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1、Unit 1 Cultural RelicsUnit 1 Cultural Relicsrare adj.稀有的、珍稀的;空气稀薄的Heart attacks were extremelyrarein babies, he said. She collectsrareplants.It is rare for sb to do sth对于某人来说很难做到 It is rare for him not to make mistakes in his experiments.rarely难得的,不常(表否定) I rarely see him。She rarely goes there, _?do

2、es shevaluable adj. 贵重的,有价值的= of great valuevalue n. 价值 v. 珍视 I valued this photo because it recorded my old memories.invaluable=priceless 无价的valueless=worthless 无价值的译:这本书可能对于大多数人来说没什么价值,但对我却是无价之宝。survive 从幸存下来,幸免,比活得长This vase has survived for a long time.He survived the earthquake.He survived his

3、wife by 2 years.survival n(U). 生存,幸存The campaign will hopefully ensure thesurvivalof the tiger. survivor n(C). 幸存者There was only onesurvivorof the plane crash. 1. His parents died in the accidents, but he _. A. continued B. survived C. remained D. stayed2. There are concerns that the beggars in the

4、street may not _ the freezing winter. A. survive B. live C. ignore D. experience2 in search ofHe came to Shenzhen in search of a good job.他到深圳想找一份好工作。他到深圳想找一份好工作。He rushed into the room in search of his birthday gift.他冲进房间去找他的生日礼物。他冲进房间去找他的生日礼物。思考:思考:in search of 和和 search有什么区别?还有别的词或有什么区别?还有别的词或者短语

5、表示者短语表示“寻找寻找”吗?吗?寻找,介词短语做状语寻找,介词短语做状语in search of= searching for 介词短语做状语介词短语做状语search sb/sp v.搜查某人或某地搜查某人或某地search for=look for=seek (for) 寻找,找寻,动词短语寻找,找寻,动词短语search (sb/sp) for sth in search of = in the/ones search for 中的中的search是名词,意思是是名词,意思是“寻找寻找,搜寻搜寻”。 make a search for 搜查搜查 search vi. 搜查搜查 sear

6、ch sb./ sp. 搜身或搜某地搜身或搜某地 search for 搜寻搜寻 search sb./ sp. for 搜身或搜某地以寻找搜身或搜某地以寻找 _ the Amber RoomIn search of4amaze 使惊讶 E.g. His behavior amazed me.amazing/amazedto ones amazement使惊讶的是be amazed at对感到惊奇in amazement 惊讶地E.g. He opened his mouth _. _ the news, he couldnt talk. _, he failed the exam.selec

7、t vt.精选,筛选 n. selectionselect指经过斟酌和淘汰,从许多中挑选出最合适的。choose 一般性的选择,可用于两者间的选择Exercise: 1. Come and help me_a good place for our camp. 2. Here are two paths to go. You must _ one.4 select He selected a beautiful gift for her mom.All the girls have been selected to take part in the party. Amy was selected

8、 as our monitor this morning.思考:思考:1 还有别的词表还有别的词表“选择选择”吗?吗?2 还有别的类似还有别的类似select .as.的短语吗?的短语吗? V,选择,选择 select sth for sb 为为.选择选择.V,选择,选择 select sb to do sth 选择选择.去做去做.V,选择,选择.做做. consider.as.; regard.as.; recognize.as., see.as., acknowledge.as.,; treat.as.;design v./n. 设计,布局,打算,制订E.g. They wanted to

9、designa machine that was both attractive and practical. This T-shirt is of good design.be designed for/to do 为而设计 E.g. This kind of telephone was designed for elder people.by design故意地,有意地by design = on purpose 有意地,故意地有意地,故意地反义词组:反义词组:by accident = by chance 偶然地,意外地偶然地,意外地 1. This bridge, which has

10、survived for centuries, was well _. A. designed B. design C. designing D. to design2. The course is _ to help students develop their speaking skills. A. selected B. pointed C. designed D. imaginedfancyadj. 奇特的;奇妙的、新颖的 fancy clothes/dress 奇装异服 fancy ideas 新奇的主意n. 喜爱I have a fancy for/ take a fancy to

