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1、2006年二、 单项选择。(本题共15分,每小题1分)2125 BAACB 2630 ACABA 3135 BABBC 三、 完形填空。(本题共10分,每小题1分)3640 CBABC 4145 CBCBA四、 阅读理解。(本题共20分,每题1分)(A)4650 ACBAA (B)5155 BACCB (C)5660 ABBBA (D)6165 CCABA五、 任务性阅读。(本题共10分,每小题1分)(A)66.explorer 67.allowing 68.bought 69.videos 70.carefully(B)71.die 72.shore 73.Both 74.and 75.Po

2、llution六、 交际应用。(本题共10分,每小1分)(A)7680 BECFA (B)81.help 82.prefer 83.on 84.small/smaller 85.cost七、 阅读表达。(本题10分)(A)阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。(本题共5分,每小题1分)86.Name 87.After 88.selling 89.water 90.Life(B)根据所给信息写出5个句子。(本题共5分,每个句子1分)91.Hu Xin put the money in the bank./92.Li Lei gave away the money(gave the money

3、 away)to the people in trouble./93.Lin Tao travelled to Beijing(with the money)./94.Du Hui bought some books(with the money)./95.Dirrerent students did different things with the money.We should learn to spend money in the right way(s)./We shouldnt waste money./八、 书面表达。(本题共15分)(一)评分原则:1.考生可根据所提供的信息材料


5、误13个扣1分,3个以上扣2分,其它的酌情处理。(三)给分范围:一等文:(1215分)观点明确,论述充分、深刻,结构完整、语句精彩、首尾呼应、意思连贯、语言流畅、语法准确、符合逻辑、可读性强,能够突出体现英语语言表述能力。二等文:(911分)观点明确、内容较完整、语言较流畅、表达较清晰、首尾呼应、语言有少量语法错误、可读性较好。三等文:(68分)内容不够完整,语言表达不够清楚,有多处语法错误,语句比较单调。四等文:(05分)基本不成文。2008参考答案一、听力测试 听录音, 每题读两遍。I. 15 BAABB1. Lucy likes to ask questions in class. 2.

6、 The sun is shining. And the birds are singing. What a bright and beautiful world!3. Students like swimming in the pool during their summer holidays. 4. The panda is one of the most popular animals in the world. Its a national treasure of China. 5. Dont throw away rubbish everywhere. We should keep

7、our environment clean. II. 610 BCCAB6. W: Excuse me, I cant start my car. Would you please give me a hand?M: Sorry, Ill have to be at the doctors in five minutes, and Im late. W: But itll only take a moment. M: Oh, well. OK, where is it?Q: What will the man do first? 7. M: Ive just bought this

8、coat on sale. I paid only $200 for it. What do you think of it?W: Its very nice, but my daughter bought the same thing for half the price. Q: How much did the womans daughter pay for her coat? 8. M: Hello! May I speak to John, please?W: Sorry, he isnt at home. He has gone to the library. Whos t

9、hat speaking?M: This is his classmate. Q: Whos making a telephone call to John? 9. M: Hi, Lucy. Whats that on the desk?W: A Chinese book. Im learning Chinese. M: When did you start to learn Chinese?W: I started to learn it two years ago. Q: How long has Lucy studied Chinese? 10. M: Excuse

10、me, which subject is your favorite?W: I like drawing. Its my favorite. M: I hope to see your pictures as soon as possible. Q: Whats the girls favorite subject?III. 1115 CCACAW: What are you doing now, Dad?M: Im learning English on TV. W: What are you doing that for? Youre only a taxidriver. Is it us

11、eful for you to learn English?M: Yes. As we know, the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. When that day comes, if I know much English, I will drive my taxi to give welcomes and help friends from all over the world. W: Oh, you are really great!M: Lets try our best to learn English well, OK

12、?W: OK. IV. 1620 CBCCAHere are some pieces of advice on how to talk with your parents. First, try to start your talk with something fun. This will make talking easier. For example, ask your parents questions about their health. What are they doing with their work? They love this. Second, make it cle

13、ar what you want to tell your parents. If they have something to say, let them finish. Ask them to do the same for you. Third, dont be cheating with your parents about what youre really thinking. Fourth, if your parents dont understand, thats QK. It doesnt mean they dont love you or they are not try

14、ing to. Sometimes you have to explain things to them again or in a different way. If there are still things to talk about, set up a time with them to talk about them next time. (from )二、单项选择(本题共15分, 每小题 1 分)2125 ACBCC 2630 ABBBA 3135 CCBBC三、完形填空(本题共 10 分. 每小题 1 分)3640 BCBAB 4 145 CBABC四、阅读理解(本题共 20

15、分, 每小题 1 分)4650 BCABA 5155 CBAAB 5660 ABBBA 6165 ACCCB五、任务性阅读(本题共 10 分, 每空 1 分)66. their 67. differences 68. express 69. special 70. Taking71. crowd 72. wooden 73. so 74. that 75. Traffic noise六、交际应用(本题共 10 分, 每空 1 分)7680 FGBEA 81. not 82. such 83. of 84. when 85. we七、阅读表达(本题共 10 分)(A) 86. decision

16、87. shops 88. quick 89. Cause 90. using(B) 略八、书面表达 略2009答案I1-5CABBA 1ItS OUr duty to plant trees 2I bought a coat last week and I like it very much 3Tomatoes are my favourite vegetable 4Mike was swimming at this time yesterday 5Tom and Li Lei will play foothall after sch001II6-10BCCBA 6 M:Wich anima

17、l do you like best? W:You can guessIt has black and white eyesIt likes eating bamboo Q:WhatS the womanS favourite animal?7 W:Wbuld you go to the park by bus or on foot? M:1 would rather go there on foot than by busYou seeitS Sunday today and it is very crowded on the busBesides,it is a fine day toda

18、y Q:How will the man go to the park?8 W:Excuse mehow can I get to the museum? M:Walk along this road and turn right at the second crossingItS beside the hospital Q:Where does the woman want to go?9 M:Can I help you? W:Yes。Im looking for a dress M:What color would you like? W:I like blue best Q:What

19、color would the woman like?10W:Will you be free tomorrow? M:Yes W:How about seeing a movie togethor? M:Great!W1len and where shall we meet? W:Outside Wanda Cinema at twenty to ten in the morning M:,11lat would be fine Q:When will tlley meet?III1 115CAABB M:Look!ItS snowing!Je out!ItS snowing!

20、W:No,it cant beItS not winter yet M:Go with me to have a lookNow,do you believe me? W:YesYoure rightBut it snows a lot hereItS nothing exciting M:But exciting for meItS the first time Ive seen SO much snowI cant tell you how happy I alIL W:I seeYou must come from tIle south M:YesIt never snows in my hometownI dreamed of making snowmen when 1 was young W:Why not do it now? M:Good ideaLetS make a snowman nowIV1 6-20BCAAB二、单项选择(本题共15分每小题1分) 2125BCBCA 2630BCCAB 31-35ACCBB三、完型填空(本题共lO分。每小题1分) 3640ABAAC 4l45BAABC四


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