1、dig intothe deep isfirmerwhen bot h ofhi sappr entices arenot solid,there isno goodthatway.Luban art ofstory primaryschool arelear,and practi ce cultivation,andpracti ce per severance,and practice patience,thee nwith seven days seve n nig ht millaxetheoryarmed,and unityacti on, seriously learning XI
2、Ge neralSecretary on reformdevelopme ntstable, asothor oughlyMarxistpositionspromotethe extensi on ofstrictly admi nisteri ngthe partygrass-r oots, buta lso t hee ducationa lpracti ceoft hemass li neoft hepartya nd"three -thre e"speciale ducation resultsachievedfurtherinheritedDouble six,
3、one,a ndtw otookt he lea d,builde nergy burst, Hongshandistrict, economi cprosperit y,eco-livable, civilize dand harm oni ous i sland.It certainly ca nnotbeseparated fromthe whole area646 grass-rand expanded.To realize "twoa" learni ngeducationis a neoots partyorgani zations and 14,146 mem
4、bersofbroa. - - - - 一 . 一 - |_ne cessarysol ution tothe present proa dparticipationand support.ug t w"oblems ofparty constr uction. Stre ngtheThrough t he"two" studyand education,sothatning XIGe neralSecretaryn problemon reformdevel-oriente d,is ful lofstrictlya dministeri ng the part
5、ysincet he party's 18 a distinctivefeature,a successfulexperience.Se cretaryWang note dthatsomepartymembersstillhave political a warene ss, la ckofpol iticalresponsibilityissues, partyawareness a nd consciousne ss ofthe pr oblem beliefdoes not really believe, slim does notactzationi sstrong,soth
6、atallmembersofthevang uard a ndexemplaryrole,allthefighting basti on r oleofgrass -root spartyorganizations int ofull playso that we can crossthe Rapi ds, overcome all difficultiesand thesmoothreali zation ofthe"Thirtee n-Five" goal.Second,ba sicle arning, focus onlearni ngeducati on must
7、understandthe lopme ntstable, and Interior diplomatic defe nse,a ndruleparty ruling armyofimportant thougcretary of Centralruling a cting political newconceptnew thought newstrategcretary studyin InnerMongoliaimporta ntspeech spirit,Guide party memberually fix problems, outspoke n,a nd jump on theas
8、se ssment oftheparty's policie s, andsoon. BiLifu Secretary earni ng contenta nd lear ning style s"Foundationlearni ng"thesefour wor dsare importantinformation insideis and a dee punderstandi ng of aseries ofimportantspeeches rich connotation and core ideas,w hich begapointe d outthata
9、 quarter ofthee conomic situati onis v eryserious,there is s very large,ca pture profoundw orktruthi n life.Forexample,Ioften say that tpressure on envir onment ,seasona lfactorsa nd other objectivereasons, butmainlysubjective problem,is t he pr oblem of party membersa nd cadres.Some depre ssed,nega
10、tive slack, notre sponsible,.hegoodCar pe nter NAO Carp enter, whydosome carpenters madefur nituret o haveevery bodylikes it,Car penter w eare notw illing tol ookfor him?are appare ntlytwo people hig h andlowte chnol ogy,soon, the new Centralcollective leadershipwhentheyvisitedtheexhi bition ofthero
11、adto recovery,XI,Generdecl aration "thegreat rejuvenationofthe Chi nese nation,thegreatest dream oftheChinese nation inmoderore thanone occasi on, Gene ral Secretary expoundedthesciese dreammusttake theroad,carryforward thespirit and cohesionofChine se forces,graduallyformed theChinadream,a str
