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1、Unit 23 Conflict 词汇篇 11 、掌握第二单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。2、灵活运用第二单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。1. expose vt. 暴露,显露,揭露;使面临,使遭受(危险或不快);使接触,使体验归纳拓展:expose a set of amazingly white teeth 露出一口雪白的牙齿be exposed as a liar 说谎的面目被揭穿expose sb./sth./yourself to sth.使面临某物expose yourself to criticism 使自己受到批评expose sb. to as much

2、art and culture as possible 使某人受到尽可能多的艺术与文化的熏陶exposed adj.无遮蔽的,易受攻击(或批评)的be exposed to many dangers 置身于各种各样的危险之中exposure n. 面临,遭受,揭露典型例句:Keep indoors and don t expose your skin to the sun.留在屋里,不要让皮肤在太阳下暴晒。As a nurse in the war she was exposed to many dangers.作为战地护士,她置身于各种各样的危险之中。、The newspaper story

3、 exposed him as (= showed that he was) a liar.报纸上的这篇报道揭发他是个骗子。2. spare v. (把不用的或多余的人或物)拔出,抽出,让给;赦免,饶恕,不伤害n. 备用品;备件归纳拓展:spare sb. sth. 让给某人某物,为某人腾出某物money/time to spare 余钱/余暇spare sb. trouble/difficulty/pain etc. 免除某人的麻烦/困难 /痛苦等spare a thought for 替 (某人)想一想spare no expense 不惜资金典型例句:We re so busy that

4、 no one in the office can be spared for any other work.我们都很忙,办事处中谁都抽不出来做其他工作。Can you spare ten minutes?你能抽出10分钟时间吗?No trouble was spared to make sure the guests enjoyed themselves. 为使宾客尽情欢乐而不遗余力。What do you like doing in your spare time ?你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?3. appoint vt. 任命;委派归纳拓展:appoint sb. to a post 派某人任

5、某职appoint sb. as.任命某人担任 appoint sb. sth.任命某人为 (职务)appoint sb. to do sth. 派某人干某事appoint a time/place for sth./to do sth. 约定日间 /地点干appointment n. 预约,任命,委任make an appointment 约会keep/cancel the appointment 践约/取消约会by appointment 按照约定典型例句:She s been appointed as sales director/to the post of sales directo

6、r.她被任命为销售部经理。A committee was appointed to investigate these complaints.已任命一个委员会调查这些投诉。The committee has appointed a day in July for your case to be heard.委员会指定七月某一天审理你的案件。I called the dentist to change the time of my appointment.我打电话给牙医更改我的预约时间。4. possession n.拥有;(常pl.)所有物,财产归纳拓展:possess sth. 拥有,具有b

7、e possessed of 拥有be in one ' s posse或0ble in the possession of) 为所有,归 所有be in possession of sth. 拥有,占用某物have possession of 拥有(指买来或从别人那里买来)警示误区:in possession of 表示主动,其主语通常是人,意为 齿有":in the possession of 表示被动,其主语通常是物,意为 被占有”。类似短语还有:in charge of 负责in the charge of 由负责in control of 控制in the cont

8、rol of 被控制The finance company now has possession of the house.该金融公司现在拥有这所房子的所有权。The police went through all the dead girl s possessions.警方检查了死去女孩的所有物。The Philippine Islands were once a possession of the United States.菲律宾群岛曾经是美国的属地。5. shoot vt.&vi. ( 用枪)击毙,开枪归纳拓展:shoot sb. 射中某人(可能伤,可能死)shoot at s

9、b. 朝某人射击(或放炮)shoot the ball 投篮(射门)shoot a look/glance(at)向扫视一眼shoot down 击落,击毁shoot up (数字或数量)猛增警示误区:shoot sb.表示射击的结果,意为 击毙,击伤”;shoot at sb.表射击“这一动作,意为 向射击“。典型例句:Lincoln was shot while watching a play in Ford s Theater.林肯在福特大戏院看戏时遭到枪杀。I' m coming out with my handsup, don' t shoot.举起手然后出来,不要开

10、枪。Magic turned and shot the ball , making a 3 pointer in the final second.魔术师转身投篮,在最后一秒钟时投进一个三分球。The plane was shot down over the ocean. 飞机在大海上被击落。6. intend v. 打算归纳拓展:intend to do sth. 打算做某事intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事be intended for专为打算/设计的by intention 故意have no intention of doing sth. 无意做, 不打算做

