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1、1. A2. able + infinitive3. ability to4. accede to5. access to6. acclaimed as is the correct idiom (Acclaimed to be is wrong)7. accompanied by8. according to9. account for (When explaining something)10. on account of11. account to (When receiving blame or credit)12. accuse of 13. act like表面上像,形容一个人的行

2、为举止14. act as = function as,功能上的15. acquaint with16. acquiesce in17. adapted for18. X admiration for Y X崇拜Y19. X admiration of Y Y崇拜X20. Advocate sth.21. affect to22. affinity with23. afflicted with24. afraid of25. agree on + noun 26. agree on + gerund27. agree to28. agree with29. aid + person/thing

3、30. aid in + gerund31. aim at:indicate direction or focus32. aim to:roughly like “intend to”or“want to”33. allergy to (Allergy of, allergy for are incorrect)34. allocated to35. allows for 考虑到,允许36. allow that 承认37. allow sth. to be done38. allow sb. to do sth.39. a lot40. although x,y41. alternative

4、 to42. amount to43. analogy with44. analogous to45. angry at46. widely anticipated that47. announce sth. to sb.或者announce to sb. sth.48. announce a decision/ intention/ plan49. announce (that)50. announce sb/ yourself 通报的到达;统治已准备好51. appear to52. apply to53. argue over/ with54. appeal to55. approve/

5、disapprove of56. *as.as57. as X so Y58. as so too59. as X to Y60. ask of61. ask X to Y62. ask + infinitive63. ask + person + infinitive64. *associate with65. associate X with Y66. assume .to be of.67. assure that68. at least as . . . as69. attend to (someone)70. attribute X to Y / X is attributed to

6、 Y 此时X是effect,Y是cause71. 做及物动词时:attempt to do sth.;attempt sth.72. 做名词时:an attempt at (doing) sth.;an attempt to do sth. (attempt to do sth.简洁)73. attention to74. attended by75. attest to76. authority on77. available to78. averse to79. aware of80. aware that81. B82. *base on83. based on84. because o

7、f85. begin + infinitive86. believe X to be Y87. belief in88. benefit from89. between a and b90. better served by X than by Y91. better than92. both X and Y (Both X as well as Y is incorrect)93. both at X and at Y 94. both on X or on Y 95. (not) bother to do sth.96. Not bother about/with97. (not) bot

8、her doing sth.98. boom in99. buy on credit 分期付款/赊购100. bringing to101. built by102. C103. call for104. capable of105. capitalized on 利用106. care about107. care for108. centers on + person/thing109. center upon ( not round)110. chance to / chance of ( chance for is wrong)111. choice of112. choose to

9、/ from113. choose + infinitive114. claims to115. claims to be / claims that116. collaborate with117. collide with (not against)118. comment on119. combined X with Y 120. combined X and Y 121. compare to (similarities)122. compare with (differences)123. *compare A to B124. *compare A with B125. compe

10、nsate for126. comply with127. comprise of128. to be + composed of + thing129. concerned for worried130. concerned with131. conceives of.as 设想132. conclude that133. conclude to 达成而结束134. conclude by doing sth./ conclude with sth.以结束,后面接的是结束的方式和行为135. concur in ( an opinion)136. concur with ( a person

11、)137. conducive to 138. conform to139. in conformity with140. connection between X and Y141. consequence of142. consider X Y (without to be)143. consist with 与并存,一致144. consist in 在于,存在于145. consist of 由组成146. consistent with147. contend that148. *consider + person/thing149. continue + infinitive150

12、. contrast A with B151. in contrast to152. contribute to153. contrary to154. convert to155. correspond to156. correspond with157. *count on + person/thing158. cost to/of159. craving for160. created with (not to)161. give credit for (money received for or in exchange for something)162. to credit with

13、 (something or doing something)163. credit X Rupees to Ys account (When money is involved)164. D165. are in danger of + gerund166. dateto可追溯到年前,强调发生时间点,后面接ago167. dateat 年代判定,鉴别;年份有年之久,强调发生到现在经过的时间有多长,后面接old168. deal with169. debate over170. debate on171. debt to受影响172. decide + infinitive173. decid

14、e on + thing/person174. decline in175. defend against176. defined as177. delighted by178. demand that179. demonstrate that180. depend on181. depends on whether182. depicted as183. in depth184. descend from185. descendent of (descendent for is incorrect)186. desirous of187. design sth. to do sth.188.

