1、货代英语真题解析货代英语真题解析(2012年)年)2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析一、单选题一、单选题 1. Which of the following risk is not the political risk in international trade? A. war risk B. cancellation of import license C. transfer riskD. risk of non-acceptance 拒绝承兑的风险答案:答案:D。P22012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析 2. According UCP600, the terms “t
2、he end of July, 2008” in the L/C shall be construed as ( ) A. from July 21st to July 31st B. from July 1st to July 15th C. from July 11th to July 20th D. from July 1st to July 10th 答案:答案:AP332012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析3. Which of the following documents can be used to exchange for the bill of lading () A
3、. mates receipt大副收据 B. sea waybill海运单 C. shipping notes托运单 D. manifest载货清单 答案:答案:A2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析4. Both in voyage and time chartering, the shipowner is responsible for ( ). A. discharging 卸货费B. fuel燃油费 C. demurrage 滞期费 D. wages of crew船员工资 答案:答案:D2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析5. Which of the followi
4、ng risks are not covered in FPA ( ) A. lightning闪电 B. partial loss部分损失 C. general average共同海损 D. discharging at a port of distress 避难港following a sea peril海难海难 答案:答案:B2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析6. The B/L can be issued by ( )A. consignor发货人B. notify party 通知方C. carrier 承运人D. consignee 收货人答案:答案:C2012年货代英语
5、真题解析年货代英语真题解析7. Which of the following marine bills of lading cannot be transferred to third parties? ( ) A. Order Bills of Lading指示提单 B. Straight Bills of Lading记名提单 C. Shipped Bills of Lading已装船提单 D. Clean Bills of Lading清洁提单 答案:答案:B2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析 8. Usually, the AWB is non-negotiable不可转让的
6、, the goods must be sent to the ( ) titled in the air waybill.A. consignor 发货人B. consignee收货人C. carrier 承运人D. notify party通知人答案:答案:B2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析9. ( ) are rates that are applicable to named types of freight.A. Specific Commodity Rates指定商品运价B. Class Rates等级货物运价C. General Cargo Rates普通货物运价D.
7、 Contract FAK Rates全包价答案:答案:A2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析10. ( ) is one standard form of bareboat charter party used to any great extent designed by BIMCO.A. BARECOM form贝尔康格式 光船租船B. GENCON form金康 格式 航次租船C. NYPE form纽约土产格式 定期租船D. BALTIME form 答案:答案:A2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析11. To the individual consignors,
8、the consolidator 集拼经营人is the ( ) while to the actual carrier, he is the ( )A. consignor/carrierB. carrier/consignorC. actual carrier/carrierD. consignor/actual consignor 答案:答案:B2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析12. Which of the following documents is a document of title 物权凭证to the goods and can be sold merely b
9、y endorsement? ( )A. Bills of Lading提单B. Air Waybill 空运单C. Invoice 发票D. Packing List 包装单据 答案:答案:A2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析13. Usually the freight must be opened and inspected, if the consignee is not on-site, the ( ) can represent him.A. reservations agentB. customs broker报关行C. shipping clerkD. carrier
10、 答案:答案:B2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析14. Under UCP600, The regulations regarding multi-modal transport documents may be described in Articles ( )A. 48B. 1728C. 2937D. 13答案:答案:B2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析15. ( ) is a system of unitized multimodal land transportation of transport by road and rail.A. Land bridgeB.
11、 Rail/roadC. PiggybackD. Sea/air答案:答案:C2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析二、判断题1. In international trade, a country can import goods that make intensive use of the factor of production, instead of importing the factor of production. ( )答案:正确答案:正确2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析2. Inherent vice内在缺陷 or nature of the insured
12、 goods are not covered both in WA and All Risks coverage.( ) 答案:正确答案:正确。2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析3. The date marked on the B/L is the date on which the carrier takes delivery of the goods. ( )答案:错答案:错。2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析4. The air freight charges may be determined either by weight or weight plus vol
13、ume. ( )答案:答案:错误。错误。2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析5. According UCP600, the words “till”, “after”, “from” applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned. ( )答案:错答案:错。P33.没有没有after.2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析6. Tramp service is a carrier who oper
14、ates a regular scheduled service. The vessels are usually chartered at negotiated rates, particularly when the quantity of cargo is large.( ) 答案:错答案:错。应该是班轮运输。应该是班轮运输。2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析7. The air waybill is the document of title for the goods and can be transferred to the third party by endorsem
15、ent.( )答案:错答案:错。空运单不是物权凭证。空运单不是物权凭证。2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析 8. The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination under FOB trade term. ( ) 答案:错答案:错.FOB不需要。不需要。CFR和和CIF2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析9. The Voyage chartering party includes the payment of dis
