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1、1/13学员姓名:学科教师:年 级:八年级辅导科目:英语授课日期时 间主 题期末模拟测试学习目标1 .复习并巩固本学期所学知识点的易错题的解题技巧;2 .提升综合考试及答题能力。教学内容1 .上次课后巩固练习2 .预习思考教学建议:1、根据上A课预习思考的要求,让学生对解题方法进行总结分享:2、老师引导学生按照题型顺序将解题步骤和技巧一步一步回答。备一次食玉林舞猴T改乳不值司? ,!那能过吗?教学建议:L让学生60分钟内独立完成,做题过程中思考本题所考查的知识点:2.将不会的和模棱两可的题目划出标志,以便后期对薄弱知识的总结。8A语法易错题分享(较易)【易错知识点1】时态时态常用时间状语备注一

2、般现在时often, always, usually, sometimes, every、once a week一般过去时just now, yesterday, last, m, ago主将从现:when, after, before, imtiL till, as soon as, if. as long as一般将来时tomorrow, next, later m, soon、the day after tomorrow.过去将来时常用于宾语从句和间接引语中.现在进行时now, nowadays, at the moment过去进行时this time yesterday, at ele

3、ven yesterday morning, at that tmie. at the moment常 考点:B was doing sth when A did stli. else.现在完成时for + 时间段;since + 时间点,lately, recently, just, already, yet, ever, never, before, up to now/the present, till now, so far. tliese days, ill the past few years用法辨析:have been to. have been in, have gone to

4、持续性动词:be, have, keep过去完成时by + 过去时间点(eg. by 2007, by the tmie he was bom)【易错知识点2】名词修饰词4-1* 、4不可数名词)r、 (a) few some many several a number of (a) mi 48little ichr0at deal ofjreaf amaunt ofJ any a lot oPlots of plenty of enough none/nokA,可数名词 y+可数&不可数名词4J【易错知识点3】情态动词情态动词问答形式考点备注can/couldCan I.?-Yes,

5、 you can-No, you can't.can,t表示否定猜测may/mightMay1.?-Yes, pleaseNo, you can,vinustn'tmay表示语气较弱的猜测must/have to/needMust I.?-Yes, you must.-No, you needii,t/don't have to.must表示肯定猜测needNeed I.?肯定:need to do stli.-Yes, you must.No, you needn't.need sth.否定:don't need to do stli. don'

6、;t need sth.needn't do stli.【易错知识点4】宾语从句宾语从句3要素引导词(Dthatif/whether®vho. wIioiil whose, what, which, when, where, why, how.语序陈述句语序,即主语(S)+谓语(V)时态主句:现在时:从句:任意主句:过去时:从句:相应过去时态从句:客观真理/格言谚语-一般现在时。1. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)2. Tony's father has a largebusiness.A. retailsB retailC. re

7、tailingD. retailed3. Just look at die bottle of water, and you will see that water is a liquid without coloura definite shape.A. norB. orC. andD. but4. They feltalmost nobody wanted to listen to the class.A. so excited toB. so exciting thatC. so excited tliatD. so exciting to5. What do you think off

8、ilm Caribbean Pm ate IV It'swonderfill film, I tliink.A. a, aB. a, theC. tlie. theD. the. a6. How soon will you finish your work? In about.A. one and a half monthB. one month and a halfC. one and half a monthD. a month and half7. 1 will give youto complete your project.A. two week s timeB. two w

9、eek's timesC. two week tmieD. two weeks' time8. he had failed so many times, he went to doing the experiment.A. EvenB. YetC. AlthoughD. Because9. Hasever seen electricity?” Ben asked his dad.A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobodyD. no one10. If you make friends with more people, you will not feel.A.

10、 worriedB. aloneC. happyD. lonely11. I change die bulb now?No, youswitch off the electricity first.A. Must, mayB. May, mustC. Can. mayD. Must, need11. Why did Daimy look?A, worriedB. to worryC. worryD. worrying12. After each exam. I enjoy with my friend in karaoke.A. singB. sangC. to singD. singing1

11、3. Yon can be a traveler tlirough the Internet without setting food on a ship or a plane. Tlie underlmed part meansA. touristB. nuiiierC. speaker14.1 like readmg novels. I findinteresting.A. theyB. themC. themselves15. Tony's house isin the whole of our town.A. noiseB. noisyC. the most noisy16.

