1、2017年扬州仪征市初三英语二 模试卷及答案2017 年中考第二次涂卡训练试题九年级 英语2017.5(本卷满分120分 考试时间 100友情提醒:所有答案请写在提供的答题卡上,15 小题;每小题1 分,计hungry, Mum!some apple pies on the table,C. this则一、单效项(共否一律无选择!15分)1. - I m a littleB. iterribly sorry. Just as I ed me to send an e-mail for him.hy are an hourever happen overnight. You a_n_d. B.
2、one by oneen here foralmos- I Smith, Mr.C. am-There are ay take _ eA. leaveB. leftleavingD. was leaving4. -Mr. Green is a very kind man.usC.-Yes, when we have problems with our homework, he always them tocleAarly.ressesB. expectse5.xp-was yoxycDusaeysholiday?allC-t so so, to find a place to park my
3、car near arden, but they were.A. looked upB. taken upgot enough money for till get five dollars back. gB. nothingD. anythingyou read the geontou1g0h0C. of thep6.u-u-Ip m not sure .whuerntheerupI have dmoollnaersy for all these things. I ve only- Y.ou ve got enough money for and you can still get fiv
4、e dollars back.A. everythingB. nothingsomething D. anything7 .- Have you read the country you are going to?-Yes. Now I know it s famouistsfonratural beauty.A. conclusionB. instructionC. discussion D. introduction8 . -I want to do something different, can yousug-g-eMsmam,oyeWsy.hPathdoto?yable and) o
5、f the ussia. C.will he keeps nodding_A_. _r_e_la_x_in. gC.9w. Anwgolf has.ce placeD.m looks so s ead in class.-f-o- rJhuisst haesatlhthe tsoasytinagy ugpoetos,o l“a_te_. A. Better late than neverWorAld. Ctouopk20pbad_.” It s B. D. library,t1a0k.e-p-Jlai his headno gains o old to learn all we go to t
6、he new today or tomorrow?-are OK.Either . o D. Neither .12.-Can you tell me the way to learn English well?- Yes, I think , you should loveEnglish, then you need lots of practice.A. after allB. above allC. in allD. at allBurn the candle at both ends C. No pains, no gainsC.1Y1o.u-a-rWehneenverstho13.
7、- Good news! I hear that we will go on a school tripour city.- Really? We wonder if not in Yangzhou,_A_. _w_h_e.re we can go B. where can we go C. when can we go D. when we can go14. - Tommy, do you play thepiano?- When my mom is at home, I have to every day but she s away this week!about B. how lon
8、g C.D. how oftenyou join us to play basketball on ay afternoon ?九年级英语试卷第5页(共 8 页)swiiAmi_ ,but I promisedto goB. Take it easywith Amy.C.,Nvemind一 匚一1分,计M受僚警(共15%嘱嘴猫The day before my daughter Norah ' s fourth birthday, I picked her up from preschool. On the way, she said, I like old people best b
9、ecause they walk slowly like I walk slowly and they have soft skin like I have soft skin. "What she said marked a 16 .beginning.The following day her birthday again on the way home, she asked 17 we could stop at the store to buy cakes for her. How could I say 18 to a birthday girl? After paying
10、 for the bill, I noticed that Norah was standing up in the cart, 19 announcing, “Hi,01d person! It ' s myhbliay today! However, the old man in front of her didn ' show he was 20_ by my talkative child. He 21 with a smile, a Well,little lady! And how old are you today? ” After a few minutes
11、39; chat, Norah offered to take a photo with the old man called Mr. Dan, his expression changed from surprised to delighted. We exchanged our phone numbers. There was magic happening in the store that day, and we could 22 feel it.During our first visit in Mr. Dan 's home, We walked with him to h
12、is front door. He pulled out a knife and 23 the only blooming red rose. He spent ten minutes cutting every thorn (刺) 24the stem (茎)before handing it tohis new friend. Norah keeps that rose, now _25 as a bone, under her pillow for a long time.Norah asks about Mr. Dan every day. She worries about him.
