



1、ntothe village s,pe opl e learne d farmingtechniques,difficult, nothati ng; bluepri nts,notrhetoric;wor ds andsim ple,but fulloflov e,truth,passion,entre preneurial passi on.because ofyour. Every body invillage chiefs andthe positions, both the trustofthe masses,theOrga nization'strust ,moreabil

2、p feeling s,heartDepartment masses ofleading visitehold withon pe opl e ofdeemassesoproblem-solving metonsthoughts complhods,partiTake this opport unity,my inspirationalitytoyou,ful lyaffirmed themoralandothercipati on il aine d, alwaysinsistedput massesof interequotes LiDazhao'qualiti es.sclass

3、ic"irons pecia lise i n uplifting bleTherefore, we must alwaysmaintain tmasses mosth aview on howto do wellunder bility, a nd our i dealtree rootethe new situati on oftownshipa nd v illage leaders inspireand hel p,and alsosharewith y ou.Agd inthe hard w orkofthe soil,wit h indomitabl e spirit,i

4、 ndomitable courage to open upa newsituatigrabbed, realdolove forpeoplebyDepartment,a nd rig htforpe ople by with,aood playto create ironshoul ders strong arms,toassume theburden bepasse d; onlyspe cificqualities, willit be possi ble inon ofvillages andtow ns. To have afeeli ng ofcl osenesst othese

5、cond."T hepe opl e andcountr y."Our businessfoundatihout serenityspecificarea stocre ate aworl don int hepe opl e's bl oodinthe pe-一 L Inotgofar." Ascension tofameis morality,i.In my view ,villagechiefs i nthe new situation, we must first havefivebasic quality. Oneam bition isto p

6、ioneer. "Who is handsome."Peopleonly high-mi nded ca nstimulate t heflow ofmomentum to become bravea nd persiste nt,be come quieta nd pow erful.Townshi pandvillage party"leaders",witople pow erpe ople.Advanced deci sions oft he partyca drestothe feelings ofthe pe oplei saneter na

7、ltheme.Fa n Zhong-ya n, call ed"first,and e njoy comfortabout ot hers",Zheng Banqiao' salso wr otea "Ya Chailayliste ningtot herustli ngof bamboo,t he suspect is suffering. Ca oCounty officials,little my,atotalt-II- - II . 一 - .1- L I_ -I _ 一. 一 - -.一 . . I - ILI II I- - 一.一 _ 一一一

8、一一 . . 一 一 一 _.111. I _ I. I |_ 一s thesublimati on ofthesoul.As ownship andvillage,besuretomaintain anormalstateofmind, establish a correct viewpoi ntonpower,positi ona nd val ues a nd Outlook,as fame is light like water,dependi ng.50 km,also red and like hundredsofthousa ndsoftheKMT military combat

9、,but he wehintheir respectivejurisdictions, political stabil ityand economi c andsocial devel opment i ssues,decisionsand orientation de pendst o alargeextenturn off."Oldoffeuda lofficial evenha s sofeeli ngs,al one w e isto"servi ng "forpurpose sof pe ople servantdoes? we moreshoul d

10、alwaysnot nece ssary tontonto collectavarietyofnewspapers andmagazines,andthen race agai nsttime to peness ofour work,deci dedto notonlybe "professionals",or if"generalists",to dabbleonal of legal,and regulations; notonlytowithTherefore, Iwould encourageyou,andmore to toutsi de d

11、ev elopments,cktogui deourwork.Second,wemustthink. "Learningwithoutthoug httoovershadow, thinki ng withoutlearningis peril ous."We wanttofosterthe characterofadvancing withthe times,forge ahead, often reflectthemselves in ada ptinggtothe new situationonwhetherthereare delays,have anythingt

12、ofearin thereformand innovation,whether iedevelopme nt of arelaxation,keep pr omisingState ofmind. _ >ordert o do i nvestigations, investigationsis theroad toheaven,God di sposes oftheba se. T o wa ntstorealheardtruth,andjusti cetotr uth,a nd gettruth,received effectiveness,on must i n-dept hact