12、Tlie tortoise kept, he got to the big tree first at last.A. runB. railC. mnner17. Would you niiiidthe window? It's too cold.A. closeB. to closeC. closing18. is more expensive? .A. Who's book; MineB. Whose's: HisC. Whose; YourD. Whose book; His19. So many nice dishes. I really don't k

13、now wliichto choose.A. itB. themC. one20. You look pale. Ybu d betterup too late.A. not stayB. not to stayC. don't to stay21. The engine in your car works far better than.A. my carB. mineC. that in mineD. readerD. theirsD. the noisiestD. mimingD. closesD. foodD. don't stayD. my car s22. Many

14、 countries are makuig new laws to protect tlieir countries pollution.A. forB. ofC. fromD. on23. Tlie captain of die ship has been to the South Pole many times 1990.A. untilB. sinceC. byD. in24. It's not easy for yoimg people to understand of Shakespeare.A. the workB. the worksC. workD. works25.

15、can the bottle contain orange juice?500 milliliters.A. How manyB. How muchC. How largeD. How long26. Chinathe WTO anda new member of it.A. joined, wasB. joined, has been27 .Why hasn't our monitor come to school yet?A. willB. should28 .unusual piece of music he played!A. WhatB. What anC. joined i

16、n, wasD. joined,becameHebe ill. I'm not sure.C. mayD. mustC. What aD. How29. Wbuld you likeimlk in your tea.A. any, littleB. some, a littleYes, justC. much, a fewD. a little, someA. play not playB. playing, to play notC. playing, not playD. to play not to play31. To my. such a strong boy isof do

17、gs.A. surprise, frightened B. surprise, afraidC. surprised, frightenedD. surprised, afraid32. Tlie boy feltwhen he heard the_ question.A. puzzling, puzzledB. puzzling, puzzlingC. puzzled, puzzlmgD. puzzled, puzzled33. The newly built school has a very modernlab.A. chemistB. chemistryC. chemicalD. ch

18、emicals34.How do you like our city?A. Yes, I like it very much.B. No, I don't like it.C. I don*t like.D. It's very beautifiil.35.I did quite well in tlie exain this time. A. CongratulationsB. I don,t knowC. So did ID. So I did.36. Wbrld Environment Day makes us realize the importance of prot

19、ectingenvironment.30. Most of the children enjoy computer games. But parents often make them computer games all day.A. oursBusD. we37. Tlie dumplings they offered us tasted.We all wanted to have some more.A. deliciousB. awfblC. wellD wonderfully38. You look very tired today. Youfinish the work right

20、 now. Leave it for tomorrow.A. don'tB. needn tC. mustn'tD. can't39. Computers can work out the difficult problemsthan human bemgs.A. much quicklyB. more quickC. for more quicklyD. very quickly40. You're getting fatter and fatter you'd betterenough exercise.A. takeB. to takeC. tak

21、ingD. took41. As long as you keepEnglish iii and out of class, you're sure to make great progress.A. speakB. to speak42. Tins is the best way I can dunk ofA. solveb. solving43. You can't learn English wellA. ifB. because44.1st April, 2011, they arrived m LondonA. OnBinC. speakingD. spokeC. t

22、o solveD. soh'edC. imlessD. afterC.AtD. Bythe problem.you practice more.45. There are more tliaiiin our schools.A. two hundreds teachersB. two hundred teachersC. two hundreds teacherD. two hundred of teachers46.A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How abig bottle of nulk I have got!教学建议:此部分必须由班级学员合作完成。建议步骤为

23、: 1)在分20钟内学员独立完成测试:2)老师给出答案,学员相互批改;3)在5分钟内就错题学员间相互合作,讨论错题,保证每一位学员都懂:4)老师随机抽查,根据学生的整体表现给出此部分的班级得分(评分标准参考课堂激励评分标准)8A语法易错题分享(中等)1. Sherry and Sally don*t share many interests, that is to say、they don't have in common.A. muchB. littleC. manyD. few2. In winch of die following sentences does Hpick upM

24、 mean "give a passenger a lift*?A. He picked up the book and started to read.B. Mothers up a newspaper on her way home eiery day.C. Tlie candidate picked up thousands of votes after his visit to the nursing home.D. Father picks up Daiiny when he finishes school every day3. Experienced tourists

25、always travelA. lightly B. light C. hea-vyD. heavily4. We know that he is gomg to leave Canada this month, but we are not sure about the exact date.A. departB. leavingC. departureD. anival5. hard he tries, he still cant pass die test.A. AlthougliB. WhoeverC. No mater whatD. No matter how6. You cant

26、the principal unless you have arranged a meeting in advance.A. contact withB. have access toC. be close toD. hear from7. Peggy stayed at home 71stead vf gomg to the cinema because of the heavy ram. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined part.A. take placeB. take the place of

