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1、2019年呼和浩特市初三年级质讨普看调研考试英语注意事项:1 .考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号涂写在试卷和答目纸的规定位置。2 .考生荚将答案写在答题纸上.在试樱上答1H一律无效。考试结束后,本试卷和答H 纸一并交回o3 .本试卷满分120分,考试时间为120分钟。第卷(选择题,共计85分)I单项选择:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. )in teacherreading honks atIraM hour a day during I hr winterholiday.A. the; aB. a; anC./;aD./:an2. 一 f rrt hrQwrrn you and in

2、r. Don,I Irll rlnr.-OK. I won*f.A. rvcrylwMiyB. MHnrlmly C. any!odyD. nolwxly3. I uonder if ymi * vr macU a deeinion nn the pmjrct. Eric.N yrt 1 canI nuikr it until I have Gr*l hand nn prices.A. infnnatim k Io n well; RlayB. * 楙心 Io ,C. well enmigh; MayD good rnun wan hurt by thr tiger in ihr mm .Wh

3、at a pity ! Tluil in n Iemii Io u: wr muM lakr nilm.A. quicklyR iwriotiUyC. carefullyD. rlrarh,初三”优箕课版献牌伶,研试叁叫16共12页My cousin oflrn ha. nothing for brrakfaM.-h,?一 . He”,-hv Meiu| I * Hfrail of Iwing Utr for kHA. hg;、rR. doesnt; N。C. do; NoD. haMl t:H-May I rk tw?P. rdnl一、r of cw. Ychi 6ni*h il today

4、.A muNH. mtiMn IC. can * tMikr. Irt prrparr for ourganir.OK. Wr*II hmf the game 工。try nirA. imhzB. ifC. aflrrD inre l Cnn you tell mlrmH in thirtyCm iifniilvrm will11. Il * m nM ji kmnI hiibil fuluil you uin fk Ifwlrty lill kHiwrn%*.A. lake offB. pul offC. gH offD12. I ln * I know whi I took IIwm l*

5、Hh.Yen. il rriilly li(Firill In cImmim*.A. IwtlerB. we llC. 1x7I). gM*lI 3. Ar (or learning KrigliUi.hnkI a lai do mtirh better than _ who don I.A. ihal: lhzB. which. thiMsrC. who; thatI), which; that|4. U hy afa y inu,h iIwm* 小iy“Sorry. I juM ,anft help A. ,fl”B. them(:l)ne|5. | didnt do well in MX

6、 Kngli-h r*Mm. How aboul you?A. I*il lo Ix-tlrr nrxl linwC. EvenIt. Me. ImD. I like English I houghII .完型填空:(共20小题海小期1分满分20分) w/m 4|WJiyH |Hlny ami |ui I km mnny ihingn Io lo. U hr ne% er my daughter caiiMe me IoI njBr my phio* I fhnil l my.。ikui,1 lunr lime fr lhin.M So thr Iwo wordn 1 aluayMM f tt

7、AiAlftMIIAMMUCO 2 R 12 Wher .e: -16_ .Tbr hrr .lbe IwooIim 穴gan k eg and 4ir 5 |mrn alMar mir knr After Aippiy I iMmght I山山”.h.1m1nMMm11mxM SuddenlyI id,。hrannu 也 一 七“,I Mrr in rai ifup HI Irnrr .Mumkeplv? A. *hr Unkrcl . meZ6, d humrd life inflummi my pmr pri m. J Ihnu咖 rf g ,j zgher timr.l knrw I

8、heel In makefralh mjittro in lifr-mi Li him. J f 1clm child thmugh lih I “ypm 21 whathnuMrr* 22. U r3“ Rrnlly. Hr wholr (arr bnfthftrfinl and her5 皿 M M.I 23 tbr &I lute (nr you .Mum/2 il m thirM.I rralitrd I ju4 |Eot thr prrnt “ (hl thinf UMrZ 3, L e when you 25 ruhinj throufeh life16 A. Krrf quidB

9、. T4kr rreC Hurry upD. Wnrk trnni|7. A uihwiR. chrtfilC rTMUuranlD MipmwirkH|H A womniB. IirrvjC Mfi4iri1). Mirpnl|9. A waMrB Ukrc. WfirndD. fnarr20. A. markB. planC. wi*h1)rhoirr2I. A. “,叫”B(L diMniMmgI), wemtirnng22. A. hftrfiB. rrlaxrvlC. flimelP. raiArd23. A. IxMighiB. rainrdC. fsavrdD. laMrd24.

