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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上八年级(下)复习之Unit 5【单词归纳与练习】n.file【 】 giant panda【 】 wild【 】 bamboo【 】adult【 】 weight【 】 kilogram【 】 population【 】behaviour【 】 birth【 】 shoulder【 】 menu【 】fur【 】 organization【 】 danger【 】v.face【 】 weigh【 】adj.central【 】 cruel【 】 Asian【 】 练一练一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词,完成句子。1. We can use our s_ to carr

2、y heavy thing.2. A_ can often take good care of their baby animals.3. Its c_ of you to kill the lovely dogs, You should stop doing that.4. In the past, we could see many animals in the w_, but now we can see them only in the zoo.5.The p_ of this city is becoming larger and larger because more people

3、 are moving to the city.6. B_ is useful, we can use it to make baskets.7. The coat is very warm because it is made from the f_ of tigers.8. The b_ of the baby brings much happiness to the family.9. We should have the courage to f_ difficulties in front of us.10. You cant move the heavy bag. It w_ mo

4、re than 50 kilograms.二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。11. Tom, pay attention to your _ (behave) when you are outside.12. There is lots of litter in the _ (centre) part of the playground.13. The boys were swimming in the deep river and didnt realize the _(danger).14.These _ (file) are very important, Youd better pu

5、t them away.15. Tom spends one hour _ (read) books after school.【词组归纳与总结】1. endangered animals濒危动物【 】2. fact file小档案【 】3. in the wild在野生环境中【 】4. high up in the mountains在深山里【 】5. at birth出生时【 】6. on ones own独自【 】7. stay healthy保持健康【 】8. give birth to生育【 】9. close to几乎,接近【 】10. show a great love for对

6、表示极大的爱【 】11. nature reserve自然保护区【 】12. go missing失踪,走丢【 】13. in memory of纪念【 】练一练一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式完成句子。in the wild endangered animal stay healthygive birth to go missing1. In order to _, I often eat vegetables and fish.2. This kind of animals have died out. We cant find them _ any more.3. Some travele

7、rs _ in the mountain yesterday. Now the rescue team is looking for them/4. We should try our best to protect animals, especially those _.5. The dog at home _ five lovely baby dogs last night.二、根据汉语意思补全句子,每空一词。6、那个婴儿出生时的眼睛就很大。The baby had two big eyes _ _.7、有将近二十个学生在这次交通事故中受伤。There are _ _ twenty stu

8、dents getting hurt in the traffic accident.8、那个妇女从不独自散步,她常常和她的丈夫一起散步。The woman never goes walking _ _ _. She often does that with her husband.9、我们应该对那些爱我们的人表示出我们极大的爱。We should _ _ _ _ _ those who love us.10、一些旅行者买一些明信片纪念他们的旅行。Some travelers buy some postcards _ _ _ their trip.【句型归纳与练习】1. it is +adj.

9、 +of sb. to do sth 某人做某事太2. sb./ sth. can cause problems to 某人/某事会给带来问题3. sb./ sth. be +adj. enough to do 某人/某物足够去做某事4. What should we do to ? 为了,我们应该做什么?5. Have you ever heard of? 你听说过吗?练一练连词成句。1. problems , floods, can, cause, here, to, people (.)_2. you, heard, have, ever, of, the, Han Geng, supe

10、rstar(?)_3. is, problem, it, of, smart, you, to, solve, so, this, quickly (.)_4. should, do, English, we, to, improve, what, our (?)_5. big, to, vegetables, hold, in, these, the, all, enough, is, it, basket (.)_【语法归纳与练习】语法一:It is +adj. +for +n./pron. +to+v.语法二:adj.+ enough + to +v.语法三: It is +adj. +

