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1、作文提要作文提要提纲提纲调查对象和内容调查对象和内容观点一及理由观点一及理由观点二观点二及理由及理由你的观点你的观点 典例典例学生会对一百名学生进行幸福观的调查,结果学生会对一百名学生进行幸福观的调查,结果如下:如下:比例比例观点观点理由理由32%财富就是幸福财富就是幸福可以购买自己想要的一切可以购买自己想要的一切45%拥有健康就是幸福拥有健康就是幸福可以享受一切可以享受一切23%拥有知识就是幸福拥有知识就是幸福可以有一个光明前途可以有一个光明前途你的你的观点观点请根据以上信息用英语写一篇短文。请根据以上信息用英语写一篇短文。范文背诵范文背诵The Students Union made a

2、survey about what is happiness among 100 students of our school.32% of the surveyed students think wealth is happiness because they think they can buy anything if they have much wealth.On the other hand,45% of them think that they should be in good health so that they can enjoy whatever they like.Wh

3、ats more,the other 23% students believe that a man with muchknowledge,which will bring him a bright future,is the happiest.From the survey I know different people value happiness differently and as for me,my happiness exists in my study.考纲词汇考纲词汇1. n. 数据;统计数据;统计2. v.&n. 斗争,拼搏,努力斗争,拼搏,努力3. n. 产量,输

4、出产量,输出4. n.&v. 饥饿饥饿5. adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的引起烦恼的;令人不安的6. v. 使变大;伸展使变大;伸展statisticstruggleoutputhungerdisturbingexpand7. v. 循环;流传循环;流传circulate8. n.& v. 战役;战斗;搏斗;奋斗战役;战斗;搏斗;奋斗9. v. 摆脱;除去摆脱;除去10. adv. 因此;所以;因而因此;所以;因而11. v. 输出;出口输出;出口12. n. 发现,发觉发现,发觉13. n. 焦点;中心点焦点;中心点 v. 集中,聚焦集中,聚焦14. v. 减少;减缩减少;

5、减缩15. n. 评论;议论评论;议论 v. 表达意见,作出评论表达意见,作出评论battleridthereforeexportdiscoveryfocusreducecomment.词汇拓展词汇拓展1.confuse vt.使迷惑,使为难使迷惑,使为难 n.迷惑迷惑 adj.使人迷惑的使人迷惑的 adj.感到迷惑的感到迷惑的He was really by the problem which also other people for a long duction n.

6、生产,制造生产,制造 v.生产,制造生产,制造 n.生产商,制造者生产商,制造者In order to reduce costs,the car intended to the car in large duceproducerproductionproducerproduce3.equip v.配备,装备配备,装备 n.配备,装备配备,装备Our school offered good and your training here will you for your future job.equipmentequipmentequip4.regret n.&

7、; vt.懊悔,惋惜,遗憾懊悔,惋惜,遗憾 adj.后悔的,遗憾的后悔的,遗憾的 adj.无悔的,没有遗憾的无悔的,没有遗憾的 搭配搭配后悔已经做了某事后悔已经做了某事 搭配搭配遗憾地要去做某事遗憾地要去做某事The King always felt (regret),for he regretted (kill)the man who committed no crime at all.I regret (tell)you that my friend is ill.regretfulregretlessregret doing/having done sth.regret to do st

8、h. regretfulkillingto tell you1. 多亏,由于多亏,由于2. 摆脱,除去摆脱,除去3. 对对感到满意感到满意4. 宁愿,宁可宁愿,宁可5. 逐渐增强,建立逐渐增强,建立6. 导致;造成导致;造成(后果后果)thanks torid.ofbe satisfied withwould ratherbuild uplead to7. 集中集中(注意力,精力注意力,精力)于于8. 使使免受免受(影响,伤害等影响,伤害等); 使使不不含含(有害物有害物)9. 怀着怀着的希望的希望10. 使使免于免于focus onkeep.free from/of. with the ho

9、pe of doing sth. keep.free from11. 准备好做某事准备好做某事12. 根据根据be well equipped toaccording to选用上述词语填空选用上述词语填空Having anticipated the problems,I deal with the situation.The company has had a successful year, the improvement in export sales.I you met her at the airport tomorrow morning.He lacks confidence in

10、himself.Try to help him it .was well equipped to thanks towould ratherbuildupThe bank has offered a reward for any information the arrest of the men.Her mind was completely looking after her mother.leading tofocused on1.This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce onethird more of the cr

