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1、厦门市翔安第一中学2012届高三年上学期12月月考试题卷英语科A卷时间:120分钟 满分:150分一听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。1. Where does this conversation take place probably?A. In a post office. B. In a bar. C. In a library.2Where will the speakers go for their vacation? AThe mountains. BThe seaside. CThe city.3When should the woman tur

2、n right? A. At the colored sign. B. At Joes Garage. C. After two miles.4What does the woman want to know? AWhat kind of typewriter it is. BWhat price the man is asking. CWhy the man wants to sell the typewriter.5How does the man feel about the news? A. Happy. B. Anxious. CUnconcerned.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。

3、听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? AHusband and wife. B Co-workers C Salesman and customer7How much money can be saved to buy a camera and a washing machine? A42 pounds B26 pounds C20 pounds听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8Why cant the woman handle her problem alone? AShe is inexpe

4、rienced. B She is too busy C She is afraid9What will the womans son do this weekend? APlay sports BHelp her buy a car. CSee a match.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10How old was James Dean when his family moved to California?A4 years old. B5 years old. C9 years old.11When did Dean become more serious about acting?

5、 AWhen he was a college student. B. When he was in high school.CAfter he moved to New York.12Which aspect of Dean first attracted the mans attention? AHis acting skills. BHis character. CHis cool appearance.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What are the speakers doing?A. Theyre on vacation. B. Theyre shopping on l

6、ine. C. Theyre visiting a museum.14What did the woman do during the video chat?AShe showed off some photos. BShe showed off her boyfriend. CShe showed off her new jewelry.15What does the womans friend want? AA ring. BSome bags. CA new dress.16What does the man think of the womans plan? AIts a bad id

7、ea. BIts a good idea. CHe doesnt care.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。17When does the story take place?A. During the week. B. On the weekend. C. During a holiday.18What was the strangest thing about the man according to the speaker?A. He was riding a unicycle. B. He was singing a love song. CAll his clothes were

8、pink.19Why did everyone start clapping? A. The guy did a trick on the unicycle. B. The guy helped someone out. C. The guy sang a song with some kids.20What might be the lesson of the story? ADont judge people by their appearances. BAlways do the right thing. CBe careful with your money.二单项选择(共15小题;每

9、小题1分,满分15分)21. When did the Asian Games ?-I remember that people held the first Asian Games in 1951.A. come into powerB. come into being C. come true D. come out22. The teacher suggested that much attention should the spelling mistakes.A. pay for B. pay to C. be paid forD. be paid to23. he will retu

10、rn to his homeland, but I dont know what country he is studying in.A. It is long before that B. It is before long thatC. It wont be long beforeD. It will be before long that24. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures in your mind instead of before your eyes.A. t

11、o form B. formC. forming D. having formed25. Tom pretended it, but in fact, he knew it very well a long time ago.A. not to listen to B. not to hear aboutC. not to have heard about D. not to be listening to26. If George keeps on working so hard, hell sooner or later.A. break down B. break up C. break

12、 outD. break off27. The letter he had been looking forward to at last this morning.A. come B. comes C. coming D. came28. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good .A. to be breathedB. to breath C. breathingD. being breathed29. the Internet is of great help, I dont think its

13、a good idea to spend too much time on it.A. If B. While C. Because D. As30. The child said that he had the pen on the desk, but I thought he to me. A. laid; lied B. lain; lie C. lied; lain D. lied; lied31. Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do. Lets it.A. keep up with B. do away

14、 withC. get down toD. look forward to32. According to our agreement, all payments be made by the end of this month.A. will B. shall C. may D. can33. We dont permit in the classroom; that is to say, students arent permitted in the classroom.A. to smoke; to smokeB. smoking; smokingC. smoking; to smoke

15、D.to smoke, smoking34. It is reported that large amounts of money spent on the cross-sea bridge so far.A. was B. has been C. were D. have been35. He found his son by letters and papers and very worried.A. surrounding; lookB. surrounded; lookedC. surrounding; lookingD. surrounded; looking三.完形填空. (共20

16、小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) Have you ever had problems in your life and dont know how to be happy? If 36 , you will find “Being a Happy Teenager” by Australian writer Andrew Matthews 37 . In his book, Matthews 38 us how to have a happy life and answers the 39 of teenagers. There are many 40 such as parents an

17、d friends, and the book 41 we should stop being angry and forgive. The book tells us of useful skills 42 how to put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to 43 your memory better. Many teenagers think 44 happiness comes from a good exam result 45 praise (赞扬) from other people. But you can

18、 46 be happy when there are no such “good” things. Success comes from a(n) 47 attitude. If you 48 from problems, you will have success in the future. Some school students have 49 such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that 50 comes from thinking about things in a positive(积极的) 51

19、 . If you are 52 , people notice you and you can get a 53 view at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes 54 less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews most important 55 : you choose to be happy!36. A. so B. not C. it D. do37 A. wise B. smart C. useful D. simple38. A. orders B. tells C.