11、of +n./pron.+ to+v.练一练根据括号中的提示翻译下列句子。1、 对那个女孩来说,移动那个重包是困难的。_2、 那个人足够富有,可以买下那个大房子。_3、 帮我找到那个公园,你太好了。_4、 对我来说,回答你这个问题太简单了。_5、 风足够大,可以使风筝飞起来。_6、 多做运动对我们来说很重要。_八年级(下)复习之Unit 6【单词归纳与练习】n.chocolate【 】 reason【 】 responsibility【 】 sofa【 】 stranger【 】 choice【 】 attention【 】 heart【 】 heart attack【 】v.respond【

12、 】 cause【 】 feed【 】 lie【 】 believe【 】adj.cute【 】 noisy【 】 common【 】adv.nearly【 】 conj.until【 】prop.according to【 】练一练一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词,完成句子。1. People often sit on a s_ to watch TV because it is more comfortable than a chair.2. Your cat must be hungry now because you havent f_ it yet today.3. This kind

13、 of animals are very c_ because you can see them everywhere.4. It is very n_ in this street. Many people are speaking loudly here.5. You should be more careful, A small mistake can c_ big problems.6. She often tell lies, so all the people around her dont b_ her words any more.7. How did your teacher

14、 r_ to your being late? Did he get angry?8. To make your children feel being cared, you need to pay more a_ to them.9. You should give me a r_ to explain why you have made so many mistakes in your homework.10. The boy was unable to speak u_ he was five years old.二、用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。11. It is our

15、_ (responsible) to take care of our parents when they are old.12. Tim, you should learn to make a _ (choose) by yourself.13. The kind lady often offers to help those poor _ (strange) on the street.14. You can learn English by _ (read) and writing more.15. It is not a good idea _ ( let) your parents

16、live alone when they are old.16. People in this place always use baskets for _ (carry) things.【词组归纳与练习】1. hold sth. in ones arms抱住某物【 】2. care for照顾,照料【 】3. a small number of一小部分【 】4. what more更为重要的是【 】5. have no choice but to do除了别无选择【 】6. run free四处自由走的,自由自在【 】7. lie around无所事事的混日子,懒散度日【 】8. keep

17、sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事【 】9. be faithful to 对忠诚的【 】10. die of死于【 】11. for these reasons出于这些原因【 】12. keep on继续【 】 练一练一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。Whats more run free keep on a small number of care for1. When my mother is not at home, I often _ the little cat.2. You can learn a lot by travelling, _, you can

18、 know more people.3. _ going forward, and you can see the police station you are looking for.4. The tiger lives in the cage, so it can not _.5. Only _ students went swimming and most of them went hiking.二、根据汉语意思补全句子,每空一词。6. 过去很多人死于饥饿。Many people _ _ hunger in the past.7. 那个女孩没有别的选择,只有女里学习。The girl _

19、 _ _ _ _ study hard.8. 如果你懒散度日,没有人会和你做朋友。If you _ _ , no one will make friends with you.9. 我认为我们应该忠于我们的祖国。I think we should _ _ _ our country.10. 出于这些原因, 我现在不能离开家。_ _ _, I cant leave home now.11. 这个小狗是如此可爱以至于她忍不住抱住了它。The little dog was so cute that she couldnt help _ it _ _ _.【句型归纳与练习】1. Is it a goo

20、d idea to ?是一个好主意吗?【 】2. There are lots of reasons for关于的原因有很多【 】3. I want to complain about我想投诉一下【 】4. Ill take care of right now.我会马上处理【 】5. I am sorry to hear 很遗憾听到【 】练一练连词成句。1. idea, is, it, a, good, night, to, shop, at (?)_2. want, I , to, the, complain, service, here, about, (.)_3. care, I , w

21、ill, take, empty, right, of, boxes, these, away (.)_4. are, reasons, lots, for, missing, of, the, there, game (.)_5. sorry, in, got, I , you, football, am, the, to, match, that, have, hurt, hear (.)_【语法归纳与练习】语法一:副词的用法语法二:副词的比较级和最高级练一练一、写出下列形容词的副词形式。1. wide _ 2. cheerful_3. happy _二、写出下列副词的比较级和最高级。4.