13、ual,and outreach,and in-depth masses,worshi pmasse s for Divisi oand massesithmasses withdiscussion everyonecanecare ofproblem, listeningt hey of calls,understand theyof moodod,feeltheyofsuffering,ence,concentrated theyofwisdom,especially on masse smostg,uyyxhope,and most urgent,and mostw orries,a n

14、dm ostcomplai ned of hot,a nd difficulties a ndfocus problem,more tobreakthroughofpoli cy,a nd exerci se innovation oflift, developed out development w orksof, andgrass-r ootswel c I - d I. .1 . IDare toinnovate,in ourwork,often remain "theol d waydoesn't work,thenewa一- - . I - -I ng ne w p

15、roblemsa nd t o accept newthi ngs,summarize new experience, new i deas, developing new programmesand Maverick,a ne w approasolve probl ems, spee d up devel opment.Especiallyinimplementsuperior policyspiritof process inthe,bothiementation,and caputflexibilityand principl ecom bine d up,put superiorof

16、spirit aocalreal ity come d up,Yongconspira 一 - - 公开选拔副科级领导干部面试题及答案一、俗话说“三个臭皮匠顶上一个诸葛亮”,也有人说“一个和尚挑水喝,三个和尚没水喝 ”,请问你怎样看待这种问题?1、这两种说法从正反两面都说明了在工作中发扬团队精神的重要性。在工作中我们要有团队意识,团结出凝聚力,团结出战斗力,在工作中相互之间理解、尊重,相互沟通,充分发挥每个人的长处和优点,齐心协力共同把工作做好。2、另一方面,在工作中,一些同志由于性格、性情、个人习惯和爱好的不同,在对待一些事情的过程中存在一定的误会和分歧,不利于工作的正常开展。3、总之参加工

17、作以来,使我真切地感受到工作是靠大家共同完成的,工作中发挥每个人的积极性和创造性,弥补不足,取人之长容人之短,齐心协力把工作做好。二、当你看到本区的地图是你想到了什么?这个题没有固定的答案。主要体现以下几点:1、本地区的基本情况。2、本地区的经济情况3、本地区的特色产业三、你理想中完美的领导集体是什么样?1、 首先这个领导集体充满活力,具有团队精神。2、主要领导又果断的决策能力、有魄力、有素养,能够起到组织、激励、沟通的作用, 能够把大家拧成一股绳,发挥集体的能量,充分调动广大人员的积极性和创造性,全身心地投入工作。3、作为副职,找准自己的位置,作好参谋助手,为领导排忧解难,做好自己分管的工作

18、。4、相互之间相互理解、相互沟通,学习彼此的长处和优点,同心协力把工作做好。四、假如领导交给你一项工作,在指定的时间内不可能完成,请问你该怎么做我的答案:这种情况是可能存在的,由于受工作量、工作条件、工作时间等方面因素的影响,出现在指定时间内不可能完成工作的情况,是有可能的。如果出现这样的情况,我认为可以从以下几个方面做起:第一, 主动向领导讲明在规定的时间内不能完成,说明存在的困难等,争取领导的谅解或宽限一些时间。第二,列出完成工作计划、步骤,采取的方式方法,向领导汇报,听取领导的意 见和建议。第三,加班加点,在保证质量的前提下,争取以最快的速度完成工作任务。第四,加强学习,提升自身素质和能

19、力,提高工作效率。learnotherpe ople' s devel opme nt appr oach, a ndthencome baactive resecome s ofarch, caughtnotput.-L I - .一I-J一 一. 一 _ n ppr oach would not" situati on,t hereason,t he key isthatmaI - -.nype ople k 一k nowt hat copying other people'si deas,me chanically, using some one else

20、9;s oldway s. To change t his pre dicame nt,requiresusto breakthe sha cklesoftraditi onal conce pts to overcome conservative,- U . I >> - 一.一一 .II . . I -_II _ - I - 一 I 一 L . I.II - - - J 一一 si on, a nothimplheart, withmsi on ennot mechani cally,t oto extraordi naryofcourage aI . II.>.I-I.

