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1、西安市铁一中2019年秋九年级英语上学期期中试题卷山胃形填空On March 14. 2018. one of the scice3 21 stat wear dark Stephen Hawkinf. wDfld-tsmcis BntisE scientist, di?d -6 tn C加bridiw. UKI W rHaukinE22 bv manr to be The Ereaiesi scientist in histofy iin« Alhen Einsiein. hecam?呼 with 也已 iheorv that the uni丁布t beran 钞而 ihe Bis

2、 Bane sod 3ttn black holes. He威力 ftiote books to help c&mmon people undatimd.止三 imivass. His men famous book is A &期 Hiitory of 刃m?由寸闻简史 £ *hi叱 T4=cle more Than lOmillioD copies around ±e woiid, according to CNNHii Theoty te:ane 出士 impcniiK base for a lot of larei reswardi, 24 his

3、kiemific:a±.tsT'tmtnB. Hacking 讨* ah。somecns who had a 工/。口目 will wd p口Auvm 加【口强,Htisii Hawking was 21. L was diamosed :诊断Mi也?5 serkurs tlln?ss that stopped his 26walkmF and taUdnx. Later m life, he had 1c stt in a wheelchair and ''speak' usinx a computenz?d voi£s Y: this d

4、idn:t prpvait him fromIh'ine a meaningful and coLourfiil life.Ht cdffcrated his 瞿 ttrtidav tv demz smi比1出仔 eKcitinE:锯如抽 hwa? 61 he tock Jf JW10W ,*Fpart m 岂 z£ro-ravny flight to-空pen曰ke 错51ghiIdU非上 He iv哲1 h0#d tc tr舞回 mtc- spae? on? daiy.In 2013. Ha'kma was 能ked how _29 when he first k

5、ne' his iUiies&. Hawking spoke址otu hw h« felt life 机"unfair. ,LBut naxt-. 50 lalsr. Z tan be 3C ssdsfied uitii mvJ彳一 一一一Jlife/ he said peacefully.21. A bright E trihter C bn助出tD bnztfly22. A EM B stv C sw D swtne _23. Amd B ml mdC 皿1虱D is 目idtum-E24. ABwids日日8td鹘CWidi DTATiii&u

6、i25. A/ Blh± CA Dan26. AinB on Cof D斤也27. ASoE And C EseaiismD Hwei23. A 60 E 断 C由号的 D Z 6029. Ah= fdt about his lifeB lue fesh about his lif=C did he feel abom hi= lifeD does he about his life30. Quiet B quisdy C quick D juicilyOn? dayT a stndaiT 箝k?d hts r?achef:. LLXMiai ii zreed?7- The tewh

7、er didn-t answer hisdirectlv. h七 期上ed ihe itudeat S walk throueh the chocolate bar next to their 3dl口由 wdJ口4apick up ±e biggest chocolaTe bar he32 find. But thers sas a ruk. Once he passed thiouhthe factMy, lie could, not turn backThe student wmt into the chocolate factory.33 he walked, he law

8、a Laiee chocolate bar.He liked it, tin he 也csmHt he mtzh b= sbk tc 皿3 手.当 bister cues if he kept 丸mm He kept4_i口=4*AT =W.LwaLkmE and ma5V anolher chocolate bar tko one is little smaller. But aani. he thoueht he could find >wan ?vsi bigg廿 on? if 也 k甲t going.As h*讨独回th*34 of也总占ctorv. h*怙*批 ±co

9、l:te ban,飞力冢飞试七H上nne 0f, .-J «"them were 召 35笔 ihe earlier ones. He atarted toresret his 35to keep zoira.3*tie eave up. He went back tu kts teacher empty-handed and esplained what had hqpenE, Uls i船士her told 山皿 Yu lik&d the 出“ ch&cclate 卜沮 but you kept 38_ a biggerUH And lai er. vo

