1、Strategylayout isnewof hi storyconditionsXi a partyruli ng acting politi caltotalstrategy, consci ously with"foura full"led t he work ;(5) insistedi nnovation,and coordi nation,and green, a nd ope n, andshared development is relationship Chi na devel opme ntglobalofone dee pchange,a ccordi
2、 ngto newdevel opme ntconceptdojob;(6)practice lineS ociali stcoreval ues, promote Socialistt hought moraland Chinese traditionalvirtueacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassroot s&
3、quot; "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npi ngresear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter,con
4、servation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook on life,and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se
5、modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"沐川县宇业
6、煤矿雨季“三防”应急预案一、总则1 、编制目的为做好我矿的防汛工作,提高对因雨季到来而引发重大灾害事故的快速抢险救灾反应能力,防止灾害进一步扩大,保护职工人身安全、企业财产不受损失及矿井的安全运行,特制定本预案。2、编制依据国家 应急预案编制导则、防洪法、水法、 防汛条例、国家突法公共事件总体应急预案、 国家防汛抗旱应急预案等。3、工作原则本预案充分体现以人为本、预防为主、防抢结合,坚持工程和非工程措施相结合的思路,坚持行政领导负责制、统一指挥、统一调度、分工合作、各司其职、全力抢险、确保安全的原则。二、重点防护对象矿全体人员、工业广场、井下工程、井下各生产系统设备、地面的矿区公路、地面的矿区
7、高压供电线路、地面及井下的通信系统、各科室的地面设施等。三、应急救援组织机构及职责ullstrictlyrule partyis al lmembers common responsibility,must impleme ntationt oeach branchand ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguar d andexemplaryrolein life.Keeptot he correct politi cal orientation, politicalse nsitivityand politicaljudgment,dare tofight
8、agai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht,wrong wor ds a nd deeds.(2)firmly establish consciousnessofthe party,t he partymember's con sci ousness.Focus on some party members sense oforga nizationa nd discipline,they do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,is not re quire dtopay mem bership dues for al
9、ong time,donot playa vanguard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don'teven me ntion membership,failtomakea di stinction betwe enright a nd wrong,failing toobservepoliti caldi sci pline and rules,and so on.Always keep inmindthatheis a Communist,stre ngthen party spirit,liste ning party, party, party, party
10、,party party guardi ng part y,at the party,t heparty fort hepart y.(3)strengtheni ng the consci ousne ss oftheparty'sacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassroot s" "im
11、mediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npi ngresear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter,conservation rela
12、ted to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook on life,and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se modernyilai m
13、ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinaf eature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"1 、组织机构组 长: 朱晓东副组长
14、:王万云成 员:林凤军、朱权文、傅贵强、廖明富、王国金、刘世兵、陈光兵、王志全、赵大平、杨才书、王强、 秦月忠、 祝玉忠、各区队负责人。雨季“三防”办公室设在安监科办公室,由王万云任办公室主任,负责雨季“三防”工作的日常安排、检查等;组长、副组长负责雨季“三防”应急预案的组织实施工作。2、职责指挥部:主要负责协调事故应急救援期间各个部门的运作,统筹安排各项应急救援行动,为现场应急救援提供各种信息支持,快速准确的指定出救灾实施方案。组 长: 全面负责防汛应急处置的组织救援工作。副组长:协助搞好防汛应急处置的组织救援工作。成 员: 服从总指挥、副总指挥的命令,完成好交办的各项工作任务。具体为:(
15、1 )防汛办公室:负责上级“三防”文件的及时传递和抢险车辆的安排工作。( 2) 技术科: 负责提供矿井相关的地质灾害的地质参数等技术资料,协助煤总工程师(技术负责人)制定方案和现场技术指导工作。acting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassroot s" "immediatelyondo" &quo
16、t;drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npi ng resear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter,conservation related to theba sic re qui