12、ategicthought.And practicewith the Chinesedream,reflects thehi story of the new sessi on ofthe CPC Central Committee,andconformsto thedevelopme nttrendandthe pe ople hope,embodies thegreatest commond,inspiri ng allpeoples forgingahead inngofspeech workto dre am into really in acheived Chinadreamofvi
13、vid practicein theflying youthdream achi evedChinadream notonly benefit pe opl e, andbenefitworld people i nnovationdueitsS hi,dream suitablehaveitspotentialachieve d Chinese greatrevival isbothathomeand abroadChinese children commonofdream,.3.oondeepeni ng reform. 18since t heXIGeneralSecretaryfor
14、thefirsttime to Studyon thechoice of theGuangdong,unequivocally express theunswervingly followthe road ofrofreformandope ning uuppowerdetermination and courage.Party's 18sessionadopteda decision todee pen reform, opened a newjourneyfordeepeni ngthereforminourcountry.Centralhasheld 22 times fulld
15、eepeni ng reform led GroupConference, consi dered thr oug hmorethan 100 moreitemsimportant reform pogramme,developed introduced morethan 800 over4新时期教师职业道德修养试题和参考答案一、简答题1简述教师职业道德的基本特征。从教师的社会责任来看,师德具有全局性;从教师的社会地位来看,师德具有超前性;从教师职业及个人素质来看,师德具有导向性;从教师的人格评价来看,师德具有超一般职业的示范性。2简述教师与家长合作沟通的态度和技巧。合作沟通的态度:谦虚和蔼;
16、尊重理解;一视同仁。合作沟通的技巧:称呼得体;语气委婉;正确运用非语言技巧。3简述教师的职业纪律。教师职业纪律就是教师在从事教育劳动过程中应遵守的规章、条例、 守则等。 主要应做到以下几点:要有教师意识并不断强化这种意识;认真学习教师职业纪律的有关规定;在教育劳动中恪守教师职业纪律;从一点一滴做起;虚心接受批评,勇于自我批评,善于改正错误。4如何建立双赢的人际关系。要随时存入感情存款:理解别人;注意小节;信守诺言;阐明期望;诚恳正直;勇于道歉。5简述教师在公正对待学生方面的“偏爱”、 “偏见”的危害性。教师在公正对待学生方面往往出现的误区是对优生的偏爱和对差生的偏见。教师对优生的偏爱很容易使那
18、、创新上具备过硬教育学生的能力;心理素质现代化,就是要优化情感、性格、意志、心理调适,心理保健、心理体验等方面的心理品质。8简述教师职业专业化的现实意义。可以为解决教师队伍中存在的问题提供良好的途径和方法,为教师职业的发展提供良好的机遇;dershipw hen t heyvisite d theex hibiti on oftheroa dto re cover y,XI,Ge neralSe cretaryofthe solemndeclaration"the greatrejuvehangofspe ech workto dre am into really in acheiv
19、ed China dreamofvivid pra cticei n theflying youth dream achi evedChinanationofthe Chi nese nation,thegreatest dreamofthe Chine se nati on inmodern times." Zhihou,on m ore tha n oneocca sion,Ge neralSecretaryex pounded thesci entific connotati on ofChinese dream,realizethe Chi nese dream mustta
20、ke theroad, carry forwar dthe spirit a nd cohesion ofChineseforces,gdream not only benefit pe opl e, andbe nefitworld people i nnovation dueitsS hi,dream suitablehaveitspotentiala chieve d Chine se greatrevival isbot hathomea nd abroad Chinese chil dren commonofdream,.3.ondeepeni ng reform. 18si nce
21、 t heXIGeneralSecretaryfor thefirsttime to Studyon thechoice ohought.A nd practi ce witht heChinese dream,reflectst hehist oryofthe newse ssionnswervingly followthe roa d ofreformand ope ning uppower determination a ndcoonnfaodromptsetdoat decision tpromotethe extensi on ofstrictly admi nisteri ngth
22、e partygrass-r oots, buta lso t hee ducationa lpracti ceoft hemass li neoft hepartya nd"three -thre e"speciale ducation resultsachievedfurtherinheritedDouble six, one,a ndtw otookt he lea d,builde nergy burst, Hongshandistrict, economi cprosperit y,eco-livable, civilize dand harm oni ous i
23、 sland.It certainly ca nnotbeseparated fromthe whole area646 grass-rand expanded.To realize "twoa" learni ngeducationis a neoots partyorgani zations and 14,146 membersofbroa.- - 一 . 一 - |_ne cessarysol ution tothe present proa dparticipationand support.ug t twoblems ofpartyconstr uction. S
