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1、Unit 1 ReadingSecrets and liesA friendship in trouble Do you have a friend who means a lot to you? Have you ever fallen out with a very good friend? 1. If your friend tells others about your secrets, how will you feel and what will you react? We should keep our promise and keep friends secrets. Hone

2、sty is one of the most important factors in the friendship. 2. When your friendship is in trouble, will you stop talking with your friend and make a new friend? Friends should unite and help each other when meeting with some difficulties both in study or in other fields of life.What are the possible

3、 reasons that might lead to a broken friendship? 1. misunderstanding 2. having little in common 3. lacking trust 4. there being conflict of interest 5. being jealous of each others success Step 1.Fast reading for general ideas Read the two letters as quickly as possible and answer the questions of p

4、art A on page 2. 1. Are the writers of the two letters feeling happy or sad? Theyre feeling sad. 2. What did Sarah get for the surprise Maths test? She got a D. 3. Is Matthew usually a quiet boy? No, he is usually cheerful and outgoing. SkimmingReading Comprehension IThe two articles belong to _.A.

5、narrative writing (记叙文记叙文)B. expositive writing (说明文说明文)C. argumentative writing (议论文议论文)D. applied writing (应用文应用文)Step 2.Listening Listen to the tape and decide the following sentences true or false.True or false (1) Sarah and Hannah have been best friends since primary school. (2) Sarah felt quit

6、e worried about the surprise Maths test.(3 ) Sarah told the secrets to Hannah on the playground. (4) Andrew and Mathew both are members of the school football team. (5) Andrew thinks football is more important to him than friendship. True or falseStep 3.Detailed reading for important information Rea

7、d the two letters again more carefully and try to answer the questions of part C1.(1) What did Sarah think about the surprise Maths test? (2) What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls toilets?(3) Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more?(4) Why did Andrew shout at Matthe

8、w after the match?(5) What did Matthew think about losing the match?(6) What kind of boy is Matthew? Check the answers(1) What did Sarah think about the surprise Maths test? She thought it was quite easy.(2) What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls toilets? She told Hannah how badly she had done in t

9、he Maths test. (3) Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more? Because she thought that Hannah had told everyone how badly she had done in the Maths test.(4) Why did Andrew shout at Matthew after the match? He thought Matthew played badly and did not try hard enough. As

10、a result,they lost the game.(5) What did Matthew think about losing the match? He thought it wasnt his fault.(6) What kind of boy is Matthew? He is usually cheerful and outgoing. Step 4. finish C2 2. She felt ashamed. 3. She was so upset that she felt like crying. 4. He had a dilemma. 5. He felt rea

11、lly guilty. 6. He was angry with Matthew.Language pointsbetray ( line3)A. to be not loyal to your country or a person who believes you are loyal to them, often by doing sth. that hurts them Some lawmakers say they feel betrayed by the president. 一些法律制定者说他们一些法律制定者说他们感觉被总统出卖了。感觉被总统出卖了。 He would rather

12、 die than betray his county to the enemy. 他宁愿死也不愿向敌人出卖自己的祖国。他宁愿死也不愿向敌人出卖自己的祖国。B: to show (esp. a feeling) without intending to She could not help betraying her sympathy for us. 她禁不住对我们露出同情之意。她禁不住对我们露出同情之意。 The expression on her face betrays her anger. 她脸上的表情显示她在生气。她脸上的表情显示她在生气。we have been friends s

13、ince primary school( line3 ) Unemployment in that country is now at its lowest level since World War II. She left home five years ago. We have not seen her since. It is just three days since they arrived at the mountain village. since you are so busy, perhaps we should ask someone else.I was overloo

14、king my studies. (line12)(1).forget/not see something important We should not overlook the difficulties. 当第一次读的时候当第一次读的时候,我忽略了这个错误我忽略了这个错误. I overlooked the mistake the first time I read it.(2). not be angry with a bad thing请原谅我的错请原谅我的错. Please overlook my fault. (3). We want a room which can overlo

15、ok the garden, not one which overlooks the car park. 我们想要一个能我们想要一个能居居高临下看高临下看到花园而到花园而不是停车场的房间不是停车场的房间. 1. I was determined to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong.(line14) 我决心要让自己开心一点,但汉娜还是感觉到有些不对劲。我决心要让自己开心一点,但汉娜还是感觉到有些不对劲。 A. be determined: 决心决心. be determined to do sth be determined

