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1、王老师英语工作室 Unit 10 Feel v 人+ feel + 形容词 Feel 是系动词,其后必须搭配形容词 I felt hot. I felt very hot. Monday, July 15th Great weather! It was sunny and hot all day. We went to a beautiful beach. We had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, we went shopping. The shops were too crowded, so I didnt really

2、 enjoy it. Tuesday, July 16th Today it rained, so we went to a museum. It was kind of boring. I found a small boy crying in the corner. He was lost and I helped him find his father. That made me feel very happy. I didnt have any money for a taxi, so I walked back to the hotel. I was really tired. We

3、dnesday, July 17th today the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis. We played all morning. It was really fun. We had Sichuan food for dinner. It was delicious! Tuesday, July 16th Today it rained, so we went to a museum. It was kind of boring. I found a small boy crying in the corner. He was

4、 lost and I helped him find his father. That made me feel very happy. I didnt have any money for a taxi, so I walked back to the hotel. I was really tired. Wednesday, July 17th today the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis. We played all morning. It was really fun. We had Sichuan food for

5、 dinner. It was delicious! 是否所有动词都可配to do, doing? I forgot to meet you that year,忘记去见你 I forgot meeting you that year见过你,但是忘了 Stop talking Stop to talk Forget遗忘/remember记得/regret遗憾/go on继续/ stop停止 To do都没有发生 Doing做过的 中 Center面的中 Middle线中, 时间中 Medium程度 Adj+ly adv n+ly adj- friend-friendly/ugly adj Ha

6、rd / late/ deep/ 形/副合一 都有两个意思, +ly后,变成完全不同的意思 Hard adj 困难的,硬的-The job is hard Hard adv 努力地He works very hard他努力工作 Hardhardly 几乎不He works very hardly他几乎不工作 Late迟到的lately最近地 Deep深深的 -deeply深刻的 Good-well 热得很 打得爽 非常好 K得没人了 他玩得很好 he plays/played well 王老师是个好人 He is good 他很健康he is well Sb be good at善于做 Sb

7、do well in 善于做 Expensivehigh; 物 expensive贵/cheap贱 Price价格high/low The ham is expensive The price of the ham is high 这个面很贵the noodles are expensive 这个面价钱很高 the price of the noodles is high Think想 的动作 Think out想出 Think of/about考虑 He thought and thought, in the end he thought out a way to work it out他想

8、啊想,最后,他想出一个方法来解决它 想 我想去桂林 want to do 我<a name=baidusnap0></a>想念</B>你 miss 你想来点地震吗? Would you like to? 让我想一下 think-thought 我得考虑一下 think of/about 我想出了think out Through穿越; though虽然; thought想think Corn玉米 Coin硬币 Corner拐角 decide Decide to do决定做 I decided to buy a set of desks last week D

9、ecide on 取决于 Saving the people decided on the weather Make ones decision 某人下决心 He made his decision to suicide.他下决心自杀 back At back of在.后面- at the back of在里的后面 There isnt student at the back of the class. There is a school at back of the class. On ones back在某人的后背上 A fly flew on the bulls back. 一个仓蝇飞到

10、了一头牛的后背上 Go back to return to+地点: 返回到某地 After 5 years, I went back to my homeland.经过五年的漂泊,我终于返回了我的故乡 Feel 一:词型区别 Feelfeltfelt感觉 系动词 Fallfell落下 Full adj 满的. He is so full that he feels sick撑的干跃 Fill v 充满 Feel 二:用法 she is not well She doesnt feel good She isnt good She doesnt feel well Feel:其后+adj We

11、feel hot. She felt sick 系动词扫盲 绝大部分的动词+副词, 但是个别的动词+只能用形容词,这些特殊动词feel, sound, look, hear, taste尝+形容词,这些动词我们称为系动词 He didnt feel hot他觉得不热 She looks happy她看起来很高兴 make Make let让;制造 Mom made/let him buy vinegar 肯定句:Make/let sb do 让某人做 否定句:让某人别做 make/let sb not to do Make him buy the machine. Make him not t

12、o buy the machine Make 二 Sth be made in+地点 Sth be made from +看不出原料 Sth be made of+看出原料 day In a day during a day在一天内 In the day在白天-at night All day一整天 On Sunday On May 18 On a cold morning kind A kind of+n 一种 Kind of+adj 有点 Sb be kind to sb某人对某人好 想 想念</B>miss 想去做 want to do 考虑 think of/about 想

13、出 think out 让我想一下think 我认为think ing-ed It was boring I was bored with it The game is interesting I am interested in the game Crowd Crowd n 人群 Crowd v 拥挤 Crowded adj 拥挤的 不存在主语是人 The traffic is crowded交通很拥挤 The traffic crowds heavily交通拥挤非常严重 课文知识点总结 all day/ morning had great fun doing Is too crowded

14、Find sb doing Make sb do Help sb to do walked back to someplace decided to do 一整天/整上午 做某事极有意思 某地太拥挤了 发现某人正在做 让某人做. 帮助某人做 走回到 注意to是介词 决定做 课文知识点总结 Help sb to do help sb do Make sb do Find sb doing 帮助某人做某事 让某人做某事 发现某人正在做某事 去年夏天,我和同学参加了一个夏令营.那个夏令营共持续了三天. 我们参观了:故宫博物院,长城,天安门广场. 第一天多雨,我们决定先参观故宫博物院.门票真贵!故宫博

15、物院真的很大,很壮观!参观完后,我们走回旅馆.当晚,我们讨论了一篇关于故宫的报告. 第二天天气晴朗,于是我们游览长城.在回去的路上,我发现了一个哭到了他的妈妈.我感到很高兴. 最后一天多云,一大早我们去了天安门广场.接着导游带我们去逛了商场.商场里人山人海,有些服务员很友好,有些不友好.有的东西便宜;有的很贵.当天晚上我们吃了北京小吃.嗯,真的很好吃. 我对这个假期很满意. Last summer my classmate and I took part in a summer camp. It was for 3 days. We visited 3 famous places: the p

16、alace museum, the Great Wall, and the Tian An men square. The first day was rainy. we decided to visit the palace museum. The ticket was too expensive! It was really large and really great! We walked back to hotel. That night we discussed a report about the palace museum. The second day was sunny, s

17、o we decided to go the Great Wall. I found a crying boy on my way to hotel. He was lost. I helped him find his mum. I felt very happy. The last day was cloudy. We got up very early to visit the Tian an men square. Then the guide took us to go shopping it was crowded. Some shop assistants were friend

18、ly, Some shop assistants were unfriendly. Some things were cheap, some things were expensive. That night we had the snacks they were really delicious! I was satisfied with the vocation. My pleasant trip I still remember clearly how I was excited when I was told to go camping to Lian yun gang when I

19、was 13 years old. My father and mother told me to go to BJ this summer. I was very happy! We went to BJ by train. We spent 12 hours. I was too excited on the train. We visited The Great Wall. It was so long. We spent all day in visiting it. Though we were tired, we still were happy. That night, we h

20、ad some very nice food for our dinner. it was my pleasant trip - to BJ! 请根据课文找出尽可能多的答案 去了哪里? 何时去? 怎么去? 天气如何? 玩了哪些景点? 对它们感觉如何? 发生了什么有意思事情? 吃了什么小吃? 总体感觉如何? Where did you go on vacation? When did you go? How did you go? How about the weather? Which views did you visit? How did you feel these? What interesting things happened to you? Which snacks did you try? How did you feel this vacation? * * 王老师英语工作室 极好的 fantastic


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