13、 She wonders if he' 26,or cold. She wants him to be OK. She wants him to feel loved. Mr. Dan thinks about Norah too. After _27_ recent visit, he said that he九年级英语试卷 第12页(共8页)had 28 had a whole night s sleep since his wife died. " Norah has healedsrinee meeting her. " he said. That left
14、 me 29 and my eyes wet with tears. Somehow, their hearts andsouls seem to recognize each other from longago. Sometimes talking to strangers can30beautiful new beginnings.16. .A. brokenVo% what 18DAwa一,B. beautiful C.D. busythat C. if19DAt»d20. a. D.的物2rapAatedB. noB. sadlyy B. trainedC. yes.rea
15、lized 愉her !馥D. troubled , B. replied .B. bothrded:bot24. ADo ffut 25%awayB. getB. down'A. relaxedD. redB. whiteB. excitedD. silly -27. A. the other B. another“a D. others28. A. never , D. .usually29. A. useless B. meaningl careless ., D. speechless30. A. Delong to , B. lead toto D. speak toB. a
16、lwaysC. luckily C.C.C. allC. putC. into C. C.lonelyC. other C. often ess C.C. thanks30、/读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计刀AGONIZWITHMHNDllGoner一八 tens - a 洋to e American Civilin booKstSresWinstory ereindBurverewe s ie<锦ren hef-rj ll '* * I-' > , - ' I ' ll-l 'o . Hara is a woman o . is ful
17、l of energy. saves her family at ine same time/ recess TFrancesHodgsonA special offer: a.¥18ier was省ieandsuccesse is ise 10st everythinghiHerc strong de her ableo fght碟震st po紫取e激Peeh ora J.M .Barrie, .软5 (in bookstores) (理嗅children ination , and 、is about ael.一 Darling r-Neverland witl who woul
18、d not . grow ren are happy and lovelyna agand. the scorn book for childri*ulcr ViancoydichaelY2W窿PE噌not . grow up. The% 31.What difficulty did Sara Crewe face in her A. The . AmericanCivilB. The loss of her parents C.Adventures in“ D.a Her strong character 32. we can learn from the passage thatB. Th
19、e los,Never-NeverWar LandAwe can ' buy all the above books in bookstores九年级英语试卷第16页(共 8 页)33.48B. two of the books are written by J.M CcB.haaarllrriatehcete brooks have children as their main Dc PraterePan is 招 cheaper online than in bookstoresIf you want to buy all the three books, you AhaV0to
20、pay at &$卜,2 online. C, D. 42. Bocal town. PeopleCdoflaolmlebniain,I arrived in Cali, the second largest city in Colombia. The sun was truly shining. Cali was great, the people were friendly and helpful. One thing I knew about Colombia before I came was the coffee. I drank it every day while dre
21、aming about South American adventures in my cold, wet hometown of England.What I wasn t prepared for was the beauty there. Even the bus ride was a pleasure. I never thought I would say like this in South America. The landscape was so unexpected, I didn t imagine Colombia to have this much beauty. Th
22、ere lay fresh mountain waterfalls as well as luminous green hills at every turn, it was so amazing!Bogota was my next stop. In the beginning, Ithought it was a boring city with nothing _l rr _ _ j_ r _ _ _j_l_ 一 t i _ J _ different from any other. Then I opened my eyes and my heart. It attracted me.
23、 The smiles from the locals were infectious( 有感染力的 ), love poured from their hearts.For me, Bogota and the Colombian people changed my view on everything. I took a walk alone one night to pick up some goods. It was dark, and I was in a strange neighborhood.Yet all I could think about was how safe I
24、felt, I almost felt like I was in my local town. People smiled and carried on with their own business. I walked more slowly and stayed for longer, that moment, I knew I had to change foreigners niopni on Colombia.Thinking about the last month in Colombia, I couldn t believe how much I had fallen in
25、lovewith it. I vedone seven countries in seven months and over twenty-five in my lifetime, and Colombia is right up there at number one! It was like a holiday romance.I will always love Colombia and anyone that tells you it is dangerous has obviously never been there before.34. impressed the writer
26、mostwhen he was in Cali.B. Friendly people and beautiful viewsC. Safe neighborhood and nice peopleD. Tasty coffee and beautiful viewsWhich of the statements is the writer35.opinion?A. Cali is the second largest city in Colombia.B. Bogota was great, and the people were friendly.C. The writer has been
27、 to seven countries in seven months.A. Nice weather and mountain waterfallsD. It is dangerous to travel in Colombia like other countries36. What writing techniques (手法 )does the writer use in Paragraph 4?A. Giving examplesB.Making a definitionExplaining37. WhC. Making a comparisonD.o may be interest
28、ed in this article? People who like making coffee by hand. People who want to have adventures.People who want to do business withA.B.C. others.D. world.Caround theof Sherlock is one of hissr,keforvuilnled-Henrycause and effectpeople who like travellingHave you ever read stories Holmes-a famous detec
29、tive? HeretchaasteSstha.eplewtoonu,ldChinahrleersit lands if Charles and his nepbOh犒Iesup and shirer , na pletono .had a we ies. 一 After ea of buyineak heart . believed owing this,olikfusneghon Stapleton asked ni; etter to bring Charles t :sad night. The n(is friend Laura too the moor gate 一二项 which
30、 was hased Charles down1t t taewas olmesounanimamurderer.wore a,nedswritHenry in London. He 'wanTteSHndTwand use neeeeks ia 一 reache, ound ,with him. owed Ithe same, wa ded somethinsmell, so he paid, Isteal one of his sh? wooes.one, which was, no use for the put, back. r And then anothe stolen.