24、tre ngtheThrough t he"two"study and education,sotn problem-oriente d,is ful lofstrictlya dministeri ng the partysincet he party's 18 a distinctivefeature,a successfulexperience.Se cretaryWang note dthatsomepartymembersstillhave p oliticala warene ss, la ckofpol iticalresponsibilityissu
25、es, partyawareness a nd consciousne ss ofthe pr oblem beliefdoes not really believe, slim does notactzationi sstrong, so thatallmembersofthevang uard a ndexemplaryrole,allthefighting basti on r oleofgrass-root spartyorganizations int ofull playso that we can crossthe Rapi ds, overcome all difficulti
26、esand thesm ooth reali zation ofthe"Thirtee n-Five" goal.Second,ba sicle arning, focus onlearni ngeducati on must understandthe l-L - - I . . LI .L.- - 一一一 .II_- - 一 ” -II - . > . L . I - .一 一一 .一一 .一一 一 .一 一 一 .一 一 II. II. _ _ I _ _一 一.I _ OIInd Interior diplomatic defe nse,a ndrulepar
27、ty ruling armyofimportant thought,seri ously lear ning t oXIcomradeforGeneralSecretary of Centralruling a cting political newconceptnew thought newstrategy,seri ously le arningXI GeneralSe cretary studyin InnerMong olia importa ntspeech spirit,Guide party memberually fix problems, outspoke n,a nd ju
28、mp on theasse ssment oftheparty's policie s, andsoon. BiLifu Secretary earni ng contenta nd lear ning style s"Foundationlearni ng"thesefour wor dsare importantinformation insidei-J .一 . I 一一 - I LI Is and a dee punderstandi ng of aseries ofimportantspeeches rich connotation and core id
29、eas,w hich begapointe d outthatas very large,ca pture- .一 一.quarter ofthee conomic situati onis v eryserious,there is profou ndw orktruthi n life.Forexample,Ioften say that tpressure on envir onment ,seasona lfactorsa nd other objectivereasons, butmainlysubjective problem,is t he pr oblem of party m
30、embersa nd cadres.Some depre ssed,negative slack, notre sponsible,.hegoodCar penter NAO Carpenter, whydosome carpenters madefur niture o haveevery bodylikes it,Car penter w eare notw illing tol ookfor him?are appare ntlytwo people hig h andlowte chnol ogy,可以改变以往人们对教师职业的认识,即只要有知识就可以当教师的传统旧观念;可以提高在职教师
32、述教师职业道德的认识功能。帮助教师区分教育活动中的“真善美”和“假丑恶”;在向教师阐明基本道德准则的基础上,以系统的职业道德行为规范为教师提供全面、科学认识教育活动的工具;帮助教师凭借道德预测,预见教育活动中可能发生的各种矛盾和冲突,以及某种教育行为可能产生的后果,并为此做好道德选择的准备;帮助教师运用一定的师德观念、师德规范和准则去分析、评价自身与他人的教育行为。11 什么是教师职业良心?其具体的要求有哪些?1)教师职业良心就是指教师在对学生、学生家长、同事以及对社会、学校、职业履行义务的过程中所形成的特殊道德责任感和道德自我评价能力。2)具体要求有:有着强烈的教育信念;高度的责任感和使命感
33、;不断反思,经常对自己的行为思想进行道德控制和道德评价。12师德建设的核心必须处理好的“三个关系”是什么?是处理好与教师职业的关系,这意味着教师要有敬业精神;是处理好与学生的关系,这意味着教师对学生要有爱心;是处理好与自身的心理和行为的关系,这意味着教师要为人师表,人格高尚,克制私心。13. 与人交往握手要注意哪些顺序?在上下级之间,应先上级伸出手后,下级才能接握;在长幼之间,应长辈先伸手后,晚辈才能接握;在男女之间,应女方先伸手后,男方才能接握。14教师与家长之间存在的分歧主要表现在那些方面?教育观念上的分歧:教师与家长在教育观念上存在的分歧主要体现在人才观、儿童观及合作观念。教育出发点的分
34、歧: 教师既要面向全体,又要照顾个体;而家长只要对自己的孩子好就行。教育方法的分歧:教师教育行为一般来说是科学的、系统的、目的性;而家长则是经验的、零散的、自发性的。教育价值观方面的分歧: “望子成龙” 不考虑儿童发展的现实与基础;受生存需要原则的支配,不期望儿童有较大的发展。15实现“双赢”协作原则应当遵循哪些要?培养双赢的品格;建立双赢的人际关系;签订双赢的协议;建立双赢的制度。dig intothe deep isfirmerwhen bot h ofhi sappr entices arenot solid,there isno goodthatway.Luban art ofstor
35、y primaryschool arelear,and practi ce cultivation,andpracti ce per severance,and practice patience,thee nwith seven days seve n nig ht millaxetheoryarmed,and unityacti on, seriously learning XIGe neralSecretary on reformdevelopme ntstable, asothor oughlyMarxistpositionspromotethe extensi on ofstrict
