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1、专业英语四级-试卷659(总分: 160.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟)一、DICTATION(总题数:2,分数:4.00)1. PART I DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times.During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listenand try to understand the meaning. For the second a

2、nd third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence,or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during thistime you should check your work.(分数: 2.00 )解析:2.(分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: ( 正确答案: Glaciers Glaciers are formed in places wher

3、e the temperatures are extremelycold. / In such cold places it snows most of the year. / Every time it snows, the below layers will compress more, / finallyturning into hard ice. / This ice is what forms the glacier. / For a glacier to form and sustain itself, / the amount of snowthat falls on it /

4、must be more than the amount of glacier that has melted. / This is the only way in which the glacier will beable to maintain itself / and keep increasing in size. /)解析:二、LISTENING COMPREHENSIO 总题数:6,分数:40.00)2. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION解析:3. SECTION A TALKIn this section you will hear a talk.

5、You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you maylook at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) youfill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. Youmay use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview

6、 the gap-filling task.解析:The Fairness of College Entrance ExamsI. SAT and ACT: major tests to measure applicants【T1】1【T1】 2II. Tendency to drop admission requirements More than【 T2】 3universities require noSAT or ACT test score 【T2】4 More and more universities become test- optional Others: care more

7、 about anapplicants life experience,【T3】 5, community services and talents. 【T3】 6III.GPA: another way to judge applicants【T4】 7【T4】 8International applicants: convert to GPA【T5】 9【T5】 10It is a better 【T6】 11 of academic strength【T6】 12IV. Views about the fairnessof SAT Cheryl OBrien believes:a) 【T

8、7】13 students have a advantage on tests【T7】14b)Selfstudy: no 【T8】15【T8】16 A 2010 study: SAT was 【T9】17 certain minority group【T9】18 Ryan Lessing, a student at Brown University:It is a benchmark【T10】19 among applicants,not the cause of educationalinequality【T10】 20The Fairness of College Entrance Exa

9、msI. SAT and ACT: major tests to measure applicants【T1】21【T1】 22II. Tendency to drop admission requirements More than【 T2】 23universities requireno SAT or ACT test score 【T2】24 More and more universities become test- optional Others:care more about an applicants life experience,【T3】 25, community se

10、rvices and talents. 【T3】26III. GPA: another way to judge applicants 【T4】 27【T4】 28International applicants: convert to GPA【 T5】 29【 T5】 30It is a better 【 T6】 31 of academic strength 【T6】 32IV. Views about the fairness of SAT Cheryl OBrienbelieves:a) 【 T7】 33 students have a advantage on tests 【 T7】

11、 34b)Self study: no 【T8】35【T8】36 A 2010study: SAT was 【T9】37 certain minority group【T9】38 Ryan Lessing, a student at Brown University:lt is a benchmark【 T10】39 amongapplicants,not the cause of educational inequality【T10】 40 (分数: 20.00)(1).【 T1 】(分数: 2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: academic skills )解析:.【T2

12、】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案:80)解析:.【T3】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: teacher recommendations )解析:.【T4】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: ability )解析:(5) .【T5】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: equivalents )解析:(6) .【T6】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: indicator/reflection )解析:(7) .【T7】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确

13、答案: wealthy / rich )解析:(8) .【T8】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: feedback )解析:(9) .【T9】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: biased against )解析:(10).【T10】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: consistent )解析:5.SECTlON B CONVERSATlONSln this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five

14、questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCEONLY. Aftereach question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C andD, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You hav

15、e thirty seconds to preview thequestions.解析:(分数: 10.00 )A. lts about old peoples beliefs.B. I ts about peoples various feelings towards old age.VC. lts about old peoples unattractiveness.D. Its about peoples reluctance to look after the old.解析:A. To look into the mental health of old people.B. To ex

16、plain why people have negative views on old age.C. To help correct some false beliefs about old age.VD. To identify the various problems of old age.解析:A. People change in old age a lot more than at the age of 21.B. There are more sick people in old age than in middle age.C. We should not expect more

17、 physical illness among old people.VD. We should expect to find old people unattractive as a group.解析:A. Family feeling is gradually disappearing.B. It is hard to comment on family feeling.C. More children are indifferent to their parents.D. Family feeling remains as strong as ever.V解析:A. Negative.B

