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1、 Lesson Eightcompetitionfootball competition basketball competitionboxing competition compete kmpi:t vi. 竞争;比赛;对抗竞争;比赛;对抗compete against pete with sb.Compete vi.比赛;竞争比赛;竞争 competitor n.比赛者比赛者;竞争者竞争者competitive adj.竞争的竞争的;有竞争力的有竞争力的 compete for 竞争以获得竞争以获得compete with/against sb. for sth. 为得到某物与某人竞争为得

2、到某物与某人竞争compete in (a game, a match) 参加;在参加;在方面竞争方面竞争1.He believed that nobody could compete _him. 2.More than 1,000 _took part in the _ to _the first prize. 1000多名选手参加了争夺一等奖的比赛。多名选手参加了争夺一等奖的比赛。3.He _ two Olympics. 他已经参加过两届奥运会了。他已经参加过两届奥运会了。with/againstcompetitorscompetition compete forhas competed

3、inwooden adj.v-en型后缀-形容词后缀、动词后缀vwood + en= woodenvwool + en = woolen vgold + en = goldenvsilk + en = silkenvash + en = ashenvwax + en = waxen vpool 人工的 水池 swimming pool vpond 天然的 池塘Questions:v1. Who has the best garden in the town? v2. Whose garden is more interesting, Joes or Bills ? Why?v3. What a

4、bout the writers garden?Joe Sanders has the best garden in the town.Joes. because he has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.The writers garden is always the worst garden in the town.nearly & almostn两者在肯定句中可以互换.n与否定词连用通常用almost. Almost no one believed her.Nearly everybody e

5、nters for The Nicest Garden Competition each year, but Joe wins every time. enter enter for nenter vt.&vi.进入,走进 enter+地点名词 Before entering the bathroom, he emptied his dirty laundry into the hamper (洗衣筐). Always knock at the door before you enter.nenter for 报名参加(各种竞赛,考试等活动)报名参加(各种竞赛,考试等活动) 强调报强调

6、报名名 enter for the exam / competitiontake part in 真正的参加nEvery year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!every & eachn当两者作为形容词时:当两者作为形容词时:n一般可以互换一般可以互换 Each/Every time I watch a romantic movie, I cry.n each强调个体,指确定而有限的数目强调个体,指确定而有

7、限的数目 Each man in the office was questioned.nevery强调整体,指大的、不确定的数目强调整体,指大的、不确定的数目 Every child enjoys New Years Day.只有each作代词Each of us has an notebook. Our teacher had a talk with each of them.辨析:辨析:defeat / beat/ win /conquerndefeat和beat 宾语必须是人或一个集体,如a team, a class, an school, an army。defeat尤指在战场上打败

8、敌人;beat是游戏、比赛的专门用词。nWe beat their team by 10 points. n我们赢了他们队十分。 nIn the end their army was defeat.n 最后他们的部队被击(打)败。 win a prize for 因为因为而获奖而获奖nwin表示在较强的竞争中取得胜利,它常跟的宾语有game, war, prize, fame, battle等。nThey won the battle but lost many men. nconquer(用武力)征服; 攻克难关nMan can conquer nature. n人定胜天。nModern m

9、edical science has conquered many diseases. n现代医学征服了许多疾病。 选词填空(选词填空(beat/defeat/conquer/win) Some countries may be but can never be .Who is the drum鼓?He the first prize in the writing contest.defeated conqueredbeatingwonnBill works harder than Joe and grow more flowers and vegetables.grow vt. 种植种植:

10、grow sth; grow flowers vi. 生长: sth. grow; flowers are growing 形容词比较级和最高级的构成形容词比较级和最高级的构成构成方法原级比较级最高级单音节单词一般在词尾加-er,-esttallsmalltallersmallertallestsmallest在以字母e结尾的形容词后加-r -stnicelargenicerlargernicestlargest在以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词后,先改y为i再加-er,-estheavyhappyheavierhappierheaviesthappiest重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,先双写辅音

11、字母再加-er-estbigslimbiggerslimmerbiggestslimmest有些构成是不规则的:vgood/well bad/ill vmany/much little vfar vfarther:距离上的远和更远vfurther:程度上的更进一步vfurthermore 更有甚者;而且vold volder 比大 Your bag is older than mine. velder 做定语定语修饰其他名词velder sister (年长的)姐姐.形容词比较级v1. 二者比,标志thanv2.比较级+and+比较级,或者, more and more 表示“越来越”v3.t

12、he+比较级, the+比较级 “越越”The + 比较级 + 主谓,the + 比较级 + 主谓v你吃的越多,你越胖。 The more you eat , the fatter you will be. The more,the better.The sooner,the better.我越认识他,就越喜欢他.The more I know him,the more I like him.n4. 在比较级 + than 的结构前可以加上某些副词类和表示倍数的词,以对其进行修饰,如:far ,even ,much ,still ,a lot ,a little / bit (一 点),rat

13、her (相当地),three times (三倍、)nThis book is far more interesting than that one.v 这本书比那一本有趣多了。 v 你一直比我工作得努力多了。你一直比我工作得努力多了。 vYouve been working much harder than I have. v她来得甚至比我叫她来的时间还要早她来得甚至比我叫她来的时间还要早。vShe came even earlier than I asked (him to). 形容词最高级形容词最高级v1.三者或三者以上范围三者或三者以上范围“the”不能少不能少v2.常用句型常用句型

14、 v one of +最高级最高级v One of _(beautiful) garden is Joesv .+ that I have ever seen.v This is _(interesting) book that I have ever seen.v in、of 引导的表范围的介词短语: vHe is the tallest in our class.v I am the oldest among all of you.the most beautifulthe most interestingv用比较级的形式表达最高级的意思。用比较级的形式表达最高级的意思。常在比较状语中用常

15、在比较状语中用any ,other , else 类的字类的字眼。眼。vHe is taller than anyone else in our class.v他在我们班比其他任何都高。他在我们班比其他任何都高。 v Iron is more useful than any other metal. v铁比其他任何金属更有作用。铁比其他任何金属更有作用。 Do some exercises同义句转换同义句转换1.Peter draws well, Lily draws better. Lily draws _ of the two.2.The tractor goes faster than

16、the bike. The bike goes _ _ than the tractor.His cakes dearer than the twins cakes. His cake is _ _ of the three.bettermore slowlythe dearest1.Mother gets up in my family.A.early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earlier2. The next morning Jenny got up even .A.early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest3. Emily sings of the five girls.A.good B. well C. better D. best4. In fact, Delia is a little than her elder sister.A.tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest5. Of all the stars th


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