11、 cartoon movies.V. fancy (sb./sb.s) doing sth. 想象(某人)做某事Sorry, I dont fancy going out tonight. I cant fancy him/his telling a lie. fancy oneself (as) sth. 自认为是;自命为 He fancies himself (as) an artist. fancy meeting/seeing you here! 想不到在这看见你。5 fancy The room was decorated in a fancy style, which amazed

12、 all of us.Do you fancy taking part in the concert tonight? She doesnt fancy the fancy style?I cant fancy your doing such a thing.思考:思考:还有别的词表还有别的词表“喜欢,想要喜欢,想要”吗?吗?adj,奇特的,异样的,奇特的,异样的 V,喜欢,想要,喜欢,想要. fancy (doing) sth V,想象,设想,想象,设想. fancy (doing) sth like, love, enjoy, want, be fond of, prefer to, ha

13、ve a preference for, have an appetite for, long for, be eagerdying for; feel like (doing) sth, desire.6 decorate The room was decorated in a fancy style, which amazed all of us.I want to decorate my room with a lot of flowers and balloons.The whole room was decorated with a lot of flowers and balloo

14、ns.Do you fancy this decoration style? V,装修,装饰,装修,装饰 V,装修,装饰,装修,装饰 decorate .with. 用用.装饰装饰. V,装修,装饰,装修,装饰 be decorated with. N,装修,装饰,装修,装饰 U; 装饰品装饰品C 7 belong to I strongly believe that Diaoyu Island belongs to China.Please take care of my belongings when I am away.辨析下列句子的正与误:辨析下列句子的正与误:1 The house

15、belonged to my uncle several months ago.2 The vase doesnt belong to anybody.3 The vase is belonged to our country.V,属于,隶属于,从属,属于,隶属于,从属,to是介词是介词 N,财产,所有,常用复数,财产,所有,常用复数 注意:注意:belong to 没有被动语态,也没有进行时没有被动语态,也没有进行时 8 in return He taught me English and I helped him with maths in return.I have no idea wh

16、at I could do in return for your help. 比较:比较:Please answer my questions in turn. 介词短语做状语,作为回报,报答介词短语做状语,作为回报,报答 介词短语做状语,作为对介词短语做状语,作为对.的回报,报答的回报,报答 介词短语做状语,依次,轮流介词短语做状语,依次,轮流 ,按顺序,按顺序 move v.移动,改变姿势,位置 搬家 感动 n. (行动、计划、下棋的)下一步remove v. 搬开、挪动 拿走、去掉、脱掉move/remove1. Dont _ or Ill fire!2. I cant _ the oi

17、l dirt from my shirt.3. I bought a new house and plan to _ next month.4. Toms story _ me greatly into tears.5. If you feel hot you can _ your coat.6. Tom, can you tell me whats your next _.doubt v. 怀疑、不信 I doubt it. I doubt whether/if he will keep his promise. I dont doubt that he is a good teacher.

18、n. 怀疑,疑惑 There is no doubt that. I have no doubt of his ability.doubt I have no doubt about it at all.I doubt whetherif he could work out the problem in such a short time.There is no doubt that we will win the game.辨析下列句子的正与误:辨析下列句子的正与误:1 I doubt that he will accept our invitation or not. 2 There is

19、 no doubt if he is an outstanding man. N,怀疑,疑问,怀疑,疑问 V,怀疑,质疑,怀疑,质疑 N,怀疑,疑问,怀疑,疑问 1. _ is no doubt _ one day a cure for cancer will be found. A. There; whether B. It; that C. There; that D. It; that2. His ability is _ any doubt. A. beyond B. of C. without D. outworth n. 价值 反义词:worthless 无价值的 be worth