16、patch 速遣费and demurrage滞期费. ( )答案:正确答案:正确.2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析10. The standard for examination of documents by the banks is reasonable time not exceeding 7 banking days.( ) 答案:错答案:错.是是5天。天。2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析11. “unclean on board” is indicated on the B/L means that the goods is not clean. 答案:错答案
17、:错。2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析12. The figure like 11/7/2008 in British English will be understood as July 11, 2008, while in American English will be understood as November 7, 2008. ( )答案:正确答案:正确2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析13. If the goods are in order, but the documents are not correct, the issuing bank has t
18、he rights to refuse to pay the seller. ( ) 答案:正确答案:正确2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析14. The written permission granted by the customs authorities to allow the vessel which has brought any imports or has loaded exports to leave the port is Entry Inwards. ( ) 答案:错答案:错2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析15. The Specific Comm
19、odity Rates are higher than General Cargo Rates. ( ) 答案:错答案:错。指定商品运价一般比普通货物运价要优惠。指定商品运价一般比普通货物运价要优惠。2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析三、多项选择题(不定向选择题)1. A shipment of fresh egg is transported to the docks by an exporter on an FOB contract. The eggs are broken by a crane falling them as they are awaiting to be lo
20、aded on board. The _ should be liable for the damage. ( ) A. seller B. buyer C. ship ownerD. freight forwarder【答案】A2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析2. 100 sewing machines缝纫机 under CIF shanghai are being shipped onto the ship and the rope breaks. The goods finish up at the bottom of the dock and divers are sent
21、 down. The recovery and repair of goods costs a great of money. The _ should be responsible for the damage. () A. ship owner B. buyer C. seller D. freight forwarder【答案答案】B2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析3. According to INCOTERMS 2000, which group of the following trade terms mean that the seller must contract
22、 for the carriage of the goods to the named port (or place ) of destination?_ ( ) A. FOB/CFR/CIF B. FCA/CPT/CFR C. FOB/FCA/CIP D. CFR/CPT/CIF【答案答案】D2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析4. Under the FOB term, the risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when goods pass the shi
23、ps rail in the _. ( ) A. port of shipment B. place of shipment C. port of destination D. place of destination【答案答案】A2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析5. Under the CFR term, the seller must, in addition, pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the _ , when he delivers the goods to the carrier no
24、minated by him. ( )A. named place B. named destination C. any place D. named port of destination【答案答案】D2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析6. According to INCOTERMS 2000, under which group of the following trade terms is the seller required to bear the risk of loss of or damage to the goods when the goods pass th
25、e ships rail ?( ) A. FCA/CFR/CIP B. FCA/CPT/CFR C. FOB/CFR/CIF D. CFR/CPT/CIF【答案答案】C2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析7. When applying to CIF, the expression of ocean bill of lading freight is _. ( )A. freight prepaidB. freight collectC. freight paidD. freight unpaid【答案答案】A2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析8. Which of the
26、following trade terms can be adopted supposing如果 the shipment will be from Chengdu (Sichuan Province) to Hamburg? ( ) A. CIF成本加保险费加运费,指定目的港 B. CFR成本加运费,指定目的港。 C. FCA “货交承运人(指定地点)” D. CPT “运费付至(指定目的地)”【答案答案】CD2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析9. When the goods arrive at the port of destination, _ issue an Arriva
27、l Notice to inform the Notify Party about the cargo discharge point and other information. ( )A. shipperB. carrierC. receiverD. ship owner【答案答案】B2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析10. Under FCA, if delivery occurs at the sellers premises, who is responsible for unloading the goods according to the contract of sa
28、le_. ( )A. sellerB. buyerC. carrierD. freight forwarder【答案答案】B2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析11. Container freight rates mainly include: ()A. tramp rateB. liner freight rateC. FAK 均一运费费率D. CBR 货种包箱费率【答案答案】CD2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析12. Logistics is the process of ( ) from point of origin to point of consumption
29、 for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.A. inventoryB. goodsC. informationD. services【答案答案】BCD2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析13. Multimodal transport has the following advantages: ( )A. Minimizing time loss减少时间浪费B. Providing faster transit of goods提供更快的货物转运C. Saving costs 节省成本D. Reducing cost
30、 of exports.减少【答案答案】ABCD2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析14. Under CMR convention, the carrier is liability of: ( )A. the acts and omissions of his agentsB. any wrongful act or neglect of the consignorC. inherent vice of the goodsD. loss of or damage to the goods during the time he takes the goods【答案答案】AD2012年
31、货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析15. Which of the following trade terms may be used multi-modal transport.A. CIPB. CIFC. FCAD. CPT 【答案答案】ACD2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析四、完形填空 An international contract should be executed through four basic steps: pre-preparation for contract, contract negotiation, 41 and contract executio