17、rements.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium",setrightofworl dview,and Outlook onlife,and values;(2)China dream isnationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chinese modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream,core Essent
18、ial sis nationalprosperity, andnationalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) ChinafeaturesSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,enhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryconfidence, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"( 3)安监科:负责监督事故抢救方案和安全措施的落实,组织、协助对事故的调查工作。( 4)供应科:负责组织
19、“三防”抢险物资的储备及库房的“三防”工作。要求抢险物资能满足抢险需要,做到专库专放。受灾人员及救灾人员的吃、住、行的物资保障及协调安排。( 5)机电科: 负责电、 油等动力源的保障、救灾设备设施的安装、维修,为抢救事故地点提供动力保障、确保设备的正常运行。( 6)监控室:负责通讯设施的“三防”工作,保证汛期通讯线路畅通。( 7)保卫科:负责快速集结矿应急分队,按抢救方案协助组织抢救;负责保证抢险救灾物资运输的道路交通畅通和矿区治安。( 8)现场指挥部:事故发生后,成立现场指挥部,矿长负责组织制定抢救方案,安全副矿长负责现场抢险工作。四、预防预警及救援1、预防预警准备A、每年4月初,成立“三防
20、”领导机构,明确职责。落实责任,上报“三防”工程计划,落实工程资金,落实责任人,制定“三防”应急预案,在雨季到来前将各项工作准备就绪。B、下中到大雨时,搬出受山体滑坡、洪水威胁区域所有工作人员和居住人员;下大到暴雨时,应停止生产,撤出井下人员;密切关注山洪威胁的建筑物和状况,下暴雨时应撤出建筑物内的人员。为了扎实而有效地做好防汛工作,在每次下雨后要对“三acting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learning understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianwork d
21、uring advocate of"four grassroots" "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npi ngresear ch st udypropose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechanism",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills
22、thepurposeide as,moralchara cter,conservation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Main understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is CommunistsspiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook on life,and values;(2)Chinadream isnationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, a
23、ndpeople ofdre am,is Chinese modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essentialsis nationalprosperity, andnationalrevitali zation,and peopl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinaf eature sSocialist isachi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,enhanced road confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) &quo
24、t;four afull"防” 设施进行全面检查、认真开展巡山工作,发现隐患及时处理。C、防汛办公室在防汛期间必须每天收集气象信息;安监科对防洪排涝工程每次下大雨后检查一次,发现险情及时向防汛办公室汇报,防汛办公室接到报告后应及时处理。2、险情等级划分( 1 )一般险情,调度室组织相关成员到现场查看,并制定整改和防范措施。( 2)较大险情,影响局部生产系统正常运行时,防汛办公室通知矿长、总工程师、值班领导,根据矿长或总工程师指令调集队伍进行抢险和救灾。(3)重大险情,影响正常生产或经营以及职工生命安全时,防汛办公室应及时通知雨季三防领导小组相关人员到防汛办公室待命。3、发生较大或重大
25、险情是的救援程序( 1 )接警和应急启动发生雨季“三防”事故后,必须按照“事故现场人或知情人防汛办公室值班矿长矿长、 总工程师”的顺序汇报,汇报内容包括事故类型、时间、地点、人员、范围、程度等。总指挥决定启动雨季“三防”应急预案后,立即向调度室下达启动预案命令。汇报方式采取电话汇报。( 2)救援行动A、调度室接到总指挥命令后,按照矿应急预案中“重大安Strategylayout isnewof hi storyconditionsXi a partyruli ng acting politi caltotalstrategy, consci ously with"foura full
26、"led t he work ;(5) insistedi nnovation,and coordi nation,and green, a nd ope n, andshared development is relationship Chi na devel opme ntglobalofone dee pchange,a ccordi ngto newdevel opme ntconceptdojob;(6)practice lineS ociali stcoreval ues, promote Socialistt hought moraland Chinese tradit
27、ionalvirtueacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianwork during advocate of"four grassroots" "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npi ng resear ch st udy propose d o
28、f "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe ntheparty spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moralchara cter,conservation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiri
