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1、Are you fond of FASHION ?My answer is YES!LONDONFashionWeek Vitality, creativity and acme Vitality, creativity and acme Charm Charm this is once a year this is once a year of of London Fashion London Fashion W Weekeek. London is one of . London is one of the birthplaces with trends and ideas. the bi

2、rthplaces with trends and ideas. Here, designers who is scintillating Here, designers who is scintillating with wit will get full play, and the with wit will get full play, and the prosperous clothing designing is born. prosperous clothing designing is born. Both in the T stage, in the citys Both in

3、 the T stage, in the citys famous restaurants, bars, nightclubs famous restaurants, bars, nightclubs and street, even the whole city is and street, even the whole city is carrying on the splendid clothing carrying on the splendid clothing display.display.活力、创意与极致魅力这就是一年一度的伦敦时装周。伦敦是潮流创意发源地之一。在这里,才华横溢

4、的设计师得到尽情发挥,繁荣兴盛的服装设计业也得以诞生。无论是在T型台上,还是在城中的著名餐厅、酒吧、夜总会或是大街上,整个城市都在进行精彩的服装展示。 In 1943, due to the influence of the Second World War, the fashion designers have not been able to watch the French fashion show in Paris, New York fashion week in the United States emerge as the times require. It has also b

5、ecome the worlds oldest fashion week. Hold early, New York fashion week showed American designers, because their design has been neglected by the professional fashion reporters. Interestingly, fashion buyers initially were not allowed to watch the show, they could only go to designer showroom to vis

6、it. New York fashion week becomes successful, Vogue magazine which originally filled with French fashion report has started to increase on the American fashion industry report.19431943年,由于受第二次世界大战影响,时装业内人士无法到巴黎观看法国时装秀,年,由于受第二次世界大战影响,时装业内人士无法到巴黎观看法国时装秀,纽约时装周在美国应运而生。它也因此成为世界上历史最悠久的时装周。纽约时装周在美国应运而生。它也因

7、此成为世界上历史最悠久的时装周。举办初期,纽约时装周以展示美国设计师的设计为主,因为他们的设计一直被专举办初期,纽约时装周以展示美国设计师的设计为主,因为他们的设计一直被专业时装报道所忽视。有趣的是,时装买家最初不被允许观看时装秀,他们只能到业时装报道所忽视。有趣的是,时装买家最初不被允许观看时装秀,他们只能到设计师的展示间去参观。设计师的展示间去参观。纽约时装周逐渐取得成功,原本充斥着法国时装报道的纽约时装周逐渐取得成功,原本充斥着法国时装报道的时尚时尚VogueVogue杂志也开杂志也开始加大对美国时装业的报道。始加大对美国时装业的报道。 DO YOU KNOW JASON WU ? Mi

8、lan fashion week is one of the four famous international fashion weeks .In the four major fashion weeks,Milan fashion week rose latestly, but now it has come out on top, and brings together with top fashion industry figures, thousands of professional buyers from around the world, professional media

9、and style. The essence elements bring the world spread far from other business models can be compared. As the worlds 4 largest fashion weeks,Milan fashion week has still been considered a “barometer” of the world of fashion design and consumption.米兰时装周是国际四大著名时装周之一。在四米兰时装周是国际四大著名时装周之一。在四大时装周中,米兰时装周崛起

10、的最晚,但如今大时装周中,米兰时装周崛起的最晚,但如今却已独占鳌头,聚集了时尚界顶尖人物,上千却已独占鳌头,聚集了时尚界顶尖人物,上千家专业买手,来自世界各地的专业媒体和风格家专业买手,来自世界各地的专业媒体和风格潮流,这些精华元素所带来的世界性传播远非潮流,这些精华元素所带来的世界性传播远非其他商业模型可以比拟的。作为世界其他商业模型可以比拟的。作为世界4 4大时装周大时装周之一,意大利米兰时装周一直被认为是世界时之一,意大利米兰时装周一直被认为是世界时装设计和消费的装设计和消费的“晴雨表晴雨表”。Paris Fashion Week 巴黎时装周起源自1910年。17世纪开始,巴黎便一辈辈地

11、积攒下时装制作的好名声。早在19世纪末成立的法国时装协会,便一直致力于将巴黎作为世界时装之都的地位打造得坚如磐石这也是该协会的最高宗旨。他们帮助新晋设计师入行,组织并协调巴黎时装周的日程表,务求让买手和时尚记者尽量看全每一场秀。Paris fashion weekParis fashion week originated in 1910. Beginning in 17 Century, Paris will be a generation of the next fashion production accumulated a good reputation. Early in the en

12、d of the 19 Century establishment of the French Fashion Institute, has been dedicated to Paris as a fashion capital of the worlds status as the highest purpose build be eas solid as rocks - this is the association. They help new designers to join, organize and coordinate the schedule of Paris fashio

13、n week, to enable buyers and Fashion Journalist to ach game to see the whole show.谢锋是首度登上巴黎时装周T台的中国服装设计师。2000年他创立JEFEN品牌,开始推出个人设计成衣的第一季春夏女装。自此中国同巴黎时装周结缘,这个突破鼓舞着中国时装设计产业的发展,相信在不久的将来世界的舞台也会成为中国人的舞台。Xie Feng Xie Feng is the first Chinese clothing designer boarded T of the Paris fashion week .In 2000 he founded JEFEN brand, launched personal design clothings first season spring summer dress. Since China began with Paris fashion week, the breakthrough inspired development of Chinese fashion design industry, I believe that in the near f


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