15、 be designed for sb./ sth.189. be designed as sth.190. be designed with sth.191. determined by192. *different from/differ from193. difficult + infinitive194. at a disadvantage195. disclose to + person/organization196. *distinguish between X and Y197. *distinguish X from Y198. disagree with (person/i

16、dea)199. discourage from200. disdain of201. dispose of202. feel disgusted with ( not at)203. at ones disposal204. dispute whether205. divergent from206. doubt + whether;no/not doubt +that207. draw on 利用208. draw + thing209. to be drawn to + thing/person210. *dream of/about211. due to212. dwindle fro

17、m213. E214. in an effort to215. easy to216. in an effort to217. either or218. elect to219. elect + person220. be embarrassed by ( not at)221. emerges from222. *enable + person + to do223. enable X to Y224. ensure + n.225. ensure + that 后面直接跟陈述语气,不跟should be226. enshrine in或be enshrined in (enshrine常

18、跟被动语态)227. enamored with228. *encourage + person + infinitive229. encourage X to Y230. encouraged by231. end with, end in (not by)232. endure for 持续/忍受233. entrusted with234. be envious of, jealous of235. be equal to ( not as)236. escape from237. be essential to238. estimate to be239. estimate at后面只

19、跟价格等数量词240. to be + essential to + person/thing241. evidence for只能和a theory 或者idea一起用242. except for + person/thing243. except for + gerund244. except that245. to exchange X for Y (exchange X with Y or any other form is incorrect)246. expect to247. X expected to Y248. expected X to be Y 249. expecte

20、d that X would be Y250. expend sth. in/ on (doing) sth.251. explain to252. expose to253. extend to254. extent of / toextent255. an event of + 年份256. equal257. equal to258. F 259. fail in260. fail to261. be fault for doing sth.262. fear that263. fluctuations in264. be familiar with265. fascinated by2

21、66. flee from267. *forbid to 268. forbid X to do Y269. for over.XXX years.270. force + thing/person + infinitive271. focus on + thing/person272. frequency of273. from a to b274. G 275. get credit for/give credit for276. get rid of277. grounds for278. grow from279. grow out of280. H 281. help + thing

22、/person + infinitive282. be helpful in283. be hindered by284. hypothesize that285. I286. in contrast to287. inclined to288. in danger of289. identical to/with290. in which case, 可以指代前面一整句话291. independent from 292. Independent of293. indifferent towards294. indicate that295. indicate to + person296.

23、 infected with297. inherit from298. be inhabited by 占据,居住于299. in order to300. Inside301. insist that302. instance of303. instead of304. X instead of Y305. instill something in someone ( not instill someone with)306. be of interest to 对很重要,有利害关系307. with intent (to do sth.)308. intent of doing309. b

24、e intent on/upon (doing) sth.310. intention of doing sth.311. intend sb./sth. to do sth.312. intend to do/doing sth.313. intend that314. be intended to do sth. 被用来做某事315. be intended for sb./sth. 表示书、电影、药品等专为而设计或制造316. interaction of317. introduce to318. invest in 319. isolate from (“in isolation fr

25、om” is wrong)320. J321. judge by ( not on)322. just asso too323. just as X do, so Y do324. K325. know to do X326. L 327. leads to328. less than329. less X than Y330. 作名词时:limit on sth.;limit to do sth.;limit for sb./sth.331. 作及物动词时:limit sb. to sth.;limit sth. (to sth.);be limited to sth.332. likeli

26、hood of / likelihood that333. likely to334. likely to be335. liken to336. link with/to337. localized in338. M 339. Manage to340. mandate that341. *make + thing/person + verb (simple form)342. X as a means to Y (X is a method to achieve Y) / as a means of (X is a type of Y)343. By means of 通过方式344. m