11、without intention 非故意地,无意地典型例句:I had no intention of changing my mind. 我不打算改变我的想法。She intended to catch the early bus, but she didn t get up in time.她本打算赶早班车,可是早上起晚了。The course is intended for intermediatelevel students.这门课是为中等程度的学生开设的。7. hand over 把交给归纳拓展:hand back 归还,交还hand down 递给,传递下去hand in 提出,

12、交上hand on 传给另一个人;依次传递hand out 分配,施舍,提出典型例句:The land was handed back to its original owner.那块土地被归还给了原主。I ' ve decided to hand in my resignation 专 tell my employer I am leaving my job.)我已决定递交辞呈。Could you start handing these books out.请你把这些书分发出去吧。A ring was handed down from her grandmother.她 (外 )祖母

13、传下来一只戒指。8. stand up for 保护,维护,支持归纳拓展:stand up 站立;耐久,耐用stand for 代表,象征;容忍,允许stand by 袖手旁观;支持典型例句:It s high time we all stood up for our rights around here.我们大家现在急需行动起来,维护我们在这里的权利。The trees stood up pretty well to the frosts this winter.这些树经受住了今年冬天的霜冻。We will not stand for this sort of behavior , youn

14、g man!小伙子,我们不会容忍这种行为的。We are not prepared to stand by and let them close our schools.我们不会袖手旁观,听任他们关闭我们的学校。9. put forward 提议,提出归纳拓展:bring forward 提出;提前;显示go forward 前进;发生push forward 推进,挺进,勇猛前进典型例句:The proposals that you have put forward deserve serious consideration.你提出的建议值得认真考虑。As the army pushed f

15、orward , the death toll mounted.随着部队的推进,死亡人数在增加。The meeting ' s been brought forward to ThursdO议已经提前至U星期四举行。10. sort out 挑选出;处理,解决归纳拓展:get sth. sorted 把某事办妥、处理好sort sth. out (from sth.)理顺,整理;把 安排妥当;(从中)区分出来,辨别出来sort sb. out 整治,惩罚,收拾(某人)sort through sth.(for sth.) 翻查,归整sort into把分成警示误区:sort作为名词意为

16、 种类,类别”;作为动词意为 分类,整理”,引申意为 妥善处理,把安排妥当”。例 1. (2019 石景山一模 )Twenty years ago, his father was very rich and was a farm.A. in the possession ofB. in possession ofC. in the charge ofD. possessed解析: 本题考查“拥有 ”的正确表达法。in the possession of, in the charge of 主语通常是物,意思都是“被谁所拥有”; in possession of 主语是人,意思是“拥有 ”; p

17、ossessed 逻辑主语是人,但它之前有was,搭配不正确。答案: B例 2. Prices of the houses have certainly recently.A. shot upB. risen upC. come upD. raised解析:shoot up(数字或数量)猛增,这里指价格猛涨;rise up起义,造反“,不合题意,去掉up可选; come up长出地面,发生,走近”,不符合题意,若改为 gone up则可选;raise为及物动词, 拾高, 抬起 ”,不合语境。答案: A例 3. He is nearsighted, so he didn t break your

18、 cup .A. for sureB. by intentionC. in surpriseD. without intention解析: for sure 肯定; by intention 故意地;in surprise 惊讶地;without intention 无意地。句意为:他是近视眼,所以他不是故意打碎你的杯子的。答案: B例 4. (2019 浙江高考 )There is no reason to be disappointed., this could be rather amusing.A. Above allB. As a resultC. In additionD. As

19、a matter of fact解析:句意:你没有理由失望,事实上,这可能更加有趣。答案: D 。例 5.The committee put a proposal to reduce the wasting of time.A. forwardB. upC. asideD. up with解析: put forward 提出“ ”; put up “张贴,悬挂 ”; put aside 撇开“ ”; put up with 忍受“ ”。句意为:委员会提出了减少浪费时间的建议。答案: A基础演练一、翻译句子。1 . 我威胁要向警察检举他。2 .这名记者因为试图揭露一个阴谋而被杀害。3 .我目前太

20、忙,抽不出人来帮你。4 .他尽了一切努力使他免受任何痛苦。5 .他们任命他为主席。二、单句写作。1. 我决不容忍这种傲慢无礼的行为。I won _t this insolence.2. 如果他们能坐下来谈谈的话,这件事情就可以得到解决。This matter could beif they would just sit down and talk.3. 在某种程度上我与你意见一致,但我并不同意你的所有观点。I agree with you , but I don t agree with everything.4. 他除了脸部和双手受伤外,两条腿也断了。the injuries to his