18、. Positive.VC. Ambiguous.D. Neutral.解析:(分数: 10.00 )A. Examples of different types children.B. How to run parenting workshops.C. The way to communicate with children.VD. The way to control children.解析:A. An author running parenting workshops.VB. An engineer dealing with electric sockets.C. A psycholo

19、gist who runs a parenting workshop.D. An author who likes to punish her children.解析:A. On no occasion.B. On rare, important occasions.VC. On every occasion.D. On not-so-important occasions.解析:A. I am the parent, and I am comfortable being in charge.VB. Please dont annoy me, or I will punish you.C. I

20、 am the parent, and Ill let you decide.D. I would like you to play with something else.解析:A. They see it as encouragementB. They see it as a challenge.VC. They see it as a danger.D. They see it as a risk.解析:三、LANGUAGE KNOWLED 总题数:21,分数:42.00)6. PART III LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGEThere are twenty sentences i

21、n this section. Beneath each sentence there arefour words, phrases or statements marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word, phrase or statement that bestcompletes the sentence.(分数: 2.00 )解析:7._ The following determiners( 限定词 )can be used with only singular countable nouns EXCEPT_.(分数: 2.00 )A. eachB. ev

22、eryC. a couple ofVD. many a解析:解析:考查限定词。C 项 a couple of 只可接可数名词复数形式,不可接可数名词单数,故选C。其他选项只能接单数可数名词。8. Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT? (分数: 2.00 )A. No teacher and no student is in the classroom.B. Each of us has a very expensive radio.C. More than one person is going to lose

23、 his job.D. The teacher and composer are having lunch now.V解析:解析:考查主谓一致。 D 项的 The teacher and composer 并非指老师和作曲家两个人,而是指一个 人兼具两种身份,谓语应用单数,因此D 语法上错误,故为答案。当and 连接的两个并列主语前有no 修饰时,谓语用单数形式,A 正确。“ each of+可数名词复数作主语时,谓语用单数形式;“More than one+可数名词单数”作主语时,谓语也用单数形式。9. Which of in the following phrases indicates

24、origin?(分数: 2.00 )A. a year of famineB. people of your religionC. customs of the SouthVD. the cancellation of the meeting解析:解析:考查 of 的用法。A 项“饥荒年”表示特点,B 项“跟你宗教信仰一样的人”表示附属,C 项“南非的风俗”表示来源, D 项“取消会议”表示动宾关系。因此选 C10. Which of the following sentences has an appositive?(分数: 2.00 )A. Now they were driving by

25、 the houses that Andy had described.B. She bought herself a pair of new shoes.C. I blame myself for what has happened.D. Only one problem you need to focus onthe safety of workers.V解析:解析:考查句子结构。 D 项破折号后面的 the safety of workers 补充说明主语 only one problem , 是其同位语,故答案选Do A 项 that 引导的是定语从句,B 项 herself a pa

26、ir of new shoes是双宾语,C项的从句 what has happened 作 for 的宾语,均无同位语成分。11. The rest of the crew of the ship _ back home.(分数: 2.00 )A. is not comingB. are not comingVC. has not beenD. had not been解析:解析:考查主谓一致与时态。本题的 crew 是集体名词。某些集体名词(如 crew,audience government, board,committee,team,group 等)既可用作单数,也可用作复数。当一个集体

27、名词看作集体时用作单数; 看作各个成员时用作复数。根据题意,crew 在句中是复数概念,故 the rest也相应地表达复数概念,因此用 arenot .构成主谓一致。12. _that the voters approve the funds, well have a new park in our town.分数: 2.00 )A. GivenVB. To giveC. GivingD. Being given解析:解析:考查条件状语从句的连接词。只有 given “如果考虑到,倘若”能引导条件状语从句,其后 既可接名词短语,也可接 that 从句, that 可省略。13.Such pe

28、ople as _ by him were professors of the university.(分数: 2.00 )A. they were recommendedB. that were recommendedC. were recommendedVD. recommended解析:解析:考查 as 引导定语从句的用法。 as 可在限定性定语从句中充当主语或宾语,此时多与 such 或 the same 连用。本题中 as 在修饰 people 的定语从句中作主语,根据句意,后面应接从句谓语动词的被动 态 wererecommended。14. Which of the follow