10、 A. chrrffullyB. radmh C 3小D. wmdy25. A. I*pnB. prr%rntC. MnpD. keeplifHimrchild lilll. ngnd in Murn, hr 户卜 mr brr laM h* and reminded mrErryonr ue hi or hrr mr al thrr rprrM trarx. 27 arr popular for juM a 4Mlet Umr. Such M Kmrrwan cpm,Km i* *Uhrrr 4 ihr brrf厂 II k txrd when Mwnrthmf U n4 a pnl rpr

11、r%ion. uiI 31 mmr“28 Io hr. In the radv 19X0*. U herr h the brrf?” onr Mtfer I ruled Skrtr. Il srtnrd a if rtrnir mn hnmlMirier rrMjiirantM. Onr ronijMinyl rnily* mikI it* Immbeirgrrn urn* bifcgfr limn ihr orw mInalr r or 321h”com户“1、Iwgan to iw the r|ne“inn herr iw tht. Tlir trlrxiionthree ll uonw-

12、n ealmg humburgrr*. Fh#hrvad 34Ercrrd iht- nwat uha vrn big. IhiI iiwiir lhrne wa* txily n bit / nwal. On* “,lh”wonwn *.*11would rxN *-at a hamlnirgrr uilh i”、h h liltle- pin r ( lec-f. X herv e thr bet,She hIuhiUmI in a funny uay. Thr ilrn for M rndx * luiniburKr rclauriinl wu* a 35 A*yid it 5,med

13、evrnone Iwgan tiding I hr rxpnion Where i th- liet-P26. A. commonB. mnMMilvC. in rofnnxHiI). xnmMf27. A. OthrrB. Thr ihTC. OlhrmI). Another2H. A.B. ilC. Mayingl1. is %aii29. A. pofmlnrB. morr poptilitrC. nx*t |M1|MilarI). !| m*t Mipular30. A. ofB. fromC. byD. in31. A. ThoughB. BeforeC. WiI).32. A. M

14、omrone -1禽B. wneonrC. unyonr rl*D nnvonr rlw*33. .A. knmB. knou*C knowingI), knew34. A. whoB. whoirC. whichD whv35. A. succeedB. RticrrssC HiicreAMfiilIII .阅读理解:(共25小题;每小H 2分,满分5。分)AFnr vMn Chiwk skater W” Ditjing i,iQnxl,d himself | th* skating %orl winning * *iker medal at the Snrhi Olympic X inte

15、r,:“me. t leing Chaing OkinpicA. N u ixN only rrtumr niale history.On Feb 22th. 2018. Wu won the gold inrdal in thr men% 4iorl-tra k 500-nirtrr race. Hr 5 a nrw world rrconl with a time of 39.584 scn Irrmw w fir*t (:hi“7 n, lakr hornr an Olympic Mborl-track gold mrlal. BBC . 7ii.“I didnt give them a

16、 chance nnl I kepi my from I hr hr hihl ihr iiwlia after thr match.Bui China、Mhort-lrack Iramn liln*l lo well in gfnaral at I he Chiim、. Chin一.laiQcrx in thr women、500 mrtn*s, 3000-mH re rrlay aixi mrnS 1500 mtrrs all failnl Io hike Iuhiw tlw x“hL初三年城英力顺量件介词研达第 4 41共12页x II Q biggvM %|-| pul 41 l”t

17、“ pit wtirr nniiMr.Un ii no. knMii a hinlih Mlrnlnl *kalrr. Hui tliMig* kllial , ti joiEl I he milioiuil learn in 2()10. hf yen as aliml tKMhing*nkrtlrmlike Zhmi、atng ami Kan Krxin, hi xwirlim mmI al ihr liiiw. Thrir mawnfnVA mailr him q“ ujwh. Kul a tlx* f i” g rwyr (放 )iiiwl ant h gi%r up nnd work