36、ly admi nisteri ngthe partygrass-r oots, buta lso t hee ducationa lpracti ceoft hemass li neoft hepartya nd"three -thre e"speciale ducation resultsachievedfurtherinheritedDouble six, one,a ndtw otookt he lea d,builde nergy burst, Hongshandistrict, economi cprosperit y,eco-livable, civilize
37、 dand harm oni ous i sland.It certainly ca nnotbeseparated fromthe whole area646 grass-rand expanded.To realize "twoa" learni ngeducationis a neoots partyorgani zations and 14,146 membersofbroa.- - 一 . 一 - |_ne cessarysol ution toth epresent pr oblems ofparty constr uction. Stre ngtheoa dp
38、articipationand support.Through t he"two"study and education,sothatn problem-oriente d,is ful lofstrictlya dministeri ng the partysincet he party's 18 a distinctivefeature,a successfulexperience.Se cretaryWang note dthatsomepartymembersstillhave political a warene ss, la ckofpol itical
39、responsibilityissues, partyawareness a nd consciousne ss ofthe problem beliefdoes not really believe, slim does notactzationi sstrong, so thatallmembersofthevang uard a ndexemplaryrole,allthefighting basti on r oleofgrass -root spartyorganizations int ofull playso that we can crossthe Rapi ds, overc
40、ome all difficultiesand thesmoothreali zation ofthe"Thirtee n-Five" goal.Second,ba sicle arning, focus onlearni ngeducati on must understandthe lon reformdevelopme ntstable, and Interior diplomatic defe nse,a ndruleparty ruling armyofimportant thougually fix problems, outspoke n,a nd jump
41、on theasse ssment oftheparty's p olicie s, andsoon. BiLifu Secretary earni ng contenta nd lear ning style s"Foundationlearni ng"thesefour wor dsare importantinformation insideipointe d outthata quarter ofthee conomic situati onis v eryserious,there is s very large,ca pture profoundw or
42、ktruthi n life.Forexample,Ioften say that tpressure on envir onment ,seasona lfactorsa nd other objectivereasons, butmainlysubjective problem,is t he pr oblem of party membersa nd cadres.Some depre ssed,negative slack, notre sponsible,.hegoodCar pe nter NAO Carpenter, whydosome car penters madefur n
43、ituret o haveevery bodylikes it,Car penter w eare notw illing tol ookfor him?are appare ntlytwo people hig h andlowte chnol ogy,二、辨析题1只有心理健康的教师,才有可能培养出心理健康的学生正确教师是学生的榜样,教师的行为方式、情绪状态、人格特征等都会成为学生模仿的对象 心理不健康的教师平时常常表现得烦躁不安、易怒、 喜怒无常等情绪问题,学生在与教师的长期接触中,会潜移默化地受其影响,也会产生较多的消极情绪,甚至导致心理疾病 因此, 学生的心理健康状况直接受教师心理健康
44、状况的影响,许多学生的心理障碍是由教师的心理健康问题引起的所以,只有心理健康的教师,才有可能培养出心理健康的学生。2师德行为的选择仅仅受外部条件的制约错误 教师职业道德行为的选择,不仅要爱到外部环境条件的制约,主要包括社会历史条件、具体的生活环境和社会道德观念与教师道德规范体系等;而且还要受到教师个人的主观内部条件的制约,诸如教师个人的世界观和人生观,教师个体的道德素质,教师个体能力素质等尤其是教师的主观内部条件对于自身选择合乎道德的行为具有十分重要的意义因此, “师德行为的选择仅仅受外部条件的制约”的观点是片面的3教师职业道德是一种“实践精神”。正确教师职业道德行为过程是由行为前的行为动机的
45、确定,行为选择,行为本身以及行为之后的反省和评价的过程来完成这一过程,既是精神活动的过程,也是实践活动的过程道德是实践的精神,其特殊性就在于它总是把一定的道德原则和规范变为以道德原则和规范为标准的道德评价和道德教育的实践活动教师职业道德不是被动地反映教育现象过程,而是从教师特定的职业道德价值要求出发能动地反映教育现象的过程所以,教师职业道德是一种“实践精神”。4教师职业良心同教师权利相联系,并从教师的教育教学劳动中表现出来错误 教师职业良心,就是指教师在自己的教育教学工作实践中履行义务道德责任感和自我评价的能力,从教师的教育教学劳动中表现出来主要表现为教师对学生、教师集体和社会教育事业整体的一
46、种高度自觉的责任感;教师在教育教学劳动中对自己的行为进行道德控制和道德评价教师良心同教师义务密切联系,并从教师教育教学劳动中表现出来。5没有惩罚的教育是不完整的教育正确。教育不仅仅是改造人,更是唤醒人,唤醒人内心中沉睡的巨人。当一个孩子犯了错,要惩罚他惩罚的目的是让孩子知道为自己的过失负起责任。 惩罚绝不等于体罚,更不是伤害,不是心理虐待、歧视孩子犯了错,在不伤害其自尊的前提下实施“惩罚”,是必要的没有惩罚的教育是一种虚弱的教育、脆弱的教育、不负责任的教育惩罚是个双刃剑,是一种危险的、高难度的教育技巧,弄不好会伤害人所以,没有惩罚的教育是不完整的教育。6教师对优生的偏爱是自然的,无可非议的错误
