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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上单元检测Book4 Unit 1 Women of achievement (60分钟 巩固训练)一、单项选择 (共15小题,每小题2分, 满分30分。)1. The Smiths moved back to the country in _ 1990s and have been leading _ happy life there ever since. A. the; a B. the; 不填 C. 不填; a D. 不填;不填 2. It was really _ of your brother not to play the guitar while you

2、 were preparing your lessons. A. modest B. outspoken C. considerate D. determined 3. The organization, _ goal is mainly to improve womens position in the workplace, was founded in 1996. A. whoseB. of which C. what D. of what 4. A naughty boy kept talking in class.Are you _ Mike? Its just like him to

3、 be so rude!A. coming across B. looking down on C. looking forward to D. referring to 5. At that time, education _ for white settlers only and few black people had the chance to go to school. A. intended B. was intending C. had intended D. was intended 6. Judging from the _ look of the students, the

4、 professor must be giving a really _ speech. A. inspiring; inspired B. inspired; inspiring C. inspiring; inspiring D. inspired; inspired 7. My cousin Jim didnt _ himself at the party and thus left a very bad impression on the guests. A. behave B. observe C. support D. respect 8. Please leave us your

5、 name and address and well have all the goods _ to your door. A. deliver B. delivering C. delivered D. to deliver 9. Dont forget to check behind the car before you move off. OK, I _.A. dont B. wont C. will D. do 10. Dont wake Doctor Thompson up unless it is a real _; he is too tired and needs a good

6、 rest. A. campaign B. emergency C. argument D. connection 11. Hurry up, boys. Only at this rate _ able to afford a holiday. A. we may be B. may we be C. we can be D. can we be 12. It was the hard work and determination of the generation _ had changed the opinion of people towards Chinese. A. why B.

7、when C. that D. which 13. If _ Im not in when Mary calls, can you take a message? Of course.A. in return B. on purpose C. by chance D. in time 14. Scientists across the world _ for many years about whether the planet contains large amounts of water. A. argue B. are arguing C. had argued D. have been

8、 arguing 15. What does your brother look like? _.A. He likes watching TV. B. He is disappointed. C. He is warm-hearted. D. He is tall and thin, with brown hair. 二、英汉互译。(共10小题,每小题1分, 满分10分。)1.离开,出发_ 2.涌入脑海_ 3.瞧不起_4.查阅,谈到_5.碰巧_ 6.by chance_ e across_ 8. human being _9.carry on _ 10.lead a life_三、改写或完成

9、句子(共20空,每空1分, 满分20分。) 1. A. We are living happily. B: We are living _ _ _.2. A: I met an old friend by chance in the street. B: I _ _ an old friend in the street.3. A: Dont mention this matter again. B: Dont _ _ this matter again.4. Only by knowing yourself _ _ _ (你才能希望) to become an effective leade

10、r.5. No matter what you do, _you _ (一旦开始), you must continue.6. This book is _ _ _.(为初学者写的。)7.She _ _ _(看不起) the poor.8.It is a difficult job but I will _ it _.(坚持)四. 翻译下列句子(共5句,每句2分,共20分)1. 村民们过着和平的生活。(live a life)_.2. 因为他的背景他被人瞧不起。(look down upon)_.3. 我们很早就出发。 (move off)_.4. 他在学校举止得体。 (behave)_.5.

11、 他把一生致力于他的工作。 (devote.to)_五写作(20分)基础写作 【写作内容】 北京师范大学著名教授于丹将受邀来你校讲学。请根据以下信息给你校英语报写一篇关于她的介绍,以便让同学们更多地了解她。1. 于丹在中央电视台的电视讲座让人们了解了博大精深的中国古代文化;2. 她的语言风趣、幽默,深受很多人的喜欢;3. 受父亲的影响,她从小就很喜欢中国文学;4. 她不仅讲课生动、有趣,而且还是一名出版了许多书的作家。 【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 【参考答案】【参考答案】一1-5 ACADD 6-10BACBB 11-15DCCDD二略三1a happy life 2 came

