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1、高一英语阅读理解判断推断语义. (1) 语境中理解单词(旧词新义). 短语和句子的含义. (2) 语境中推段文章隐含意思和作者的态度和观点.(1)For the first 19 months of her life Helen Keller was able to see and hear. But then a sickness (疾病)struck. She became completely blind and deaf. For the rest or her life she was never able to see or hear. And the sickness struc

2、k when she was a baby before she learned to talk. Her world was totally dark and silent. For the first seven years of her life she was almost like a wild animal. Her mother and father could not control(控制) her. She screamed(尖声叫喊) and kicked and struggled and cried. Finally her parents sent for a tea

3、cher. Her name was Ann Sullivan. She herself had once been blind. She quickly saw that first she had to teach Helen how to obey and how to control her anger. She spelt out words in Helens hand. Helen couldnt see or hear so she learned by touching and feeling. She learned to read books in Braille(盲字)

4、. Helen also learned foreign language: French, German, Latin and Greek. She learned to write and to speak. She could ride a horse, swim, row a boat, climb trees. She went to college and Ann Sullivan went with her. With Miss Sullivans help, Helen Keller finished college with high honor. She became a

5、teacher, writer and lecturer. Her life is an inspiration(激励), not just to the blind and the deaf but to people everywhere.1. Helen Keller was able to see and hear only for _months.A. nine B. ninety C. nineteen D. ninth2. For the first seven years of her life, Helen was almost like “a wild animal” th

6、is sentence means_A. she was a very naughty girl B. she lived with animals for a long timeC. she was never able to see or hear, so she was very bored and angry D. she liked animals very much3. Ann Sullivan was Helen s _ A. mother B. teacher C. sister D. classmate4. Helen learned by_A. touching and f

7、eeling B. listening and speakingC. smelling and feeling D. reading books5. The last sentence tells us _A. Wed better learn by touching and feeling B. Helen is a hero only for the blind and deafC. Everyone could learn a lot from Helen Keller D Helen Keller had a terrible life .Keys are : C C B A C(2)

8、Americans have used colours to make many expressions they use every day.We say youre “in the pink” when we are in good health. It is easy to understand how this expression was born. When my face has a nice fresh, pink colour, it is a sign my health is good.The colour green is natural for trees, it i

9、s an unnatural colour for humans. When someone doesnt feel well. someone who is seasock, for example. we say he looks green. When someone is angry because he doesnt have what someone else has, we say he is “green with envy(妒忌)”.Some people are “green with envy” because someone else has more dollars,

10、 or “green backs”. Dollars are called greenback because thats the colour of the back side of the money.Blue is a cooler colour. The traditional blue music of American blacks is the opposite of red hot music. It is slow, sad and soulful. To be blue, of course, is to be sad.The colour black is often u

11、sed in expressions. People describe a day in which everything goes wrong as a “black day”. A “black sheep” is the member of a family or group who always seems to be in trouble. If someone meets a “black cat”, something unlucky might happen to him. Not all the “black” expressions had bad meanings. A

12、business “ in the black” , for example, is making money. A company “in the red” is losing money. If someone tells you to put something “in black and white”, they want you to write it down.1. After reading the passage, we can infer if someone “ looks gray ” , he _A. looks well B. may need to see doct

13、orC. is healthy D. is happy2. American dollars have_ back side. A. pink B. green C. blue D. red3. Which word describes the blue music ? A. Fast B. Sad C. Hot D. Cheerful4. My brother is a _, everyone doesnt like him. A. a black horse B. a black cat C. a black dog D. a black sheep5. Which of the foll

14、owing is True?A. A company surely like to be “ in the red.” B. .A business “ in the black”, is making moneyC. All the “black” expression have bad meaningsD. If someone meets a “black cat”, he might lucky soon.Keys are: B B B D B (3) After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is

15、 necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the day. The rest that you get while sleeping makes it possible for your body to prepare itself for the next day. There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your

16、body relaxes little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts (改变)back and forth from one level of sleep to the other. Although your mind slows down, you will dream from time to time. Scientists who study sleep point out th

17、at when dreaming happens, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly. This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend(建议) breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will make you d

18、rowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep.1.The text tells us that getting enough sleep may make you_A. suffer from poor health B. feel tired and nervousC. dream more often D. healthy2.REM means_A. you move fast B. you start dreamingC. your mind stop working D.

