



1、11. 汇款支付方式的常见条款形式The buyer shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds to the seller in adva nee by T/T not later tha nFeb.14,2007.买方应最迟于 2007 年 2 年 14 日把全部货款用电汇方式预付给卖方。(装运前 T/T )CThe buyer shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds to the seller by T/T with in 30 days after the arrivalof the goods.买方应在货物到达目的地之后

2、的30 天之内把全部货款电汇给卖方。(后 T/T)3The buyer shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds to the seller by T/T aga inst the fax of B/l.买方应在收到卖方的海运提单传真件后,把全部货款电汇给卖方。(装运后见提单传真件 T/T)GDThe buyer shall pay 30% of the sales proceeds to the seller in advanee by T/T beforeJan .1,2007,pay the bala nee by T/T agai nst the fax

3、 of B/L.买方应在 2007 年 1 月之前把 30%货款用电汇方式预付给卖方,余款在收到卖方的海运提单 传真件后用电汇方式支付。(装运前 T/T+装运后见提单传真件 T/T )2. 托收支付方式的常见合同条款形式CD Up on first prese ntati on ,the buyer shall shall pay aga inst docume ntary drafts draw n by sellers atsight.The shipp ing docume nts are to be delivered aga inst payme nt only.买方对卖方开立的即期

4、跟单汇票须见票即付,付款后才能交单。(即期 D/P)CCThe buyer shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the seller at 30 days after sight uponfirst prese ntati on and make due payme nt on its maturity.The shipp ing docume nts are to be deliveredaga inst payme nt only.在提示卖方开立的见票后30 天付款的跟单汇票时,买方做出承诺,在汇票到日进行付款,付款后才能交单。

5、(远期 D/P)CCThe buyer shall duly accept the docume ntary draw n by the seller at 30 days after sight upon firstpresentation and make due payment on its maturity.The shipping documents are to be delivered against accepta nee.在提示卖方开立的见票后30 天付款的跟单汇票时,买方做出承诺。在汇票到期日进行付款,承诺后就能交单。(O/A)3. 信用证支付方式的常见合同条款形式CCTh

6、e buyer shall establish irrevocable Letter of Credit at 60 days after B/L date,read ing the sellernot later tha n Dec.30,2006 and remai ning valid for n egotiatio n in Chi na for further 15 days after theeffected shipme nt.买方必须在 2006 年 12 月 30 日之前开立不可撤销的,海运提单后 60 天付款的远期信用证并送达卖方,在装运日之后的15 天内在中国交单议付有效

7、。CCThe buyer shall establish through a bank acceptable to the seller irrevocable letter of credit at sightto reach the seller before Jan .1,2007.买方必须在 2007 年 1 月 1 日之前通过卖方可以接受的银行开立不可撤销的即期信用证并送 达卖方。4. 混合支付方式的常见合同条款形式CCThe buyer shall pay 30% of the sales proceeds to the seller in advanee by T/T befor

8、eJan .12,2007,pay the bala nee by sight L/C which should be ope ned before Jan .12,2007.卖方应在 2007 年 1 月 1 日之前把 30%货款用电汇方式预付给卖方,余款通过在2007 年 12月 12 日之前开立即期信用证支付。By irrevocable Letter of Credit at sight,reaching the seller before Apr.1,2007 and remaining valid fornegotiation in China.In case of late ar

9、rival of the L/C,the seller shall not be liable for any delay in shipment and shall have the right to resci nd the con tract an d/or claim for damages.不可撤销即期信用证必须于2007 年 4 月 1 日之前开到出口商。若信用证晚到,出口商则不承担晚交货责任,并有权撤销合同和要求进口商赔偿损失。 30% of proceeds payable by T/T, after the buyer received the adva nee payme

10、nt guara ntee issuedby the seller bank for 30% of proceeds; 70% of proceeds payable by T/T aga inst the fax copy of B/L.买方在收到卖方银行开立30%合同金额的预付款保函后,电汇支付30%货款,凭提单传真件电汇支付 70%货款。 Shipped in 30 days after receipt fo the releva nt L/C.收到信用证后 30 天内装运C50% of proceeds payable by T/T with in 10 days after the

11、contract date,70% of proceeds payable bynegotiation against the Sight Negotiation L/C,The buyer should issue the Sight Negotiation L/C beforeDCE.7,2008.买方在合同签订后 10 天内向卖方电汇 50%的合同金额,余下 50%的合同金额采用即期议付 信用证方式支付,2008 年 12 月 7 日前将信用证开到卖方。 shipme nt can be effected with in 45 days after receipt of your L/C

12、.收到信用证后 45 天内装运Dear Anne,Thanks for your inquiry on Apr. 8 , 2008. Our offer is as follows :1Pac Boots Style No.NM10482Packing : packed in 1pair/box , then 6 boxes/carton3Un it price: USD14.54/pairFOBXiame nUSD15.84/ pairCFRVancouver. Canada4Minimum Order Quantity: 1200 pairs5Payme nt: by T/T aga in

13、st the fax of B/L.6Shipme nt: with in 60 days after the contract date.This offer is valid subject to your reply here before Apr. 15. 2008.Await ing your early reply.Best wishes.3Zhaop ingDear Sir,We are pleased to inform you that we have booked space accord ing to the order No. JH08009covering GGG R

14、apier Loom 1900mm working width estimated time of departure from Genoa, Italy onMay 9, 2008 via WAN HAI 603, V. 06W20.Forwarder Age ncy in Geno a, Italy: KUK Intern ati onal Freight Forward ing Co., Ltd.Address: No.45 Jim Rd. Ge noa, ItalyCon tact Pers on: HenryTel: 0039-419-891-0088Fax: 0039-419-891-0077Proper arran geme nts of shipme nt will be appreciatedBest regards,JackDear sir,We are very glad to receive your L/C by Bank of China,Hamburg Branch.But we are quitesorry to find that it contains some discrepa ncies with S/C_ in struct the issu ing bank to ame ndthe L/CThe L/C should be ame


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