



1、重点句型1. 好朋友就是能和你分享快乐和忧伤的人。(share with)A best friend is some one who can share happ in ess and sorrow with you.2. 我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。(stay awake, onpurpose, in order to)I stayed awake on purpose un til half past eleve n in order to have a goodlook at the moon by myself.3. 在朋友的帮助下,我最终完成了这项工作。(wit

2、h the help of)Finally, I was able to finish the work with the help of my friends.4. 这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流。(the first time, commu ni cate with)This is the first time he has used e-mail to com muni cate with his pen pal.5. 网络使人们即使身处世界的不同角落也完全可能面对面地交流。(face to face;even if ; entirely)Thanks to the In ter ne

3、t, it is now en tirely possible for people to com muni cate face to face, eve n if they are in differe nt parts of the world.6. 世界淡水资源十分有限,因此我们必须充分利用。(make use of, resources)The world resh water resources are very limited so we must make good use of them.7. 即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要完成这份工作。(even if,dete

4、rm ined )Eve n if it takes me six weeks, I am determ ined to fin ish the job.8. 全体同学都要准时参加明天举行的会议。(request)All the students are requested to attend the meeting to be held tomorrow on time.9你应该好好利用机会练习英语。(make use of )You ought to make good use of any opport unity to practise En glish.10. 花了一周时间才把衣物和

5、药品送达灾区。(tran sport)It took one week to transport clothes and medicine to the disaster-hit area.11. 比起乘坐拥挤的公共汽车,他宁愿骑自行车。(prefer to do sth rather thando sth)Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle.12. 她坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽善尽美。(in sist )She in sisted that she (should) orga nize

6、 the trip properly.13. 好像他的事业就快要结束了。(It seems/ seemed that,at an end)It seems that his career is at an end.14. 百分之六十的旅客宁愿住在窗朝南的房间。(用定语从句)Sixty perce nt of the travelers prefer to live in the rooms whose win dows face south.15. 在村外往东有一幢蓝顶的白房子。(to the east, with )On the east side of the village there

7、is a small white house with a blue roof.16. 听完他的话,那个可怜的女孩泪水夺眶而出,冲出门外。(burst, rush out )After heari ng his words, the poor girl burst into tears and rushed out ofthe room.17. 一些人破门设法从失火的房子里逃了出来。(escape from; by doi ng sth )Some people man aged to escape from the burning buildi ng by break ing dow n t

8、he doors.18. 只在那时,他才意识到他错了。(On ly the n)Only the n did he realize that he was wrong.19. 当你遇到困难时,不要失去信心。(lose heart )Don t lose heart when you come across difficulty.20. 除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存。(clean up, survive)Uni ess we clea n up our en vir onment, huma n beings may not survive.21. 这是目前为止我所看过的最好的

9、电影中的一部。This is one of the best films that I have ever see n.22. 他已决定去巴黎度假,而不去伦敦。(rather than )He has decided to go to Paris for his holiday rather tha n London.23. 他那么粗鲁地和老板说话,难怪会被解雇。(no wonder )He talked so rudely to his boss. No won der he was fired.24. 当午餐的铃声敲响的时候,学生们一个接一个走出教室。(one after an other

10、)Whe n the bell rang for lun ch, the stude nts came out of classroom one after ano ther.25. 经理不在时,他负责这个商店.(in charge of)He was left in charge of the shop while the man ager was away.26. 不仅你而且你的妻子对我很友好。(not only but also Not only your wife but also you are frien dly to me.)27. 乘客不允许在候车室吸烟。(allow sb t

11、o doPasse ngers are not allowed to smoke in the wait ing room.28.他是个老师,我也是。(so )She is a teacher, so am I.29.随着社会和经济的发展,不可避免地会有新问题产生。(arise)30.31.New problems will in evitably arise as our society and economy develop.昨晚我花了三个小时才做完我的家庭作业。(It takes +时间+ beforeIt took me 3 hours last ni ght before I fin

12、i shed my homework.她既是个很有天赋的音乐家也是个摄影师。(as well as )She is a tale nted musicia n as well as a photographer.32.电脑的发明被认为是一种伟大的科技的突破。(con sider, breakthroughThe invention of computer is consideredto be a great tech no logicalbreakthrough.33.由于人类的过度猎捕,许多动物都已经灭绝了。(die out,)Because of over-h unting by huma

13、 n bein gs, many ani mals have died out.34. 开车的时候,你应该注意路标。(pay atte ntion to; road sig ns)While driv ing, you should pay atte ntio n to the road sig ns.35. 香烟含有很多影响健康的化学成分,这是众所周知的事实。(contain;chemicals; affect)It is a well known fact that cigarettes con tai n many chemicals that will affect your heal

14、th.36. 很多工人面临失业的危险。(in dan ger of)Many workers are in dan ger of los ing their job.37. 如果你能在周五晚上照顾一下孩子们,我将非常感激。(appreciate )I would appreciate it if you could take care of the kids on Friday night.38. 说实话,我要在公共场合演讲还是太紧张了。(to be honest ; too)toTo be hon est, I m too n ervous tcspiveca in public.39. 我

