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1、PEF 人教小学英语四年级上册第一单元Unitl My classroom试题单词记忆星一、给下列图片找到正确的单词或者词组,将序号填写在括号内A. blackboard B. light C. classroom D. door E. picture、中文文匹配。1.We have a new classroom.2. Where is it?3. Letsgo and see!4. Put up the picture.5. It n ear the door.视听感知星挂图画。它就在门旁边。它在哪儿?我们有间新教室我们去看看吧!一、听录音,判断与所听到的单词是否相符,一样的写T”,不一样

2、的写“ F”F. fanG. wi ndowH. computer I. TVJ. teachedesk()()() ( ) ( )()()() ( ) ( )二、选择正确的单词, 正确规范地抄写在四线三格里。map name cake make cap face() 1. A. blackboardB. classroom() 2. A. ope nB. wi ndow() 3. A. n earB. door() 4. A. chairB. clea n() 5. A. catB. light() 6.A. doorB. duckC.five() 7. A. eggB. blueC.fac

3、e() 8. A. noseB. redC.blackboard() 9.A. cakeB. appleC.win dow、听录音,为下列人物选出要做的事情。A. Clea n the desk and pictures.C. Clean the floor and the wall.词句运用星、选出与所给单词同一类的单词。()1. A. pictureB. redC. window()2. A. blackB. doorC. yellow()3. A. eggB. gree nC. blue()4. A. myB.yourC.book()5. A. likeB. wallC. clea n(

4、)6. A. floorB. fanC. nearB. Clean the window.D. Clean the car.1. mum2. dad3. Tommy4. Lily)()()()选出你所听到的单词。、听录音,、选择正确的翻译A.我来开门。B.我们擦书桌吧!D.我去看看。E.我来帮助你。()1. Let clea n the desks.()3. Let me go and see.()5. Let me ope n the door.三、选出正确的一项。()1. The pen_ yellow.A. amB. isC. are()2. _my seat? It n ear the

5、 door.A. WheresB. WhereC. Whats()3. Look_ the picture.A. atB. inC. of()4. We have 8 new_ .A. lightB. the lightC. lights词句运用星、选择正确的单词补全句子(将单词抄写在横线上)1. The wall_2. I_ my new books.3. The desks_green.二、选出与图意相符的句子。()1. A. The chair is n ear the desk.B. The chair is un der the desk.()2. A. Clea n the win

6、 dow.B. Clean the floor.()3. A. Turn on the light.B. Turn on the fan.is arelikeC.我们挂上图画吧)2. Let me help you.)4. Let put up the picture.I()4. A. The picture is on the wall.B. The picture is on the desk.()5. A. Let me clea n the classroom.B. Let clea n the room.阅读理解星一、阅读文字,给下列图片涂上颜色This is my classroo

7、m.The door is yellow.The desks are oran ge.The blackboard is black.The teachersdesk is gree n.The computer is white.The fan is blue.The light is brow n.()阅读理解星、看图,阅读文字,判断对“ T”错“ F”()1. Where is thegreen book It is under the teachedesk.()2. Where is the kite? It is near the window.()3. Where is the p

8、icture? It is near the kite.()4. Where is the blue pencil box? It is on the floor.读理解星一、 选择正确的句子,补全对话。A. It near the door.B. How nice!C. Really?D. Nice to meet you, too.E. Look!Mike : Hi, Amy. This is John, our new classmate.Amy: Nice to meet you.Joh n: 1._Amy: Mike, we have a new classroom.Mike: 2.

