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1、SHANG HAI XI SHI LUOWEN HUA活力唐宋 集市行乐SHANG HAI XI SHILUO WEN HUA春夏主题展SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGN在当今时代,日新月异,全球经济化的快速发展,科技创新的推动,人们越来越重视经济发展,力求 与时俱进,跟上时代的潮流,但是我们也不能忘记中华民族的优秀传统文化。有很多传统文化被慢慢遗 忘,我们希望通过美陈的方式,用现代设计相融合,打造趣味的美陈,让人民在趣味的古代生活场景下拍照打卡,同时也能让人们了解中华传统文化的精髓。东方之韵 传统文化新篇章我在唐宋过假期SHANG HAI XI SHI LU

2、O WEN HUADESIGNIn todays era, with the rapid development of global economy and the promotion of scientific and technological innovation, people pay more and more attention to economic development, strive to keep pace with the times and keep up with the trend of the times, but we can not forget the e

3、xcellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation.现代时尚SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGNIn the fast-paced development of modern people, aesthetic and fashion are constantly developing, and have evolved into a sense of pursuing the trend of freshness.在现代人快节奏的发展审美与时尚不停的 发展,而已经演化成了一种追求潮流新鲜 感的意识。风格也是百花

4、齐放,现代时代 美学也越来越受人们所喜爱。古典美学中国拥有五千年的历史与文化传统,每一 个朝代的文化作品都是它悠久历史的再现 和演绎,都融入了太多的历史内容。在历 史长河中,有些文化辉煌过,也落寞过, 都应该是值得当代中国人应该自豪与传承 的。China has 5000 years of history and cultural tradition. The cultural works of each dynasty are the reproduction and deduction of its long history, and they are all integrated wit

5、h too much historical content.2021 春夏美陈一次新潮时尚与传统文化的碰撞2020-2021 中华传统文化的强大的流量文化综艺节目和电视机的走红,带来了一波收视热潮,秀独占综艺节目市场的格局,让人们认识到了中国文化所蕴含的人文情 怀和无限魅力,同时也让人们看到了文化综艺节目发展的巨大潜力。At the same time, it also makes people see the great potential of the development of cultural variety shows.SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADES

6、IGNIn the fast-paced development of modern people, aesthetic and fashion are constantly developing, and have evolved into a sense of pursuing the trend of freshness.唐宋接近500年的历史,也是代表华夏最繁华的时代中国历史上最辉煌的一 段时期,它所创造的灿烂文化,至今还闪耀着熠熠光辉,并将作为民族遗产精华的 部分,长久地被后人传扬。唐宋的科技、医药、建筑、文学、艺术、音乐、游艺 体育等方面的发展都达到了很高的水平。人文 艺术 审美

7、思想最繁荣的时代时代背景:唐 宋中国唐宋古人的精致生活物不在华丽,只要悦目就好。一室之雅不在高广,只要舒心就好。愿你也能拥有 闲情雅致,滋养一生闲情。雅A room of things is not gorgeous, as long as the eye is good. The elegance of a room is not high and wide, but comfortable. May you have an elegant room to nourish your leisure life.SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGN2021 春夏美

8、陈2021 春夏美陈爱“运动”的唐宋人春和景明活力唐宋爱“生活”的唐宋人爱“穿搭”的唐宋人A room of things is not gorgeous, as long as the eye is good. The elegance of a room is not high and wide, but comfortable. May you have an elegant room to nourish your leisure life.洋气的古人告诉你什么才是真正的“时尚 、会玩”SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGN古人见的春游娱乐运动项目围棋SH

9、ANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGN风筝蹴鞠捶丸射箭唐宋拥有绚丽多姿、丰富多彩的体育活动,是中国古代文明的重要组成部分。洋气的古人告诉你什么才是真正的“城会玩”A room of things is not gorgeous, as long as the eye is good. The elegance of a room is not high and wide, but comfortable. May you have an elegant room to nourish your leisure life.爱“运动”的唐宋人From the Tang D

10、ynasty, traditional culture, music and dance were inherited and carried forward, which formed the third peak period after the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty.古人也是爱生活有“调性”,从唐朝开始继承发扬传统文化音乐与舞蹈,兼蓄并收,形成了继西周、西汉之后的第三个高峰时期。 唐代宫廷乐舞(唐宫乐舞)分为五大类,一是享宴乐舞,二是清商乐舞,三是周边少数民族乐舞,四是散乐百戏,五是祭祀所用的 雅乐。享宴乐舞中,

11、一部分是前代所留,一部分是唐代所作。爱“生活”的唐宋人SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGN云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。若非群玉山头见,会向瑶台月下逢。李白清平调正如李白的诗句懂潮流的古人才是会穿搭的王者以绮罗(衣)、琳琅(饰)、粉黛(妆容)、髻鬟(发式),一一考证分 述当时各类妆束的名称、款式和组合搭配,并讲述妆束时尚乃至具体的一 衣一饰背后的故事。对服饰妆容的审美与创新也成为盛世大唐最为靓丽的一道风景,引领着世界潮流The aesthetic and innovation of dress and adornmentIt has also become t