11、op in the same fields.这种特这种特殊的稻种使得在同样的田地中能多收获三分之一的殊的稻种使得在同样的田地中能多收获三分之一的产量。产量。句型结构句型结构make it possible to do使做使做(某事某事)成为可能,其中成为可能,其中it为形为形式宾语,真正的宾语为其后的动词不定式。式宾语,真正的宾语为其后的动词不定式。句型仿写句型仿写好天气使我们的国庆假期出游成为可能。好天气使我们的国庆假期出游成为可能。The fine weather during the National Day.多做练习使我们有可能考取好成绩。多做练习使我们有可能考取好成绩。makes i

12、t possible for us to go for anoutingDoing more exercises made it possible for us to get high marks.2.Using his hybrid rice,farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出的粮食是以前的两倍。用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出的粮食是以前的两倍。句型结构句型结构形容词原级形容词原级as.as.的前面可以用倍数词的前面可以用倍数词(如如half,a quarter,twice,three

13、 times等等),意为,意为“是是的多少的多少倍倍”。句型仿写句型仿写卧室是厨房的两倍大。卧室是厨房的两倍大。The bedroom is the kitchen.我的头发比你长两倍。我的头发比你长两倍。 .twice as big asMy hair is twice as long as yours语句衔接语句衔接用上述句型翻译下列小片段。用上述句型翻译下列小片段。无论有多么困难,我都要尽力使我们有可能购买比我们无论有多么困难,我都要尽力使我们有可能购买比我们现在的房子大一倍的新家。现在的房子大一倍的新家。答案:答案:No matter how difficult it is,Ill t

14、ry my best to make it possible for us to buy a new house which is twice as large as the one we live in now. Yuan Longping,an ordinary person but famous scientist,has been working hard to increase rice harvest without expanding the area of the field,helping China as well as the world get rid of hunge

15、r.仔细阅读课文仔细阅读课文A Pioneer for All People,写出文章的主旨大,写出文章的主旨大意。意。答案:答案:根据课文内容用适当的词填空,使短文完整根据课文内容用适当的词填空,使短文完整(一空一词一空一词)。 John graduated from an agriculture college.But he was 1. (satisfy)to live a simple life,so he practised working the land in the sun every day and often got 2. .In order to get a higher

16、 output,he 3. very hard but often got exhausted.Firstly,he couldnt 4. his land of weeds.Secondly,whenever he put more 5. fertilizers into his fields,the yield wouldsatisfiedsunburntstruggledridchemical6. .He was so 7. that he had to often 8. to some books.9. to his efforts,he not only knew how to 10

17、. his crops with different minerals and nutrition,but also knew how to increase the rice harvests without11. (expand) the area of fields.Using his new method he can now produce twice as much 12. as before.He has also written a 13. about his work.He is willing to 14. his knowledge throughout China an

18、d 15. it with other experts !reduceconfusedreferThankssupplyexpandinggrainsummarycirculateexchangestruggle with/against 与与搏斗搏斗/斗争斗争struggle for sth./to do sth. 努力努力/争取争取struggle through the snowstorm 冒着暴风雪前进冒着暴风雪前进struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来1.struggle n.&vi.斗争,拼搏,努力斗争,拼搏,努力运用:完成下列句子。运用:完成

19、下列句子。They had to (与气候和与气候和野兽抗争野兽抗争).They had to (和各种各样和各种各样的困难作斗争的困难作斗争)She (挣扎着挣扎着想摆脱那个袭击她的人想摆脱那个袭击她的人).(经过长期努力经过长期努力),the old woman gained control of her business.答案:答案:struggle against weather and wild animalsstruggle with/against all kinds of difficultiesstruggled to get away from her attackerAf

20、ter a long struggle2.expand vt.&vi.使变大;伸展使变大;伸展expand into 把把扩展为扩展为expand on/upon 细说;阐述细说;阐述expansion n. 展开;膨胀;扩展展开;膨胀;扩展运用:完成下列句子。运用:完成下列句子。金属受热膨胀。金属受热膨胀。Heat .在写作课上,老师要求孩子们把一个句子扩展成一个在写作课上,老师要求孩子们把一个句子扩展成一个故事。故事。The teacher asked the children in the writing class.你能详细说一下你的观点吗?你能详细说一下你的观点吗?Could

21、 you please ?答案:答案:expands metalto expand a sentence into a storyexpand on your point of viewfocus on 集中集中(注意力、精力等注意力、精力等)于于focus ones attention on 集中注意力于集中注意力于focus ones mind on 把心思集中到把心思集中到上上3.focus n.焦点;中心点焦点;中心点 vt.集中;聚焦集中;聚焦运用:完成下列句子。运用:完成下列句子。作为学生,我们应把心思主要集中在功课上。作为学生,我们应把心思主要集中在功课上。As students

22、,we should .今天,我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题。今天,我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题。Today were going to of homeless people.把注意力集中在你的工作上。把注意力集中在你的工作上。your work.答案:答案:focus our minds mainly on our lessonsfocus on the problemFocus your attention on4.reduce v.减少;降低;缩小减少;降低;缩小(尺寸,数量,价格等尺寸,数量,价格等)reduction n. 降低,减少降低,减少reduce/fall/drop by.

