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1、Unit 1Great scientistswords1 engine2 characteristic3 radium 4 theory5 scientific6 examine7 conclude8 analyse9 repeat10 defeat 1 引擎性格;特征镭理论科学的检查;检测总结分析重复打败11 attend12 expose13 cure 14 control15 absorb16 severe17 valuable18 pump19 blame20 immediately参加参加揭露,揭示揭露,揭示治愈治愈控制控制吸收吸收猛烈的,激烈的猛烈的,激烈的贵重的,宝贵的贵重的,宝

2、贵的水泵水泵责怪,指责责怪,指责立即;立刻立即;立刻21 handle22 announce23 instruct24 construction25 positive26 movement27 enthusiastic28 complete29 cautious30 reject处理;操纵;把手宣布;宣告指示;命令;吩咐建筑;施工积极的;正面的运动热情的;热心的完成;结束小心的;谨慎的拒绝接受;不予考虑拒绝接受;不予考虑Phrases1 lift up2 put forward3 make a conclusion4 look into5 in addition6 be linked to7

3、apart from9 expose sb. to sth.10 be strict with11 lead to1将抬起;举起提出得出结论调查此外;另外与有联系;与有关除以外把某人暴露给对要求严格导致12 make sense13 point of view14 sort out15 be to blame16 at times17 come to an end 18 make up . .讲得通;有意义讲得通;有意义观点观点分类整理分类整理应受责备应受责备有时候;时常有时候;时常结束结束编造;弥补;编造;弥补;组成组成put forward a theory about black hol

4、es 提出黑洞理论提出黑洞理论in scientific research 在科学研究领域在科学研究领域attend sb. 照顾某人照顾某人expose. to. 曝露曝露get interested in. 对对变得有兴趣变得有兴趣absorb. into. 吸收;吸入吸收;吸入believe in 信任信任determine to do sth. 决定做决定做announce with certainty 带着肯定的语气宣带着肯定的语气宣布布prevent. from. 防止;阻止防止;阻止deal with polluted water 处理受污染的水处理受污染的水come to an

5、 end 结束;停止结束;停止take up a new career 从事新的事业从事新的事业be disappointed with 对对失望失望look into the source of the water 调查水源调查水源remove the handle from the pump 拆掉水泵的把手拆掉水泵的把手slow down 延缓;减速;缓行延缓;减速;缓行in addition to / apart from 除除以外以外link. to. 把把与与连起来;连起来; 与与有联系有联系have sth. delivered from. to. 把把从从送到送到die of c

6、holera 死于霍乱死于霍乱be infected with a new virus 感染新的病毒感染新的病毒be strict with sb 对对严格严格lead to 导致;通往导致;通往Key sentences1. John Snow was a well-known doctor in London- so famous, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.2. But he became inspired when he thought about helping or

7、dinary people exposed to cholera.3. It seemed the water was to blame.4. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined and new methods of dealing with polluted water be found.5. Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood.6. Only if you

8、 put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.7. Repeat if necessary.Unit 21 divide2 debate3 clarify4 relation5 legal6 convenience7 attraction8 collection9 splendid10 smart使分开;分成使分开;分成讨论;辩论讨论;辩论澄清;阐明澄清;阐明关系;关联;亲戚关系;关联;亲戚合法的合法的方便;便利(的事物)方便;便利(的事物)吸引;吸引力吸引;吸引力收藏品;聚集收藏

9、品;聚集辉煌的,灿烂的辉煌的,灿烂的漂亮的;聪明的漂亮的;聪明的11 influence12 project13 arrange14 fold15 available16 delight17 thrill18 unfair19 sightseeing20 error影响工程;计划;课题安排折叠有用的;可利用的愉快;高兴;使高兴使激动;使胆战心惊不公平的;违反规则的观光;游览错误;过失Phrases1 consist of2 be divided into3 refer to4 to ones surprise5 break away from6 make a list of7 leave ou

10、t 8 pick up由组成被分成提及;指的是使某人感到惊奇脱离;挣脱列表;列清单排除;漏掉拾起;拿起;顺便搭载某人in memory of10 pass through11on show12 take the place of13feel/be proud of14 break down为了纪念为了纪念穿过;经过穿过;经过在展览;在展出在展览;在展出代替代替感到自豪感到自豪机器损坏;破坏;(车)机器损坏;破坏;(车)抛锚;(人)累垮了抛锚;(人)累垮了1. 短语积累consist of 由构成或组成be divided into 分成connect A to B 连接A和Bbreak awa

11、y (from sb/sth) 摆脱;脱离;突然逃脱for convenience 为方便起见leave out 省去;遗漏a great attraction 很有吸引力的人或物take the place of. 取代;代替break down 出毛病;抛锚;细分;瓦解;克服on special occasions 在特别的场合in memory of 纪念某人;作为对的纪念be proud of 对感到骄傲或自豪be joined to. 与连起来Key sentences1. Now when people refer to England you find Wales include