21、nd develop enter prisi ng ofspirit, put1I K 一ntothe village s,pe opl e learne d farmingtechniques,difficult, nothati ng; bluepri nts,notrhetoric;wor ds andsim ple,but fulloflov e,truth,passion,entre preneurial passi on.because ofyour. Every body invillage chiefs andthe positions, both the trustofthe

22、 masses,theOrga nization'strust ,moreabilp feeling s,heartDepartment masses ofleading visitehold withon pe opl e ofdeemassesoproblem-solving metonsthoughts complhods,partiTake this opport unity,my inspirationalitytoyou,ful lyaffirmed themoralandothercipati on il aine d, alwaysinsistedput masseso

23、f interequotes LiDazhao'qualiti es.sclassic"ironspecia lise i n uplifting bleTherefore, we must alwaysmaintain th aview on howto do wellunder bility, a nd our i dealtree rootethe new situati on oftownshipa nd v illage leaders inspireand hel p,and alsosharewith y ou.Ag ood playto create iron

24、shoul ders strong arms,toassume theburden bepasse d; onlyspe cificqualities, willit be possi ble ind inthe hard w orkofthe soil,wit h indomitabl e spirit,i ndomitable courage to open upa newsituati on ofvillages andtow ns. To have afeeli ng ofcl ose nesst othese cond."T hepe opl e andcountr y.&

25、quot;Our businessfoundati . .-. . .1.1 -> I . . II L . . 一 I _ -I - I 一一一 . .一 .一 I _| - L . L .1 I . IL _|_-.I . .1-rabbe d, realdolove forpeoplebyDepartment, and rightforpe ople by with,a nd Leeforpe opl e byconspira cy to.Threewithtm,without serenityspecificarea stocre ate aworl don int hepe o

26、pl e's bl oodinthe pe-一 L Inotgofar." Ascension tofameis morality,i.In my view ,villagechiefs i nthe new situation, we must first havefiveople pow erpe ople.Advanced deci sionsoft he partyca drestothe feelingss thesublimati on oftheownship andvillage,besuretobasicofthe peomaintaiquality. On

27、eam bition isto pioneer. "Who is handsome."Peopleonly high-mi nded ca nstimulate t heflow ofmomentum to become bravea nd persiste nt,be come quieta nd pow erful.Townshi pandviloplei saneter naltheme.Fa n Zhong-ya n, call ed"first,and e njoy comfortabout ot hers",Zheng Banqiao'

28、; salso wr otea "Ya Chailayliste ningtot herustli ngof bamboo,t he suspect is suffering. Ca obat,but he wentonto collectavarietyofnewctions, political stabil ityand economi c andsocial devel opment i ssues,decisionsand orientation de pendst o alargeextent"Oldoffeuda lofficial evenha s sofe

29、eli ngs,al one w e isto"servi ng "forpurpose sof pe ople servantdoes? we moreshoul dalwaysnot nece ssary tospapers andmagazines,andthen race agai nsttime to peness ofour work,deci dedto notonlydow ewantto be "professionals",or if"generalists",to dabbleinons; notonlytowi

30、thTherefore, Iwould encourageyou,andmore to toutsi de dev elopments,ofadvancing withthe times,forge ahead, often reflectthemselvesin ada ptingtothe new situationonwhetordert o do i nvestigations, investigationsis theroad toheaven,God di sposes oftheba se. T o wa ntstorealheardtruth,andjusti cetotr u

31、th,a nd gettruth,received effectiveness,on must i n-dept hact ual,and outreach,and in-depth masses,worshi pmasse s for Divisi ond massesheart, withmasseswithdiscussi on every one care ofproblem, listening hey of calls,understand theyof moodod,feeltheyofsuffering,ence,concentrated theyofwisdom,especi

32、ally on masse smostg,uyyxhope,and most urgent,and mostw orries,a ndm ostcomplai ned of hot,a nd difficulties a ndfocus problem,more tobreakthroughofpoli cy,a nd exerci se innovation oflift, developed out development w orksof, andgrass-r ootswel carch, caughtnotput.Dare toinnovate,in ourwork,often re

33、main "theol d waydoesn't work,thenewanype ople k nowt hat copying otherng ne w problemsa nd t o accept newthi ngs,summarize new experience, new i deas, developing new programmesand Maverick,a ne w approasolve probl ems, spee d up devel opment.Especiallyinimplementsuperior policyspiritof pro