10、n 3g that vcm had 豆 tveu up die btseest dtocolate tar becaus e vou ±eu?hr vou c<xuld Hud a biEE&r one That 40 erM ' -f J3L A InsteadB h?tead of C However DThen32. Aihculd. Bneed C oculd Dem33. ABefor* B Until C When D Since34. A beginning B end. C place D home35. Alarse B deep C lone

11、 D wide36. A dstisicn B purpose C wdsrD pi而1M37. A Suddenly E FtaaDy C Especially D Luckily38. A paying for B watag for C astuag for D looking for39. A dared B inten-! e ed C Changed D reaHzed40. _* MIf B tEcall?d Cw 招旬 ed 士叱闻-I .Tsa ? th里 mote popular dunk m ihs 收 odd 匕器 id 链 中 atsr Thtrs ars heuan

12、ds af differ sit Upss of 0 All lea 8m券 施皿 也已 ma plant TLe leaves 时 也iw plant are picked m戳己il 1mles a year, usually by hand Afcr ii has been 炉浅六11 击£ tea 询 processed into black te当 依四史 tea (乌龙茶I Exeai tea m whitf 岫aGiwr ten b the bmt fhatce for office workerPeople who aJ-ays work in pLac-s 臂ith

13、 air conditioning 3y face skin probLan such 壅 drv skin. Ahwlle m the 土inks* Eieen ce« 号 the best thoke. Because 也就白 星m impxam 也m Eieai 坦 Moreover drinkmg more greai tea ran preven compTitef radiatio-n (辐射:.AYiiitei' k the ”肥。口白 dnuk bbek gChmes e med祀ium believes 也览 different people should

14、drmL differair tea arctndiug to iht iiffsait ±ars;tifLMiis 史dr维晓亨 of eaih ktnd sfth. BLaik rsa 上方1 纣立蛀 advantages (优势.£壮& 卦 下联* ±t 即0皿也 and qukkemng (加快由弟北 C肯化I 5。drnking bh± lea in ±e hid T. mt?f is 工 ms5t i iitisble 山_m。£.Do uotdiiuk strong ka.5瑶四m leamaku 也e twdy

15、 far mo sreR 皿4 e飘 have m bad Mu侬代(?n 山ecardiovascuhr(心血管)system(系统)as 钳由 as the n时voue s空怛m_ Fm 皂 pasoti who hai pioblemi x'曲 these parts, to diiuk tw mu± strong t。m. tuse 加41 md. bhed piessuxe ill口语 . di e'ai m5ke 由 e old-illnesses much, worseDo not drink too much r«a when you ir

16、e earing口mJdn豆 too mijdl tea or itron tea mnv act 目口c?d for taikin tn many ccu5 tant elements and nace elements (重量元素和微量元事 > AImo, people should not drmk tea wi± mdkm otha imlky food.41. Ths leaves(?f ih lea plant are picked once a year.42. 口rink black tea can help warm ihe stomach.43. If pe

17、ople always work: wifli the computer, the should dunk blade tea.-U. You d barter avoid ±o±mg suonf 通口 if you haxt Lew and bltxxi pies sure 田ums,45. Tkt pass 叱 £ tdls um how to drink tea cmectly.BDcg hdp people and protec out h口m 当 X(jw. g眼 h e hd ether new job- find endafjeered anunal

18、s: ThB kmlof dee is tall虱 eon£*n-an(Mi dettion deg (.保护探厕式).Th* urn of th?if jeb isto fini 打nkn!sred annnaR.Audy u s dog cner 皿 trainer. He 15 tratuiiiz Vs o bordtr(边境牧羊犬口amsd Rudyml Uda. tc bKtJine sgHHiyn. dsitia dezs. Rscaidy.出之 dog: eut。口也钠 pt 2b口仇 fmduis the Ba«r Baw frog - one of Aus

19、tralia:s mosr emianeefed aiimals. hTs 覆 ai duous job. Just to to th? plat?. Flimm tti2 frogs lh-=. Him iiogi and rttar tram?rs must rvalk fcr dt5*aa2= ttirciizli f&r?sis.But it is important. A dfadlv thine has killed nearlv all of Austral i a-s Banv Eaw iross. ! fact scieuusB uy this tree euld d