12、d as well.2. Theres no need to debate any more why different words are used to describe the four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.3. To their surprise, the three countries found themselves united peacefully instead of by war.4. The greatest historical treasure of all is Londo

13、n with its museum, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings.5. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom worthwhile.6. Although the four countries do work together in some areas the are still very different. 7.There followed St Pauls Cathedral built

14、after the terrible fire of London in 1666.8. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.Unit 3words1 vehicle2 private3 settlement4 impression5 constant 6 remind7 previous8 surrounding9 lack 10 ache交通工具;车辆私人的;私有的定居点;解决印象;感想时常发生的;连续不断的提醒;使想起先前的;以往的周

15、围的事物;环境(pl)缺乏;不足;短缺疼痛11 bend12 press13 swift14 master15 sight16 flash17 switch18 optimistic19 opportunity20 length弯曲;把弄弯按;压;逼迫快的;迅速的;敏捷的掌握;精通视力;视野;风景使闪光;使闪现开关;转换乐观的机会;时机长度21 enormous22 extraordinary23 assist24 agency25 skip26 require27 mood巨大的;庞大的特别的;非凡的帮助;援助;协助代理;中介;代理处跳;蹦需要;要求心情;情绪Phrases1 take up

16、2 remind of3 as a result4 be similar to5 in no time6 lose sight of7 catch sight of8 sweep up9 speed up10 search for11 assist in12 depend on1接受;拿起;占据;接受;拿起;占据;从事;开始;从事;开始;使使回想起或意识到回想起或意识到因此;结果因此;结果与与相似相似立刻;马上立刻;马上不再看见不再看见瞥见,看见瞥见,看见横扫;打扫横扫;打扫加速加速寻找寻找帮助;援助帮助;援助依靠;依赖依靠;依赖Key sentences1. What problem do

17、you think people in the future will have overcome?2. This is similar to the “jet lag” you get when flying, but instead it means you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.3. I got lost when we reached what looked like a large market because of the people flying by in all directions.4

18、. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.5 I found later that their leaves provided the house with much-needed oxygen.6. Everyone will get twice as much personal space as in flats on land.Unit 4words1 occupation2 reporter3 profession4 photogragh5 eager 6 colleague7 concentrate 8 course9 mea

19、nwhile10 trade职业;工作;占领;占用记者职业;专业照片;相片渴望的;热切的同事集中注意力;使集中课程;进程;一道菜同时;与此同时贸易11 case 12 accuse13 deliberately14 guilty15 section16 technical17 thorough18 gifted19 defend 20 normal11 情况;实例谴责;控诉13 故意,蓄意14 有罪的;内疚的15 部分; 节;段16 技术上的;技巧方面的17 彻底的;完全的18 有天赋的19 防卫;防护20 正常的21edition22 department23 accurate24 empl

20、oy25 note26 chief27 approve28 process29 appointment30 intention31 senior21 版本;版部门;系;处23 精确的24 雇用25 特别提到;指出26 首要的;主要的27 赞成;同意28 过程;进程29 约会;任命30 目的;意图;打算31. 年长的;高级的phrases1 concentrate on2 accuse sb. of sth. 3 so as to ( do sth)4 defend sb. against sth.5 do some research6 find out 7 on ones own8 later

21、 on9 ahead of10 well done11 get sth. straight 1 把注意力等集中于2 指控某人某事3 为了;以便4 保护某人免受伤害5 作调查;进行调查6 弄明白;搞清楚7 独自地;独立地8 后来9 在前面;比早10 干得不错11 清楚无误地了解某物Key sentences1. Can I go out on a story immediately?2. It may be possible for you to concentrate on that later on.3. Meanwhile you have to prepare the next ques

22、tion depending on what the person says.4. This is a trick of the trade.5. If the person being interviewed agrees, we sometimes uses small recorders to make sure that we get all our facts straight.6. Have you ever had a case where somebody accused your reporters of getting the end of the stick.7. Thi

23、s is how the story goes.8. A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win.Unit 5words1 aid 2 illness3 injury4 bleed5 burn6 essential7 organ8 poison9 treatment10 mild1 援助;帮助2 疾病;病3 伤害;损伤4 流血5 烧伤;烧毁6 基础的;本质的7 器官8 毒药;毒害9 治疗;处理;对待10 轻微的;温和的11

24、heal12 electric 13 swell14 damage 15 jewellery16 squeeze17 infection18 symptom19 label20 damp11 使康复;治愈12 电的;电动的13 使膨胀14 损害;毁坏15 珠宝;首饰16 挤;拧17 感染;传染18 症状19 标签20 潮湿的21 throat 22 present 23 ceremony 24 pressure25 ambulance26 essay27 bravery28 wrist29 towel30 iron21 咽喉; 喉咙22 目前;现在;礼物23 典礼;仪式;礼仪24 压力25 救护车26 散文;论说文;小品文27 勇敢;勇气28 手腕29 毛巾30 铁;熨斗phrases


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