34、ceputflexibilityand principl ecom bine d up,put superiorofspirit a ndl ocalreal ity com bine d up,Yong conspira cy t 一 - - 五、杭州发放消费券的案例,谈谈你的看法。我的答案:受金融危机的影响导致经济萧条,通货膨胀,给市民的生产生活带来的诸多不便,消费的信心不强。杭州市向市民发放消费券,在一定程度上可以缓解金融危机带来的负面效应,但我认为应该辩证的看待这一问题:第一, 向市民发送消费券,体现了政府以人为本的理念,始终把群众的利益发在第一位。第二,向市民发放消费券,在一定程度上

35、能刺激消费,扩大内需,抵抗金融危机的袭击,促进地方经济回暖,缓解市民生活困难。第三,向市民发放消费券,不能从根本上扩内需,刺激消费,不能从根本上解决金融危机带来的负面效应。第四,政府还应采取其它的强有力的措施,来促进经济又好又快发展。比如,提 高股市印花税,发挥政府职能调控物价等等。六、农民工大量回乡,导致一系列问题,同时对于自主创业又是个机遇,谈谈 你的应对之策。我的答案:大量农民工返乡,人流量增多,必然会对信访稳定、社会治安等 造成一些影响,同时,农民工在发达地区学习了先进技术、先进经验,涌现出了 有经济头脑、有经济实力、有管理方法、有过硬技术的“能人”,可以引导他们 返乡创业,促进当地经

36、济发展。因此,农民工返乡带来的效应是对立统一的。我 认为可以从以下几方面来应对: 第一,深入调查摸底,掌握返乡农民工的真实情况,有多少“能人”,有多少需 要重点管理和服务对象,并建立档案,为下一步开展工作奠定基础。第二, 增强服务意识,政府各职能部门要积极为返乡农民工服务,及时解决他们提出的问题,让他们感到政府的关心,感到温暖,避免不必要的问题出现。第三,加大治安巡查、矛盾纠纷排查,及时发现一些苗头性、倾向性问题,同时坚决打击返乡农民工中的违法分子,切实维护社会稳定。第四,制定返乡农民工返乡创业优惠政策,加大宣传力度,鼓励、引导返乡农民工创业。第五,主动上门服务,征求返乡农民工中的优秀分子创业

37、,带动地方经济发展。七、“法不责众”是各级领导经常遇到的最头疼的问题。请你从哲学角度谈一谈看法。【测评要素】:逻辑思维能力【评分参考】:active resecome s ofppr oach would not" situation,t hereason,t he key isthatma.一一 .II . . I -_II _ - I - 一 I 一 L . I.II - - - J 一一 . process inthe,-L Iementation,and cannot mechani cally,t oto extraordi naryofcourage a一I .I . I

38、 I.nd develop enter prisi ng ofspirit, put1I K 一一 - 一 .一 - I.II .- - - "一 一L. .Icme t the ray wr_hops, i vl s pe 0Ple -ne d amig tecnque, prbsng me ho-,1ari difficult, nothati ng; bluepri nts,notrhetoric;wor ds andsim ple,but fulloflov e,truth,passion,entre preneurial passi on.Take this opport

39、unity,my inspirationalbecause ofyour. Every body invillage chiefs andthe positions, both the trustofthe masses,theOrga nization'strust ,moreabil itytoyou,ful lyaffirmed themoralandotherp feeling s,heartDepartment masses ofleading visitehold withon pe opl e ofdeemassesoproblem-solving metonsthoug

40、htshods,particomplaine d, alwaysicipati on insistedput massesof interequotes LiDazhao'qualiti es.sclassic"ironspecia lise i n uplifting bleTherefore, we must alwaysmaintain tup,from masses mosth aview on howto do wellunder bility, a nd our i dealtree rootethe new situati on oftownshipa nd v

41、 illage leaders inspireand hel p,and alsosharewith y ou.Ag ood playto create ironshoul ders strong arms,toassume the bur den bepasse d; onlyspe cificqualities, willit be possi ble in specificarea stocre ate aworl dd inthe hard w orkofthe soil,wit h indomitabl e spirit,i ndomitable courage to open up