23、减少了减少了reduce/fall/drop to. 减少到减少到运用:用适当的介词填空。运用:用适当的介词填空。Its said that prices of oil will be increased more than 7 yuan.Because of the pressure from people,housing prices have reduced 10% since the beginning of this year.答案:答案:toby5.therefore adv.因此,所以;因而因此,所以;因而和和therefore意义相近的还有:意义相近的还有:thus(因而因而)

24、,consequently(所以所以),accordingly(因此因此),as a result(结果结果)等。等。运用:完成下列句子。运用:完成下列句子。我们的人口在增长,因此我们需要更多的食物。我们的人口在增长,因此我们需要更多的食物。We have a growing population and we need more food.你的信息不准确,所以你的结论是错误的。你的信息不准确,所以你的结论是错误的。Your information is inaccurate and .已经相当晚了,所以我们决定离开。已经相当晚了,所以我们决定离开。It was already rather

25、late; we decide to leave.因此,成本将会降低因此,成本将会降低90%之多。之多。,costs will be reduced by as much as 90%.答案:答案:thereforeyour conclusion is therefore wrongthusAs a result6.thanks to由于,多亏由于,多亏说明:是介词短语,在句中作原因状语,常置于句首说明:是介词短语,在句中作原因状语,常置于句首或句末。或句末。thanks to含有感激之意。含有感激之意。because of 因为;由于因为;由于owing to 由于,因由于,因的缘故的缘故a

26、s a result of 作为作为的结果,由于的结果,由于due to 因为,由于因为,由于on account of 由于由于for the reason of 由于由于的原因的原因运用:选用上述词语填空。运用:选用上述词语填空。I stopped the car very quickly the good brakes.,we accomplished the task in time.His successes were largely luck.答案:答案:thanks toThanks to your helpdue to7.rid.of摆脱;除去摆脱;除去 get rid of摆

27、脱,除去摆脱,除去运用:运用:写出下列句中划线部分的意思。写出下列句中划线部分的意思。You must rid yourself of these oldfashioned ideas.Paul finally rid himself of debt.Bad habits are hard to get rid of.答案:答案:摆脱这些陈腐观念的束缚摆脱这些陈腐观念的束缚还清了债务还清了债务改掉改掉8.be satisfied with(be content with)对对感到满意感到满意运用:完成下列句子。运用:完成下列句子。她从来不满足于现状。她从来不满足于现状。Shes never t

28、he present situation.你对他的解释满意吗?你对他的解释满意吗?Are you ?答案:答案:satisfied withsatisfied with his explanation9.build up逐渐增强;建立;开发逐渐增强;建立;开发运用:写出下列句中划线部分的意思。运用:写出下列句中划线部分的意思。You need more protein to build you up.Im very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually building up.答案:答案:使你强壮使你强壮在逐渐增长在逐渐增长10.lead

29、to导致;造成导致;造成(后果后果);通向;通向result in导致,引起导致,引起(某种结果某种结果)运用:写出句中划线部分的意思。运用:写出句中划线部分的意思。His carelessness led to the accident.This road leads to that mountain village.Einstein did many experiments,which led him to this conclusion.答案:答案:导致导致通向通向使他得出了这个结论使他得出了这个结论11.keep.free from.使使免受免受(伤害伤害);使;使不含不含(有有害物害

30、物)运用:完成下列句子运用:完成下列句子我们把书放进书柜以避免落上灰尘。我们把书放进书柜以避免落上灰尘。We put our books in a bookcase .我们必须尽力使这条河流免受污染。我们必须尽力使这条河流免受污染。We must try our best .这是能让你远离疾病的最好方法。这是能让你远离疾病的最好方法。That is the best way .答案:答案:to keep them free from dustto keep the river free from pollutionto keep you free from sickness角色扮演角色扮演(七

31、七) In this part,you are required to act as a role and complete communicative tasks:listen to the conversation,ask three questions and then answer five questions. 情景:你在一家报社采访一位编辑,然后在电台一热情景:你在一家报社采访一位编辑,然后在电台一热线节目中回答听众提出的相关问题。线节目中回答听众提出的相关问题。角色:你是电台主持人。角色:你是电台主持人。任务:任务:(1)向采访者提有关编辑工作的问题;向采访者提有关编辑工作的问题

32、;(2)根据采访内容回答热线中听众提出的有关问题。根据采访内容回答热线中听众提出的有关问题。生词:生词:publications发表的刊物发表的刊物Now,please listen to the conversation carefully. Now,please get ready to ask the following three questions in English.Q1:你认为成为一名优秀的编辑最需要的是什么?:你认为成为一名优秀的编辑最需要的是什么? (30)A1:Listen to answer 1.Q2:作为编辑,当前最大的挑战是什么?:作为编辑,当前最大的挑战是什么?