12、 across 3 refer to 4 can you hope 5 once begin 6 intended for beginners 7 looks down upon 8 carry on四1 The villagers live a peaceful life. 2 He is looked down upon because of his background. 3 We moved off early. 4 He well behaves at school. 5 He devoted his life to his work.五Yu Dan, a famous profes

13、sor in Beijing Normal University, has already given millions of Chinese lots of wonderful lectures on CCTV. In this special way she introduces traditional Chinese literature to make it more popular. She is so humorous that many people admire her and become her fans. Influenced by her father, she beg

14、an to enjoy Chinese literature when she was a child. Now as a teacher, not only does she have rich teaching experience to instruct all her students, but also she has published many books. 单元检测模板 Unit 1 Friendship(60分钟 巩固训练) 一、单项选择 (共15小题,每小题2分, 满分30分。)1. He was down with the flue, and _couldnt come

15、to the meeting. A. however B. otherwise C. therefore D. besides2. The baby fell _a rock in his walk but he managed to _to his feet. A. over ; struggle B. off ; run C. over ; stand D. off ; bring3. Your training will _you _your future job. A. equip ; for B. be equipped ; for C. equip ; with C. be equ

16、ipped ; with4. _with the problem, the _student requested his teacher to explain it again. A. Confused; confusing B. confusing; confused C. Confused; confused D. Confusing; confusing5. He hung up the phone, _with a smile on his face A. having satisfied B. to be satisfied C. satisfying D. satisfied6.

17、Id rather you _that now, than afterwards. A. know B. to know C. knowing D. knew7. The light moved across the sky and _the plane. A. focused on B. was focused on C. focused itself on D. focused to8. It was _your timely help that we accomplished the task on time. A. because B. for C. thanks to D. in c

18、ase of9. Eating too much sugar can _health problems. So we must have a balanced diet. A. lead to B. result from C. refer to D. devote to10. With the help of his friends, he has _a good business over the years. A. built up B. made up C. grown up D. picked up11. To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rathe

19、r spend long hours on the train _travel by air. A. as B. to C. than D. while12. Next week, Ill travel to Britain, where can I _my dollars for pounds? A. exclaim B. excite C. exchange D. exclude13. The police _a criminal to see what he had in his pockets. A. searched B. searched for C. searched out D

20、. searched of14. If youve finished, we can have a coffee._, youd better keep working. A. If so B. Only if C. If only D .If not15. He is always the first _to the classroom and the last _. A. to come; leaving B. coming; to leave C. to come; to leave D. coming; leaving二、据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子 。(每题

21、2分,共20分)1. After a long s_, he gained control of the business.ks5u2. u3. The girl s_ her mother by cleaning up the kitchen.ks5u4. As is known to all, coal and iron are m_.ks5u5. She r_ her weight by 5 kilograms.ks5u6. Her unexpected arrangements_(搞乱)all our plans.ks5u7. After the conference, the sec

22、retary passed me a ten-page _ (纪要,摘要).ks5u8. The Fashion Magazine developed a large _(销售量)quickly.ks5u9. The two students _ (相互交流)greetings when they met.ks5u10. After 10 years in prison, he was given his _(自由). 三、完成句子。(每题3分,共30分)1.数十年来许多生物面临灭绝的危险。 , many living things have faced the threat of extin

23、ction.2. 袁隆平培育的杂交水稻产量高。The super hybrid rice, which Yuan Longping grows, .3. 这种特种水稻可以使同一块地的产量增加三分之一。This special strain of rice makes it possible in the same fields.4.每年中国百分之六十以上的水稻都是这种杂交品种。 Of the rice produced in China each year is from this hybrid strain.5. 他发现了在农村使用手机的巨大需求。He discovered using mo

24、bile phone in rural area.6中国百分之七的土地养活世界百分之二十人的口。20of the worlds people just 7of the farmland in China.7. 大国有责任帮助欠发达国家发展经济。Great powers have the responsibility to help to develop the economy.8. 各国应该在应对全球变暖的战役中相互协作。Every nation should coordinate with each other global warming.9. 他宁愿不把时间花在坐车上。He time f