20、 (doing) sth. E.g. This book is worth reading. worth 不可用very修饰,但可用well或really修饰,接动名词时用主动表被动含义,不可接不定式 E.g. This movie is really/well worth watching again.10 worth I strongly believe that the research work is of great worth.The necklace is worth 1000 dollars. The museum is worth visiting.思考:还有同等短语吗?思考

21、:还有同等短语吗? N,价值,价值 prep,值得,相当于,值得,相当于.的价值的价值 be worth sth prep,值得,相当于值得,相当于.的价值的价值 ,be worth doing 值得做,主表被值得做,主表被 1 be worth doing 主动表被动主动表被动2 be worthy of being done= be worthy to be done 需要被动需要被动3 Its worthwhile to do sth = Its worthwhile doing sth 用用It来做形式主语来做形式主语 Exercise:1. What do you think of

22、the novel? Excellent. Its worth _ a second time. A. to read B. read C. reading D. being read2. There occurred nothing that was_to be mentioned. A. worthless B. worth C. worthed D. worthy11 think highly of I dont think highly of him because he often lies.我对他评价不高,他经常撒谎。我对他评价不高,他经常撒谎。I think badly of h

23、im because he often lies.我对他评价不高,他经常撒谎。我对他评价不高,他经常撒谎。思考:之前讲过的近义词短语还有哪些?思考:之前讲过的近义词短语还有哪些?动词短语,盛赞,高度称赞,高度评价动词短语,盛赞,高度称赞,高度评价动词短语,对动词短语,对.评价不好评价不好很低很低高度评价:高度评价:think highly of; think much of; think well of; 评价很低:评价很低:think poorly of; think nothing ofdebate 意思是正式辩论,各抒己见。通常指在对立的两派或持有对立看法的人们之间就某一公开的问题进行争

24、论。e.g. They debated for over an hour on the choosing of the different systems.argue 暗示引证理由或证据来支持自己的观点、主张或看法, 强调“说理、论证、企图说服”。e.g. He argued her into playing the piano with him.2022-3-2218. remain (1) vi. 留下留下, 遗留遗留 I went to the city, but my brother remained at home. (2) link-verb. 后接后接n. /adj. /介词短语

25、介词短语/表位表位置的置的adv. My friend became a boss, but I remained a teacher. The death of the old man remained unknown. The problem remains to be discussed.Nothing remains but to send the invitation out. (只要只要就行了就行了)It only remains for me to sign the paper that you gave me. (某人所要做的只是某事某人所要做的只是某事)He bought a

26、 new book with the _ (剩下的剩下的) 40 yuan.=He bought a new book with the 40 yuan _. (剩下的剩下的) remainingleft考例考例1 Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health _ poor. A. proves B. remains C. maintains D. continues点拨点拨 remain 意为意为“仍然是仍然是”,后接形容词,后接形容词作表语。作表语。prove 证明;证明;maintain 维持;维持;continue 继续。继续。

27、考例考例2 It was already past midnight and only three young men _ in the tea house. A. left B. remained C. delayed D. deserted点拨点拨 remain 意为意为“停留停留; 逗留逗留”。delay 耽搁;耽搁;desert 遗弃。遗弃。 such + a/ an + adj. + n. 单数单数 such + adj. + n. U或或n. pl so + adj. + a/ an + n. 单数单数 so + adj./ adv. so many (few) + n. pl s

28、o much (little) + n. U such 与表示数量的形容词连用时,应放在此类与表示数量的形容词连用时,应放在此类词的后面词的后面:no such man, many such books be used to do sth. 被用来做被用来做 be used to doing sth. 习惯于做习惯于做 used to do sth. 过去常常做过去常常做Practice:The wood will _ tables.He is quite _ (live)with the farmers .She _ (come)a lot, but now we seldom see her. used to living be used to make used to comebe made into 被制成被制成be made of 用用制成制成(看得出原材料看得出原材料)be made from 用用制成制成(看不出原材料看不出原材料)be made for 为为而制作而制作be made up of 由由组成组成Ex. 用以上短语完成句子。用以上短语完成句子。1). A car _many different parts.2). The chair _wood.3). The wine _grapes.4).


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