29、ing sentences expresses ought not to?(分数: 2.00 )A. If you see anything unusual you should call the police.B. It should be fairly easy to get her to agree.C. With all his money, he should worry about a little thing like 5! VD. Should you be interested, I have a book on the subject you might like to s

30、ee.解析:解析:考查情态动词 should 的用法。情态动词 should 在本题各个选项中的用法和意思各不相同。 C 中的 should含有“不该,用不着”之义,是一种幽默用法,整句句意为“他那么有钱,还会为区区5 英镑着急吗!”A中 should 表示应该”;B 中 should 表示可能性,尤指合乎理想的事情或结果;D 中 should用于表示将来有可能发生某事的条件句中,意为“要是,如果”。15. We lost the football match, but we_well have won if one of our players hadnt been hurt.(分数: 2.

31、00 )A. mustB. wouldC. shouldD. mightV解析:解析:考查情态动词的用法。本题解题的关键在于主句谓语中有well 这个副词,否则 B、C 都说得通,但也正因如此,做题时也可确定排除它们。maymight well为固定搭配,表示“很可能”,因此答案为 D。16. _left before the deadline, it doesnt seem likely that John will accomplish the job.(分数: 2.00 )A. Because such a short timeB. Since such a short timeC. A

32、lthough such a short timeD. With such a short timeV解析:解析:考查 with 引出的独立主格结构。由于 because, since , although 都引导从句, left 为非谓 语动词,只有当 left 改为 is left 时,语法才正确。独立主格结构可用 with 引出,这时逻辑主语需用名 词或代词的宾格。17.It will_ us_ in so many respects that Im not sure how long it will take for us to catchup.(分数: 2.00 )A. bring,

33、 backB. set, backVC. turn, downD. bring, down解析:解析:考查动词短语。set sb . back 意为“阻碍的进展;使受挫;延缓”,放到句中正合适。bring sb. back 意为把.送回”;turn sb. down 意为“拒绝(提出建议、要求的人)”;bring sb . down意为“使落下;降低”。18.I want to talk about all these points in_order of importance. Lets first come to themost important one.(分数: 2.00 )A. as

34、cendingB. condescendingC. descendingVD. transcending解析:解析:考查形近异义动词词义辨析。descend 意为“下来;下降”,其反义词是 ascend “上升,攀登”。本题中, descending order of importance 意为“重要性 (由主到次的 ) 顺序”,根据下句线索,符 合句意。condescend 意为“屈尊,俯就”;transcend 意为“超越,超出;凌驾于 之上”。19. Your report last week was unfair. It was based upon wholly unfounded

35、and totally_allegations.(分数: 2.00 )A. unjustB. unjustifiedVC. unmentionableD. unacceptable解析:解析:考查形容词词义辨析。unjustified 意为“没有正当理由的,不合理的”,能与 unfounded “没有事实依据的”并列证明报告是 unfair “不公平的”。 unjust 相当于 unfair , 放在句中显然不正确。 unmentionable “ (因太令人震惊而 ) 说不出口的,不堪提及的”, unacceptable “不可接受的”, 均不合题 意。20. Despite her ris

36、e to stardom she has kept both feet firmly on the _.(分数: 2.00 )A. floorB. groundVC. earthD. dirt解析:解析:考查习语。 have keep both ones feet on the ground 是英语习语,表示“注重实际,脚踏实地”。其他选项的词在本题中都不能构成这一特定含义的习语。21. He has been given until noon today to _ to the police.(分数: 2.00 )A. turn himself upB. turn himself onC.

37、turn himself inVD. turn himself解析:解析:考查动词短语。 turn sb in 有“把某人交给警方”的意思,故 turn oneself in 就是“自 首”,C 正确。turnup 表示“开大;来到;(好事等)突然发生”等意思;turn on 有“打开;依赖于;使 产生快感”等意思: turn tosb sth 意为“求助于,求教于”。这些动词短语一般都不接反身代词作 宾语。22. The airline says this route is no longer_, so theyre going to discontinue it.(分数: 2.00 )A.