27、C. in place ofD. in the place of8. She is diligent(勤奋的),her brother is lazy. Which one of tlie following CANNOT be used here?A. whileB. whereasC. sinceD. but9. Hey Holly, guess what? Your mom just at the door and asked for you.A. showed offB. showed aroundC. showed upD. showed tlirougli10. Is the ne

28、w medicine to the public now?Not yet.A. availableB. possibleC. reliableD. capable11. Almost everyone today uses electricity in one way or.A. otherB. otherC. the otherD. another12. We must not more lights tlian we need.D. put offD. looks likeA. turn onB. turn offC. put on13. Listen, her voice our tea

29、cher's.A. likesB. sounds likeC. is liked14. We should take actions to prevent some factories from pollutmg water. Tlie underlined part meansA. produceB. stopC. provideD. protect15. My uncle has been to America. So has.A. he'sB. hiniC. hisD. his uncle's16. If you shoes are too small、buy a

30、 biggerA. oneB. copyC. pairD. pairs17. I am sorry for having kept you waiting so long. .A. That's all rightB. All rightC. It s notliiiigD. My pleasure18. Tliese new computers can store than those old ones.A. much infonnationB. many informationsC. much more informationD many more informationsA. J

31、uly twenty-eightC. July the twenty-eight22.1 didn't mean an argument.1. to startB. startingC. to starting23. Wel meet again next week.A. sometimesB. some timesC. sometime24. Tliat is we put off the meeting.A. whereB. whyC. whichD. startedD. some timeD. how19. Tliis pair of sports doesn't fit

32、 me. Please show meA. the othersB. other pair C. die otlier pairD. aiiotlier pair20. July 28 is read asB. twenty-eighth of JulyD. the twenty-eighth of July25. Tlie newspaper named "Shanghai Students' Post' is by middle school students.A. welcome, huge amounts ofB. welcomed, huge amounts

33、 ofC. welcome, a large number ofD. welcomed, a large number of3.1 1 suggested that my friend his teacher about his plan.A. should arrange for B. should talk C. should agree on D. should tell27. Your spoken English is much better.Thank you. My teacher often asks us English as as possible.A. to speak,

34、 many B. not to speak, rang C. to speak, muchD. not to speak, more28. Eric is good at English, so we suggest he the story-teller in die English evening.A. isB. could beC. will beD. be29. Could you please tell me?A. where is the maglev stationB. which is the way to the maglev stationC. how can I get

35、to die maglev stationD. how far is the maglev station30. Barack Obania.president of the United States, is first African-American president in the UShistory.A. the, aB. /, aC./. theD. the, the1.1 1 noticed a strange yoiuig man the room a few minutes ago.A. enteredB. enterintoC.enterD. entering32. Wbu

36、ld you like this TV set or that one?I'm not sine. Tliis one has better sound but die picture is better on.A. another oneB. otliersC.the othersD. the other one33. Ben made mistakes in die test. His mother wasn't satisfied witli his study.A. noB. a littleC. fewD. quite a few34. He works much h

37、arder than before the final exam.A. in order to fail B. in order not fail C. in order not to pass D. in order to pass 35.cold weather it is today! Please put on more clothes.A. WhatB. What aC. How aD. How 36.join us in die two-day trip to Chongnung Island? It's great Rin.D. Why notD. of, ofD. ke

38、epA. What aboutB. Why don'tC. Shall we37. It's lucky you to get a ticket the concert.A. for forB. for, ofC. o£ fbr38. By the way. how long can I the book?A. borrowB. returnC. lend39. Would you niiiid booking two tickets for the film "2012”?、Km so busy now. Fil do it afterA. Not at

39、allB. SorryC. Thank youD. Of course40. Shanghai provided good service during the 2010 Wbrld Expo. The imderlined word meansA. promisedB. offeredC. suggestedD. proved41. Will you help me with the luggage? It's too heay .A. Witli pleasure.B. Never niind.C. Not at all.D. Thats right.41.1 think frie

40、ndship is very valuable. Tlie underlined part means.A. beautifolB. usefulC. miportantD. precious43. Your job at die moment is Tim with his homework.A. going to helpB. to helpC. helpingD. helped44. We will have a holiday fbr A. a week and halfB. one and a half weeks C. a week and a half weekD. one an

41、d a halfweek45. Keep the window. please.A. opensB. openedC. openD. opening46. Among the tliree foreign editors, one is from Africa,are from Asia.A. two otherB. die otlier two C. another twoD. tlie botli47. Toimiiy made money. He spent on clothes, but on books.A. a lot of. much a littleB. many.much .

