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1、cared oU practi ce line pi onee stadad a. post spurs membesconcentatd sevi months, a cvles, e -ca.n gu de membes aw eeyw hee beaig i n mind de ntiy base, job post a ctve ply roe、.“. learni ng e - uain gu party members i n a-r - n h that ow siuain, tagethe problems to, base . on the w ork done Pay at

2、ein to t he room ad roomfr grasroots partygai zains, grass roots pat ogaizati onsl ave more autonomy ie d_aton, making e duccainmore ground, ulof Valy eleC.Fial y hgh” the noma long tem. Thig hht t he chaacesi of icue nt e i on, w ih log flwi ng ccnti nuus .e of jeiev eac e pes a nce ”m oe ed ti ona

3、 e.rts to e ale the pa i delgial ad poll insiuiWit he party bracas the base ul Pay ter i e of pay brace s Soud be, s t he key to e a sucess E ach branch m us take strc e . . . maageme nt resonSIHy of pay membes, e i on base . on leani ng tomake spe cic ara e nts, uhmobile the enthusa_ of pay membesi

4、vled i n Ie e d . an, e .lure the Oga niatoni pack meaues ipa ce ace Tte pay or.ni on - te bai c frm. In the sa I da dizd deve opme nt of lari ng mile ea nig moe eactve .s and wl a dee t o the good pay group, oraie d pat y paty m ber s and te GeealA sembl y tel a g ood pay e “urs,ca d.e a god t opi

5、c aout pevet sho- wtout susance Sham mue s. To imp e nt t he e inmange ntjysem fr b_ c suport lemocai c ma arymoles iiccrda nce Wit t he rrg - t ons, te rraJ per omane c.ea a nd I rder e blsed sud ca dspooe of unquHipaly m be* t outer mpr on, e .lure the Oga niatoni pack me-urrs in pa ce ace Tte pay

6、 or.ni on - te bai c frm. In the sa I da dizd deve opme nt of lari ng mile ea nig moe eactve .s and wl a dee t o the good pay group, oraie d pat y paty m ber s and te GeealA sem I l y tel a g ood pay e “urs,ca d.e a god t opi c aout pevet sho- wtout susance Sham mue s. To imp e nt te e .ca ”nmaa - m

7、e ntjysem fr b_ c suport lemocai c ma arymoles iiccrda nce Wit t he rrg - t ons, te rraJ per omane c.ea a nd I rder e blsed sud ca dspooe of unquHipaly m be* t outer mpr on, e .lure the Oga niatoni pack me-urrs in pa ce ace Tte pay or.ni on - te bai c frm. In the sa I da dizd deve opme nt of lari ng

8、 mile ea nig moe eactve .s and wl a dee t o the good pay group, oraie d pat y paty m ber s and te GeealA sem I l y tel a g ood pay e “urs,ca d.e a god t opi c aout pevet sho- wtout susance Sham mue s. To imp e nt te e .ca ”nmaa - me ntjysem fr b_ c suport lemocai c ma arymoles iiccrda nce Wit t he r

9、rg - t ons, te rraJ per omane c.ea a nd I rder e blsed sud ca dspooe of unquHipaly m be* t outer mpr oe te drdge ex .ortam, pure - l cla nig me ca nsm. .y ea dig ccde s soul d Idhee t o ad mp ent t he cetal g.ur nig lystm, tw I ch banch of .ani ng -cang is, paicpain i a dua ogai -ton Wih cmade s Fou

10、s on re cure nt Id ai on, y ou as nned to coniue tse nghe n te I ui dig of gas rots paly orgaizainsNow ,the c aso ha s 88 Vil age paryoga niatons ae wak ad aa,、s Sc yof te vilge bu cnve sinrrqu a process Re cet y, te ciys paryoga niinfcusd i -stgain, checkouta tal of ls membes 45T,,ocke membes 10T,

11、id thee ae 640 ls pay membes ae not conaced 48,ocke pary m bes and mpeme ntainof ogaai onal reainsi ps.E ducat onal maag emeary m bes intte Ogait sawk t do. and pary coniued reganiin - a nm porant tak, ish peecorgait on, wi h a god tem, God systm. Sp-l hghts of galsroos paryoga niains, t be de al wt

12、f - t ipa urhe educain, reganiin, tafrmaton ad Iducai ona eacton.Isort tr 00gh sld and fecie wk iiiaie代类人猿D、外星人四、连线1、把著作和作者连起来。法布尔旧石器时代之艺达尔文昆虫记裴文中物种起源2、把人种和生括的地区连起来白种人非洲、黑种人亚洲东部黄种人欧洲五、简答1、你知道我国有哪些古人 类遗址?你生活的地区有 吗?答:北京周口店北京人遗 址,陕西的半坡遗址,四川 的大汶口遗址。六堆峪旧石器文化遗址位 于博爱县城东北10公里, 属寨豁乡馒头山村委管辖。有3万年前古人类活动遗 迹,动物化石,石斧等


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