20、u ipp?sr a 由已 口西t ft'e io 耳n 尸斗兀 Zcqs '1口翼心 铝 m sr cup set upm prat前t wildlife.Gilterr is a &oz 匕u>?n 11 Zoo ViMoKa He 予avs daecttn? the 也0灯 in 由e wild can be t erv = 二J口口Jdifficult Because thev mamlv Irve undreroimd. Tbeareniore rliFFinili to find. Thvimlikm thw make Bar Ba des. do n

21、ot hae a caD. adds tkat ±? do艮5 Rubv amd Udm had 口。,VXAjWXA WWXAjK 一.WWWtrouble fmdinE die &cs= M1Z&o Vitt如值 in Avstralii is now e白心法讨击任 tishis tramfd doss re iini Mha 也出misr*R HLf口rLJ-1<_sniruab. Experts ssy detection do受 may have a really important role to play46. Fim the article 位

22、弋know Rudv and Uda dVV/V.A h»d 3就打。亡代 需皿isJ 3 befc« B乎册 up tn由碍wild m目丑匕C arai-t go&d at finding ths frogs D work -sll tn fhditi ±e fr05,47. Pie unieflmedkixd"srducuK 出 Pitagraph -xaesnsA inter2血dB difficult C skilledDliflcin生c4S Rtiv 13 由,wetk of fin dins 由m *ausl? Ba Ba'

23、; ftor de difficult、 JJYVVVY%i =A It always rrnai n e stlint B It has dark body colorC It 5 u?t easy g tud D InCWhat do you E «毗 sn empty bunie 相皿 you 如gk it into- (me trash tin? Acnially. the cap tt二律rapped .包装纸;zad tkebottle tbeLf han- to eo inic ttnw diffaait bins.sortmg is a btg problwa wDr

24、ldMTt-de. Tn receut years soni« Chmwe cities hk* beenworking hard, del it Shanghai ha2 worked wit Lipay to cred史 a LgresD. actxnmt (账户)"sgcvke forits resideiiG (居民 » Aetcm hciders 济t stores by ;orret!ly ferring iheif garbage. Tlimugh th寺AlicsA- app, thev can exchsne ±e powts far

25、.small iits and. even some mouev. The utv is akiuz all of as 匚-eIsik to sort ±±ti saibag? into four sirups: wet: recydablsi harmful and dry.V.'et wast u also Luqtl 苦 上。us sho瓜 mat 把."They are tlims you didu t 优 Hit but th st pigs 二皿 fat " Gu.anE,zhoiLDaily sqsUmfd.P*si; ml,史至

26、千 皿也。di±r thin辟 that。犯 be rfussd ars rez'cLable wiite.Hantiftil,骂te hidud;s ihings Ides nifdine'卜加hm mi flii&r登;中t bulbr.?灯泡)FtnaUv. snv 市彩好 M、zun wet rvdab止 or hsnnful will mo tn the "div -aste " bin. M!-V-B4Many 3出廿 CkmeE? titles are also uehi? 小心 to srt th也 garbss? Far

27、jxampk. 5ha±加 has t划 H也口队 也 msrtwm* mto 山比w皿u four sreup札5mx 2012. $tu曲口左 也39al沁 receive wasr- sorting guidebooks that they niut 5tudyChina is inipr'mff Us wale 3。而§ effoits. Ihiere is still a lng to go* But it) 口ever too late to learn how to sort your trash, properly and protect ike a

28、ivtrwninmiit.49 Hk,is ShanshsL encourins people to sort ±eii 区arbnw?A Cf-ariuF a CT?en kcourt" service w-r± the hWp 口f Alipav,B Paying people to sort ±±li dash oonectly.C Alwins people to echanse garbaE? with each 期tierD Pimiding 出 re&id.3itE ilh puideb(»ks to h且p t