12、he most beautiful scenery in Tang Dynasty, leading the world trend爱“穿搭”的唐宋人SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGN2021 春夏美陈SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGN一次新潮时尚与传统文化的碰撞结合上述介绍的唐宋的传统文化 我们结合当代的设计手法创新设计Combined with the traditional culture of Tang and Song Dynasty introduced above, we combine the contempo

13、rary design techniques to innovate the design对唐宋古人的服饰妆容融合现代的审美与配色进行二次创新,既传承了唐宋特色文化也将现代美融合展示,呈现古风韵味和现代审美的碰撞成果。The costume and make-up of the ancients of Tang and Song Dynasties combined with modern aesthetics and color matching for secondary innovation, which not only inherited the characteristic cul

14、tureof Tang and Song Dynasties, but also integrated and displayed modern beauty, presenting the collision results of ancient charm and modern aesthetics.对唐宋古人的服饰妆容融合现代的审美与配色进行二次创新,既传承了唐宋特色文化也将现代美融合展示,呈现古风韵味和现代审美的碰撞成果。The costume and make-up of the ancients of Tang and Song Dynasties combined with mo

15、dern aesthetics and color matching for secondary innovation, which not only inherited the characteristic cultureof Tang and Song Dynasties, but also integrated and displayed modern beauty, presenting the collision results of ancient charm and modern aesthetics.场景展示A room of things is not gorgeous, a

16、s long as the eye is good. The elegance of a room is not high and wide, but comfortable. May you have an elegant room to nourish your leisure life.2021 春夏美陈SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGN场景展示整体为突出春夏气氛采用水蓝色作为主色调,结合唐宋 的“雅”营造舒心雅致的互动dp点A room of things is not gorgeous, as long as the eye is good. The

17、 elegance of a room is not high and wide, but comfortable. May you have an elegant room to nourish your leisure life.SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGN风筝+唐诗宋词(拍照打卡)入场门头(拍照打卡)蹴鞠(互动体验)捶丸(互动体验)剑坊(互动体验)唐宋歌舞(拍照打卡)围棋(互动体验)场景展示SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGN场景展示SHANG HAI XI SHI LUO WEN HUADESIGN整体为突出春夏气

18、氛采用水蓝色作为主色调,结合唐宋的“雅”营造舒心雅致的互动dp点A room of things is not gorgeous, as long as the eye is good. The elegance of a room is not high and wide, but comfortable. May you have an elegant room to nourish your leisure life.场景展示唐朝时期,由于帝王的喜爱及其他各方面的原因,使得围棋活动在当时得到了巨大的发展,并风靡全国。当时的围棋活动已经远 远超出了其最初的军事价值,而成为一种陶冶情操、愉悦

19、身心的娱乐活动,并为男女老少所接受。场景展示拍照打卡A room of things is not gorgeous, as long as the eye is good. The elegance of a room is not high and wide, but comfortable. May you have an elegant room to nourish your leisure life.唐宋名句诗词在隋唐时期以前,放风筝有意义的户外活动,目的是为了让人们放掉身上的晦气。也成为古代人们节日辟邪的一种护身符。当然,随着时光的流逝,放风筝早已经冲 去了旧时的巫术色彩,古人只

20、不过是借此表达了自己的美好愿望而已。A room of things is not gorgeous, as long as the eye is good. The elegance of a room is not high and wide, but comfortable. May you have an elegant room to nourish your leisure life.场景展示捶丸,是中国古代汉族球戏之一 前身是唐代马球中的步打球。当时的步打球类似现代的曲棍球,有较强的对抗性。到了宋朝,步打球由原来的同场对抗 性竞赛逐渐演变为依次击球的非对抗性比赛,球门改为球穴,名

21、称也随之改称为“步击”、“捶丸”。可互动体验捶丸的乐趣A room of things is not gorgeous, as long as the eye is good. The elegance of a room is not high and wide, but comfortable. May you have an elegant room to nourish your leisure life.场景展示唐宋射箭的兴起又在很大程度上影响着人们的娱乐内容和方式,丰富了人们的生活。射箭运动是唐代人才培养与选拔的主要内容A room of things is not gorgeou

22、s, as long as the eye is good. The elegance of a room is not high and wide, but comfortable. May you have an elegant room to nourish your leisure life.射出你的新年愿望场景展示场景展示周边可扩展为集市。摊位建议关于古风的物件,例如非遗文化物件、地方传统美食、文学作品、文创等。The surrounding area can be expanded into a market. The stalls suggest objects related

23、to antiquity, such as intangible cultural heritage objects, local traditional food, literary works, cultural creation, etc.场景展示周边可扩展为集市。摊位建议关于古风的物件,例如非遗文化物件、地方传统美食、文学作品、文创等。The surrounding area can be expanded into a market. The stalls suggest objects related to antiquity, such as intangible cultural heritage objects, local traditional food, literary works, cultural creation, etc.整体为突出春夏气氛采用水蓝色作为主色调,结合唐宋 的“雅


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