27、eet with345. method of/for (doing) sth. 优于 the method to do346. Meet347. *mistake + thing/person + for ( mistake X for Y)348. modeled after349. to monitor350. more common among X than among Y351. (no) more.than/(no) less.than352. more than ever353. move away from354. N 355. Name356. *native to357. *

28、a native of358. need359. need to360. a need for361. to be + necessary + infinitive362. necessity of363. necessity for364. neither.nor365. neither X nor Y but (rather) Z366. no less than367. no less an authority than368. no less was X than was Y369. X is unknown, nor it is known is a correct idiom (N

29、either is not required)370. Be known to do表示做什么事出名了371. Be known as只跟名词,表示作为而出名372. no soonerthan373. not X but rather Y374. noted that375. not a but b376. Not . but rather merely377. not in a flash.but in a .378. not only.but also379. Not so . as380. not so much.as381. not so much to Xas to Y382. n

30、ot ( X or Y ) nor Z383. O 384. be oblivious of385. oblivious to386. off387. Once in388. Once X has happened, then Y will happen389. One X for every Z ( some numeric number) Y's .390. opportunity for391. opportunity to392. opposed to393. opposition to394. opposite of395. to orbit396. X ordered Y

31、to do Z397. ought to398. Originate in399. P 400. partake of401. participate in402. Perceive as403. *permit + thing/person + infinitive404. permit X to Y / X permits Y for Z405. persuade X to Y406. plead guilty for failing407. plan to do sth.408. plan on doing sth.409. plan sth.410. potential to / po

32、tential for411. possibility (that)412. possibility for/of (doing) sth.413. practice for414. practice to415. practice of416. predisposed to417. preferable to418. preference for doing419. prefer X to Y420. prejudiced against421. pressure to422. presume that 假设423. presume sb./sth. to be sb./sth. (被动即s

33、th. presumed to be)424. be presumed to do sth.425. prevent from doing426. prior to427. prized by428. prized as429. prized for430. profit by ( not from )431. prohibit from doing 432. prohibit sb. from doing 433. prohibit sth.434. promise of + thing435. promise to436. pronounce sb./sth. sth./adj.437.

34、protect against438. protest against ( not at )439. provide with440. way to provide (Way for providing is incorrect)441. published by442. published in443. Q444. question whether445. R446. range of447. *range from X to Y448. rates for (not 'of')449. rather than450. to ratify (At ratifying is i

35、ncorrect)451. reach for sth.伸手抓某物452. reach of sb. 在某人能触及到的范围内453. receptive of454. receptive to455. records of456. recommend sth.457. recommend that(虚拟语气)458. recommend doing sth.459. related to460. relations with ( not towards )461. refer to462. *regard as463. X regarded as Y464. regardless465. re

36、pent of466. replace with467. in response to468. require + thing/person + to do sth.469. require of sb. that + be470. N. is required (of sb./sth.) to do sth.471. N. required of sb./sth. to do472. Require doing(require主动表被动含义) 473. requiring that X Y474. requiring X to Y475. requisition for476. resear

37、ch to477. resemble + thing/person478. resemblance of X to Y ( resemblance X with Y is incorrect)479. resemblance between X and Y480. resistance to481. responsibility to 482. responsible for483. restitution.for .484. results in485. results from后面接事实表原因486. result of487. retroactive to 488. rival for4

38、89. rivalry between X and Y490. *the rivals X and Y491. rule that492. S 493. sacrifice X for Y494. do (sth.) to ones satisfaction 做某事以使人达到满意的程度495. the same as496. the same to X as to Y497. Save for498. save from499. in search of500. see as501. seek + infinitive502. seek + thing/person503. seem + in

39、finitive504. seem to indicate505. sense of sothat506. send to507. be sensible of508. be sensitive to509. separate from ( not away from or out )510. sequence of511. be similar to512. simultaneous(ly) with 同时的513. sleep with514. so (adjective) that515. so X that Y516. so X as to be Y517. so X as to constitute Y518. so as not to be hindered


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