29、hem50 VVhH win people in Shanghai probably gt wi1h th* scores th与 geCA A lot of mwev B S ome small siffeCA eompfiiter D A car$1 Which ufthe folloKing would 足 dusified 遍 不幽 口 器便?AGart2rt及B Glasses C Lftovf-rD hl5汕2When we see babies or pets, w e can-t help touting them to shon' how out lovm. And

30、tke' give us happy feelwEj bak But a teceot mtudy 话how 也加 n '= different 血 plarnA stud pubLi&hH m the Plant Journal shoi th# phnt£ ionl like to ba tou±ed. Thai's because touehins changes their penes, and even woise rzn shaw their Growth Profesor Jim VTiehn m 盘ustraha g翦曰 皿

31、splanatKHL The lightest touch kom m hum皿,皿 皿imaL, ms泰之 ot even, plants tondjing sih 鼠h占 tn the wind; 1 的也 to- a hug? Fene thange 击 planth prdtr w is:曲官山町, 山弋 3c«tm 丸 M ai expaautm。口 plam九 口守 sit' m uumbtr 优plmts for four - eeks. Then 也g tcmdiud them 门曲;pmi七msh every 12 houxs. Thty :口皿d du:益

32、 iht result £ the tcudi. the 巴处喏如巨r 线 粒体】m ihe plants had beea parfly destrpyed. Ihe mm七hrn曲值 ar;曲士of 曲士 sdl whtdi prcduf; 组"fv for ih± 1也工 in bcih aiirtisL;¥WVWW¥¥W*W*县,aid plants If ±L;、gr之制p5V4 心 weakened thq plants 口 lost plena- of aietzy 也ar shculd hav导 hdp

33、77;d由出笠mt.qan rhnk*r sxplaiii?d. " If ±j tendiffls is rffifatfd. th?n rlait siorvih is r*lax.5d bv 3。 percent. Touching 曲皿g器 the plsi耳 b-ui tb urn always a bad ch=Dg?.co-nttiiiLaIIy touchrng cr iai?vmE plants iL nuke thau ?心舌 shoitei than olhss. Hex er, m “皿 ayt. ±ts di皿/ could be hel

34、pful. It may LeLp plauU fight axsts 10 也总lx health 中口 豌 ULsects 皿也 bad wsiiher,The 口手町led to a d回" imH一仃甲小叱 of 出: pHR, And 也3 i。5 3Mdi nuht hdp,曲 fhq grwfh of plants.葭 According to ±t article,caoa get in The way of plants7 growthA love E much C watfef D weatherS3. How do ±e initochon(

35、ki3 help ihe plants' =T&w"t±i?A Bv r&vidiiL? 制开口;版国hB Bv Chan Ftnm the plane' 区口巴C By fishtm?迪血4 由兴 insJtsD By r?dtins th?nmbir of ;dls 5J, The sdentist did (he eptrmeQl toA eA.pLam 7hy pets levs 世 be teucLed B find out hy e ouls plants 詈坪 mot之 slow lyC lest tf toudung can

36、change ±e sens of plantsD slDthai pl she and ntmah' gsnes are differ ent.55 Tb.ebts! tid* of 也占 paisas* isATouchhig has a bad mtluaic? on plants B Ne-resefiteh.es 邦 plants sane wimalsC Ton也在ig J ”品 fer plantsD Tcuditns 由ang小 也± plat;" gH*第口卷V宾咸句子56王老师总是鼓用我们通过招力实现莪们的琴想.hk. Vt-anF a

37、l-avs encQuiases ui thiQueh hard57我们可以看到我们的国霞衬托着蓝天在飘扬一can mee mg口川吗 平皿目皆应北学一门乐器能引导孩子了就音枭Lerarnm? aintroduce 5 a chtld to an imtfernanibim ofmiLsic.59 杂交水稻之父德隆平被认为时中国的骄傲AVian LDnrpmr bbliie Fterof HvbTi<iRize! is sn is theof China.WWVWwW VvWwVYV%60在布里斯把的夏天,人们都会看天使澧高的气球.People。皿 ieein th? sky muyiu

