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1、牛津英语8A unit1-2月考考点汇总牛津英语8A unit1-2月 点汇总4 / 73.high-height6.bored-boring9.Britain-British12.France-French15.day-daily重点单词变形1. humorous-humor4. weigh-weight7. patient-impatient10. mix-mixed13.foreign-foreigner16.week-weekly重点短语2.sing-singer5.smile-smiling8.polite-impolite 11.discuss-discussion14.win-w

2、inner17.health-healthy1.something to drinksomething to eat.考点:不定式to drink做something的后置定语。类似:注意:1) .如果不定式是不及物动词短语,其后常跟必要的动词。如:a pen to write with 一只用来写字的钢笔a child to look after 一个需要照料的孩子2) .被修饰的名词是time、place、way等词语时,不定式后习惯省略介词。We are looking for a place to live (in).我们在找住的地方。中考链接:We are thirsty. Plea

3、se bring us.A.something to eat B.to eat something C.to drink something D.something to drink2.some more food考点:数词+more +名词复数 =another +数词+名词复数D.more any paper中考链接:You should put in the fire.A.some more paper B.more some paper C. any more paper 3.honest考点:honest作为形容词,虽是h开头,但是其发音的第一个音素却是元音因素,h不发音,因此前面的

4、不定冠词需用an,类似的单词有hour等。反义词为dishonest.4 . maybe 和 may be考点:maybe副词,常位于句首,表猜测,相当于 perhaps,probably,possiblymay be动词短语,常位于主语后面5 .be willing to do sth 乐意做某事考点:近义短语 be ready to do sth1.1 n need考点:常作后置定语,位于被修饰词的后;若表示 急需,很需要",常用in great need.典例:A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。7. walk past 走过考点

5、:注意past和pass词性,类似有 cross和across等。判断的标准是句子是否缺少动 词。8. knock的短语Knock sth onto .将某物撞到 bKnock at/on 敲Knock over 撞翻Knock down 打倒;撞至U中考链接 : Tom was careless. He the cup the ground.A. knocked;off B.knocked;at C.knocked; over D.knocked; onto9. too much; much too 区别考点:too much后加不可数名词much too修饰形容词或副词10. voice,

6、 sound, noise区另1J词条词性和含义用法voice名词,意为嗓音指人的声音、说话声、歌唱声;也可指鸟的尸日。sound名词,意为声音,响声”动词,意为听起来”指人、动物或物体发出的声音,即可指大自 然的任何卢自。后接形容词作表语。noise名词,意为噪音,喧闹声”常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。中考链接:-Listen! Who is singing? -It's Betty. She has a sweetA. soundB. voiceC. noiseD.speech11. bored, boring 区别bored意为无聊的;厌烦的”常 用来修饰人I felt bored

7、 when I was alone. 我独自一人 时感到无聊。boring意为冷人感到无聊的”常 用来修饰事或物This lesson is too boring.归纳类似用法的单词还有:interested adj.感兴趣的;interesting adj.有趣的 excited adj.激动的;exciting adj.令人激动的中考链接The film was so that soon all the children in the cinema began feeling with it and theywent out one by one.A.bored ; boring B.bo

8、ring ;boring C. bored ; bored D.boring ; bored解析the film 为物,boring意为冷人感到无聊的“,常用来修饰事或物;all the children为 人,bored意为 无聊的;厌烦?的”常用来修饰人。故 D选项正确答案D12. What' s sb like理人是什么样的人?What's sb like?表示某人是个什么样的人,此句主要是对某人的总体印象,包括个性、为人 等内在品质,因此要根据实际情况回答。辨析 What's he like?和 What does he look like?What's

9、 he like?他是个什么样的人?用来询问他的个性、性格。What does he look like?他长什么样?用来询问他的外貌特征。-What's Tom like?汤姆这个人怎么样 ? He is very friendly.他很友好。-What does Tom look like? 汤姆长什么样?- -He's very tall.他个子很高例单项选择中考链接:-He is friendly.A.How is he? B. What does he look like? C. What does he like? D.What is he like?解析 A项意为

10、他身体怎么样?” ;B项意为他长相如何?” ;C项意为他喜欢什么?" ;欧意 为池性格怎么样?”答案 D13. offer sb sth =offer sth to sboffer作动词,意为 主动提出,自愿给予”相当于give,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,即 offer sb sth(相当于 give sb sth)= offer sth to sb(相当于 give sth tosb)。如:中考链接:根据句意及首字母提示完成单词The little boy o his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.解析句意:那个小男孩在

11、拥挤的公共汽车上将他的座位主动让给了一位老太太。offer sth tosb将某物主动给某人。14. near the end of .拓展(1)end作名词,意为 末端,尽头"end of在结束的时候,在 的尽头”;in the end终于',最后";noend极其,非常”;end to end首尾相接连 成行”(2) end用作动词,意为 结束,终止中考链接1. this year,I'll go to Beijing for a job.A. Near the end of B.In the end C.By the end of D.For the

12、end of2. You can see the shopping mall the street.A.in the end ofB.by the end of C.in the end D.at the end of 15.seem to go faster牛津英语8A unit1-2月考考点汇总考点:seem为系动词,表示“似乎,好像,看来”。seem to do sth意为“似乎/好像要做某事”,另外,seem后还可接名词(短语)、形容词作表语。16.spend;take;cost;pay 区别词条含义用法spend指花费时间/金 钱”,主语必须是人,常用结构为人+spend time/

13、money on sth"意为某人在某事上花费时间或金钱 或入+ spend time/money( in)doing sth"意为 某人花费时间/金钱做某事take指花费时间常 MTIt takes/took sb some time to dosth"句式cost指某东西花费某人多少钱它的主语一般为表示物的名词,通常不用表示人的名词pay意为“支付;偿 还”主语一般是人,结构为人+pay+钱+forsth"意思是某人为 某物花费多少钱"中考链接:Do you know how much Mary these books?- -They on

14、ly 200 yuan!A.spent ;cost B.paid for,spent C.paid for;cost D.cost ; spent17.farther 与 further 区另1J考点:farther 一般只用于表示有形距离的“较远,更远”.further既可以表示有形距离的“较远,更远”,还可以表示“进一步的”。中考链接:It is said that his brother will go to American for(far study.17. fewer.than ; less.than在做题日注意than前部省略号部分是可数名词还是不可数名词。可数用fewer.th

15、an不可数用lessthan. The fewest和the least用法同上。中考链接Bob knows how to cut the cost of the project. I m sure he can do the work with money andA.less;lessB.fewer; morepeople.C.more; fewer D.less; fewer5 / 719.副词的最tWj级注意事项1)能够准确判断句中用形容词还是副词。2)副词修饰动词,最高级前的 the可省略3 ).副词最高级的特殊变化4 ).副词最高级前 a bit; a little; much 等修

16、饰词。20 .have+一段时间+off有.时间的假期中考链接I'm sorry you didn 't have fun.A.in your day off B.on your day off C.in your off day D.on your off day21 .the number of的数量 a number of . 许多.这两者主要考察 be动词的,注意牢记短语的意思。中考链接What the number of the students in your school?About two thousand. A number of them from the

17、countryside.A. is;areB.is;isC.are;isD.are;are22 . finish doing sth做完某事拓展:在英语中有些动词,若后面的宾语为动词,必须用其动词名词形式,而不能用动词不定式。常见的这类动词有:finish(完成),enjoy(享受),mind(介意),practise(练习)等。中考链接My little brother didn 't go to bed until he finished his homework last night.A.doB.doingC.to doD.did23 .other; the other; others; anotherother意思是


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