15、很独立,不喜欢依赖别人来获得帮助。(be independent; rely on )I am in depe ndent and don t like to rely on others for help.40. 在我还没来得及熟悉这个乐队的音乐之前,他们就解散了。( have the chaneeto; get familiar with; break up ;)Before I had the chance to get familiar with their music, the band brokeup.41. 这间医院是为了纪念孙中山先生而建的。(in memory of)The

16、hospital was built in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.42. 他日夜思念故乡,所以这首歌常让他想起故乡。(remind )ofHe misses his hometow n day and ni ght, so this song always reminds him of his hometow n.43. 除非你保持均衡的饮食,否则将会增加体重。(a balaneed diet, put onweight )Uni ess you keep a bala need diet, you will put on weight.44. 他对家乡的巨变十分

17、惊讶。(amaze)He was amazed at the great changes that had taken place in his hometow n.45. 他谋求良好生活的能力受到了他缺乏教育的限制。(earn a good living, belimited by; lack of)His ability to earn a good living is limited by his lack of education.46. 咱们应该怎样处理这些废报纸?(do with)What shall we do with the waste paper?47. 如果天气允许的话,

18、我们将在树林里野餐。(permit)We will have a picnic in the woods, weather permitting.48. 我决定还是求稳不要冒险。(take a chanee ; rather than)I decided to play it safe rather tha n take a cha nee.49. 是什么事使他不能参加我们的会议仍然是个谜。(prevent from)What preve nted him from atte nding our meet ing still remai ns a mystery.50. 昨天晚会的气氛非常欢快

19、,每一个人都度过了美好的时光。(atmosphere;joyful)The atmosphere at the party yesterday was very joyful and every one had a great time.51. 当他意识到他可以及时到达赶上飞机时,他终于振奋起来。(in time; cheer up)He fin ally cheered up whe n he realized he would arrive in time to catchthe pla ne.52. 我经常感到疑惑,为什么有些家长允许自己的孩子观看暴力影片。(wonder;allow)I

20、 ofte n won der why some pare nts allow their childre n to watch viole nt movies.53. 外面的噪音不断,我无法安下心来学习。(settle down)With so much no ise outside, I could n t settle dow n to study.54. 想到能看到明星,她们很兴奋。(the thought that, catch sight of)The thought that they could catch sight of the star was excit ing.55.

21、 站在塔顶上,我仍能看到远处的山 (in the distanee)Standing at the top of the tower, I could see the mountains in the dista nee.56. 老师的话促使我比以前更努力工作。(inspire )My teacherrds inspired me to work harder tha n ever before.57. 听取老师的意见,我在英语学习上取得了快速进步。(V+ing作状语)By following the teacher advice I was able to quickly improve m

22、yEn glish.58. 多亏了每一个人的辛勤努力,表演取得了巨大的成功。(thanks to)Thanks to every one s hard work, the perfoerwas a great success.59. 我宁愿为理想奋斗,不愿意放弃而他日后悔。(would ratherthan; strugglefor)I would rather struggle for my dream than give it up and regret it laterin my life.60. 在经历了多年的奋斗之后,他们建立起了自己的公司并变得富有。After many years

23、 of struggle, they were able to build up their bus in essand become rich.61. 过去他们很贫困,根本谈不上度假。(too to,badly off )In the past, they were too badly off to afford a holiday.62. 在老师的帮助下,我终于克服了困难。(overcome)I was able to overcome the problem with the help of my teacher.63. 我觉得很奇怪他如此少睡眠却能够如此努力工作。(find it (形

24、式宾语)+ adj. + that引导的宾语从句,with )I find it strange that he is able to work so hard with so little sleep.64. 如果有必要,我们可以更改旅行日期.(省略句)If (it is) necessary, we can change the dates of our trip.65. 美国的报纸除了要提供信息,还试图娱乐大众.(as well as)America n n ewspapers try to en tertai n as well as give in formati on.66. 看起

25、来一些自然灾害应归咎于全球变暖。(seem; be to blame for )It seems that global warming could be to blame for some natural disasters.67. 专家提出的计划得到了政府的认可。(put forward)The project put forward by experts has been accepted by the gover nment.68. 除了作为一种有趣而且有益的运动外,游泳还是一项很有用的技能。(apartfrom)Apart from being fun and good exerci

26、se, swimming is also a very useful skill.69. 为了图方便,我把参考书放在书桌附近。(for convenience )I keep my refere nee books n ear my desk for convenien ce.70. 我为占用了老师那么多时间而向她道歉。(take up)I apologized to my teacher for tak ing up so much of her time.71. 我们应该乐观向上,永远对生活保持一种积极的态度。(be optimistic)We should be optimistic a

27、nd always keep a positive attitude towards life.72. 只有当你经历了真正的磨难后,你才知道幸福的可贵。(o nly if)Only if you experie nee real hardship will you be able to value happ in ess.73. 为了阻止火灾蔓延,你应当中断电源。 (cut off; prevent from)You should cut off the electricity supply to prevent the fire from spreadi ng.74. 人们热爱并怀念这位伟大的演员,因为他鼓舞人们并增强他们的信心。(be +loved/respected as引导+的定语从句)He is loved and remembered as a great act


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