9、_Letsgo and have a look.John: Wow! It sso big.Amy: 3._ This is my desk.Joh n: Where is my seat?Mike: 4._Joh n: Oh! 5._姓名:一、选出划线字母发音不同的单词。()1. A. likeB. ke()2. A.nceB. rice()3. A.bkeB. rQe()4. A.pjgB. side()5. A. biteB. n二、根据图片选单词。1.1have a_ book.2. I have an_ book.3. I have a_ book.4. I have a_ book

10、.5. I have a_.mathsChin eseno te-bookstoryEn glish三、选择题。()1.1 have_.A. new schoolbag B. schoolbag C. a new schoolbag()2_ colour is it ?A. WhereB. WhatC. What s()3. I have_En glish book.PEP 人教小学英语四年级上册第二单元C. fiveC. sjxC. bigC. niceC. biteUnit2 My schoolbag试题成绩:_D. bigD. iceD. rdeD. fne()4._in your sc

11、hoolbag?A. What sB. Where sC. What()5. What colour is it? _A. It s black and white B. It green.()6. This is an_book.A. En glishB. mathC. Chi nese()7. My schoolbag_heavy.A. amB. isC. are()8. I have three_B. no tebookC. En glish book()9. What s in your deskI? s an_( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1._Put your mathsbook

12、un der your schoolbag_A. aB. anC. theC. It s in the deskA. storybooksA. rulerB. penC. eraser()10. I have three_ , some_ , some_ in my schoolbag.A. key, can dies, toyB. keys, can dies, toysC. keys, can dies, toy四、连词成句1. schoolbag I new a2. my I no tebook lost3. it what is colourhave4. schoolbag my he

13、avy is5. your what s schoolbag in五、选择和图片内容一致句子。并把句子翻译过来。2. Put your eraser n ear your pencil box._3. Put your Chin ese book in your desk._4. Put your pencil box on your En glish book._六、 根据对话内容排除正确的顺序。I()Hi! Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.()Wow! It s a fat panda!()Look! It s black and white.()Real

14、ly?II( 1) Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag.()OK. What s in it?()It s blue and white.()Here it is!()What colour is it?()Thank you very much.()An En glish book, two toys and a no tebook.七、 选词填空。1. I have_ (a/an) English book.2. I have two _ (notebook/notebooks).3. My schoolbag _ (is/are) heavy.4. The de

15、sks_(is/are) gree n.5. Thank_(you/your) very much.八、 选词填空,完成对话。schoolbagEn glishin storybooks blackwhatsA: What _s_ your hand, Chen Jie?B: Look! I have a new_It s_ and white.A: How nice! _ in your schoolbag?B: An _ book, a Chinese book, five_ and a pencil box.A: Wow! It s really a heavy bag.PEP 人教小学

16、英语四年级上册第三单元Unit3 My friends试题一、选出不同类的单词()1.A. floor()2. A. notebook()3. A. stro ng()4. A. frien dly()5. A. shoes二、选出与图片相符的句子、看答句选择合适的问句。(10 分)()1.His n ame is Mike.Name:Mark10 分)B. wallC. toyB. storybookC. schoolbagB. tallC.doorB. quietC. candyB. glassesC. lightsA. She is short and thi n.B. He has a

17、 gree n bag.C. She has short black hair. D. His n ame is John.E. Her n ame is Sarah.(10 分)1.( )F. He is tall and stro ng.2. ()3.()4.()()2.No, she isn t.()3.It s yellow.()4.A boy.()5.Its in the desk.A.Is she your mother? B.What colour is it?C.A boy or a girl?D.What s his name?E.Where is it?() 1. A. f

18、aceB. makeC. hat() 2. A. pigB. biteC. hit() 3. A. noteB. notC. coke() 4. A. bedB. dogC. hot() 5. A. bagB. cakeC. dad五、 单项选择( 10 分)()1. I have a new_.A. strongB. friendC. friends() 2.What sin your schoolbag?四、选出读音不同的一项。 (10 分)A.B.C.) 3. - WhatAn English book and two maths book.Two keys and three note

19、books.A English book and a Chinese ?- His name is Wu Yifan.A. herB. heC. hisshort hair.) 4. - This is Zhang Peng. He) 5. 你是对的。) 6. She has blue) 7. I have a new friend. HeA. haveB. hasC. isA.You re right.B.You re welcome.C.Imsorry.A. glassesB. glassC. shoeA. amB. isC. are) 8. This is my sis