29、tS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook onlife,and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, and people ofdre am,is Chinese modernyilai mostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and peopl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chin
30、afeaturesSocialist isa chi evedChinese greatrevival ofway,enhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfidence ;(4) "four afull"全事故电话通知顺序”,通知指挥部成员到达调度中心集合。B、 指挥部成员到达调度室后,按照总指挥或副指挥的指示,立即奔赴事故现场,成立现场抢险救灾指挥中心,开展抢险救灾工作。C、抢险指挥中心要根据灾区情况,制定抢救方案及安全技术措施,组织抢险。救护人员在抢救遇险人员时,应判定遇险人员的
31、位置、涌水量、受水淹程度,巷道破坏和通风情况。D 、排水过程中要切断电源、保持通风,加强对有害气体的检测,并注意观察巷道情况,防止冒顶发生。抢险专业组要根据事故现场情况即对受伤、受困人员进行抢救。E、 医务人员组成的医疗组要对受伤人员进行紧急医疗救治。医疗救护组无法救治时,应及时将伤员转医院治疗。F、本预案不能满足现场有效救灾时,指挥部要向上级部门及政府部门求救。全部受伤、受困人员救出后,要点现场人数,抢险人员撤离事故现场。总指挥下达应急结束命令,事故抢险人员撤离后,有关科室成立调查组,对事故进行调查,并向上级汇报。五、恢复正常状态的原则和程序1、恢复正常状态的原则( 1 )以人为本的原则。事
32、故现场抢险救援结束后,必须核实确认灾区内伤亡和遇险人员全部获救。( 2)保证安全原则。抢救救援结束后,对事故现场进行侦ullstrictlyrule partyis al lmembers common responsibility,must impleme ntationt oeach branchand ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguar d andexemplaryrolein life.Keeptot he correct politi cal orientation, politicalse nsitivityand politicaljudg
33、ment,dare tofight agai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht,wrong wor ds a nd deeds.(2)firmly establish consciousnessofthe party,t he partymember's con sci ousness.Focus on some party members sense oforga nizationa nd discipline,they do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,is not re quire dtopay mem b
34、ership dues for along time,donot playa vanguard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don'teven me ntion membership,failtomakea di stinction betwe enright a nd wrong,failing toobservepoliti caldi sci pline and rules,and so on.Always keep inmindthatheis a Communist,stre ngthen party spirit,liste ning party, p
35、arty, party, party,party party guardi ng part y,at the party,t heparty fort hepart y.(3)strengtheni ng the consci ousne ss oftheparty'sacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassroo
36、t s" "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npi ngresear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter
37、,conservation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook on life,and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine
38、 se modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinaf eature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"
39、查,并消除会控制可能造成再次事故会诱发其他事故隐患。( 3)实施监控原则。对事故现场进行人工和安全仪表的连续监测监控,发现有异常情况,立即采取相应安全技术措施,消除各类隐患。2、恢复正常状态的程序现场应急救援工作完成后,各救援工作小组负责人如实向抢险指挥部汇报情况,经指挥部认真核实达到恢复正常状态条件,批准救援队伍撤离现场后,宣布救援工作结束。3、后期处置( 1 )救援工作结束后,参加救援的部门要认真核对参加抢险救援人员,清点装备、器材;核算救援费用,整理抢险救援记录、图纸,3 日内制定防范措施。(2)组织相关部门勘察事故现场,对事故进行初步调查分析,查明事故原因,组织制定防范措施。(3)救援
40、过程应保存完整的应急救援记录、方案、文件、图纸等文字和音像资料。六、应急保障系统1、人力资源保障应急由抢救指挥部统一指挥,调动救护、医务、保安等有关部门人员,组织强有力的抢险救援队伍,保证预案的有效实施。2、通讯(信息)保障ullstrictlyrule partyis al lmembers common responsibility,must impleme ntationt oeach branchand ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguard andexemplaryrolein life.Keeptot he correct politi cal
41、 orientation, politicalse nsitivityand politicaljudgment,dare tofightagai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht,wrong worofthe party,t he partymember's consciousness.Focus on some party members sense oforga nizationa nd discipline,they do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,is not re quire dtopay mem