38、 economicalB. economicVC. beneficentD. beneficial解析:解析:考查形容词词义辨析。 economic 除了表示“经济上的,经济学的”外,还有“可赚钱的,合 算的,有经济效益的”意思, 在这层意思上, economic 符合本题题意。 economical 意为“经济的, 节俭的, 精打细算的”:beneficent 意为“行善的,仁慈的,宽厚的”; beneficial 意为“有益的,有用的,有利 的”,尤指行动或事件。23._You become so deeply absorbed in an activitythat you lose _

39、of time.(分数: 2.00 )A. traceB. trailC. trackVD. touch解析:解析:考查名词词义辨析。 track 意为“ (物体移动的 )轨迹; (比赛用的 )跑道”等; lose track of 是固定短语,表示不了解.的动态”。trace “踪迹,痕迹”常用于疑问句和否定句,lose trace of表示“失去的行踪”。trail“足迹;痕迹尤指被追踪的人或动物的踪迹,也可指“(人或动物在乡间踏出的)小径”;touch 一般说 losetouch with 与. 失去联系”。24. _his better nature we persuaded him

40、to change his mind.(分数: 2.00 )A. Appealing toVB. Looking intoC. Giving rise toD. Going in for解析:解析:考查动词短语的用法。 appeal to 意为“求助于”,题中 his better nature 等同于 the good side ofhischaracter ,可以理解为“他的良知”,所以用 appeal to 正合适。 look into “调查,观察”, give rise to “引起,导致”, go in for “爱好,从事,参与”,均不合题意。25. Dont worry: we

41、ve still got three days _ before the work is done.(分数: 2.00 )A. at handB. by handC. in handVD. on hand解析:解析:考查介词短语的用法。in hand 意为“手头现有的;在掌握中的”,符合题意。at hand 意为“即将到来;在手边,在近处”; by hand 表示“手工的;亲手递交的”; on hand 意为“随时待用的”。26. There is no doubt _ that this woman was a totally devoted and caring mother.(分数: 2

42、.00 )A. eventuallyB. somehowC. reallyD. whatsoeverV解析:解析:考查置于名词后的形容词的用法。 whatsoever 为形容词, 作名词的后置定语, 与否定词连用, 可加强语气,相当于 at all o eventually 意为“最后,终于”;somehow 意为“以某种方法;不知为什么”; really 放进句中位置不对,应放在 no doubt 之前。四、CLOZE(总题数:2,分数:40.00)27. PARTIV CLOZEDecide which of the words given in the box below would b

43、est complete the passageif inserted in the corresponding blanks. The words can be used ONCE ONLY.(分数: 20.00 ) 解析:A flexibly B. options C. appeal to D. nevertheless E. hastyF. peculiar G. easily H. switch I. intentions J. includeK.implement L. consist M. solution N. therefore O. particular It can be

44、tempting to make 1 decisions when a killeropportunity comes along or the thought of spending another day on the job seems painful: 2, career coach Piotrowskirecommends taking baby stepsto execute a new career strategy. Plan a timeline of one to two years to 3 your career change. Gather information f

45、orfour to six months, and then get moving on activities that will bridge into your new specialty over the next few months.Remember, you can make the 4 over time. You dont need to do it all at once. Spend time looking through industrycategories and a variety of jobs to get ideas about new career area

46、s that may 5you This can open your eyes to amultitude of 6you hadnt considered before. Informational interviews the best-kept career-change secret, accordingto Piotrowskiwill also help career changers come to a 7. The key is to seek peoplealready lost in a 8 career and pick their brain with question

47、s such as, What training do I need to do well in this job, whatsa day on the job really like? Finally, people should try a few career experiments to test their abilities and buildexperience to help them move into a new career more 9. Career experiments 10 shadowing a specialist, volunteering,taking

48、field trips, and designing projects to enhance your knowledge and skills.(分数: 20.00 )填空项 1 _ (正确答案: E)填空项 1 _ (正确答案: D)填空项 1 _ (正确答案: K)填空项 1 _ (正确答案: H)填空项 1 _ (正确答案: C)填空项 1 _ (正确答案: B)填空项 1 _ (正确答案:M)填空项 1 _ (正确答案: O)填空项 1 _ (正确答案: G)填空项 1 _ (正确答案: J )解析: 解析: 空格处应填入动词, 作句子的谓语。 空格后的 shadowing a sp