18、er I a* ImnI a* hr cmiIr.wli*l kaliiig all ye-ar round. Hr *、Elim to hi,honMlon for ihr* hsli加, for IO ycirn. I Iwlifvr in my74r. lie lM mrdi& after hi* mallympi.36. Profile Ix-gan Io know Wn Oajing hy lhk linw h .A Hm n yeld vnfulul nl ihr Sichi (Iknipif VK inlrr GaiHrnB. uon the second |LirMig (lu

19、mg X inter37. U lial dor* the uixlrrlinif I ”wd flnwIbA- mran?A. -ornmonB. valuableC. perfectD. diflirult38. Aa-rding 小n4ce tlir Horld nnxnl uith a time of 39.584 艮rrciid imd nuidr hiMon.C. U upLiucd great h)|M- on him whrn hr joined the national team.D. Chinese skatfni in omens 5(X) metres, 3000-me

20、t re relay took home Ihr gold.39. X lint dxr tlir Int (Nintgraph mainly Irll iim?The national learn and coaches thought Wu as a tal”lrd kater all thr way.B. U u kpt on praiticing nkaling all)ear nninl rvrn in I hr hlilny* for 10 y-ar*.C. Zhou iiig and Fan Krxin wTf more atul more harl-H)rking on ska

21、ting than Dajing.D. It im tl* liardwork. ronfi(l*nre and sIhhir uill that have malasge?A. Frin Zero to bkaling IGtoB. Tlir Drram of 11 Skalrr. W 11C Pjrong Chang U inner Olympics1) . Kiing of ChinaeH Bright Skiing Star初三年绥英诂破M普府研认我第5”共12次“ne-w “rda. ciifTMiilt gnimiiuir and mneMimr Irim/r* pmniirx M

22、iiofi. ynei arr wnmg. Huven *1 ymi vwWirrtf dial ycwi has brroirw Miuirlr .!. you 寓to lrrn a language?Arf finling to ji nr% 7iidy by a Brifi*li unnrr*ity. Irirning n wr-onl Innguagr* ran lr! to an iruvrrHAe in your brain |wwrr. Krearrher* fcnind that learning either Ian川agr matterC 脑佚质). This 加 the

23、arm of ihr brain which procrMr(加 X ) inAnwitin. Il is mmilnr to ihr way iFuil rxrrrinr h.iil小肌肉).Ilie Miidv ak. foiin! th-(TrE i,即rr uhr-n I hr yHingrr |w|lr Iram a nrvond Linpirtgr. A taam led hi Dr. Andrrn Mearpl a gmup rf arly ItilinKiil *h hud Iramt a M*ron| Inngiiagr lirfemt the ngr nf five, am

24、 urll n ruimber of Inlrr Irarnrrw.Senn、nhoMtMl th.it gn-y nwifler(梧 ) m Uin|lr without a Mrcond Luigiiagv. But ihr longer n fwnon uaiird b4brr maMtrring a nrw IjtngiiAgr. thr *rrvillrr ihr difTrrrnur findings suggrl that llir -tni,in(结构)“ ihr brain in hangri by the rx|wrirncr of kirmrig m y(”id lanp

25、mgr/ *nil thr M-irnfiMH.Il means ihal thr *hangr itself irwrrax thr ubilily l Irani. 1,彳7帽 Dylan aughan Jw ,J tlir (JnivrrHy ofhu r-”+11 the rrLilionnhip Iwtwrfn iNlingimlim ami maths skilU.Iwo lanpiagr give yu 八、c windows on 廿 uoriel and mak the brain more flrxiblr(灵 活的).* hr 7iiing Iwyofwi hmguagr

26、 anl havr u Iwlttr undrrwlafiding nf - diffrn-nt iden*.rha firulings were matched in a Hludy rakrr uho hud Ir4unrtl English - aIniigiidgr Iwlurffi ihr of Iho ini thirty-four. Re4Mingtar1rl to Irani, the brttrr. Suding a language* niraiw you gel an fnlr.UKT l anollirr uorhl/* 、pl“iiied (Iw41.Ilir mai

27、n iibjrct lalkrl alxMit in ihi (Msige i,.A. M-irn-r on Iramirig a fpmmI Idiipnigc-B. num ubilih o( Iraming a *xonl finitli* nliidy初:年烧英必丽依传蠡网研认卷 电6仪 R 12 ft42. The uti|rak Iho hingiiagrl. aii 4M thr langiiAgr 1fMmcr43. In the *Mnd p/imgrnph. I he unte-rrKrniw, in nlfar t .A. My InngiiAgr in abo a ki