42、 muchC. a lot of .a lot of.a fewD. much.many.a little48. We can protect our country by the air、the water and the land.A. not pollutingB. not polluteC. not to pollute D. to not pollute我的总结1、时态的正确选择©2、名词的单复数。3、宾语从句的修改教学建议:1、老师引导学生针对达标检测错题进行反思和总结:2、老师引导学生对精讲提升相关知识进行总结,可采用表格、思维导图等形式呈现。(此部分内容包含本次课所学

43、内容相关的练习题及综合练习题。)8A语法易错题分享(较难)1. The doctor must have sat up all night with his patient,he looks tired and sleepy.A. now thatB. sinceC. asD. for2. Which of the fbUowmg is NOT CORRECT9A. Sally has had an appointment on Professor Lin about the term paper.B. Sally has made an appointment witli Chief Edi

44、torC. Sally made an appointment to see die boss.D. Interviews are by appointment only.3. If you drop in. we can provide you a meal at any time, but tei叩orary dwellings (临时住处)are notprovided non-club members.A. for.forB. for.withC. witli. forD. with.with4. For die purpose of not, the boy told his mot

45、lier a lie agam.A. piuiished B. punishingC. punish D. being punished5. Which sentence is WRONG?A. The machine is out of order.B. Tliere is sometliing wrong with the machine.C. The machine is broke, so we cant operate it.D. Tlie macliine doesnt work properly.6. He shouldn't have talked to his par

46、ents like that. I wish he to liis parents like that.A. didn*t talkB. wouldnt talkC. won't talkD. hadnt talked7. Ybu've bought so much wine, but you so because we have already got here.A. shouldn't do. muchB. neednt have done . manyC. cannot have done . a lotD. neednt have done . plenty8.

47、 The work is poorly done. You it better.A. should doB. should have done C. must have doneD. ought have done9.1 will show you a store you may buy all you need.A. m which. /B. where . which C. in which . tliat D. that., that10. I wish the film were being shown tonight. Which of the following, is die c

48、losest in meaiiuig to this sentence?, A. Witli any luck the film will be shown tonight.B. Im glad we will be able to see the film tonight.C. Tlie film wasn't shown tonight after all.D. Im sorry the film isn't bemg shown tonight.11. Is this factor>r some foreign friends visited last Friday

49、?A. thatB. whereC. the oneD. which12. Mrs. Clark, but she was disappointed to see it went wrong again and she had to call tlie mechanic again.A. has her car repaired B. had had her car repaired C. repaired her carD. had repairedher car13. Tlie students busily when Miss Broxn went to get a book she i

50、n the office.A. had writtenleftB. were writinghas leftC. had written.had leftD. were writing . had left14. Orlando asked his girlfriend to marry him, but she told hini that she needed to tliink about it for a while. Orlando hadbeen her answer imtil she said that she wanted to hini.A. awaiting for.br

51、eak out withB. awaiting.break up withC. waiting.break out withD. waited for.break up witli1-5 DACDC 6-10 DDBCC 11-14 CCDBII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下 列句子,每空格限填一词)(共4分)1. Our teacher is knowledgeable about die of metals. (chemical)2. There ar

52、e flights benveen Hong Kong and Shangliai. (day)3. This sunny island is always a popular for winter holidays. (choose)4. The students didn't tell the truth, but answered(correct)5. The rescue worker searched the area in order not to niiss any human survivors(幸存者).(tlirough)6. Gas is one of the m

53、ain sources of energy for my of our day-to-day needs and activities.(nature)7. The month of the year is May. (five)8. Trees can produce oxygen to keep us. (live)9. The children enjoyed at the party yesterday. (tliey)10. Peter is for sports in our school this year (response)11. The camera need four t

54、o get the energy to work, (battery)12. His is that we go to the beach for a holiday. (suggest)13. Tom has Peter as captain of the team. (place)14. Tom lives on the floor ill that tall buildmg. (twenty )15. My uncle is a man of average. (high)16. Good comic strips are fiill of action to keep readers.

55、 (interest)17. Alice has worked as a for over ten years. (library)18. Tlie postman in climbing the highest peak of that moiuitam. (success)19. Lily will go study in America, because she tliiiiks it's a good way to improve her English.( far)20. Tliey all agree tliat is as important as knowledge.

56、(able)21. It's very for us to leam English well. (need)22. food brings us a lot of convenience. (freeze )23. He told us he (servant) customers in a restaurant.24. Coffee is the main (produce) of Brazil.25. Tlie soldier jumped into the river and(safety) die child in die end.26. He arrived at last but has no for being late, (explain)1. chemica


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