1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 装 订 线 考 生 答 题 不 得 超 过 此 线 广州涉外经济职业技术学院2017 -2018学年第二 学期期末考试试卷科 目:国际贸易实务 ( A )卷 适用专业班级:16 年级商英双证班级 考试时间: (90)分钟考试形式:闭卷 命题人:李文胜 审批人:李咏珊 专业班级: 姓名: 学号: 题 号一二三四五总分评卷人标准分数1010352520100实得分数实得分数.choosethebestanswerfromthefollowingchoicesofeachquestion.(10%)1.AnexporterinGuangzhouhasagreedtosel
2、lgoodstoacompanyinNewYork.Theexporterisnotresponsibleforarrangingtransportandinsurance.Whichofthefollowingshippingtermsiscorrect?()A.CIFNewYork B.FOBNewYorkC.CFRNewYork D.FOBGuangzhou2.AnL/CcallsforFOBshipment.TheB/Lshouldbemarked()A.FreightCollectB.FreightPrepaid C.Freightasper D. charterparty3.Whi
4、FOBShanghai实得分数II. Put T for true or F for false in the brackets at the end of each statement. (10%)1. AccordingtoINCOTERMS2000,ifthesellerisnot requested to pay for export clearing customs, the term shouldbeEXW.2. AccordingtoINCOTERMS2000,wemuststipulatethetimeofshipment(orthe time of delivery) in
5、the contract of CIF. But we must stipulate both the time of shipment (or the timeofdelivery)andthetimeofarrivalinthe contractofCIP.3. Internationalcustomsandpracticeistheinternationalstandardwhichisofsome guiding significance tointernationalbusinessmen.Soalltheinternational business men shouldabideb
6、ytheinternationalcustomsandpractice.4. UndertheAllRisksofC.I.C.,theinsurancecompany is responsible for allkinds of losses.5. AccordingtoUCP600, theconfirming bank has thesameobligation oftheissuing bank.实得分数. Translate the following (35%) A. words: (15%)From English into Chinese: (10%) VAT_ PICC _ D
7、ES _ Bonded warehouse_ Promissory note_ Institute Cargo Clauses _ Certificate of origin _ Multilateral trade _ Sole agency _ Sale by sample _ From Chinese into English: (5%) 零售价 _ 偿付行 _ 习惯包装 _ 大陆桥 _ 保函 _ B. Paragraphs: (20%)1) From English into Chinese (10%)A joint venture is a form of business orga
8、nization undertaken by two or more parties. It is Chinas Policy to enter into joint ventures with foreign enterprises in order to expand international economic cooperation and technological ex-change. According to the Joint Venture Law of China, a joint venture shall take the form of a limited liabi
9、lity company and the profits and losses of a joint venture shall be shared by the parties to the venture in proportion to their contributions to the registered capital. 2) From Chinese into English (10%)在国际贸易中买卖双方距离遥远,业务成交与实际交货时间相隔较长,付款问题远比国内贸易复杂。卖方总希望在收到货款后发货,而买方总希望收到货物后付款。所以国际贸易中,一般采用信用证付款方式,使买卖双方
10、的利益都得到一定的保障。实得分数.FillinthecontractforminEnglishwiththefollowingparticulars(25%)史密斯贸易有限公司 敬启者: 你方7月10日关于甘薯片 (Sweet potato slices)的回盘收悉,谢谢。现确认接受你方回盘如下: 1,000公吨甘薯片,每公吨成本保险加运费鹿特丹价为185美元,包括5%佣金。质量符合样品sp-03号,水份最高16%。装运期1995年1011月。 随函附上我有关售货确认书95C137号一式二份,请即签退一份供我存查。 本商品为散装货,其数量及金额均允许有5%增减。这点请你方在开立信用证时特别注意
11、。我们希望能在装运期前一个月收到你方开立的保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证,以便我方如期装运。至于保险,我方将按惯例根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日中国保险条例,按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险。 山东土畜产进出口公司 1995年7月17日 Sales Confirmation No. 95C137 Qingdao, July 16, 1995 Sellers: Buyers: This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: Commodity: Specifications: Quantity: Unit Price: Total Value: Packing: Insurance: Time of Shipment: Port of Shipment
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