20、 is Lily.friendly.()9.他又咼又壮。_A.He is short and stro ng.B.He has tall a nd thi n.C.He is tall and stro ng.()10.她有长头发。_A.He has long hair.B.She is long hair.C.She has long air.六、选择对应的句子把序号填在题前括号内。(10 分)()1.What s in your schoolbag。. Yes. You re right.()2.Is he Wu Yifan?B. Some books.()3. Who i

21、s she?C. Her name is Sarah.()4.What s her name?D. She is Amy.()5.What color is your eraser?E. It s green.七、给下列句子中划线单词选择合适的反义词。把序号填在题前括号内。(10 分)A old B short C thin D tall E small()1 Zhang pen is strong .Mike is_ .()2 Sarah has long hair . Joh n has_hair.()3 Miss white is_ . Chenjie is short.()4 Amy

22、has big eyes and a_no se.()5 Sarah is my new friend. Amy is my_friend.八、 选出与划线词不同类的单词。(10 分)()1. My shoes is blue. A.yellow B. red C. cat( )2. John is strong. A. glasses B.thin C.tall( )3. I have an English book. A. Chinese book B. maths book C. candy()4 Ope n the door. A. win dow B. quiet C. lightA

23、. HerB. herC. His( )5. My glasses are white. A.shoes B.friendly C.hat九、连词成句。(注意四项书写格式)(10 分)1. his, What s , name2. red, a, He, bag, has(.)3. hair, She, has, l on g(.)4. tall, He, stron g, is, an d(.)5. Amy, n ame, Her, is (.)十、阅读短文,判断对飞错“x”0 分)This is my friend. His n ame is Li Peng. He is 15. He i

24、s tall and strong. He has short black hair, bigeyes and small ears. He has blue glasses and his shoes are white. He has a new schoolbag. He hasa Chin ese book, four En glish books and ten storybooks. We like him very much.()1. Li Peng is thirtee n.()2. He has short hair.()3. His glasses are blue.()4

25、. He has four stroybooks and a Chin ese book.()5. He has a new schoolbag.A、 WhatB 、 Where C 、HowPEP小学四年级英语上册期中试卷、把下列单词补充完整。 (10 分)1、 t y 2、b k 3 、 wdow 4、 frd5 、 cdy玩具书窗户朋友糖果6、com ur 7、 r ler 8 、g l 9、pencl-case 10、 k y计算机尺子女孩铅笔盒钥匙、找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。 ( 10 分)()1、A、windowB、black boardC、 black()2

26、、A、colourB、Chinese bookC、 math book()3、 A、thinB、strongC、 door()4、A、hatB、noseC、mouth()5、A、 bagB、pencilC 、 we()6、A、computerB、 bigC、 small()7、A、bookB、teacherC、 ruler()8、A、 deskB、chairC、 computer game()9、 A、teacherB、studentC、 school()10 、A 、underB、 nearC、 where三、单项选择。 ( 20 分)()1、 I have Englishbook.A 、a

27、B 、 anC、 two()2、 Howmanydo you have?A、pencils B 、 pencilC 、 pen()3、 I have a is Lili.A 、 HisB、 SheC、 Her()4、is my book?()5、is she? She is Amy.A、 WhatB 、 where C、Who()6、colour is it ?A、 WhatB、 Where C、Who()7、Letclean the window.A 、 IB、 meC、 we()8、What isname? His name is ZhangPeng.A、 her

28、B、 hisC、 he() 9.This _myfriend.A.areB.isC.am()10.I m_ American.A.from B.atC.a四、从 B 栏中找出 A 栏相对应的答语。 (15 分)1AB() 1、 How many pencils do you have?A、 His name is Mike.() 2、 Where is my picture?B、Ten story books.() 3、 What colour is this bag?C、Thank you.()4、 What is his name?D、I have three pencils() 5、 W

29、hats in the schoolba?gE、It is near the door.()6、 Let me help you?F、 Lili is my good friend.() 7、 How many English books can you see?G、 It is orange.() 8、 Who is your good friend?H、 She is my sister.() 9、 What do you like?I、I can see five.() 10、 Who is she?J、 I like English.2AB()1.What s your name?A.