19、 your eyeballs move quickly 3.Which of the following is not true ?A. If you dont sleep well, you ll feel tired and bored next dayB. There are four levels of sleep and the fourth level is the deepest one. .C. When your mind slows down, you wont be able to dream.D. While you are dreaming, your eyeball

20、s move more quickly4.The underlined word “ drowsy ” in the last paragraph means_A. lazy B. sleepy C. relaxed D. pleased5. A good title for the text might be _A. Dreams B. Sleep C. Good health D. Work and RestKeys are: D D C B B (4)I have many memories about my father and about growing up with him in

21、 our apartment next to the train railway. For 20 years, we listened to the click of the train as it passed by his bedroom window. Late at night, he waited alone on the railway for the train that took him to his job at a factory, where he worked the midnight shift(夜班). On this special night, I waited

22、 with him in the dark to say good-bye. His face was serious. His youngest son had been drafted(服兵役). I would be a soldier at six the next morning, while he stood at his paper-cutting machine in the factory. My father had talked about his anger. He didnt want them to take his child, only 19 years old

23、, who had never had a drink or smoked a cigarette, to fight a war in Europe. He put his hands on my thin shoulders. “You be careful, Srulic, and if you ever need anything, write to me and Ill see that you get it.” Suddenly, he heard the click of the coming train. He held me tightly in his arms and g

24、ently kissed me on the face. With tear-filled eyes, he said in a low voice, “I love you, my son.” Then the train arrived, the doors closed him inside, and he disappeared into the night.One month later, at age 46, my father died. I am 76 as I sit and write this. I once heard Pete Hamill, the New York

25、 reporter, say that memories are mans greatest inheritance, and I have to agree. Ive lived through four years in World War II. Ive had a life full of all kinds of experiences. But the only memory that stays is of the night when my dad said, “I love you, my son.”1. The writers father went to work _.A

26、. by bus B. on foot C. by train D. on his bike2. “ On this special night.” means_A. his father had a rest B. the father and his son would separate(分离) C. they would take the same train D. the train was broken down3. The underlined word “ them ” refers to _A. the boys teachers B. the government (政府人员

27、)C. the boys other family members D. the boys friends4. When his father died, the writer _.A. was in the World War II in Europe B. was at his fathers bedsideC. was working in Europe D. was studying at a university 5. The writers memory of _has lasted all his life.A. his experiences in Europe B. his

28、familyC. his apartment next to the railway D. his fathers words “ I love you, my son.” Keys are: C B B A D (5)Several years ago, a public school teacher was hired to visit children who were patients in a large city hospital. Her job was to teach them with their schoolwork so they wouldnt be too far

29、behind when well enough to return to school.One day, this teacher received a call requesting that she visit a special child. She took the boys name, hospital and room number and was told by the teacher on the other end of the line, “Were studying nouns and adverbs in class now. Id be grateful if you

30、 could help him with his homework so he doesnt fall behind the others.” It wasnt until the visiting teacher got outside the boys room that she realized it was located in the hospitals burn unit(烧伤病房). Before she was allowed to enter, she had to put on a hospital clothes because of the possibility of

31、 infection(感染). She was told no to touch the boy or his bed. She could stand near but must speak through the mask she had to wear.When she had finally finished washing and dressing, she took a deep breath and walked into the room. The young boy, terribly burned, was in great pain. The teacher felt a

32、wkward and didnt know what to say, but she had gone too far to turn around and walk out. Finally she was able to speak, “Im the special visiting hospital teacher, and your teacher sent me to help you with your nouns and adverbs.” Later, she thought it was not one of her more successful teaching clas

33、s.The next morning when she returned, one of the nurses on the burn unit asked her, “What did you do to that boy?” The nurse went on. “You dont understand. Weve been worried about him, but ever since you were here yesterday, his whole attitude(态度) has changed. Hes fighting back, its as if he has dec

34、ided to live.”The boy himself later said that he had completely given up hope and felt he was going to die, until he saw that special teacher. With happy tears in his eyes, the little boy who had been burned so badly that he had given up hope, said like this: “They wouldnt send a special teacher to

35、work on nouns and adverbs with a dying boy, would they?”1. The teachers work was_A. to teach the children at school B. to teach the children in hospitalC. to play with children D. to work in a hospital2. _telephoned the visiting teacher one day.A. The boys parents B. The nurses in the hospitalC. The

36、 boys school teacher D. The boy3. What was wrong with the boy ?A. He had an operation B. He caught a bad coldC. He was badly burned D. His legs was broken4. Before the visiting teacher gave the boy a lesson in the hospital, we can infer that_A. the boy was ready to receive the treatment B. he hoped

37、to go back to school soonC. he had refused his treatment D. he believed he would be better soon5.From the boys words in the last paragraph, it can be inferred that_A. the boy began to know he was dying B. . the boy realized that he had hope to liveC. the boy liked the lesson on nouns and adverbsD. t

38、he boy still disliked to receive the treatment Keys are : B C C C B (6)A little boy invited his mother to attend his elementary schools first teacher-parent meeting. To the little boys fear, she said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teacher met his mother and he was