20、 asks D. argues39. A. problems B. questions C. ideas D. comments40 A. roles B. classes C. courses D. subjects41. A. says B. writes C. reads D. thinks42. A. for example B. such as C. so as D. so that43. A. make B. turn C. let D. change44. A. what B. how C. that D. whether45. A. and B. but C. so D. or

21、46. A. yet B. already C. still D. forever47. A. bad B. good C. independent D. normal48 A. learn B. rescue C. struggle D. separate49. A. experiences B. difficulties C. fears D. problems50. A. success B. happiness C. failure D. height 51. A. way B. means C. manners D. spirit52. A. short B. small C. ta

22、ll D. fat53. A. lower B. higher C. worse D. better54. A. take B. spend C. cover D. cost55. A. work B. lesson C. teaching D. study四阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,共计40分) A You may be surprised to learn that one of the best steps you can take to protect your health is to step outside and spend some time in the grass

23、, dirt and waterOur ancestors enjoyed the healing power of nature , and now scientists are starting to catch upAccording to research in recent years, just having a view of nature has been shown to improve hospital patients' recovery and reduce illness rates among office workersAlso, exposure (曝露

24、)to wildlife, horseback riding, hiking, camping and farms can be helpful for a variety of health conditions in adults and childrenMuch of this type of research is focusing on children, and in fact an entire movement has quickly developed to connect kids with the healing power of natureObesity (肥胖)Ra

25、tes of childhood obesity have grown sharply in recent years, and this is partly because of reduced outdoor activity timeIncreasing the time students spend learning about nature, both in and outside the classroom, would help solve this problemSuch lessons are often more attractive for students and of

26、ten lead them to become more active outsideAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (注意力缺失症)Exposure to ordinary natural settings (环境) in the course of common after-school and weekend activities may be effective in reducing attention deficit symptoms in childrenParticipation in green activiti

27、es such as nature walkshelps ADHD patients from a wide range of backgrounds to stay focused and complete tasksStressAccess to nature, even houseplants, can help children cope with stressDepression and seasonal emotional disorderMajor depression requires medical treatment, but physical activity, espe

28、cially outdoors, can help ease symptomsFor your average case of winter blues, experts suggest spending time outside every day and, if possible, taking the family to a sunny vacation spot in mid-winterExperts emphasize that you needn' t go to wilderness preserves to enjoy nature' s benefitssi

29、mply walking in a city park or growing in a rooftop garden can make a difference56It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that_Aancient people were not familiar with the healing power of natureBmodern people are not familiar with the healing power of natureCthe healing power of nature works

30、 better on childrenDthe healing power of nature works better on office workers57According to Para4, lessons about nature_Ashould engage parents in themBshould take place outdoorsCare used widely at schoolsDare liked by students58Exposure to green areas in neighborhoods can_Aimprove children' s s

31、kills at learning Bhelp reduce ADHD symptomsCtreat major depression Dcure winter blues59What can be inferred from the last paragraph?AYou can only enjoy nature's benefits in the wildernessBA common natural setting is beneficial to your healthCA city park and a rooftop garden have different benef

32、itsDToo many people in the wilderness will reduce the benefits of natureB  A popular saying goes, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” However, thats not really true. Words have the power to build us up or tear us down. It doesnt matter if the words come from so

33、meones else or ourselves - the positive and negative effects are just as lasting.  We all talk to ourselves sometimes. Were usually too embarrassed to admit it, though. In fact, we really shouldnt be so because more and more experts believe talking to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit. 