28、nd of physiraK 身体的lahnrB. *hu that onr nrrtk mrw pra lB r wlwn hr (learning a langtuigrG fd)rlAVMr of lining the Linpiaryoti Irani ihr InngiiAge*D mak people lr!irvr language Iraming help* urr-y nuillrr %*rk vrll44. U may knnu frimi ihr M(ientiGe GiulinitM I hut.A. lh- rarlirr you larl Io Iriim a nn

29、 ond language, thr higher thr grry math r density inB. there is no liffrrrnrlren a later mhxhmI language Iranwr larwl ixir who jmt know a *rconl lanpingrC. the rxpenencr of Iranung a second language ha* lw infliien r kibrainI), ihr of Iraming n *r-ml lungmigf i rhjinging all ihr limr45. In I he InZ

30、two paragraph*, thr author want l tell us that 一 A. learning a fy而1 language i,ihr mom* am Mudying nuilh*B. rarI)learning “ a eronl language hrl|w you a grrat deal in Mudpng other subject*C. Italian i- thr Ie choice for you as a *econrtrrn 2 anil 34 l Irum a ;* ml lanpiageC, W hen I 否ked rny daughte

31、r which item jJi。 would krrp: thr phonr. ihr car. thr cooker, thr computer, (hr TV. or hr boyfriend.“id th- phonr. Personally. I could do without the phir. which m.kz mr unusual. Anyway, thr trlrphonr k changing our li%es num- than any cither piece of Irchnolngy.Point 1I” Irlrphnnr rrvMr ihr i“pI tn

32、 communirrtlr. in the *4imr that more mads create morr traffic. My daughter rom hmr from m HooI al 4:0() pin and then s|wnh an hour on thr talking to the very people h has Iwf-n at m uilh all day. If thr plionr did not ap|rar. would ihe have anything Io talk alxMil?新三年废英访质量K介圜研试I?第7页 共12页Point 2T mo

33、lnlr |honr mran Ihal nr arr nr%rr alone-. F。ntolnlr z、rd my lih Jmb尸 CryMal She had an “Jm in “r ol、c n th- A45 X-tt Olky and Skif,t,e Trapped ,n*,de- numard to mnkr ihr rail ihiU bmu削 ihr amhuhnrZ 救护年)Io mvc hrr.Point 34 mobilr rrmmr mir *rrrrt, Il 浦Iny markdinx man哗rr M HaIwi DtnitMh. Cari tc r1nl

34、 h|. yr 7i(I all riHincl tlw world at any itntr 4 to aC whnrr the are . ,卜rr lhr arr ing. ami hu thrir Ia7 inrHinx urnl.Point 4Hh* lr|rphX r wurkrd in -xrntrafftrr bul I could him Ihnnigh thr HirxioM. Il y In grt tn* nunitwr. r wrrr m near -IhjQ wr didn * t fr the Grt lwr urrk*!* Point 511 Irlrphonr

35、 alkm 人 | rritf li oul Im-voikI mir 211 h、cai talk to y、nd*plrlr 7 门 tn*d ill I hr 7imr linw on lml line* (;il lra*l my tlaiiglilrr kw. I HHillrri kno “hdl to talk alwrtit ). Nm r mirC to fiw *om|Mitrr. wr run (/!() the- Intrnirt. ihr library on Earth.46. Hom )u undrrwUrui Point 1 ?A. People lnn *t

36、ronuniiriK-Hir uifhcMit Irlt-phonr.B. People coinmiiiucalr lircaUM- l llu* -rrahng l ihr lrlhnr.C. Proplr afiiiiniiiii ilr nxirr ?*iiM Irlrphonr hu*1) . Prople *nmmunic air- mnrv bn aiiM- of more traffic.47.U hirh ofthe fhonn|lr dr.il silli llir ibing thiH Iui|m*iih MilVnls.|. Mobile phones hnng mvf