33、(30)A2:Listen to answer 2.Q3:编辑一篇文章的基本步骤是什么?:编辑一篇文章的基本步骤是什么? (30)A3:Listen to answer 3. Now,please get ready to answer the following five questions.Q4:Listen to question 4.A4: (20)Q5:Listen to question 5.A5: (20)Q6:Listen to question 6.A6: (20)Q7:Listen to question 7.A7: (20)Q8:Listen to question 8.

34、A8: (20)录音材料及答案:录音材料及答案:M:Whats your name?W:My name is Lucy King.M:What is your job here in the newspaper?W:Im an editor.M:An editor?What does an editor do?W:Well,I write articles for the newspaper,and I also edit others articles.M:What time do you start work?W:I start work at about 4 p.m.M:What tim

35、e do you go home?W:I go home.You know,when a paper is done,you usually have to work until 1 30 in the morning.M:Do you like working at nights?W:Yes,I like working at nights because I dont have to wake up in the morning.Question 1:What do you think is mostly needed to make a good editor?Answer 1:I th

36、ink a good editor should be very sensitive to the material he has got.The other editors should act it in the same way,but good editors are the ones who really respond differently each time.Question 2:As an editor,what is the biggest challenge for you at present?Answer 2:To be frank,there are a few c

37、ompetitions going on in the field of newspapers,so the biggest challenge for me at present is to offer more attractive news articles to our readers and in turn help increase our newspaper sales.Question 3:What basic steps are there for editing an article?Answer 3:Basically,we cover four steps for ed

38、iting an article.First,read the article and determine whether this article will be attractive to our readers.Second,correct any grammatical or spelling mistakes in the article.Third,do some fact checking by researching other national and international publications.Lastly,pass the article to the copy

39、 editors for a final check.Question 4:According to Lucy King,what does an editor do?Answer 4:An editor not only writes articles,but also edits others articles.Question 5:Why does Lucy King like working at nights?Answer 5:Because she doesnt have to wake up in the morning.Question 6:What is a good edi

40、tor like?Answer 6:A good editor should be very sensitive to the material he has got.Question 7:What is the first basic step for editing an article?Answer 7:It is to read the article and determine whether this article will be attractive to the readers.Question 8:What is the last basic step for editin

41、g an article?Answer 8:It is to pass the article to the copy editors for a final check.英语写作中的惯用句型英语写作中的惯用句型(一一) 在英语中,有很多惯用句型和结构,而高考又要求用在英语中,有很多惯用句型和结构,而高考又要求用它们来写作,为此从本单元起,将介绍一些英语的惯用句它们来写作,为此从本单元起,将介绍一些英语的惯用句型和结构。型和结构。句型句型1It must be pointed out that.必须指出的是必须指出的是 It must be pointed out that it is one

42、 of our basic State policies to control population growth.必须指出的是:控制人口增长是我国的一项基本国策。必须指出的是:控制人口增长是我国的一项基本国策。句型句型2It must be kept in mind that.必须记住的是必须记住的是It must be kept in mind that there is no other secret of success but hard work.必须牢记:除了艰苦劳动,成功没有别的秘密。必须牢记:除了艰苦劳动,成功没有别的秘密。句型句型3As is known to all.大家都

43、知道大家都知道As is known to all,knowledge is power.大家都知道,知识就是力量。大家都知道,知识就是力量。句型句型4It is hard to say.很难说很难说Its hard to say whether the plan is practical.很难说这个计划是否实用。很难说这个计划是否实用。句型句型5There is no doubt that.毫无疑问毫无疑问There is no doubt that you will be helped by others if you have any difficulties.毫无疑问,如果你有困难,你会得到别人的帮助的。毫无疑问,如果你有困难,你会得到别人的帮助的。句型句型6To tell the truth.说实话说实话To tell the truth,many mistakes we made could have been avoided.说实话,我们犯的很多错误本来是可以避免的。说实话,我们犯的很多错误本来是可以避免的。句型句型7As we know.我们知道我们知道As we know,it was not until recently that the prob


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