38、mniM m BilUie.61地突然意识到英语的重要性.She realized 由2 imponszice cf Endtsh. Lseraiiig.纪他碰巧发现了这个问题He di.3ccT.ered tiiw problem,63布朗先生时一个受欢迎的老师,许多年轻老师都仰禀他一Mi, is m popular 反第h如 sad a lot of 比已 ypxmg。口钟 hnn.科室无疑诃由国人最了蒯茶文化一. die Chinese ptcple know about tea rulmre best.65学生力评允许在救室里吃东西一The students arc not H m 1

39、hg class.vi短文JB空o±er; polue: problem; answer anybody; be; hard;钾rite; &eeIt n not nice wh'3i 5dhi=ch= refuses to do SEMnettiuig for us. But whad: manv people find evai is to be ±s ons who has to refuse to do something for som«n* dss. And. knowing how n> say “Ntf to iomeoiie

40、 qu加 dfficult,I a worker and had a<x>-w<nkef v ho 中醯 a very good inendz of. hi£ Lam? u Joe. We has friends for three year; Vrlien he didn r kaDF ho' to soh e & problem he oftenask?d me to hfip him wh±thar I was or not. It visn'tpr&blan for ms. w心 1 ahvays 昌萼8dto he

41、lp hm evei if I had to put my importsnl wwk 罂词之 O*«r tim.#. I notic&d IliM Joe 出ked me fbr hslp wi也3 on英33nl己 over皿d qvt ifsul. He * 讨四孙不 翼庙弓mm民冏cu成13口件九 as he v.' as too laz>' to davu whx I told him.:redizal ihfft tke mM三二 widimcwe 1 was Being p* 吊 by my m-wcrfks-not 2ali帛亡 he w

42、as a bad person, bait simply bscmss Joe w越 lazy and knf I wauli hdp him 呼卜际,I knew chai if 二 didn't dually drm- a line and have th史 tout age to way 丁口" 1 would hii史 and kss time to do my ownTicrk If 5 tune to stop beme helper 5 0thM you cm iinallyIn% youi ihs 不呼 you anr it id be. S-o 悔'

43、 should.gam to may "X。"田" Nin only it help 化em; but I will 咫。help us to have eur wjyio l*m.vn任务型阈读Need a teas on to be 112Pp§? Then you 版 ill be happy co kno tLat March 工口“ is ihw Day of Happiness.The United Nations set up Day of Happiness ir 20L2 w rsnmd ue ±at happiness is

44、 a basic human eosI snd right.It was celbratid fiw th。fiut tinii ui 2013. Cta 出比 day: *七 teh历akd hundreds of*Happj. Hsroes '- 也即已 who did so much m brinE happiness1口 odieis Tbey hdpd ±e homeless ic Ike a comfanable Itfe 知id the pcc>r kid5 t凸 芈 to wchcM.The 2014 Day of Happiness a±ou

45、s 皿dpeople to skjxe piotines of unking them hjppy.People all uver ifce world showed iheir fffvuunt日 ptzfures dd the Wemet.qt is 钙向11耳 to ee so m期¥ p«splf sharitiF phet&s of wtjt mat拜 than happy. " J决 m saiiw high snidait from 匚皿工也 帛4d. The 2015 Csv of Happiu找3 aticu: ae wtttuti。口

46、tP【dionshiphHsderu soietv is 1 的石 ug bidts and mote people feeltnzlcaely. On ihai day th due and s of people arcLtii the world weal out t心 de lots of 出出$u山 2s visLtui? liietf naghbofs 也C straiiFers io 片蚯3H fcr 廿 and so mi二9;i ±t a 匚新 ;iiq;据s t; "LitLt.Hi4门上WA 二4三 Ui :;二rnm113Ppme比 io ihe people to ±e people around us in


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