39、 embarrassed(窘迫的) by her face. Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a big scar(伤疤) that covered nearly the whole right side of her face. The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.At the meeting, the people were moved by the kindness and natural beauty of his motherDespi

40、te(不管) the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone. He did, however, he heard them speaking.“How did you get the scar on your face?” the teacher asked.The mother answered, “When my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught on fire. Everyone was too afraid to g

41、o in because the fire was out of control, so I went in. As I was running toward his bed, I saw a beam coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked unconscious but luckily, a fireman came in and saved both of us.” She touched the burned side of her face. “This scar wi

42、ll be forever, but to this day, I have never regretted doing what I did.” At this point, the little boy came out running toward his mother with tears in his eyes. He hugged her and felt almost a sacrifice(牺牲) of life that his mother had made for him. He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.

43、1. The boy was _when his mother said she would go to the school.A. pleased B. afraid C. excited D. bored2. What was his mother like ?A. She was ugly B. She was goodlookingC. She was beautiful despite a big scar on her right side of face D.The writer didnt tell us3. How did his mother get the scar on

44、 her face?A. She hurt her face in an traffic accident B. Something was wrong with her face skinC. She was hit by someone on the face. D. Her face was hurt while she was saving her son in a house on fire. 4. From the mothers words, we know_A. she felt sorry about the scar B. she was frustrated about

45、the scarC. she was satisfied with the scar D. she thought the scar worthwhile (值得的)5. From the last paragraph, it can be inferred that_A. the boy was still embarrassed B. the boy would love his mother more than beforeC. the boy was pleased with his mothers scar D. the boy was afraid to see his mothe

46、rs scarKeys are : B C C D D B (7)One cold evening during the holiday season, a little boy about six or seven was standing out in front of a store window, watching the pleasant kids, with their families, choosing the Christmas presents indoors. The little child had no shoes and his clothes were mere

47、rags(破旧衣服). A young woman passing by saw the little boy and could read the longing in his pale blue eyes. She took the child by the hand and led him into the store. There she bought him some new shoes and a complete suit of warm clothing.They came back outside into the street and the woman said to s

48、he child, “Now you can go home and have a very happy holiday.”The little happy boy looked up at her and asked, “Are you God, Maam?”She smiled down at him and replied, “No son, Im just one of his children.”The little boy then said, “I knew you had to be some relation.”Later the boy grew up through a

49、hard time and had all kinds of experience in his life, but he was always ready to help others. When he was asked who he was, “ I m one of Gods children.” With a smile, he would answer so1.The story happened _A. in October B. in November C. in December D. in January2.From the wearing of the boy, it c

50、an be inferred that_A. his parents died B. he was from a poor familyC. he wasnt a good boy D. he was dirty3. The underlined word “ longing ” here means the boys wish to_A. play with the children in the store B. go shopping himselfC. find his family D. have Christmas presents(8)Frank Smith woke up an

51、d leaned over to turn off the alarm clock. “Oh ,no !” he thought to himself. “ Another day at that office; a boss who shouts at me all the time.”As Frank went downstairs his eyes fell on a large brown envelope by the door. He was overjoyed when he opened it and read the letter inside. “Bigwoods Foot

52、ball Pools would like to congratulate you. You have won half a million pounds.”Frank suddenly came to life. The cigarette fell from his lips as he let out a shout that could be heard halfway down the street.At 11:30 Frank arrived at work. “Please explain why youre so late.” His boss said. “ Go and j

53、ump in the lake,” replied Frank. “ Ive just come into a little money so this is goodbye. Find yourself someone else to shout at.”That evening Frank was smoking a very expensive Havana when a knock was heard on the door. He rushed to the door. Outside were two men, neatly dressed in grey suits. “Mr S

54、mith “ one of them said, “We re from Bigwoods Pools. Im afraid theres been a terrible mistake1. Frank Smith was very happy after he read the letter, becauseA. he didnt have to work at all.B. his boss will pay him more.C. he will be given half a million pounds by the football club.D. he has got a tic

55、ket for the match of Bigwoods Football Pools .2. “ Go and jump in the lake” indicates_.A. he was so happy that he dropped into the lakeB. he has got a lot of money by chanceC. he got some money from the water while he was in the lake.D. He was told that some money was dropped in the water.3. What do

56、 you know about Frank ?_.A. He was a lucky person.B. He was a lazy man.C. He didnt make a lot of moneyD. He didnt get on well with his boss4. When he heard the knock at the door , Frank probably thought _.A. his friend had come to congratulate him on his luckB. his friend had come to ask about the football poolsC. someone had come to give him the moneyD. someone had come to make an


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