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1、聂鲁达二十首情诗与绝望的歌Here I LOVe YOUHere I I OVe youIn the dark Pi nes the Wind d i SentangIes itSe IfThe SnOW UnfUr I Sin danCing figuresASilVer guI ISliPS down from the WeStThe moon gIOWS I i kePhOSPhOrUS On the Vagrant WatersDays, a I I One k i nd,go ChaSing each OtherSOmetimes a saiI , high,high StarsOh

2、 the bI ack CrOSS OfaShiPAIOneSOmetimes I get UP ear Iy an even my SOUI iS WetFar away the Sea SOUndS an resoundsTh i S i S a POrtHere I I OVe you Here I IOVe you and the hor iZOn hides you in Va inI IOVe you Still among these COId thingsSOmetimes my k i SSeS go On those heavy VeSSe I SThat CrOSS th

3、e Sea toWardS no arr i Va II See myseIf forgOtten Iike those oId anchorsmesThinki ng, thangIing ShadOWSThinking,tangl ing ShadOWS in the deep SOlitUdeYOU are far away too,Oh farther than anyOneThinking,freeing bi rds,diSSOIVing imagesBUry i ng I ampsBe I fry Of fogs,how far away,UP there!StifIing I

4、aments, milling ShadOWy hopes,TaCi turn mi I I er.Night falls On you face downward, far from the city.YOUr PreSence iS foreign, as Strange to me as a thingI th i nk, I exp I Ore great tracts Of my Ii fe bfore youMy Iife before anyone, my harsh IifeThe ShOUt facing the sea, among the rocks.RUnning fr

5、ee,mad, in the Sea-SPrayThe Sad rage, the ShOUt, the SOIitUde Of the SeaHeadIOng,violent, StretChed toWadS the SkyYou,woman, What Were you there, What ray,What VaneOf that immense fanyou Were as far as you are nowFi re in the forest! BUren in bIUe CrOSSeSBurn, burn, fl amp up, SPark Ie i n trees Of

6、Ii ghtIn my Sky at twiIightThiS POem iS a ParaPhraSe Of the 30th POenl in rabindranath tagore, S the gardenerIn my Sky at twiIight you are Iike a CIOUdAnd your form and COIOUr are the Way I IOVe themYOU are mine, mine, WOman With SWeet IiPSAnd in your Iife my infinite dreams IiVeThe I amp Of my SOUI

7、 dyes your feetMy SOUr Wine i S SWeeter On your Ii PSOh reaper Of my even i ng SOngHOW SOlitary dreams be Ii eve you to be mine!YOU are mine, mine, I go ShOUting it to the afternoor SWind, and the Wind hauIS On my WidOWed VOiCeHUntress Of the depths Of my eyes, your PI UnderStiIlS your nocturnal reg

8、ard as though it Were WaterYOU are taken in the net Of my music, my IOVeAnd my nets Of music are Wide as the SkyMy SOUIi S born On the ShOre Of your eyes Of mourn i ngIn youreyes Of mourn ing the Iand Of dreams beg ins.I I ike for you tObeStiIlI i ke for you to be still:it is as though you Were abse

9、ntAnd you hear me fromfar away andmyVOiCe does not toUCh youIt SeemS as though your eyes had flown awayAnd it SeemS that a kiss had SeaIed your mouthASall things are filled With my SOUIYOU emerge from the things, filled With my SOUIYOU are Ii ke my SOUI. A butterf Iy Of dreamAnd you are Ii ke the WO

10、rd me IanchoIyI I ike for you to be Stil I, and you SeerTl far awayIt SOUndS as though you Were I amenting, a butterf IyCOO i ng Iikea doveAnd you hear me from far away, and my VOiCe does not reach you :Let me COme tObeStill in your SiIenceAnd Iet me ta Ik to you With your SilenceThat is br ight Sa