16、 that 从句从句 We were determined that we should never allow such things to happen again. 我们决定这种事情决不允许再发生。我们决定这种事情决不允许再发生。 Im determined to finish this book today. 我决定今天完成这本书。我决定今天完成这本书。 B. determined 形容词形容词,“坚定的坚定的”She had a determined look on her face.她脸上露出坚定的表情。她脸上露出坚定的表情。Madame Curie was a determine

17、d woman and set a good example to us.居里夫人是一位坚定的女性,给我们树立了好榜样。居里夫人是一位坚定的女性,给我们树立了好榜样。C. determination n. 决心决心 a .Are you _ to learn to drive a car? A. make a decision B. determined C. decideD. make up your mind b._ to finish the task in time, he worked day and night. A. Determining B. Determined C. To

18、 determine D. having determinedTest yourself admit (line16) A. to recognize or accept (sth.) as true. admit sth. admit doing sth. admit that从句从句. 过去分词为过去分词为admitted; 现在分词为现在分词为admitting. He will never admit his mistake. 他永远不会承认自己的错误。他永远不会承认自己的错误。 He admitted that he was wrong. 他承认自己错了。他承认自己错了。 Georg

19、e admitted having stolen the car. 乔治招认他偷了汽车。乔治招认他偷了汽车。B. to allow (someone or sth.) to enter 1.admit sb. to sp. Sb.be admitted to sp. 允许某人进入某地允许某人进入某地 某人被允许进入某地某人被允许进入某地a.Each ticket admits two persons to the party.每张票可供两个人入场参加聚会。每张票可供两个人入场参加聚会。b.He is admitted to Nanjing University this year.他今年被南京

20、大学录取了。他今年被南京大学录取了。c.The hall can admit 1000 people.这个大厅可容纳这个大厅可容纳10001000人。人。 Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong. (2001上海春)上海春) A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admit高考链接高考链接keep ones word (line24) keep ones promise break ones word/promisefocus n&v (line37) If y

21、ou focus the suns rays on dry wood with a burning-glass, it will start burning. 如果你用取火镜使太阳光线在聚焦在干木如果你用取火镜使太阳光线在聚焦在干木头上,木头就会燃烧起来。头上,木头就会燃烧起来。 Our meeting focuses on the question of womens right. 我们会议的重点是妇女权利问题。我们会议的重点是妇女权利问题。 He finds it hard to focus his thoughts on one thing for longer than five mi

22、nutes. 他发现他很难把他的注意力集中在一件他发现他很难把他的注意力集中在一件事情上超过五分钟。事情上超过五分钟。 He always wants to be the focus of attention. The focus of todays lesson is the language in the reading. He kept on saying really mean things to hurt me. (line44-45) (unkind/nasty) (1).不要对她如此不要对她如此刻薄刻薄. Dont be so mean to her. (2). He was v

23、ery mean with his money.unwilling to share or give what one has吝啬的吝啬的 (3). It is a mean dog. Be careful it doesnt bite you. bad-tempered (4). Running ten miles is no mean achievement. very good脾气暴躁的脾气暴躁的恶意的恶意的很好的很好的I cant stand seeing my team lose.(line45-46) (1)stand sb./sth.例例:I cant stand a lot o

24、f noise when I am reading.当我阅读时忍受不了那么大的噪声当我阅读时忍受不了那么大的噪声 I cant stand this cold weather.我忍受不了那么冷的天气我忍受不了那么冷的天气. (2).standbearendureput up withHe cant bear that man. He talked too much.He cant endure that man. He talked too much.He cant put up with that man. He talked too much. .“so+ 系动词系动词/助动词助动词/ /

25、情态动词主语情态动词主语”是一种主谓是一种主谓倒装形式,表示另一主语与前一主语的动作或状态有倒装形式,表示另一主语与前一主语的动作或状态有着相同的肯定情况,着相同的肯定情况,“.也这样也这样”,“.也如此也如此”。 I study in this school and 我在这所学校学习,我的弟弟也在。我在这所学校学习,我的弟弟也在。 He can speak English, 他会讲英语,我们也会他会讲英语,我们也会。 They had a good time last night. 昨晚他们玩的很痛快,我也是。昨晚他们玩的很痛快,我也是。so does my brother.so can w