30、NoChenJie:Really? _ colour is it ?Amy: lt is black and white.Look!ChenJie:Wow! It is a panda! _nice!Amy: I_ many books.ChenJie: A fat panda!ChenJie:_ I have a look?Amy: Sure._六连词成句 15 分1 .a is door it yellow2.the where is chair3 see Let us and go4.big is so It5.schoolbag my has friend a yellow()2.Wh

31、ere are you from?()3.How old are you?()4.What s your mother?()5.Is he a student?五、根据课文内容填空,只填序号。A、 haveB、 whatD、 here you areE、 haveAmy: Hi! ChenJie,l_B.l m from America.C.She is a teacher.D.l m 10.E.Lisa.12 分)C、 howF、 maya new schoolbag.七 、小小翻译官 6 分1.Turn on the light2.Sweep the floor3.Open the doo

32、r八、阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断句子的正和误,正确的写“T”错误的写“F。(12分)I have a friend.Her name is WangChen.She is ten.She is a girl from ShangHai.She iscute.she has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black hair. She likesEnglish very much.She likes Chinese ,math,too.WangChen and I are in ClassThree.we are good fri

33、ends.() 1 、 WangChen is a boy.()2、 She is twelve.() 3、 She is from ShangHai.() 4、 She has a big mouth.() 5、 She likes English very much.() 6、 WangChen and I are in Class Three.PEP 人教小学英语四年级上册第四单元Un it4 My home试题、请从 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。()1. -Is this your bedroom?-A. Yes , it isn . tB. Yes it i

34、s.()2. Where is the cat ?-()4. How many _ are there in your schoo?A. homesB. classroomsC. kitche n()5. There is a bed_ the window.A. inB. onC . n ear、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. Welcome to my _ (家).2. I like my _ (学校).3. This is my _ (房间)ts nice.4. Look ! My _ (教室)is big.5. Mom is watching _ (电视)in the living

35、room .三、按照问与答的关系找朋友。()I.Where are my book?()2. Are they on the desk()3. Where are you?()4. Is it a n ice room?C .Yes ,this is.B. I like the cat.C. It s in()3. Where are the key?Look! They rethedoor?A. i nB. onC. areA. I am in the bedroom.B. My n ames Dong Dong.C. Yes, it is.D. They are on the shelf.

36、E. No, they arentA. It s name is Mimi()5. Whatsyour n ame?四、下面的句子与图画是否相符,相符用()1. Is this your home?Yes, it is.()2. Is this your study?Yes, it is.()3. Look, this is my school.()4. Is this your school?NO, it isn t.五、阅读下面的短文,判断正误。对的打(V),错的打(x)This is my bedroom.It is a nice room.There is a shelf in the

37、 bedroom.There are some bookson the shelf.There is a bed near the window.There is a cat under the bed name is Mimi.There is adesk in it ,too.There are some flowers on the desk.Do you like my bedroom?()1. The bedroom is a n ice room.()2. The shelf is in the bedroom.()3. The cat is on the bed.()4. On

38、the desk there are some flowers.()5. The books are on the desk.T”标出,不相符用“ F “标出PEP 人教小学英语四年级上册第五单元Unit5 Dinner s read 试题班级_ 姓名_成绩听力部分、听音,把你听到的那一项的字母编号写在左边的括号里。(10 分)()1.A. riceB. readC. red()2.A. soupB.spoonC. sports()3.A. fiftyB. beefC. fish()4.A. chopstickB. chicke nC. kitche n()5.A. forkB. plateC

39、. knife()6. A. chopsticksB. paintingC. hamburger()7.A. no odlesB. hot dogC. bread()8.A. I d like some soup. B.I d like some fish.()9.A. Help yourself.B.Let me show you.()10.A. I like beef.B.I like meat.冋问句,选择正确的答语。 (10 分)()1.A. I d like some chicken.B. I like fish.()2.A. No , thanks.B. Tha nks.()3.A

40、. It sa cat.B. It un der the desk.()4.A. Tha nk you.B. Yes, pass me a fork()5.A. OK.B. Yes, please.、听录音,标序号。(10 分)( ) ( )()()()四、仔细听录音用“标出他们所喜欢的食品、饮料或蔬菜。(10 分)soupchicke nbeefvegetableno odlesMikeSarahJoh nAmyTom五、听音,排序。(10 分))Tha nks.)Mom, I m hungry. What s for dinner?)Everything s ready.)What wou

