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1、Unit 5 It must belong to Carla (It must be Carlas) Section A第六师五家渠市第一中学第六师五家渠市第一中学 石艳红石艳红Lets listen to a chant and answer the questions.Listen and answer1. Whose hat is this? Its _.2. Whose dress is this? Its_.3. Whose doll is this? Its_.4. Whose puppy is this? Its _.JinsMinsdadsmoms肖勇肖勇Whose noteb

2、ook is this?Why?Because his name is on the book.It must belong to XiaoYong. = It must be XiaoYongs.Whose skirt is this?JaneMikeIt must belong to Jane.It cant belong to Mike.Because she is the only woman here.Why?Whose skirt is this?JaneMikeMiss YangMiss YangIt could be It might belong to Janes.Miss

3、Yangs.Jane.Miss Yang.It cant be Mikes.belong to Mike.-Whose is this ?-Whose is this ?(=(=It It belong to belong to Liu xiangLiu xiang) )Bush Why? Why? Because it has his name on it.Because it has his name on it.PairworkJohn Tony Liu Xiang-It_ -It_ bebe Liu Xiang Liu Xiangs s. . PersonPersonThingThin

4、gReasonReasonJanes little brotherMaryCarla Deng Wen Gracevolleyball toy carmagazine book CDHemingway is her favorite author.She loves volleyball.He was the only little kid at the picnic.She always listens to classical music.He loves cats.Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.1b1bLis

5、ten and readGirl 1: Whose volleyball is this?Boy 1: It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.Girl 1: How about this toy car?Girl 2: Oh, that toy car must belong to Janes little brother. He was the only little kid at the picnic. And the magazine must belong to Deng Wen. He loves cats.Boy 1: Oh, and lo

6、ok, someone left a book.Girl 2: Oh, yeah This book must be Marys. Hemingway is her favorite author.Girl 1: Ok and how about this CD?Girl 2: Hmmm The CD must belong to Grace. She always listens to classical music.Groupwork 班里有一个失物招领盒,盒子里有许多同学捡到的物品,你能忙班里有一个失物招领盒,盒子里有许多同学捡到的物品,你能忙找到物品的主人吗找到物品的主人吗?Eg: A

7、: Excuse me, ZhaoQiangui. I found an iphone, Do you know whose iphone it is? B: No, Its not mine. I dont have enough money to pay for the expensive phone. C: Oh, It could be WenJings. I saw her take an iphone yesterday. A: WenJing, is it yours? D: No, it isnt. My iphone is at home. We are not allowed to take phone to school. You could ask MaMenglu. It might belong to her. A: Hi,MaMengLu. Is this your iphone? E: Oh,yes.I am finding it now,Thank you very much!情态动词情态动词 must, might, could, cant 后接动词后接动词原原形形, ,可以表示对现在的情况的可以表示对现在的情况的 . .It cant ( ( ) )It might/could ( ) ( )It must ( ) (


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