37、nirn impoflant and Uimild lie rncMinif!rMnt I. b. Point2. r. Poinl. l. l+im 4. Point 5.A. r. dB- * :.D.bRj .(IttMiAttttffftMtfiAtWl2tt力talk M巾 ME . the T *rrrenB a fa nuMhuirC. llw phm line connect! Iocom WH. a ” The brt title far ihr |Ma|or i*B. KinU o( HnnrI). kanLtgrA. l、ne PA pHychologiwt unlkrl

38、 ahmiiuI niom uhilr Irm hing tmiiiagrnirnl l aubrn r. *hr nuy、 a gla*M uatrr. rvrnonr rprrlrd I hr) *d br akrl the *lmlf empty r half full question.Hilh a inilr on Iwr face. u*kele M ho% Iwavy i* thi* ghf “ alrrfAnswer* come m frnm 80x(沫 nJ ) l 20mLShe rrplird Hu real weight d(wnel mailer. Il lr|wix

39、l wi how long I hold it. II I hold f| proiilciit. If I ImJcI it fr an Immii 1,11 lia%c an am li* in my urm. If I hohl it day .marm uill frrl numb (麻木).In each rwr.thr weight of ihr icIms doesnt c hange JmiI thr longer I hold il.tbe heavier it become.:She cnntinuei *Thr 7r,k. nnd worries in lift* arr

40、 like ihr wnler. fhink mxmii them fnr a uhile arwi nothing happen. Think hImhiI lhe*m a bit longer and they begin to hurl. And if mmj ihink alwHil thrm all ky lMig.you uill frrl niinib-unablr l d anythinit.impnrlant to rfmemlw*r Io go rf ymir Inf-r*、. A*,门rl in the rxening: a- you can. put all your

41、InjrdrnH doun. Oml e arn, llirin ihrotigh the rxrning iukI into the night. Krmrmlrr to put I hr 口1描.down!根据上文内容判断正(T)谡(F)51. Thr .八hoh*iz didnt M-k if the of walrr ua* half rtn|y or half full.52. According Io thr 尸13M卜*lrt-* in Mir life jtiZ like the utughl of the -1- of waiter.53. People oflrn fr-l

42、 Imd whrn havingIm they think alxHit them fc a hrt time.54. Thr uritrr f、prwy C-jw Town. S=Sm“lruS: ( X. tluttn the flight. lMk fir a hlf I nou. S6IHirer nigliH - Friday Saliirday nnl Surnluy. Arr thrrr any hntrln near ihr airpnrt?S: Yrn. there arr. Bui they arr e-xfiriivr. Jum| it minute. Nd lliftr

43、 itllV rhrnp li4rk nr4u lliu diqMMl. Tlwy nrr- nil rx|wnMi%r. 57L Wow! Well, what alxml a youth(疗年族J? U therr a youth hmlrl near the aiinxHl?S: OK. Irt tier. I (lonl think noNo. there im*1. I don*l lik, yL h7产卜.5sI=OK. look in ihe city rrntrv. An- there any -h*,a| hoh-U iherf ?S:、e. of fourx* thrrr

44、arv.I. m. lhntfM gcwxl. And i* there n Imim to I he rity r1? Yew. lhr*rt* SQ Then* it train. IhiI thalw )KIArui llwre arr hixin, loo.S:60 OK, so I、ik at thee liolfU.A. I think the Bum in fine.R. Wt* nrel a mom for two.(:. Dr Iho niglilx nr thrri*?E lliey arrn,l very* comfortable.F. Thrrl a Iur rvrr

45、twenty niinuh.G. This on* im fur hundred (ioliar* a nighl.M英iAiAKR试小510页Ml2ft第II卷(非选择题,共计35分)用所给回或题语的ifi当形式填空:(共1。小H;5小18 1分淌分1。分)617。小题friendly:lk thnnigh:ivuikf imhwaimsMprech;fnrmintgr:am Qr M;rxriir61. I 1 rd il. I heMill lilk npj.,irrd on hi* Gi“65. Thr photn mIuiwh the culture whic h m”k ll*/ily tery, fanwMi, Hr lo Irnm tmifir anr-anw a GmwMK -iiigfr lalrr.67. I can w*ork in ihr libntr)* nnd I *mabl- In mid Ixx*.68. U” Jr make 4kh1 “iil gi*r ihank fr ihrir GhmI m IlirtnkMgi% ing D


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