41、ld you like ?d like some fish and vegetables , please.笔试部分)I 六.英汉互译。(5 分)筷子七、选出不同类的词,并将序号填在题前括号内。(10 分))1. A. milkB. juiceC. breadD. water八、)2. A. fish)3. A. rice)4. A. juice)5. A. no odlesB. vegetableB. hot dogB. appleB. egg选择最佳答案,并将序号填在题前括号内)1.like some vegetables.C. beefC. hamburgerC. bananaC. br

42、eakfast(10 分)A. I hadB. I dC. HeD. chickenD. orangeD. pearD. chicken)2. Help.( )3. Mom: Everything is ready.Amy: _.A. Thanks,Mom. B. Welcome C. Oh,no! ()4. -Can I have some rice ,please?A. Sure,here you are B. Thank you C. Everything s ready.( )5. 妈妈问你午饭想吃什么,她该怎么问?A. What would you like for lunch?B.

43、 What s for dinner?C. What would you like for breakfast?( )6. 爸爸问麦克晚饭想吃什么 , 麦克告诉他想吃牛肉和面条 ,他该怎么说?A. I d like some beef and noodles.B. Where s my dinner?C. What would you like for dinner?()7. 爸爸把晚饭做好了,你和妈妈很高兴,你们该怎么对爸爸说:A. Sorry. B. Thanks.C. You rewelcome.()8. 在饭桌上,你让别人随便吃,应该怎么说:A. Help yourself. B. L

44、et me show you. C. You re welcome. 九连词成句。1.dinner,what,like, for ,would,you(?)_2.you , like, some, vegetables,would(?)_3.I ,can,a ,fork, have, knife, please, and(?)_4.I ,chopsticks,use,can(.) _5.like, I, some ,chicken,would,please.(.)_九、选择正确答语,将序号填入题前括号里。 (10 分)A. yourB. youC. yourselfAB1.Pass me th

45、e bowl.2.Pass me the knife.()1. Can you use the chopsticks?()2. What would you like for lunch?()3. Can I have some beef,please?( )4. Would you like an apple?( )5. What s for dinner? 十、 阅读短文, 判断正( T )误( F )。(10 分)There are three people in my family. My father is a teacher. He likes hamburgers and app

46、les.My mother is a farmer. She likes bread and bananas. I am a pupil. I like cakes, French fries andCoke.() 1.There are four people in my family.() 2.My father likes hamburgers.() 3.My mother is a teacher.() 4. My mother doesnt like bread or bananas.() 5.I like cakes, French fries and apples.四年级上册英语

47、第五单元检测卷听力材料一、听音,把你听到的那一项的字母编号写在左边的括号里。3. beef 4.chopstick 5.fork8. Id like some soup9.Help yourself.10.I like meat.二、听问句,选择正确的答语。1.What would you like?3.Wheres the cat?5.Pass me the knife.A. Yes, please.B. Rice,soup and chickenC. Sure,here you are.D. I d like some beef,rice and soupE. Yes ,I can.1.

48、rice 2. spoon6.hamburger 7.noodles2.Help yourself.4.Here you are.4.Cut the vegetable .4.Use the spoon.三、听录音,标序号。5.Use the fork.四、仔细听录音用标出他们所喜欢的食品、饮料或蔬菜。1.Mike likes noodles.2. Sarah likes chicken.3. John likes soup.4. Amy likes soup.5.Tom likes beef.五、听音,排序。1.Mom, Im hungry. Whats for dinner?2.What

49、would you like ?3.Id like some fish and vegetables , please.4.Dinners ready.5.Thanks.PEP 人教小学英语四年级上册第六单元Unit6 Meet my family!试题、看图片填单词。(10 分)4、Look! They are my grandma and grandpa, they aref5、Whats your uncle? He is a d_、选出相应的句子,把序号写在下面的图片上。(10( ) ( )A.She is a nu rse.B.He is a driver.C.She is a co