11、a Iamep, SimPIe as a r ingYOU are Ii ke the n i ght, With its StiIlness and COnSteI I ationsYOUr SiIence iS that Of a Star, as remOte and CandidI Iike for you tObeStill: it iS as though you Were absentDiStant and fuI I Of SOrrOW as though you had diedOne WOre then, One Smi Ie, iS enoughAnd I am happ

12、y, happy that it' S not trueEVery day you PIayEVey day you PI ay With the I i ght Of the Un i VerSeSUbtie ViSitor, you arrive in the fIOWer and WaterYOU are more than thiS White head that I hold tightlyAS a CIUSter Of fruit, every day, betWeen my handsYOU are Ii ke nobody SinCe I IOVe youLet me

13、SPread you OUt among ye I IOW gar IandsWhO Wr ites your name in Ietters Of SmOke amongThe StarS Of the SOUthOh Iet me remember you as you Were before you ex i StedSUddenIy the Wind howlS and bangs at my ShUt WindowThe Sky i S a net Crammed With ShadOWy fi ShHere a I I the WindS Iet go SOOner Or Iate

14、r, a I I Of themThe ra i n takes Off her ClOthesThe bi rds go by, fIeeingThe wind. The wind.I Can COntend OmIy aga i nst the POWer Of menThe StOrm WhirlS dark I eavesAnd tUrnS IOOSe a I I the boats that Were moored I ast night to the SkyYOU are here. Oh, you do not run awayYOU Wi I I answer me to th

15、e I ast CryCling to me as though you Were fr ightenedEVen so, at One time a Strange ShadOW ran trough your eyesNow, now too, Iittle one. YOU br i ng me honeysuck IeAnd even your breasts SmeI I Of itWhile the Sad Wind goes SIaughtering butterf IiesI IOVe you, and my happiness bites the PIUm Of your m

16、outhHOW you must have SUffered getting accustomed to meMy savage, SOIitary SOUI , my name that SendS them al I runningSO many times We have Seen the morng Star burn , kissing OUr eyesAnd OVer OUr heads the grey Iight UnWind in tUrning fansMy WOrdS rained OVer you ,stroking youA IOng time I have IOVe

17、d the SUnned mother-of-Pearl Of your bodyI go SO far as to think that you OWn the UniverseI Wi I I br i ng you happy flowers from the mounta i ns ,bI Uebe I I SDark haze Is, and rustic baskets Of k i sses.I WantTO do With you What SPr ing does VVith the Cherry trees.I have gone mark ingI have gone m

18、ark i ng the atlas Of your body With CrOSSeS Of fi reMy mouth Went across: a spider, trying to hideIn you ,beh ind you, timid, dr i Ven by thi rstStOrieS to teI I yu On the ShOre Of eveningSad and gentle do I I, SO that you ShOU Id not be SadA SWan, a tree, SOme thi ng far away and happyThe SeaSOn O

19、f grapes, the r i Pe and fru itful SeaSOnI WhO Ii Ved i n a harbour from WhiCh I I OVed youThe SOlitUde CrOSSed VVith deam and With SiIencePenned UP betWeen the Sea and SadneSSSOUnd I ess, de I i r ious, betuuen tuo mot ion I ess gondo Ii ersBetWeen the IiPS and the VOiCe SOmething goes dyingSOmethi

20、ng With the WingS Of a bird, SOmething Of anguish and Obl ivionThe Way nets Cannot ho Id WaterMy toy do I I, Onlya few drops are Ieft tremb Ii ngEVen so, SOmething S i ngs in these fug itive WOrdSSOmething SingS ,SOmething CIimbs to my ravenous mouthOh to be abIe to Ce Iebrate you With a I I the WOr

21、dS Of joySing, burn, fIee, Iikea be I fry at the hands Of a madmanMy Sad tenderness, What COmeS OVer you a I I at OnCeWhen I have resched the most awesome and the COI dest SUmm itMy heart CIOSeS Iikea nocturnal fIOWerYOU breast is enoghYOU breast is enogh for my heartAnd my WingS for your freedomWha