25、or riding.10. 长期饮用含重金属的水,会对健康有害,更严重的会导致死亡Long-term drinking this kind of water, which contains heavy metals, can cause damage to health, ,cause death.四、基础写作。(20分)World Youth(monthly)有一“人物”专栏,刊登各国青年人物的图片。你校校友李芳的照片被采用。请根据以下资料,写一段英文说明,以便随图发表。姓名:李芳 性别:女 国籍:中国 出生年月:1967年1月 职业:化学工程师 简历:1985年7月毕业于北京四中,同年进入

26、北大学习,1994年起在上海的一家化学公司工作。 主要事迹:1994年获化学博士学位;一家日本公司高薪聘用,但被她拒绝;1998年因特殊贡献获奖。写作要求:1、只能用5个句子表达。2、书写工整,语句通顺。_答案:一.k选择题(20分)。1-5 CAACD 6-10 DACAA 11-15 CCADC二、单词与短语(30分)。1. struggle 2. expanded 3. satisfied 4. minerals 5. reduced6. confused 7. summary 8. circulation 9. exchanged 10. freedom三完成句子(30分)1. For

27、 several decades 2. has a high output 3. to increase the output by one-third4. 60 present 5. need of 6. are fed by 7. the less developed countries 8. in the battle to deal with 9. would rather not keep 10. even more serious四、基础写作(20分)。 Li Fang,a Senior Engineer of a famous chemical company in China,

28、was given a gold medal in 1998 for having played an important part in scientific research She was born in China in January,1967Having graduated from Beijing No4 Middle School in July,1985,she entered Beijing UniversityNine years later,she received a doctor's degree of chemistry,and then she went

29、 to work in a chemical company in ShanghaiOnce a Japanese company tried to invite her to work in Japan and promised her a high salary,but she didn't accept the invitation 单元检测模板 Unit 3 A taste of English humour(60分钟 巩固训练) 一、单项选择 (共15小题,每小题1分, 满分15分。)1. Neither the students nor the teacher is wit

30、h the result of the exam. A. contentB. contentedC. contentingD. satisfying2. Arriving at the scene, they looked each other , A. astonishingB. astonishedC. to astonishD.to have astonished3. I am really at seeing such an amusing performance. A. excitedB. excitingC. disappointedD. disappointing4. The f

31、ilm is so that we all to tears. A. moved; moving B.moving; moved C. moved; moved D.moving; moving5. There are five tall trees on our play ground. A. standingB. stand C. are standingD. stood6. Dont leave the water_ while you brush your teeth.A. run B. running C. being run D. to run7. The _ boy was la

32、st seen _ near the East Lake.A. missing; playing B. missing; play C. missed; played D. missed; to play8. My aunt always loses her way when she is out by herself because she has no _. A. senseB. feelingC. touchD. scene9. As a film star she was a success, but as a wife she was _ failure, so their marr

33、iage ended in _ failure. A. /; /B. /; aC. a; aD. a; /10. If he shouldnt have been so _ about his food, he would be healthier now. A. specialB. curiousC. particular D. anxious 11. I went to the beach and got plenty of rest. _ You looked tired last time I saw you. A. Youd better not.B. Why not travel

34、abroad?C. I am glad you did.D. Sounds like a good idea.12. How could you _ my sister so easily in the crowd? Because she stood out in her red dress. A. pick upB. pick outC. take upD. take out13. You are late again, Tom? Sorry, but I got _ a heavy traffic jam. A. caught inB. taken inC. put offD. held

35、 by14. Good friends as we are, I still find her difficult to understand _. A. at timesB. at a timeC. at one timeD. at the time15. Did you see the boys yesterday afternoon? Yes. I saw them _ the fence when I passed. A. climbB. climbedC. to climbD. climbing二、英汉互译。(共10小题,每小题1分, 满分10分。)1. 直到现在_ 2. 对满足_