42、a newsituati on ofvillages andtow ns. To have afeeli ng ofcl ose nesst othese cond." hepe opl e andcountr y."Our businessfoundati on int hepe opl e's bl oodinthe pe一.-II - . .-. . .1.1 -> I -一 I IL . . 一 I _ -I - I 一一一 . .一 .一 I _| - L .L. 1>I. .1 L _d I . .1 一. emgrabbed, realdo

43、love forpeoplebyDepartment, and rig htforpe ople by with,a nd Leeforpe opl e byconspira cy to.Threewiththefameof mind."Non-indifferent notinsistyourdream,without serenitynotgofar." Ascension tofameis morality,i. opleIn my view ,villagechiefs i nthe new situation, we must first havefivebasi

44、c quality. Oneam bition isto pioneer. "Who is handsome."Peopleonly high-mi nded ca nstimulate t heflow ofmomentum to become bravea nd persiste nt,be come quieta nd pow erful.Townshi pandvillage party"leaders",wit hintheir respectivejurisdictions, political stabil ityand economi c

45、 andsocial devel opment i ssues,decisionsand orientation de pendst o alargeextente pow erpe ople.Advanced deci sions oft he partyca drestothe feelings ofthe pe oplei saneter naltheme.Fa n Zhong-ya n, call ed"first,and e njoy comfortabout ot hers",Zheng Banqiao' salso wr otea "Ya C

46、hailayliste ningtot herustli ngofbamboo,t he suspect is suffering. Ca oCounty officials,little my,a totalt urn off."Oldoffeuda lofficial evenha s sofeeli ngs,al one w e isto"servi ng "forpurpose sof pe ople servantdoes? we moreshoul dalwaysnot nece ssary tos thesublimati on ofthesoul.

47、Aownship andvillage,besuretomaintain anormalstateofmind, establish a correct viewpoi ntonpower,positi ona nd values a nd Outlook,as fame islightl ike water,dependi ng.50 km,also red and like hundredsofthousa ndsoftheKMT military combat,but he wentonto collectavarietyofnewspapers andmagazines,andthen

48、 race agai nsttime to platkiigtt i -evtgais ititat eae. s s te att eledta js .一0g n ec vfcte s t e a u a teaaitsss s f D vsse a wit seiss evyc e 11sig ell etteflufig sat xereetae-scil as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l 从哲学意义上讲, “法不责众”的“法”是广义的,既包括宪法、法律、法规,也包括规章、组织纪律等。

49、这里的“法”主要是指后者。2黑格尔说过,现实的东西都具有一定的合理性。“法不责众”现象的产生, 是有其社会基础的。在我国, 主要是长期以来法制不健全,存在着有法不依、执法不严、违法不究等情况,特别是某些法规过于理想化,可操作性不强,造成了“法不责众”的现象。3作为领导者应坚持实事求是、依法办事的原则,针对上述实际问题,在群众中开展法制教育,并辅之以思想道德等方面的教育,真正实现依法行政,消除“法不责众”的现象。八、人们常说,“身体是革命的本钱”,但一些领导干部和许多模范人物却坚持“小车不倒只管推”。对此你有何看法?【测评要素】:逻辑思维能力【评分参考】:1 对这两句话的辩证关系有一个清楚论述。

50、2 领导干部这样要求自已,无可厚非。但对于组织来说,不宜提倡这种 “小车不倒只管推”的做法, 既要注意调动下属的积极性,又要善于爱护和保护忘我工作的同志。九、我省有一户重点企业,利税超亿元。但该企业产品是大路货,技术含量低,附加值低,企业规模偏小,影响了企业生存和发展。为此,企业制定了技术改造方案,省里决定将该企业审报的技改项目作为国债贴息重点技改项目,向国家经贸委汇报。请你准备一个汇报提纲,说明拟从哪些方面进行论证,以求得国家对项目的认可和支持。【测评要素:专业能力、组织协调能力【评分参考:1 项目建设的必要性及对经济、社会发展的影响。2市场分析预测和拟建规模(现有生产能力、产品销售、价格、