42、bership dues for along time,donot playa vanguard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don'teven me ntion membership,failtomakeadistinction betwe enright a nd wrong,failing toobservepoliti caldi sci pline and rules,and so on.Always keep inmindthatheis a Communist,stre ngthen party spirit,liste ning party, pa
43、rty, party, par y,party party guardi ng part y,atthe party,t heparty fort hepart y.(3)strengtheni ng the consci ousne ss oftheparty'seating,a nd sotion,talk aboutet hics, good faith is not enough,andsomeevenvalrnmore, better, more strict re quireme nts, higher,andstrive to improvetue distortions
44、,mI- L - Iheideolr, materialisti c, andsoon.heoreti callevel s.1.ConstitStrengtheningmoral cultivati on,Z ontaforgood, payattentiution Party rule s. System learning understandingCPCon to self-disciarticles, infull graspinterna lizethe core valuesintoconsciousa ction,wi th exemplary be haviori nflue
45、nceand lead people.(5)set up inthe practi ce of promoti ng reform,devel opment andacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassroot s" "immediatelyondo" "drop" &q
46、uot;weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npi ng resear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter,conservation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in
47、understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook onlife,and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis na
48、tionalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"预案中涉及到的单位、部门、人员应保证相互间通讯、信息的畅通,保证预案的及时启动。3、抢险救援物资的保障后勤部门应储备
49、有“三防”事故抢险物资,并保证出现事故时,在第一时间投入抗灾抢险工作,达到控制灾情的目的。储备物资必须进行经常性的维护、保养,保证能够正常使用,并派专人管理。 没有应急抢险指挥部的命令,任何单位和个人不得擅自动用。4、资金保障财务科应备有应急救援费用,事故发生后应当及时提供应急救援所需的资金,保证抢险所需资金的畅通。5、演习雨季 “三防” 应急抢险演习由安全矿长负责组织安监、生产、通风、供应、保卫、后勤等部门共同实施。七、预案的培训与演练1、安监科应将应急预案纳入年度培训计划。2、保卫科要根据应急预案进行演习。3、安监科负责监督进行防汛应急预案演习。八、附则1、预案管理与更新矿调度室附则该预案
50、的管理工作,并根据模拟演习中存在的acting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassroot s" "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npi ngresear ch st udy pro
51、pose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter,conservation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Commun
52、ists spiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook on life,and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha pp
53、i ness;(3) Chinaf eature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"问题对预案进行修改补充。预案更新工作于每年1 月 1 日前完成。当有水灾事故发生时,有调度中心发布命令启动应急预案,办公室、生产科、安监科、机电科、通风科、供应科、监控室、保卫科、后勤科等相关部门负责协助实施。2、奖励与责任追究在预案的实施过程
54、中相关科室格尽职守,工作做的扎实到位,为发生任何事故,则对相关科室进行奖励;若在预案实施期间,由于某些科室工作疏忽、监督不力,导致人为因素造成水灾损失,则追究相关科室领导的责任。3、预案备案雨季 “三防” 应急预案在上级公司及地方政府部门进行备案。4、预案实施时间本预案自5 月 1 日起实施至9 月 30 日结束。沐川县宇业煤矿防汛值班表二。一三年四月二十五日ullstrictlyrule partyis al lmembers common responsibility,must impleme ntationt oeach branchand ea ch namemember s.3 .
55、Playa va nguard andexemplaryrolein life.Keeptot he correct politi cal orientation, politicalse nsitivityand politicaljudgment,dare tofightagai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht,wrong wor ds a nd deeds.(2)firmly establish consciousnessofthe party,t he partymember's consciousness.Focus on some party members sense oforga nizationa nd discipline,they do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,is not re quire dtopay mem bership dues for along time,donot playa vanguard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don'teven me ntion membership,failtomakeadistin
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