50、ok.D.He is a farmer.E.She is a dotor.( )1、This is my f_,He is a d_2、,Sheis a3、What are your b_and your s_?Theyare、根据图片选择句子(10 分)ABCDE)1、This is my family photo. ()2、My sister is a teacher.()3、This is my grandma.()4、My grandpa is a farmer.()5、My brother is a baseball player.四、补全对话,将正确句子的编号填在横线上。(10 分

51、) )A、Whats your sisiter?B、Is your grandma a nurse tooC、What are your parents?D、How many people are there in your family?E、No,she isnt.A:_B:Six. My pare nts,my gran dpa,my gran dma,my sister and me.A:_B:My father is a teacher and my mother is a nu rse.A:_B:_ Shes a driver.A:_B: Shes a stude nt.五、连词成句

52、,注意第一个字母要大写呀!(10 分)1、many people there in your are how family2、your is what uncle3、uncle my baseball player is4、menbers family has my seven5、looks he strong六、排序(10 分)1、 My father is a teacher.2、 Good morning! Welcome to meet my family.3、 How many people are there in your family?4、 Four.My father,my

53、mother,my uncleand me.5、 Whats your father?( )( )( )( )( )七、排一排.给句子排序1. Welcome to my home, please look at these photos.2. Look at the girl. She s a nurse, too3. She my mother.4. Thank you. Who s that wonan?5. She is a great nurse .顺序为_八、 对答如流。(10)()1. Is she your teacher?()2. What s your mother?()3

54、. Does your uncle like sports?()4.What are you going to be?(九、 选择合适的疑问词的序号填在横线上。WhoWhat How many What colour Where1. _would you like for dinner?2. _is your book? Its on the desk.3. _is your pen cil? Its black.A. Yes, he does.B. I m going to be a doctor.C. No, she isn t.D. She is a nu rse.)5. How man

55、y people are there in your family? E. Five4. _pens do you have? I have 5.5._ is this man? Hes my uncle.十、读一读,判断正误。正确的写“T” ,错误的写“F”。Hello, I am Mary. This is my grandfather.He tall.siHxtey-two. sHe likes vegetables.He safarmer.My grandma is fifty eight.She is a teacher.She likes rice.Look,This is my

56、aunt.She is anurse . She likes fish.( )1. Im Mike.( )2. Grandmother likes fish.( )3. Mary s grandpa is tall.( )4. Mary s aunt is a nurse.( )5. Mary s grandfather is a driver.新人教版小学四年级英语上册期末测试题题号-一一_ 二_三四五六七八九十总分得分、从下列每组单词中选出一个不同类的单词()1.A. doorB. doctorC.farmer()2:.A. knifeB. no odlesC.fork()3.A. bed

57、roomB. schoolbagC.bathroom()4.A. Chi neseB. chopsticksC.En glish()5.A. strongB. quietC.soup、从下列每组单词中选出划线部分发音与其他两个不同的一项。()1. A. cakeB.dadC.name()2. A. IkeB.kiteC.big()3. A. duckB.useC.cute()4. A. noseB.boxC.home()5. A. sheB.weC.red三、给下列图片选择对应的单词。将单词序号填在图片下面的括号里8.()9.()10.()A. kitchenB. spoon C. class

58、room D. floor E. candyF. vegetables Gcomputer H. picture I. doctor J. shoes四、单项选择1.()2 .( )3.()6.( )7.()()1. -_ - Some books and a pen cil box.A. Where is it? B. Whatthis?C. Whatin it?()2. My friend_short. She_ long hair.A. has, is B. is, hasC. is, is()3. -_is it ?-It blue and white.A. WhatB. What colourC. Where()4. -_ this your father? -Yes he is?A. AreB. IsC. Am()5. -What would you like_ dinner? - like some beef and no odles.A. atB. inC. for五、给下列图片选择对应的句子。将句子的序号填在图片下面的括号里。2 10 | Q隹1.()2.()3.()4.( )5.()A. She is a nu rse.B. I have three books, a ruler and two pen cils


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