22、t WaS S Ieep i ng above your SOUI Wi I I r i SeOUt Of my mouth to heavenIn you i S the iI I us i On Of each dayYOU arrive I ike the dew to the CUPPed fIOWerSYOU Undernline the hor i ZOn With your absenceEternaI Iy in flight Iike the WaVeI have Said tha you Sang in the WindLike the PineS and I i ke t

23、he mastsLike them you are ta I I and tac i turnAnd you are sad, a I I at once, Iikea VOyageYOU gather things to you Iike an oId roadYOU are PeOP Ied With echoes and nosta Igic VOiCeSI awoke and at times b i rds fIed and migratedThat had been SleePing in your SOUIAImOSt OUt Of the sky, ha If Of the m

24、oonAnChOrS betWeen two mountainsTUrning, Wander ing night, the digger Of eyesLet' S See how many Stars are SmaShed in the POOIIt makes a CrOSS Of mour i ng betWeen my eyes, and runs awayFOrge Of bIUe meta Is, nights Of Sti Iled COmbatsM heart revoI VeS Iikea CraZy WheetGirl WhO have COme from SO

25、 far, been brought from SO farSOmetimes your gIance fI ashes Ot Under the SkyYU CrOSS above my heart eithout StOPPingWind from the tombs Carr ies Of , wrecks, SCatters your SIeey rootThe bi g trees On the Other Side Of her, UPrOOtedBUt you CI OUd I ess girl, question Of smoke, COrn tasseIYOU Were Wh

26、at the Wind WaS mak i ng With iI Ium i nated I eavesBehind the nocturnal mountains, White IiIy Of COnfIagrationAh, I Can Say nothing! YOU Were mmade Of everythingLOnging that SI iced my breast into PiecesIt is time to take another road, On WhiCh She does not SmiIeSt Orm that bur i de the bells, mudd

27、y SWi r Of t OrfTlen tsWhy toUeh her now, Why make her SadOh to follow the roda that IeadS away from everythingWithOUt anguish, death, Winter Waiting along itWith the i r eyes OPen through the dewWe have IOSt evenWe have IOSt even thiS tWiIightNO One SaW US th i S evening hand i n handWhile the bIUe

28、 night dropped On the WOr IdI have Seen from my WindOWThe fiesta Of SUnSet in the diStant mountain tOPSSOmetimes a P i ece Of SUnBUrned I i ke a COin betWeen my handsI remembered you With my SOUI ClenChedIn that Sadness Of mine that you knowWhere Were you thenWO eI Se WaS thereSaying WhatWhy Wi I I

29、the WhOIe Of IOVe COme On me SUddenlyWhen I am Sad and fee I you are far awayThe book feI I that is always tUrned to at tWilightAnd my CaPe roI Ied Iikea hurt dog at my feetAIWays, always you recede through the eceningsTOWardS Where the tWilight goes erasing StatUeSDrUk With PinesDrUnk With Pines an

30、d IOng kiSSeSLike SUmmer I Steer the fast Sa iI Of the rosesBent toWardS the death Of the thin dayStUCk into my SOIid marine madnessPa I e and I ashed to my ravenous WaterI CrUiSe in the SOUr SmeI I Of the naked ClimateStill dressed in grey and bitter SOUndSAnd a Sad CreSt Of abandoned SPrayHardened

31、 by PaSS ions, I go mounted On my One WaVeLunar, SOI ar, burn ing and COId, a I I at OnCeBeCaImed in the throat Of the fortunate islesThat are White and SWeet as COOI hiPSIn the moiSt night my garment Of kiSSeS trembIesCharged to inSanity With eIectrie CUrrentsHerOiCalIy divided into dreamsAnd intOX

32、iCating roses PraCtiCing On meUPStream, in the midst Of the OUter WaVeSYOUr ParaIIel body ye I ds to my armsLike a fi shi inf initely fastened to my SOUIQUiCk an S Iow, in the energy Under the SkyWhite beeWhite bee, you buzz in my SOUI, drunk With honeyAnd your fIight WindS in S IOW SPiralS Of SmOke