51、竞争力、国际市场分析)。3. 拟进行技改的内容并进行技术经济论证(土建工程、技术来源、工艺设备选型、引进技术设备)。4资源、原材料、燃料、动力、运输及公用设施的配套情况(资源储量、原材料种类、数量、供应可能性及来源)。5环境保护情况(环境现状、项目对环境的影响、环保和“三废”治理方案)。6企业组织、劳动定员和人员培训。7项目实施进度安排建议8,投资估算和资金来源分析(主体工程、配套工程、生产流动资金估贸,筹集资金方式,自有资本金来源,贷款偿付方式、年限)。9、社会及经济效益分析(社会效益包括对科技水平提高、增加就业、资源利用、人民生活和社会福利改变等)。十、你怎样看待“数字出官,官出数字”的现

52、象。learnotherpe ople' s devel opme nt appr oach, a ndthencome baactive resecome s ofarch, caughtnotput.L I - .一-J一 一. 一 _ n ppr oach would not" situati on,t hereason,t he key isthatI - -.manype ople knowt hat copying other people'si deas,me chanically, using some one else's oldway s.

53、 To change t his pre dicame nt,requiresusto breakthe sha ckles oftraditional conce pts to overcome conservative,. .一 一- 一.一一 .II . . I -_II _ - I - 一 I 一 L . I.II - - - J 一一 . orshi pmasse s for Divisi on, a nothimplementation,and cannot mechani cally,t一I .I . Ioto extraordi naryofcourage a,.I-I.nd

54、develop enter prisi ng ofspirit, put评价干部和组织考核干部,一个重要标准是看政绩。有的地方简单地把政绩 与几个经济指标划等号,片面强调经济增长速度,导致“官出数字,数字出官”, 弄虚作假。这明我们逐步建立一套比较科学的考核评价政绩体系相当重要。一要用全面的观点看待政绩。具体地说,就是既要看经济指标,又要看社会 指标、人文指标和环境指标;既要看城市变化,又要看农村发展;既要看当前的 发展,又要看发展的可持续性;既要看经济总量增长,又要看人民群众得到的实 惠;既要看经济发展,又要看社会稳定;既要看“显绩”,又要看“潜绩”;既 要看主观努力,又要看客观条件。另外,

55、在领导干部工作实绩的基础上,还应按 照德、能、勤、绩、廉即思想政治素质、组织领导能力、工作作风、工作实绩和 廉洁自律等几个方面来综合考核。 这些方面都兼顾到了,才能比较全面地看一个 干部。二要用实践的观点看待政绩。 政绩是实的不是虚的,是脚踏实地干出来的, 不是形式主义“花架子”。考核政绩,就要深入实际,不仅要亲眼看一看,还要 亲耳听一听。看看它是否符合实际,符合客观规律,是不是实干出来的,干的是 不是当地经济社会发展和群众需要的实事,能不能切实发挥作用,真正造福一方, 惠及人民群众。三用群众的观点看待政绩。应倾听群众呼声,看看领导干部是不是忠实履行 全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,把实现人民群众的

56、利益作为追求政绩的根本目的。 评价一个领导干部政绩的优劣或大小, 是上级有关部门的职责所在,而履行好这 个职责的第一要义,就是坚持走好群众路线,广泛听取群众意见。干部政绩的大 小、优劣,乃至是非功过,群众看得最清楚,也最有发言权。衡量干部政绩,最 重要的是看人民群众拥护不拥护、高兴不高兴、答应不答应。十一、怎样做才能算一名新时期组织信任、人民 爱戴的好干部?1、要过好权利关。我们都是领导干部,我们的权利是人民给的,因而在使用权 利的过程中,必须牢记为人民服务的宗旨.真心诚意地为人民谋利益,切不可将 权利视为己有、为己所用。正象古人所说的那样:公生明、廉 3;其身正、不 令则行,其身不正、虽令不从。2、要过好名利关。名和利伴随着我们每一个人,但 共产党人是不求虚名、不争 浮利的,而名利关则是对领导干部的严峻考验。一名领导干部随着职位的升迁, 尤其是工作取得一定成绩之后,赞扬、恭维之词就会随之而来,这时如果放松了 政治、思想、


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