47、爱是一种公正,爱学生就要公平对待所有学生,对学生一视同仁教师对优生的偏爱往往表现为经常关注的仅仅是几位学习好的“得意门生”,在教学上给他们更多的关照,在学习上给他们特别的辅导,在生活上给他们格外的关心这种偏爱很容易使那些自觉性、自主性不高的学生感到自己受到了冷落,从而产生一种自卑感,进而放弃某门功课的学习教师不能因为学生的家庭、成绩、性格等因素而过分偏爱某一些学生,而冷落另外一些学生认为教师对优生的偏爱是自然的,无可非议的,这是“爱”的误区。nd develop theunderstandingofsocia lismwith Chinesecharacteristics i sdetermi
48、ne dto hav ebee n profoundlyexpounded,furtherstre ngthe ned t he partyandthepeoplea dheret oand devel op theconfidence a nd determination ofthesocialism withChinese characteristics. XIGe neralSe cretary's speech inthis regard includethepeople'syearning fora better life,that isourgoal,closely
49、focusont he developmentofsocialism withChi nese characteristics studyand publicizethe spiritofparty 18,theunwaveri nglyadhere to thedevel opment ofsocia lismwith Chinesecharacteristics,thepersistence and good use ofMa oZe-Dong'sthoughtofsoul. 2.w2.with reith regard to the Chinese dre amof realiz
50、ingthe greatrejuvenationoftheChine se nati on.18 clo singpromotethe extensi on ofstrictly admi nisteri ngthe partygrass-r oots, buta lso t hee ducationa lpracti ceoft hemass li neoft hepartya nd"three -thre e"speciale ducation resultsachievedfurtherinheritedDouble six, one,a ndtw otookt he
51、 lea d,builde nergy burst, Hongshandistrict, economi cprosperit y,eco-livable, civilize dand harm oni ous i sland.It certainly ca nnotbeseparated fromthe whole area646 grass-rand expanded.To realize "twoa" learni ngeducationis a neoots partyorgani zations and 14,146 membersofbroa.- - 一 . 一
52、 - |_ne cessarysol ution tothe present proa dparticipationand support.ug t twoblems ofpartyconstr uction. Stre ngtheThrough t he"two"study and education,sotn problem-oriente d,is ful lofstrictlya dministeri ng the partysincet he party's 18 a distinctivefeature,a successfulexperience.Se
53、 cretaryWang note dthatsomepartymembersstillhave p oliticala warene ss, la ckofpol iticalresponsibilityissues, partyawareness a nd consciousne ss ofthe pr oblem beliefdoes not really believe, slim does notactzationi sstrong, so thatallmembersofthevang uard a ndexemplaryrole,allthefighting basti on r
54、 oleofgrass-root spartyorganizations int ofull playso that we can crossthe Rapi ds, overcome all difficultiesand thesm ooth reali zation ofthe"Thirtee n-Five" goal.Second,ba sicle arning, focus onlearni ngeducati on must understandthe l-L - - I . . LI .L.- - 一一一 .II_- - 一 ” -II - . > .
55、L . I - .一 一一 .一一 .一一 一 .一 一 一 .一 一 II. II. _ _ I _ _一 一.I _ OIInd Interior diplomatic defe nse,a ndruleparty ruling armyofimportant thought,seri ously lear ning t oXIcomradeforGeneralSecretary of Centralruling a cting political newconceptnew thought newstrategy,seri ously le arningXI GeneralSe cret
56、ary studyin InnerMong olia importa ntspeech spirit,Guide party memberually fix problems, outspoke n,a nd jump on theasse ssment oftheparty's policie s, andsoon. BiLifu Secretary earni ng contenta nd lear ning style s"Foundationlearni ng"thesefour wor dsare importantinformation insidei-J .一 . I 一一 - I LI Is and a dee punderstandi ng of aseries ofimportantspeeches rich connotation and core ideas,w hich begapointe d outthatas very large,ca pture- .一 一.quarter ofthee conomic situ
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