33、I am the One Without hope, the WOrd WithOUt echoesHe WhO IOSt everything and he WhO had everythingLaSt hawser, i n you CreakS my I ast IOngi ngIn my barren Iand you are the final roseAh you WhO are Silent!Let your deep eyes CI OSe There the night fluttersAh your body, a fr i ghtened statue, nakedYOU

34、 have deep eyes in WhiCh the night flailsCOOI arms Of fIOWerS and a IaP Of roseYOUr breasts Seem Ii ke White SnailsA butterf Iy Of ShadOW has COme to SIeep On your bellyAh you WhO are Silent!Here iS the SOIitUde from WhiCh you are absentIt is raining The Sea Wind iS hunting Stray gullsThe Water Wa I

35、ks barefoOt in the Wet StreetsFrOnl that tree the I eaves COmP I a in as though they Were SiCkWhite bee, even When you are gone you buzz in my SOUIYOU IiVe again in time, SIender and SiIentAh you WhO are Silent!Leaning Into. The .afternoonsLeaning into the afternoOnS I CaSt my Sad netsTOWardS your O

36、Ceanic eyesThere in the highest bIaze my SOlitUde Iengthens and fIamesItS arms tUrning Iikea drowning mar SI Send OUt red Signals across your absent eyesThat move Iike the Sea near a IighthouseYOU keep Only darkness, my diStant femaleFrOnl your regard SOmetimes the COaSt Of dread emergesLeSning into

37、 the afternoons I fl ing my Sad netsTO that Sea that beats On your marine eyesThe bi rds Of night PeCk at the fi rst StarsThat flash Iike my SOUI When I IOVe youThe night gaI IOPS On its ShadOWy mareShedd ing bI Ue tasseIS OVer the I andI remember you as you WereI remember you as you Were in the I a

38、st autumnYOU Were the grey beret and the Still heartIn your eyes the fIames Of the tWiIight fought OnAnd the I eaves feI I i n the Water Of your SOUICIaSPing my arms Ii ke a Climb ing PI antThe I eaves garnered your voice, that WaS SIOW and at PeaCeBOnf ire Of awe in WhiCh my thi rst WaS burningSWee

39、t bIUe hyacinth tWiSted OVer my SOUII fee I your eyes trave Ii ng, and the autumn is far off:Grey beret, VOiCe Of a bird, heart Iikea houseTOWardS WhiCh my deep IongingS migratedAnd my k i SSeS fell, happy as embersSky frm a ShiP .field from the hills:YOUr memory iS made Of I ight, fo smoke, OfaStil

40、l pond!BeyOnd your eyes, farther on, the evenings Were bI az i ngDry autumn I eaves revoI Ved i n your SOUISO that you Will hear meSO that you Wi I I hear me my WOrdSSOmetimes grow thinAS the tracks Of the gulls On the beachesNeCk I ace, drunken be I IFOr your hands SmOOth as grapesAnd I WatCh my WO

41、rdS from a IOng Way OffThey are more yours than mineThey Climb On my Old SUffer ing I ike i VyIt CIimbs the Same Way On damp WalISYOU are to bIame for this CrUeI SPOrtThey are fIeeing from my dark IairYOU fiI I everything, you fi I I everythingBefOre you they PeOPIed the SOlitUde that you OCCUPyAnd

42、they are more USed to my Sadness than you areNOW I Want them to Say What 丨 Want to Say to youTO make you hear as I Want you to hear meThe Wind Of angu i Sh StiIl hauIS On them as USUa ISOmetimes hurr iCaneS Of dreams Still knock them OVerYOU IiSten to Other VOiCeS in my Painful VOiCeLament OfOld mou

43、ths, bIOOd OfOId SUPPI icatiOnSLOVe me, COmPanion. Don' t forsake me. FOlIOW meFOlIOW me. COmPanion, On this WaVe Of anguiShBUt my WOrdS become Sta i ned With your I OVeYOU OCCUPy everything, you OCCUPy everythingI am mak i ng them into an endI ess neck I aceFOr your White hands, SmOOth as grape