36、3. 贫穷的_ 4. 挑出_ 5. 切断,断绝_ 6. star in _ 7. on one occasion_ 8. on the edge of a mountain_ 9. in search of_ 10. make fun of_ 三、完成句子(共20空,每空1分, 满分20分。) 1. 在感到沮丧的时候,他可以使人们开怀大笑,这样人们就对生活感到比较满足。He make people laugh at a time when they feel depressed , so they could their lives. 2. 由河大学生自编自导自演的校园电影我们的生活充满阳光,

37、成为河大三年来的第三部“贺岁片”。The campus film, Our life will fill the sunlight!, is the third film in three yeas , which was written, and in by the students of He Nan University. 3. 他表演得非常出色,当他吃完了饭菜,服务员免费给他端上了同样的一份。He was such that when he finished eating his dinner the waiter offered him the same dish again fre

38、e of charge.4. 通常就是这样,当你要捉弄别人时,你自己也会被捉弄。It is usually a time when you make , but sometimes you yourself can in the fun too. 5. 所以第二天他们得知他们相信了一个愚人节故事, 感到很吃惊。So they were the next day that they had all believed an April fools joke.6. 他们对待我就像待他们自己的女儿一样。They me I were their own daughter.四. 翻译下列句子(共5句,每句

39、2分,共10分)1. 网络教育在社会上发挥了很大作用。_.2. 你会感到惊奇,一些孩子刚会说话,父母就教他们学英语。_.3. 那个报道是如此令人信服,结果数千人都相信这个故事。_.4. 不幸的是他父亲去世了,这使他们感到更加无助。_.5. 高昂的教育费用使一些人更贫穷了。_.五写作(相关话题的基础写作或任务写作,任选一个作为写作训练)1.基础写作 【写作内容】 请根据下面内容,用5句话写一篇短文,阐明关于幽默感在日常生活中的重要性的两种观点,并简要表述你的观点一部分人认为:幽默感在日常生活中很重要 理由: 1.幽默使人发笑,有益健康;2.消除我们的紧张与忧伤;3.幽默有利于与他人和睦相处;4.

40、调节情趣,自我放松。另一部分人认为:幽默感不重要理由: 1.工作、学习中过多使用会对人际关系有坏的影响; 2.会给人造成误解【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容, 首句已给出,不计入总句数。参考答案:1、 单项选择1-5 : A B A BA 6-10: BA ADC 11-15: CBAAD 二、英汉互译1. up till now 6. 主演,担任主角2. be content with 7. 在某种场合3. badly off 8. 在山边4. pick out 9. 寻找5. cut off 10. 取笑三完成句子1.feel more content with 2. direct

41、ed; stared 3. an outstanding performer 4. fun of others; get caught 5. astonished to find 6. treat; as if四. 翻译下列句子1. Internet teaching plays a great role in society.2. You may find it astonishing that some children are taught to learn English as soon as they can speak.3. The report was so convincing

42、 that thousands of people believed the story.4. Unfortunately his father died, which made them feel more helpless.5. High education cost makes some people even worse off .五写作1.基础写作 Whether a sense of humour is important arouses different opinions among people. Some people think a sense of humour is

43、of great importance in our life. Firstly, humour allows us to laugh over our worries and sadness, which is good for our health. Secondly, a dose of humour will help amuse and relax ourselves so that we will find it easy to get along with others. However, others think a sense of humour is not importa

44、nt because they believe that it will have bad effect on the relationship during work and study for it may cause misunderstanding with others. In my opinion, it is really one of the keys to happiness, adding fun to life, making life vivid and energetic.单元检测Book4 Unit 4Body Language (60分钟 巩固训练)一、 单项选择

45、 (共15小题,每小题2分, 满分30分。)1.We can _ people in most parts of the world by telephone. A. communicate B. communicate with C. communicate to D. communicate on2. A trained dog can _ a guide to a blind person.A. act for B. act on C. act from D. act as3.It was raining heavily, little Mary felt cold, so she stood_ to her mother.A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing4._apple hit him on_ head. A. An; the B. The; the C. An; his D. The; his5.Young drivers are_ to have accidents than old drivers. A. likely B. most likely C. more likely D. much likely6.They produced _ washing machines in 2


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