21、face and hands, he broke both legs.5. 一个错误就有可能导致整个工程失败。A small mistake can even the failure of the whole project.6. 我们在任何情况下都不要被困难打倒,相反,我们应该利用一切可能的办法来战胜困难。can we be defeated by difficulties, Instead, we should useto overcome them. Keys: 巩固提高一、单项选择。【】 1. After his death his sister his (personal) belo

22、ngings.A. sorted out B. sorted into C. sorted through D. sort of【】 2. The wings of the bird still fluttered after it had been .A. shot down B. shot upC. shoot downD. shoot up【】 3. Twenty years ago, his father was very rich and was a farm.A. in the possession ofB. in possession ofC. in the charge ofD

23、. ossessed【】 4. The residents approve of the measures so far in our city , to bring a sharprise in oil prices.A. having been taken ; intendingB. be taken; intendingC. taken; to intendD. taken; intendedKeys: 一、完成句子。1. A live programme is (号召人们捐钱)to the people who have suffered from flood.2. (代表这里的每个人

24、),I wish you apleasant journey back to your country.3. The meal over, the manager went back to the meeting room to (继续他们的讨论).4. It was a film that (夺走)three Oscars.5. Her father (把她抱在怀里)and kissedher.6. We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case should theory(与分离)practic

25、e.7. Most city workers might not (挣很多钱) but when they retire they might get a good pension.8. The government has approved of (建一座新桥)across the river.9. They (脱离)the national union and set up their own localorganization.第 6 页10. (据估算)that group was at a higher risk of heart disease.、单项选择。1. Mum, wher

26、e's my packed lunch?一 In the kitchen. I you two sandwiches.A. makeB. am makingC. have madeD. will make1 .1 think we'd better keep to the subject, we'11 waste our time.A. andB.orC. butD. so3 . Don't phone me between 10:00 and 11:30 tomorrow morning. I a meeting then.A. hadB. haveC. wa

27、s havingD. will be having4 .During the weekend, the health club is usually full of people to get in shapeA. tryB.grewC. is growingD. having tried5 . The children's excitement as Christmas drew near.A. growsB.triedC.tryingD. had grown6 . Tom's worry is he won't be chosen for the school fo

28、otball team.A. thatB.whetherC. whenD. why7 . The fire in the supermarket last night was terrible They have taken some measures to prevent it occurring.A. mustB.willC.wouldD. should8 .The room he has just rent is about 9 meters length and 3 meters wide.A.inB.onC.to9.Charles entered New York Universit

29、y in 2009 and one year laterLondonas an exchange studentA. sentB.had sentC. was sentD.at to University ofD. had been sent10 Can you give me a ride? Sorry. There is no room in my car.D. being leftA. to leaveB.leavingC. leftKeys:一、阅读理解(2019 西城一模)Throughout my 41 years at General Electric, I've exp

30、erienced a lot. In the media, I've gone from prince to pig and back again. And I've been called many things.In the early days, some called me a crazy, wild man. When I became CEO two decades ago, Wall Street asked, "Jack who?"When I tried to make GE more competitive by cutting back

31、 our workforce in the early 1980s, the media called me "Neutron Jack." When they learned we were focused on values and culture at GE, people asked if "Jack has gone soft." I've been No.1 or No.2 Jack, Services Jack, Global Jack, and, in more recent years. Six Sigma Jack and e

32、-Business Jack.When we made an effort to acquire Honeywell in October 2019, and I agreed to stay on through the transition ( 过渡期 ), some thought of me as the Long-in-the-Tooth Jack hanging on by his fingertips to his CEO job.Those characterizations said less about me and a lot more about the stage o

33、ur company went through. Truth is, down deep, I've never really changed much from the boy my mother raised in Salem, Massachusetts.When I started on this journey in 1981 , standing before Wall Street analysts for the first time at New第 7 页York's Pierre Hotel, I said I wanted GE to become &qu

34、ot; the most competitive enterprise on earth." My objective was to put a small-company spirit in a big-company body, to build an organization out of an old-line industrial company that would be more high-spirited, more adaptable, and more flexible than companies that are one-fiftieth our size. I said then that I wanted to create a company " where people dare to try new things ?where people know that only the limits of their creativity and drive, their own standards of personal excellence, will be the ceiling on how far and how fast they move."I've put my mind,


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