44、sThe morn i ng i S fuI IThe morning is full Of StOrmIn the heart Of SUmmerThe CI OUdS trave I Ii ke White handkerch i efs Of goodbyeThe wind, trave I ing, WaV i ng them in its handsThe numberI ess heart Of the WindBeating above OUr IOVing SiIenceOrCheStral and divine, resoUnding among the treesLikea

45、 Ianguage fuI I Of WarS and SongSWind that bears Off the dead I eaves With a quick ra i dAnd def Iects the PUIS ing arrows Of the b i rdsWind that topp I es her in a WaVe VVithOUt SPrayAnd SUbStance Without We ight, and Ieaning fi resHer mass Ofk i SSeS breaks and S i nksASSai Ied inthe door Of the

46、SUmmer, SWindAh VaStnessOf PineSAh VaStnessOf Pines, murmur Of WaVeS breakingSIOW PI ay Of I ights, SOlitary be I ITWilight falling in your eyes, toy do I IEar th-shell, in WhOnl the ear th SingSIn you the r i VerS Sing and my SOUI fIees in themAS you desi re, and you Send it Where you Wi I IAimmy r

47、oad On your bow Of hopeAnd in a frenzy IWilI free my fIOCk Of arrowsOn a I I SideS I See your Wa i St Of fogAnd your S i Ience hunts down my affIicted hoursMy k i SSeS anchor, and my moi St des i re nestsIn you With your arms Of tanSParent StOneAh your mysterious VOiCe that IOVe toIIS and darkensIn

48、the resonant and dy i ng evening!ThUS in deep hours I have Seen, OVer the fieldsThe ears Of Wheat to I Iing in the mouth Of the WindThe Ii ght WraPS youThe Iight WraPS you in its mortai fIameAbStracted Pa Ie mourner, Stand i ng that WayAgainst the oId PrOPeI Iers Of the tWiIightThat revoI VeS around

49、 youSPeeCh I ess, my fr i endAlOne in the IOneI iness Of thiS hour Of the deadAnd filled With the I i VeS Of fi rePUre hei r Of the ruined dayA bough Of fruit falls from the SUn On your dark garmentThe great roots Of n i nghtGrOW SUddenly from your SOUIAnd the things that hide in you COme OUt aga in

50、SO that a blue and Pallid PeOPIeYOUr newly born, takes nour iShmentOh magnificent and fecund and magnetic SIaveOf the CirCIe tha moves i n turn through bI ack and go IdRi se, Iead and POSSeSS a CreationSO r ich in Iife that its fIOWerS Per i Sh and it is full Of SadneSS the SOng Of despa i r the mem

51、ory Of you emerges from the night around me the r i Ver mingIes its StUbborn Iament With the Seadeserted I ike the WharVeS at dawniti S the hour Ofdeparture,Oh deserted one!COId fI OWer headsare ra i n ing OVer my heartOh Pit Of debr is,fierce CaVe Of the ShiPWreCkedIn you the WarS and the fI i ghts

52、 accumuI atedFrOm you the WingS Of the SOng bi rds roseYOU SWaI IOWed everything, Iike diStanceLike the sea, Iike time. In you everything SankIt WaS the happy hour Of assauIt and the k i SSThe hour Of the SPe I I that bIazed Iikea I ighthousePi IOt' S dread, fury Of a blind diVerTUrbUIent drunke

53、nness Of Iove, in you everything sank!In the ChiIdhOOd Of mist my SOUI, Winged and WOUndedLOSt discoverer, in you everything SankYOU girdled sorrow, you CI Ung to des i reSadneSS StUnned you, in you everything SankI made the Wa I I Of ShadOW draw backBeyOnd des i re and act, I Wa Iked OnOh fIesh, my OWn flesh, WOman WhO


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