedule?Exercise AStart by explaining that tag questions are used in two situations. In the first situation, you are
35、 not sure something is true, but want to make sure. In this case when you speak, your voice will rise. Write an example on the blackboard, such8as: You aren t my student, are you?Explain that we also use tag questionswhen we want to confirm something weknow is true.In this case, your voice will go d
36、own whenyou speak. Write an example on theblackboard, such as: You don t have asister, do you? Once students seem comfortable with thegrammar, have them complete the exerciseand then switch books to correct theirmistakes.Exercise BAsk students to look at the picture and todescribe what they see. (A
37、sleepy boy whois finding it difficult to get up for school.His mom is making breakfast for him.)Elicit when we use tag questions. (Whenwe want to check conversation or elicit aresponse from our conversational partner.)Read the rubric aloud. Complete the firsttag question together with students as an
38、example.Get students to complete the rest of theconversation. Allow them to check theiranswers with a partner before choosingtwo confident students to read theconversation aloud to the rest of the class.9My StoryTo improve studentslisteningcomprehension andspeaking abilitythrough the use ofvideoExer
39、cises A & BTell students that they will see a video in which real people talk about what they do in their free time.Play the video and have students complete the true or false statements in Exercise A. In some cases, you may need to pause the video to help students.Have students tell you the ans
40、wers, correcting any mistakes. Play the video again and have students answer the questions in Exercise B, pausing the video if necessary.Check students answers, correcting any mistakes.Exercise CGive students several minutes to read thequestions and to think about their answers.Organize students int
41、o pairs. They shouldtake it in turns to ask and answer thequestions.Circulate, encouraging students to usesome of the new words and expressionsthey have learned in this unit.Ask a few students to report back on theirdiscussions. Write down any newlanguage on the blackboard.课后学习设计作业Finish all the exe
42、rcises in Unit 1.Read the text in this unit again and try tosummarise its content.Write a schedule.课后总结与反思10补充教学资源Vocabulary Builder参考译文蒂姆:嗨,希拉里。这学期你的课程安排如何?希拉里:让我想想,课程表在这儿了。看起来这学期会很忙。周二和周四上午有数学课。周一、周三和周五下午有物理课。这两门是我的必修课,因为我学的是物理专业。蒂姆:那选修课呢?你还有其他课程吗?希拉里:有,我有一门罗马史选修课,每周五上午上课。你呢,蒂姆?你这学期的课程安排如何?蒂姆:简直让我
43、抓狂!每天我都有英语课。目前我还在上一门关于莎士比亚的课。他是我最喜欢的作家。这学期将会很忙。希拉里:你说的一点儿没错。Show Time参考译文桑切斯夫人:嗨,亲爱的。学得怎么样?赫克托:说实话,妈妈,不怎么样。桑切斯夫人:真的吗?出了什么问题?是漏掉了什么作业吗?赫克托:不是,妈妈。问题在于这噪音。噪音太大,我无法集中精力。桑切斯夫人:哦,抱歉。但你也知道你老爸,他觉得自己耳背,所以他总是把音量调到最大。11赫克托:我知道。只是这让我很难集中精力,仅此而已。桑切斯夫人:好吧。我们会尽量把声音调低。维克托!把电视声音调小点。你儿子正努力学习呢。赫克托:喂?娜奥米:是你吗,赫克托?出什么事了?
45、很有帮助。比方,在周二和周四的四点到六点,我在图书馆学习。周五上午,我在这儿,也就是在家学习。每周我都按着时间表进展,风雨无阻。赫克托:这听着跟上班差不多。娜奥米:这确实跟上班差不多。这个比喻很贴切。你上班肯定不会迟到,对吧?12赫克托:当然不会!娜奥米:而且你也不会旷工一天不去工作。以同样的方式对待你的学习,你的成绩就会提高。赫克托:这个建议很棒,谢谢。娜奥米:那么,现在你知道你要做什么了!那就去做吧!如果你能合理安排时间, 你会感觉自己做事更有成效。 相信我。赫克托:我会尝试一下。反正也没什么好损失的了,对吧?娜奥米:祝你好运。以后跟我说说你进展得如何。赫克托:我会的。回聊。赫克托:喂,娜
46、奥米。怎么了?娜奥米:哦,有件很重要的事忘记告诉你了。赫克托:是吗?什么事?娜奥米:别忘了也要为你的朋友抽出些时间!赫克托:这对我来说可是最重要的事!语言解析1 So he turns the volume up all the way!所以他总是把音量调到最大 !1) turn up: to make a machine such as an oven, radio etc. produce more heat, sound etc. 开大,调高机器的热度、音量等e.g. Turn the oven up to 220.把炉子温度调高到220 摄氏度。 to suddenly appear
47、after having been lost or searched for突然露面,重 新出现e.g. I couldntfind my watch for ages, but then one day it turned up in acoat pocket.13我有好长时间找不着手表了,但有一天它突然从一件外衣口袋里冒了出来。2) turn down: to make a machine such as an oven, radio etc. produce less heat, sound etc. 调低机器的热度、音量等e.g.Can you please turn the TV d
48、own? I canthear myself think!请你把电视的声音关小一点行吗?我没法静下心来思考! to refuse an offer, request, or invitation 拒绝提议、要求、邀请等 e.g. She has turned down offers from several different law firms.她拒绝了好几家不同的律师事务所的聘请。2 What about studying at the library?去图书馆学习怎么样?what about doing something: used to make a suggestion提出建议、询
49、问消息或征求意见时使用,意为“怎么样:e.g.What about (going for) a walk?去散散步怎么样?What about his qualification for the position?他担任这职务够格吗?3 Yeah, you could say that again.是的,你说的一点儿没错。“you could say that again 在口语中是比拟常见的表达方式,意为“你说的没错 /你说的完全正确 /你说的对极了 /我完全同意你的观点等:e.g. It s a super-hot day! Yeah, you could say that again! 今天可真热! 是的,你说的一点儿没错!4You write a schedule showing when and where you re going to study?你做了个时间表写着你在什么时间去什么地点学习?1) showing:现在分词作后置定语修饰 schedule。 e.g. There is a lady asking to see you.14有一位女士要求见你。
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