31、Before he was ready he was1n. t sure his Wfe wou so he did not tellner the truth.o murder Henry .there. Hethe hound , Henry sat Henry s hotel tofirst one was a newr the hound, so . it was her older . shoe was y to murder Henry, his .wife woulg keephjs ecret,p in thejr hotel. She knew that he , x mus
32、t .have ome evil plans. She sent Henry a letter which was maderof words cut from aewspaper.After receiving the letter, Henry realized he was in great danger and it somethingio do . with his uncle C So he asked Holmes for help.ed he t , have harles death.musIces the underlined word & mean?言D.猎枪ra
33、ph 4 is mainly a owa+W晒onha leton. made the38. What .does ParA3rlphC./t度39. AaraB. how Stapleton. made -D. how tpe woundchasecuC 40.The first new sh houndbecausehound ” inB.猎犬t the . hound shjne,illed Charles .arles, oe was not useful for the九年级英语试卷 第32页(共8页)lAbielongedooH the hount have,Henry '
34、 s smell s wife .限 smelut Henryon s wife didnenry r10thi一 一©n if Staplelsend the letter to Henry A. It, may be easy fowasBnh1atmay,be easy for Stapleton 'wse to nowjHenuy may be murdered easily with no signD.keenhy rleSy get 匕 know the truth much more easily.send ther Henry to find that he-
35、California 丁 Gov.Brown on Tuesday sigL-一 r driverless cars to jravela wGermaop faste is notwnkd on public roaawonceuesGasithat smart minds i 1 .t , already workin _ with most ne且回臂甲 want, to make sure a俨wilbefoowlar5 again thajllwayCoastohasgay of making car-makersrguarenand ssin 和efdrtVere is in Ja
36、pan 】g on driverle w , technologje_ at they are safe Mn Caefo滕e re is an , experienced d ig seat , to take over if need re looking at science fieBrow%sure-th. ge production., hem to travelriver needed.ictiong at science omorrowseality,G ov.一a news .conference at, G s. . Tnisdriverless . car, is ano
37、orward in this long march of Califo adjng not just the country, but the whogreenhouse was strongl other states each state However, th Californiastate often uses stricter laws to control lobal warming, whichs ine gases . and 1gl MngniSwbymowarming, st car-makeuld be impra swn 闸agreemen undoubted*last
38、 all . sides 匕 机 陶勰edusthefro现 fuel standards, whichctical forstandiards. sided with ached an Californiacar-mper鄢ieve an average of 54.5 milesbyo2a)ch5e,,/?mewr<r them, behind Nevada and Flori is the most influential. . It s m California i$ a big state 入 a aeathea U闱酗& oRwnsCal Timonomous tra
39、nsport law, to 一 .tence :California, of course ,. has. lede . way towards .cleaner transport.is thesentence of aragraph 2 1 舄.Frong the whole p advantages of driverless B. They ayTfastis ac th 一is42.insenD4 TThe areCaliforna心.bzefar it meaningful because a first mover and alo, a fessor ington
40、 who studies told the New Yorkc B. P D. Pararggraphlifornia?eandand3 theassage cars in are green and big一 ey are green e fast and safe .st paragraph is written mainly tosafebigrnianew law signed by Californa big state and really a big-Armtroduce a B. California isye. California is the third state to
41、 authorize,.D. show the influence of California s law on driverless cars45. According to the passage, we can learnT-engineers . in other countriesaren'tEPA reached anornia is-B. Cafrrnverl agreement oodsdriverless cars inCali46.2胪(twravel邪超ehworlrst state that allows;a醇小题i分,计号空词)he more you work
42、 , thefewer mistakes you will make. (careful)47. We teenagers should use every chance to improve 上 (we).48. Wu Gang remained an , actor for many years u吊il the TV series spoke for him.t a terrible painting! I have never seen k painting than hard to、be i_ 一二 t1 (stomach).hevoying1翻处 flay52. The littl