49、ecialist 等细分的项目都属于 careerexperiments的一部分,备选项中 include “包括”符合句子语义。 consist 要与 of 搭配才表示“由组成”,故不选。五、READING COMPREHENSION 题数:11,分数:30.00)29. PART V READING COMPREHENSION解析:30. SECTIONAIn this section there are several passages followed by ten multiple-choice questions. For each question,there are four

50、suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose theone that you think is the best answer.解析:(1)Once upon a time, innovation at Procter & Gamble flowed one way: from the United States outward. While thelarge Cincinnati-based Corporation was no stranger to foreign markets, it usually sold them prod

51、ucts that were alreadyfamiliar to most Americans. Many Japanese families, for instance, swaddle their babies in Pampers diapers, and lots ofVenezuelans brush their teeth with Crest.And of course(company executives assumed)Americans at home wanted these same familiar, red-white-and-bluebrands. We mig

52、ht buy foreign-made cars, or chocolates, or cameras-but not household cleaners and detergents.(2)Recently, however, P&G broke with this long-standing tradition. Ariel, a P&G laundry detergent, was bom overseas,and is a familiar sight on store shelves in Europe and Latin America Now bilingual

53、 packages of Ariel Ultra, a superconcentrated cleaner, are appearing on supermarket shelves in Los Angeles. (3)Ariers appearance in the United Statesreflects demographic changes making Hispanics the nations fastest growing ethnic group. Ariel is a hit with thispopulation. In fact, manyMexican immigr

54、ants living in Southern California have been importing Ariel from Tijuana,Mexico. Hispanics knew this product and wanted it, says P&G spokeswoman Marie Salvado.We realized thatwe couldnt convince them to buy our otherlaundry detergents. P&Ghopes that non-Hispanic consumers will give Ariel a

55、try too. (4)Ariels already strong presencein Europe may provide a springboard for the company to expand into other markets as well. Recently, P&G boughtRakona, Czechs top detergent maker. Ariel, currently a top seller in Germany, is likely to be one of the first new brandsto appear in Czech supe

56、rmarkets. And Ariel is not the only foreign idea that the company hopes to transplant back to itshome territory. Cinch, an all-purpose spray cleaner similar to popular European products, is currently beingtest-marketed in California and Arizona. Traditionally Americans have used separate cleaners fo

57、r different types ofsurfaces, but market research shows that American preferences are becoming more like those in other countries.(5)Insiders note that this new reverse flow of innovation reflects more sweeping changes at Procter & Gamble. The firmhas hired manynew Japanese, German, and Mexican

58、managers who view P&Gs business not as a one-way flow ofAmerican ideas, but a two-way exchange with other markets. Say Bonita Austin of the investment firm WertheimSchroeder, When you met with P&Gs top managers years ago, you wouldnt have seen a single foreign face. Today,they could even be

59、in the majority. (6)As Procter & Gamble has found, the United States is no longer an isolatedmarket. Americans are more open than ever before to buying foreign-made products and to selling U.S.-made productsoverseas. (分数: 4.00 )(1)_.According to the passage, Ariel . (分数: 2.00 )A. has been the be

60、st seller in CzechB. is an all-purpose spray cleanerC. has not enjoyed popularity in the USVD. is a home-made product in the US解析:解析:根据题干的 Ariel 及各选项内容定位到第 2 至 4 段。第 2 段指出,艾瑞尔 (Ariel) 是海外研发 的产品,在欧洲和拉美十分畅销,但刚在加州市场出现;第 3 段提到,艾瑞尔很受西班牙裔居民喜爱;宝 洁公司希望其他非西班牙裔居民也能使用该产品。据此分析,艾瑞尔在美国本土还没有流行,C 为本题答案。根据第 4 段第 3 句“艾瑞尔很可能出现在捷克超市”可知A 与原文不符;文中的多功能喷雾洗涤剂是“新奇”并非“


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