22、 fast _ _ 5. slowly _ _6. bad _ _三、用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。7. Lily did _ (well) in her class in the final exam.8. The boy studies _ (hard) than his sister, so he often gets better scores.9. Peter ran _ (fast) in the game, so he won first prize.10. I read the book carefully, but my sister read it _ (car

23、efully)11. Jim is the one who gets up _ (early) in his dormitory (宿舍)。八年级(下)复习之Unit 7【单词归纳与练习】n.astronaut【 】 hill【 】 bush【 】 fear【 】 creature【 】 feather【 】 line【 】 mark【 】 desert, 【 】 tent【 】 knife【 】v.receive【 】 damage【 】 discover【 】 wonder【 】refuse【 】 spread【 】 explain【 】adj.unknown【 】 loud【 】 qui

24、et【 】 round【 】 frightened【 】 terrible【 】 pleased【 】练一练一、 根据句意及首字母提示写单词,完成句子。1. My mother was p_ with my achievement and she said she was proud of me.2. The bird s_ its wings and flew to the sky.3. The scientists are working hard to d _ the secret of the universe.4. Tom cut the apple into pieces with

25、 a k_.5. He r_ to go fishing with us because he was too tired.6. He was very happy because he had r_ lots of gifts on Christmas.7. I W_ why you are always late for school. Can you tell me the reasons?8. Everyone kept q_ and no one said anything.9. You cannot find any water in the d_.10. Can you e_ t

26、he problem to us in a simple way?二、 用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。11. The girl cried when she saw those strange _ (creature).12. The answer to the problem is still _ (known) because no one has worked in out.13. Follow these _ (mark) and you will find the right place.14. The girl was so _ (frighten) that she

27、could hardy say a work.15. They ran very fast _ (catch) the bus.【词组归纳与练习】1. wake up 醒来【 】2. keep quiet 保持安静【 】3. because of 因为【 】4. make a terrible noise 发出可怕的声音【 】5. in fear 恐惧地;害怕地【 】6. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事【 】7. power line 输电线【 】8. mother ship 母舰;太空母舰【 】9. landing site 降落场【 】10. as soon as poss

28、ible 尽快【 】11. agree with 同意;赞成【 】12. disagree with 不同意【 】13. weather balloon 气象气球【 】练一练一、用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成句子。power line, make a terrible noise, disagree with, landing site, in fear1. The tiger was shot by the hunter and _, which sounded like being full of anger.2. Im sorry that I _ you because I have

29、a different plan.3. There are a lot of planes in the new _.4. She described what she had seen to me _.5. Be careful not to step on these _, or you may get burned.二、根据汉语意思补全句子,每空一词。6. 当他醒来的时候,他看到他的母亲正在做饭。When he _ _, he found his mother cooking.7. 听音乐会的时候请保持安静。Please _ _ when you listen to a concert.

30、8. 由于天气原因我们不得不取消这次旅行。We had to cancel the trip _ _ the weather.9. 她拒绝去说谎,因此她妈妈很高兴。She _ _ tell a lie, so her mother was pleased with her.10. 他同意了我的看法并支持我。He _ _ me and supported me.11. 请尽快把这些书还给玛丽,她可能需要它们。Please return the books to Mary _ _ _ _. She may need them.【句型归纳与练习】1. Im sure 我确定2. I wonder 我

31、想知道3. I think / believe that 我认为4. So do I. / I agree. / I think youre right. 我也这么认为/我同意/我主为你是对的.6. I dont agree. / I think youre wrong. / I disagree.我不这么认为/我认为你是错的/我不同意.练一练一、 连词成句.1. wonder, always, I, these, sick, days, why, I, get(.)_2. am, it, going, tomorrow, I, rain, is, sure, to (.)_3. believ