34、; This “self-talk” helps us motivate ourselves, remember things, solve problems, and calm ourselves down. Be aware, though, that as much as 77% of self-talk tends to be negative. So in order to stay positive, we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves. We should also be quick to give o

35、urselves a pat on the back. The next time you finish a project, do well in a test, or finally clean your room, join me in saying “Good job!”  Often, words come out of our mouths without us thinking about the effect they will have. But we should be aware that our words cause certain responses in

36、 others. For example, when returning an item to a store, we might use warm, friendly language during the exchange. And the clerk will probably respond in a similar manner. Or harsh(刻薄的)and critical language will most likely cause the clerk to be defensive. Words possess power because of their l

37、asting effect. Many of us regret something we once said. And we remember unkind words said to us! Before speaking, we should always ask ourselves: Is it loving? Is it needed? If what we want to say doesnt pass this test, then its better left unsaid.  Words possess power: both positive and negat

38、ive. Those around us receive encouragement when we speak positively. We can offer hope, build self-esteem(自尊)and motivate others to do their best. Negative words destroy all those things. Will we use our words to hurt or to heal? The choice is ours.60. The main idea of the first paragraph is that _.

39、A. not sticks and stones but words will hurt us B. inspiring words give us confidenceC. negative words may let us down    D. words have a lasting effect on us61. There is no sense for us to feel embarrassed when we talk to ourselves because _A. almost everybody has the habit of talkin

40、g to themselvesB. we can benefit from talking to ourselves C. talking to ourselves always gives us courageD. it does no harm to have “self-talk” when we are alone62. The underlined part in the third paragraph means that we should also timely _A. praise ourselves  B. remind ourselvesC. make

41、 ourselves relaxed D. give ourselves amusement63. The author would probably hold the view that _A. encouraging words are sure to lead to kind offersB. negative words may stimulate(激发) us to make more progressC. people tend to remember friendly wordsD. it is better to think twice before talking

42、to othersCSixteen years ago,Eileen Doyles husband,an engineer,took his four children up for an early morning cup of tea,packed a small case and was never seen or heard of again. Eileen was astonished and in a state of despair. They had been a happy family and,as far as she knew,there had been nothin

43、g wrong with their marriage.Every day of the year a small group of men and women quietly pack a few belongings and without so much as a note or a goodbye close the front door for the last time,leaving their debts,their worries and their confused families behind them. Last year,more than 1,200 men an

44、d nearly as many women were reported missing from homethe highest in 15 years. Many did return home within a year,but others rejected the past completely and are now living a new life somewhere under a different identity.To those left behind,this form of desertion(遗弃) is a terrible blow to their pri

45、de and self-confidence. Even the finality of death might be preferable. At least it does not imply rejection or failure. Worse than that,people can be left with an unfinished marriage,not knowing whether they will have to wait several years before they are free to start a fresh life.Clinical psychol

46、ogist Paul Brown believes most departures of this kind to be well planned rather than impulsive. “Its typical of the kind of personality which seems able to ignore other peoples pain and difficulties. Running away,like killing yourself,is a highly aggressive act. By creating an absence the people le

47、ft behind feel guilty,upset and empty.”64When her husband left home,Eileen Doyle _.Acould not forgive him for taking the children Bhad been expecting it to happen for some timeCcould not understand why Dblamed herself for what had happened65Most people who leave their families behind them _.Ado so w

48、ithout warning Bdo so because of their debtsCcome back immediately Dchange their names66Which might be the title of the passage?ABroken marriage BNew life after desertionCA new social problem DDesertion and its influence67What can be inferred from the passage?来源:Zxxk.ComAMany people choose to leave

49、home quietly because they hate their family.BPaul Brown regards leaving home as an act of selfishness.CThose who are left behind will lose confidence and wont marry again.DEileens husband,together with his four kids,was probably killed in an accident.DDo you think that day dreaming is a waste of tim

50、e? Probably so.“On the contrary.” says L. Giambra. an expert in psychology (心理学).“Daydreaming is quite necessary. Without it, the mind couldnt get done all the thinking it has to do during a normal day. You cant possibly do all your thinking with a consciousness (有意识). Instead, your unconscious mind

51、 is working out problems all the time. Daydreaming then may be one way that the unconscious and conscious states of mind have silent dialogues.”Early psychology experts paid no attention to the importance of daydreams or even considered them harmful. In the past daydreaming was thought to be a cause

52、 of some mental illnesses. They did not have a better understanding of daydreams until the late 1980s. Eric Klinger, a professor of psychology, is the writer of the book DAYDREAMING. Klinger says. “We know now that daydreaming is one of the main ways that we organize our lives, learn from our experi

53、ences, and plan for our futures. Daydreams really are a window on the things we fear and the things we long for in life.”Daydreams are usually very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand. Its easier to gain a deep understanding of your life by paying close attention to your daydreams than by trying to examine your sleep dreams carefully. Daydreams help you recognize the difficult situations in our life and find out a possible way of dealing with them.Daydreams cannot be predicted. They move off in unexpected


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