32、n, and each steps includes detail procedures, an international seller must have good knowledge of the following steps: firstly we should seek 42 and contact the certain customers who have demands indeed. The second steps we need negotiate with customers about the price, products, service etc. In thi
33、s step we should make an 43 to our customers, and the costumers will make a confirmation of 44 or non-acceptance. After all essential factors of contract are confirmed, we should sign contract with our customer. The last step is execution of contract, in this step we need arrange shipment, prepare r
34、elative shipment documents and effect insurance if any etc. Of course our customer should also make 45 by L/C or T/T according to the contract stipulations.2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析41.A. contract performance B. contract signing C. contract payment D. contract shipment42.A. market B. product C. customer
35、D. seller43.A. inquireB. counteroffer C. offer D. acceptance44.A. inquireB. acceptance C. offer D. quotation45.A. customs clearanceB. payment C. shipmentD. production2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析 The latest edition of “Inconterms”is “Inconterms 2000”,which was amended in July1999 by 46 and published in Jan
36、uary 1, 2000. The “Inconterms 2000” includes 13 different international trade terms. They specify at which point the risk of loss and/or damage passes from the seller to buyer as well as which party pays for specific activities. FOB, 47 and CIF are the traditional three trade terms among them, which
37、 are most widely used in international trade. Like CIF, the 48 must pay the costs and freight and insurance necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination. While the new three terms FCA, CPT and CIP developed on the basis of the traditional ones. The traditional three terms can be use
38、d only for sea or inland waterway transport and the new three terms can be used for any mode of transport especially 49 . Take CPT and CFR for example, the major difference is that CFR can only be used for sea and inland waterway transport, while CPT can be used for any mode of transport, if the par
39、ties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ships rail, the 50 term is preferred.2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析46.A. ICC B. WTO C. FIATAD. United Nation47.A. CFRB. CPT C. FCAD. CIP48.A. CarrierB. Seller C. BuyerD. Consignee49.A. sea transportB. air transport C. road transportD. muti-model transport50
40、.A. CFRB. CPT C. FCAD. CIP2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析五、英译汉 (前10道题,每题0.5分,第11道题5分,共10分) (1) Offer发盘发盘(2) Confirming bank保兑银行保兑银行(3) ICC国际商会国际商会(4) FCR货运代理人收货证明书货运代理人收货证明书(5) Voyage Charter航次租船航次租船(6) Particular average单独海损单独海损(7) Partial shipments分批装运分批装运(8) Customs broker 海关代理海关代理(9) Clean bill of lading
41、 清洁提单清洁提单(10) Document of title 物权凭证物权凭证2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析(11) The WTO thus serves four basic functions: 1) to implement, administer, and carry out the WTO Agreement and its annexes; 2)to act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations; 3)to serve as a tribunal for resolving disputes;
42、 4)to review the trade policies and practices of member states.世界贸易组织四个基本功能是:世界贸易组织四个基本功能是:1)执行,管理和实施世贸组织协定及其附执行,管理和实施世贸组织协定及其附件件;2)充当现行多边贸易谈判的论坛充当现行多边贸易谈判的论坛3)作为解决争端的法庭作为解决争端的法庭4)评审各成员国的评审各成员国的贸易政策和行为贸易政策和行为2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析六、汉译英(英文全拼,简写不得分,前10道题,每题0.5分,第11道题5分,共10分)(1)国际贸易international trade
43、(2)货物舱单cargo manifest (3)航空货运单the Air Waybill(4)无营运船公共承运人non-vessel operation common carriers(5)不记名背书endorsement in blank (6)集装箱运输 container transportation (7)均一运费费率Freight All Kinds Rates(8)积载因素 stowage factor(9)指定商品运价specific commodity rate(10)清关 customs clearance2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析(11)除了安排提货交货
44、、预定运货航班以及填写航空货运单等日常工作外,货运代理还要涉及如查寻丢失或错运的货物,处理赔偿损坏货物的要求等问题。 In addition to the routine of arranging for pickup and delivery, booking the shipments on flights, and filling out air waybills, a freight agent is also involved in such problems as tracing lost or strayed shipments and dealing with claims o
45、n damaged shipments.2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析七、英文单证操作题(共20分) 请根据下列所提供的销售合同主要条款,修改信用证条款的主要内容,再根据修改后的信用证条款审核并修改集装箱货物托运单。(注意:对信用证和托运单的内容进行审核,将错误的项目划掉,并填写上正确的内容。)1、有关销售合同的主要条款 合同号:CH200501 卖方:青岛AAA进出口公司 买方:新加坡BBB贸易公司 商品:100%棉衬衫 数量:300箱,每箱20件,总重量20500公斤,总体积为30立方米 单价:CFR新加坡每箱2000美元 总金额:600 000美元 装运期:2005年3月3
46、1日前自中国青岛港装运,可转运,但不可分批装运 保险:买方自理 付款条件:不可撤销的即期信用证方式付款,议付有效期为上述装运期后15天内,在中国青岛到期。 2012年货代英语真题解析年货代英语真题解析2、信用证主要内容、信用证主要内容 Revocable documentary credit Number: LC223-5866686 Date: March 1, 2005 Date and place of expiry: March 31, 2005 Singapore Advising bank: Bank of China Beneficiary: Singapore BBB Trading Company. Applicant: Qingdao AAA Import and Export Corp Shipment from: Qingdao to Singapore, on or about March 31, 2005 Partial shipments: Not allowed Transshipment: Not allowed Description of goods: 100% Cotton Shirt as per S/C No. CH2004 To
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