32、e, your, dream, as, your, come, that, long, you, true, try, I, best, as,will(.)_二、单项选择.4.- lily will fail the exam, I think.- _ She works very hard so shes sure to pass it.A. I think so. B. So do I.C. Neither am I. D. I disagree.5. - We need to read the book at least twice if we want to understand i

33、t.- _ it is really hard to understand.A. I think youre right.B. So do I.C. Neither am I.D. So is it.【语法归纳与练习】语法一:原因状语从句语法二:Because of练一练单项选择。1. - Why dont you believe his words, Mike?- _ he always tells lies.A. Because B. because of C. As D. Since2. Jim found it difficult to see the blackboard clear

34、ly _ his eyesight became worse. A. but B. so C as D. although3. _ the weather is so bad, I decided to stay at home and watch TV.A. And B. UntilC. Since D. Unless4. Mary must be ill at home _ she didnt come to school today. A. When B. because of C. but D. because5. Tina woke up at midnight _ a loud n

35、oise. A. because B. because of C. as D. since6. I will not tell you the rules _ I have told you before. A. because B. because of C. until D. while八年级(下)复习之Unit 8【单词归纳与练习】n.Internet【 】 post【 】 apology【 】 excuse【 】 past【 】 present【 】 shape【 】 café【 】 technology【 】 software【 】v.satisfy【 】 mix【 】 r

36、elax【 】 prepare【 】adj.wide【 】 electronic【 】adv.recently【 】 forever【 】 certainly【 】conj.while【 】练一练一、 根据句意及首字母提示写单词,完成句子。1. - Will you be angry with your parents sometimes?- C _ not. I always respect them very much.2. You can r_ yourself by breathing deeply before you step on the stage.3. Youve made

37、her sad. You should make an a_ to her.4. The street is w_ with many flowers on two sides.5. When you make mistakes, dont make any e_ Its useless.6. I hope we will be good friends f_.7. Dont m_ my milk with sugar. I dont like sweet milk.8. She was a shy girl in the p_, but she is very outgoing now.二、

38、 用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。9. _ (recent), Ive been busy writing a novel.10. I want to buy an _ (electricity) dictionary to improve my English.11. It took me a long time _ (get) to the aiport.12. I have a lot of trouble _ (solve) the problem. I dont know what to do.13. It must be hard for him _ (accept) t

39、he bad news.14. If you feel lonely you can go outside _ (make) more friends.【词组归纳与练习】1. make apologies 道歉2. in the present 现在3. at the front 在前面4. on the Internet 在互联网上5. in the shape of 的形状6. mix with (使与.)相混合7. from place to place 从一个地方到另一个地方8. in this way 通过这种方法9. break down (车辆)抛锚10. prepare for

40、 准备11. by post 邮寄12. get a reply 收到回复13. in a short time 在短时间内14. in a second 片制15. go on (灯)亮16. fail to do sth. 未能做某事练一练一、用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成句子。break down, get a reply, from place to place, in this way, in a short time, go on, at the front1. Youd better go jogging for half an hour every day. _, you ca

41、n keep fit.2. My sister works as a travel guide, so she has to travel _ every day.3. When we were driving on the road, suddenly our car _ and we had to get it repaired.4. When the red lights _, we should stop crossing the road.5. I wrote a letter to her last week but I havent _. Perhaps she has no t

42、ime to write to me.6. Ben is the shortest boy in his class so he sits _.7. You dont need to wait for him here, He wont come back _.二、 根据汉语意思补全句子,每空一词8这一周我们正忙于准备期末考试。We are busy _ _ the final exam this week.9虽然他起得很早,但还是没能赶上火车。He _ _ catch the train though he got up early.10 你应该为你刚才的不礼貌向她道歉。You should _ _ her for your being impolite just now.11我准备在圣诞节的时候给我的笔友邮寄一张卡片I plan to send a card to my pen pal _ _ on Christmas.12这个塔的塔顶呈三角形。The top of the tower is


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