26、e.So did I. 比较:比较:“so + so + 人称代词人称代词 + + 系动词系动词/ /助动词助动词/ /情态动词情态动词”,意为,意为“的确如此的确如此”,此时不倒装,此时不倒装,且前后两句的主语相同。且前后两句的主语相同。 - - These books are really well written. - So they are. 这些书确实写得很好。这些书确实写得很好。 的确如此。的确如此。 - - You forgot to close the door. - Oh, so I did. 你忘了关门。你忘了关门。哦,是的。哦,是的。 - My room gets ver

27、y cold at night. - _. (2007江苏)江苏) A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So mine does高考链接高考链接高考链接高考链接-You forgot your purse when you went out.-Good heavens, _. (2002上海上海)A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did. So it is/was with + + 名词,名词, 或或 The same with + + 名词名词 “ “.也如此也如此”,“.也这样也

28、这样”。 这一结构主要用于上文有两个或两个以上的谓语,这一结构主要用于上文有两个或两个以上的谓语,或既有肯定又有否定的上下文里。如:或既有肯定又有否定的上下文里。如: He was born in Beijing and lives in Shanghai. 他出生在北京,住在上海。我也一样。他出生在北京,住在上海。我也一样。John likes Chinese but he is not good at it. 约翰喜欢中文,但并不擅长,玛丽也是如此约翰喜欢中文,但并不擅长,玛丽也是如此。So it is with me.So it is with Mary. cant help.The b

29、read in the window was so inviting that I couldnt help _some A. buyingB. bought C. to but D. having boughtIm busy with my graduate paper now, so I cant help _ the housework. A. doB. doing C. did D. done in public ,固定词组,意为固定词组,意为“公然公然”、“公公开地开地”、“当众当众”。They are always quarrelling in public. 他们经常在大庭广众之

30、下吵架。他们经常在大庭广众之下吵架。She hasnt been seen in public for ten years. 她已有十年没有公开露面了。她已有十年没有公开露面了。 the public “ “公公 众众”“”“民众民众”, ,主谓一致主谓一致时跟复数谓语。时跟复数谓语。The town gardens are open to the public from sunrise to sunset daily. . 城市公园每天从早到晚对外开放。城市公园每天从早到晚对外开放。The public are not allowed to enter the place. . 民众不允许进

31、入此地。民众不允许进入此地。public: 还可作形容词,意为还可作形容词,意为“公共公共 的的”、“共有的共有的”。public buildings 公共建筑公共建筑public interests 公共利益公共利益public morals 公共道德公共道德public order 公共秩序公共秩序public places 公共场所公共场所public opinion 公众舆论公众舆论a public official 公务员公务员a public school 公立学校公立学校高考链接高考链接His daughter is always shy in _ and she never d

32、ares to make a speech to _. (2001上海春)上海春) the public; the public public; the publicC. the public; public D. public; publicAnswers to part D 1 e2 c3 a4 b 5 g6 h7 d8 fAnswers to part E1 betrayed 2 apologize 3 mark4 proud 5 secrets 6 match7 guilty 8 mean9 friendship 10 determined It seems you need to a

33、pologize quickly to avoid losing a good friend! (page 5) 你似乎应该马上道歉,以避免失去一个你似乎应该马上道歉,以避免失去一个好朋友。好朋友。 avoid,“避免避免”,“防止防止”,后接,后接-ing形式作宾语,而不用不定式。形式作宾语,而不用不定式。 I try to avoid talking to him because he always says silly things. 我尽量避免和我尽量避免和他说话,因为他总是说些愚蠢的事。他说话,因为他总是说些愚蠢的事。 She kept avoiding meeting my eye

34、s. 她总是避免接触我的目光。她总是避免接触我的目光。 类似的动词类似的动词appreciate consider delaydislikeenjoyescapefinishforgiveimaginekeepmentionmindpractise resistrisksuggestexcusefacemissAssignment1. Parts B1and B2 on page 91 of the Workbook.2. Prepare the Part Word power.的区别和用法 aloud的用法的用法 aloud 只用作副词,不用作形容词,注意以下用只用作副词,不用作形容词,注意以下用法:法: (1) 强调强调“出声出声”,即把话说出来,而不是在心里,即把话说出来,而不是在心里默默地默默地“说说”,通常与动词,通常与动词 read, speak, think 等等动词连用。如:动词连用。如: read aloud 朗读朗读 think aloud 自言自语地说自言自语地说 (2) 表示表示“大声地大声地”


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