43、e girl , , ,、her m一to bed.(亲吻)人.rJohnyon. are 浪B 54.Uncle Bob found his job anamade aliving on his own in his 5.(若千兀岁)55.The situation became wors ''' the席年盛妒后婴ou.e away from. home, fe tchnn gi严 scaif。mfoyg肾 Dan _50.Itns52. The littlenight before s53. He said, time and mineor sa so D;,_
44、it. (ugly)ieve that a cow has fourn.the guitar everymum goodyourhem when计10ome, feelin the Daneg a bit blue 法 have oming from culture, but popularizedby the British , re than just a word, around the world.e sense of happiness your family is gathered .together or Chnstmas.lt is all about淞 culture, bu
45、t populari 16, hygge is much moi s becoming a feeling . a he hygge refers to 3h you get when at new year pleasant feelings of home: the smell of mother 1cpokiAg, your partner asm ar your shoulder and so knowygween starts sp mportantin ittheour partner is an'antidoyour oundto d time dowin . what
46、calorie-ladyouDakee; fre nostOegiayou嘴 backto stress.read you 加 part "of n modern your tired mind and,e smartphone andId also know that .hygges not eating or more exercise. m fa。.二re bejoy sweet snacksting or mo -pposite. Youcted tocarried on a wave o,: to your birthplace, andremember distant i
47、ryouth wit yourself in . of your favori.frDen. witthe . childhood irson ile. .If. it,of your 将OrwraPOldouses.everything is pe/o( anyir i loved ones, eating dumpings ar about the old days. let yourself dri . time. to a Period where 匚 一一 g, and there is no need to re e-maaCorheXt messages. They did no
48、Now you;ve .really, understood hygge without even having to set foot in Copenhagen.An Antidote to56 Hygge?Hygge came from Danish culture.?It was 57 with the British in 2016.?You will feel pleased 58 your family members around.?You don' t 59 to use modern technology like a cellphone or computer.?
49、You can eat whatever you like without 60 about daily exercise.What ?You can remind 62 of the sweetpeople memories of childhood and relaxcan do61Selina resse dyourself by reading books that you like 63.?If Denmarkthink of oldseems too far, let yourselfthings and chat about theold64 or text messagesda
50、ys when . didn ' t exist.It s not 65for you to go to Copenhagenas you have known hygge well.彳每期旗(共10,每空l分,计10分)Sam and Tom were identical 同样的)twins.They were so identical that even their mother found it d 66 to tell one from the other. But except for their looks, everything else about them was d
51、ifferent.Tom had no friends, w 67 Sam was a great friendship maker. Sam loved sweets, but Tom loved spicy food and h 68 sweets. Sam was generous and selfless, Tom was greedy and selfish!As Sam and Tom grew up, their father wanted to s 69 his fortune equally. However, Tom did not agree, and he argued
52、 that whoever proved to be smarter and stronger would have to get a b 70 share of the wealth.Sam agreed. Their father decided to organize a competition b 71 the two. He asked the two sons to walk as long as they could, and return home before sunset.The following day, Sam and Tom set out to walk. It
53、was a rather sunny day. Sam walked slowly and steadily, while Tom ran q 72 as he aimed at winning the race and gained a greater portion of his father' s wealth.Sam knew that it would be ideal to walk as far as possible till noon, and start for home at noon, as it would take the same amount of ti
54、meto walk back home. K 73 this, Sam decided to turn back for home at noon so as to reach home on time.However, Tom, with his greed to earn more w 74, didn ' t try to return home even aftermid-noon. He walked twice as long as Sam, andthought he would still be able to return home before sunset. U 75, he lost the race at last only because of his greed.七、句一第(5小
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